PS Paper
PS Paper
PS Paper
Set No: 1
2. (a) Obtain the relation between the sending end and receiving end voltages and currents of a
medium line using nominal-II representation. Draw its equivalent circuit and phasor diagram.
(b) Input to a single phase short line shown in below fig. is 2000KW at 0.8 p.f lag. The line
has a series impedance of (0.4+j0.4) ohms. If the load voltage is 3KV, find the load and
receiving and p.f. Also find the supply voltage.
2,000 KW
0.8 P.f lag
3. Draw the equivalent circuit of a long transmission line. Derive from fundamentals the
following relationship between sending and receiving end voltages and currents.
4. (a) A unit step voltage wave is travelling along a line of characteristic impedance Zc. The
line terminates is short inductance L. Derive the expression for the voltage at the line and the
inductance junction as a function of time.
(b) An overhead line with surge impedance 500 bifurcates into two lines of surge
impedance 500 and 50 .If a surge of 25KV is incident on the overhead line determine the
magnitudes of voltage and current which enter the bifurcated line.
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Set No: 1
5. (a) Explain the effect of shunt compensation on the performance of transmission lines.
(b) A certain 3-phase equilateral transmission line has a total corona loss of 53KW at 106KV
and a loss of 98 KW at 110.9 KV what are the disruptive critical voltages. What is the corona
loss at 113 KV.
6. (a) What is the sag templates? Explain.
(b) A transmission line over a hill side, where the gradient is 1:25, is supported by two 25m
high towers with a distance of 300m between them. The lowest conductor is fixed 2m below
the top of each tower. If the conductor weight 1.2 Kg/m and allowable tension is 1650 Kg,
find the clearance of the conductor from the ground.
7. (a) Explain the static shielding method of improving string efficiency.
(b) A3-phase transmission line is supported by a 3-unit suspension insulator string. The
voltage across the line unit is 20 KV and that across the adjacent unit is 15 KV. Determine (i)
ratio of ground to material capacitance (ii) system line voltage and (iii) string efficiency.
8. (a) Explain the effect of uncompensated line under no-load and load conditions.
(b) A 35 KW induction motor has p.f 0.9 lag and efficiency 0.9 at full load and p.f 0.75 lag
and efficiency 0.7 at half load. At no load the current is 25% of the full load current and p.f
0.2 lag. capacitors are supplied to make the line p.f 0.85 lag at halt load. With these
capacitors in the circuit, find the line p.f at (i) full load and (ii) no load.
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Set No: 2
C = 0.0014 90o . Determine the sending end quantities, when the open circuit voltage at the
receiving end of the line is 220KV.
4. An overhead line with inductance and capacitance per km of 1.2 mH and 0.9 F is connected
in series with an underground cable having inductance and capacitance of 0.16 mH/km and
0.28 F/km. Calculate the values of transmitted and reflected waves of voltages and currents
at the junction due to a voltage surge of 110KV travelling to the junction. Along the line
towards the cable.
5. (a) Explain the effect of charging current on the performance of transmission line.
(b) A 3-Phase, 220 KV, 50Hz transmission line consists of 30 mm diameters conductor
spaced 2.5m apart in the form of an equilateral triangle. In the temperature is 38oC and
atmospheric pressure is 76 cm, Calculate the corona loss per km of the line. Assume the
irregular factor as 0.83.
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Set No: 2
6. (a) Why it is necessary to provide sag while stringing the transmission line conductors.
(b) A transmission line conductor crossing a river is supported form two towers of heights of
30m and 80m above the water level. The horizontal distance between the towers is 450m. If
the tension of the conductors is 1500Kg and weight of the conductor is 1.4 Kg/m length. Find
the minimum clearance of the conductor and water and clearance mid way between the
7. (a) Explain how the string efficiency can be improved in practice.
(b) An insulator string has three units each having a safe working voltage of 15KV. The ratio
of unit self capacitance to stray capacitance of earth is10:1. Calculate the maximum safe
working voltage and the string efficiency.
8. (a) Explain the booster transformer with neat diagram? Where is it used.
(b) A star connected 400 HP, 2000V, 50Hz motor works at a P.f the 0.75 lag. A bank of mesh
connected capacitors is used to rise the P.f of 0.95 lag. Determine the capacitance of each
unit and total number of units required, if each is rated 500V, 50Hz . The motor efficiencies
is 85%.
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Set No: 3
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Set No: 3
6. (a) Discuss the importance of stringing chart and mention its applications.
(b) An overhead has the following data:
Span length = 200m, cross sectional area of the conductor =2.9 cm2, vertical sag =2.28 cm,
wind force =1.4 Kg/m run, breaking stress = 2480 Kg/cm2, weight of the conductor = 1.12
Kg/m run, calculate the safety factor.
7. (a) What do for understand by grading of insulators? Explain.
(b) Each conductor of a 3-Phase over head transmission line suspended form a cross arm of a
steel tower by a string of four suspension insulators. The voltage across the second unit is
15KV and across the third 20 KV. Find the voltage between conductors and string efficiency.
8. (a) What are the specifications of load compensation?
(b) A 3-phase transmission line has resistance and reactance per phase of 10 and 15
respectively. The supply voltage is 132 KV while the load end voltage is maintained 125 KV
for all loads by an automatically controlled synchronous phase modifier. If the KVAr rating
of a modifies has a same value for zero loads as for a load of 40MW, find the rating of phase
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Set No: 4
Set No: 4
7. (a) What are the reasons of insulation failure? Why arcing horn is provided across the
(b) For a string insulator with four discs, the capacitance of the disc is 12 times the
capacitance between the pin and earth. Calculates the voltage across each disc when used
on132KV. Also calculate the string efficiencies.
8. (a) Explain the objectives of load compensation.
(b) A 3-phase transmission line have an impedance of (3 + j 8) supplies a load of 2.5 MW
at 0.8 P.f lag. The receiving and voltage is maintained at 11KV by means of static condenser
drawing 2MVAr form the line. Calculate the sending end voltage and P.f. What is the
regulation and efficiency of feeder.
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