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(for EEE Only)

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 60

1 a) What is the effect of ground on capacitance?[2m]


1 b)Give the classification of transmission lines?[2m]

(i) Short transmission lines.
When the length of an overhead transmission line is upto about 50
km and the line voltage is comparatively low (< 20 kV), it is usually considered as a short
transmission line. Due to smaller length and lower voltage, the capacitance effects are small
and hence can be neglected.
(ii) Medium transmission lines.
When the length of an overhead transmission line is about 50-
150 km and the line voltage is moderatly high (>20 kV < 100 kV), it is considered as a
medium transmission line. Due to sufficient length and voltage of the line, the capacitance
effects are taken into account.
(iii) Long transmission lines.
When the length of an overhead transmission line is more than 150
km and line voltage is very high (> 100 kV), it is considered as a long transmission line.

1c) Write the ABCD Constants of a long transmission line ?[2m]


1 d) What is meant by power system transient ?[2m]

The power system transient is the outward manifestation of a sudden change in circuit conditions as
when a switch opens or closes or a fault occurs on a system.

1e) State skin effect?[2m]


1 f)Define string efficiency ?[2m]


2. Derive the capacitance of a single phase transmission line?
a) [6m]

b) A 3-phase, 50Hz, 132 kv overhead line has conductors placed in a horizontal plane 4m apart.
Conductor diameter is 2 cm if the line length is 100 km , calculate the charging current per phase
assuming complete transposition [6m]
3a)Derive the expression for regulation and efficiency of a short transmission line draw required
circuit and phasor diagram ?[6m]

Ans: .
2. Effect on transmission efficiency. The power delivered to the load depends upon the
power factor.
P = VR *I cos φR (For 1-phase line)
P = 3 VR I cos φR (For 3-phase line)

3b)A 3 phase overhead line has a total series impedance /ph of 200 0 <80 ohms and a total shunt
admittance of 0.0013 0< 90 siemen/ph. The line delivers a load of 80MW at 0.8 pf lagging and 220kv
between the lines . Determine the sending end line voltage and current by rigorous method [6m]
Ans: .

4a Explain about the equivalent π model of a long transmission line?[6m]


The single-line diagram of a long transmission line is shown in Fig belo The length of the line is l. Let
us consider a small strip ∆x that is at a distance x from the receiving end. The voltage and current at the
end of the strip are V and I respectively and the beginning of the strip are V + ∆V and I + ∆I
respectively. The voltage drop across the strip is then ∆V. Since the length of the strip is ∆x, the series
impedance and shunt admittance are z ∆x and y ∆x. It is to be noted here that the total impedance and
admittance of the line are
Z = z × l and Y = y × l

The π-equivalent of a long transmission line is shown Fig In this the series
impedance is denoted by Z′ while the shunt admittance is denoted by Y′. the ABCD parameters are
defined as

4b) A 3 phase 200km long transmission line has the following constants. Resistance /ph/km is
0.15ohm , reactance/phase/km is 0.22ohms , the shunt admittance /phase/km is 1.4*10-6 mho.
Calculate by rigorous method the sending end voltage and current when the line is delivering a load
of 20MW at 0.75 lagging power factor. The receiving end voltage is 110kv? [6m]
5a) A rectangular wave travels along a 500 km line terminated with a resistance of 1000 ohms. The
line has a resistance of 0.32ohm/km and surge impedance of 400 ohm. If the voltage at the
termination point after two successive reflections is 200kv. Find the amplitude of the incoming


5b)Discuss the phenomenon of wave reflection and refraction?[6m]


6a) What is meant by Ferranti effect and prove it in a transmission line?[6m]

The effect in which the voltage at the receiving end of the transmission line is more than the
sending voltage is known as the Ferranti effect. Such type of effect mainly occurs because of light
load or open circuit at the receiving end.
6b. A 3-phase , 220kv, 50 Hz transmission line consists of 1.5 cm radius conductor spaced 2
meters apart in equilateral triangular formation. If the temperature is 40°c and atmospheric
pressure is 76cm, calculate the corona loss per km of the line take m0 = 0.85[6m]

7. Derive the expression for sag of a transmission line between two supports of equal heights?


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