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Vinayaka missions University V.M.K.V.

ENGINEERING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING QUESTION BANK TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION UNIT I PART-A 1. What is the difference between transmission and distribution? 2. What are the constituent sections of the power system? 3. Draw a single line diagram of a typical AC power supply scheme 4. What is electric power supply system? 5. Mention the various systems of power transmission. 6. Distinguish between feeder and distributor. 7. Compare overhead and underground system. 8. What are the main advantages of radial system? 9. What is a service main? PART-B 1. With a neat sketch, explain the structure of a general transmission and distribution system. 2. i) Discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of AC and DC transmission ii) Explain why the transmission lines are 3-phase,3-wire circuits while the distribution lines are 3-phase, 4-wire circuits. 3. Discuss the technical and economical advantages of DC systems over AC systems. 4. Discuss about the types of distribution system 5. Explain the current and voltage calculation in distributor fed at both ends with concentrated loading. 6. State and prove Kelvins law for size of conductor for transmission. Discuss its limitations. 7. A 2-wire DC street mains AB 600m long is fed from both ends at 220V Loads of 20A, 40A, 50A and 30A are tapped at distance of 100m,250m, 400m and 500m from the end A respectively. If the area of X section of distributor conductor is 1cm 2 find the minimum consumer voltage. Take = 1.7 x 10-6 cm.

UNIT II PART A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Define resistance of a transmission line. Define skin effect. State two advantages of bundled conductors. What are the factors depend on the skin effect. Define the term Interference with neighboring circuits. Define GMR of a conductor. What is Transposition of power conductors Find the expression for flux linkages of a conductor due to internal flux. What is proximity effect?

PART B 1. Derive the expression for the flux linkages (i) Due to single current carrying conductor. (ii) Due to parallel current carrying conductor. 2. (i). Derive the expression for the inductance of a single phase over head transmission line (ii). A single phase line has two parallel conductors 2 meters apart. The diameter of each conductor is 1.2cm. calculate the loop inductance per km of the line. 3. Derive the expression for the inductance of a three phase over head transmission line (i) Symmetrical spacing (ii) Unsymmetrical spacing 4. (i) Derive the expression for the capacitance of a single phase over head transmission line (ii) A single phase line has two parallel conductors 3 meters apart. The radius of each conductor is 1cm. Calculate the capacitance of the line per km. given 0 = 8.854x10-12 5. Derive the expression for the capacitance of a three phase over head transmission line (i) Symmetrical spacing (ii) Unsymmetrical spacing 6. Explain the concept of self GMD and mutual GMD. 7. Discuss about bundled conductors.

UNIT III PART A 1. Give the classification of transmission lines in terms of distance. 2. Define short transmission line. 3. Define regulation of a transmission line. 4. What is surge impedance loading? 5. Define transmission efficiency. 6. What is power circle diagram? 7. Give formula for surge impedance. 8. What is the need for compensation in a transmission line? 9. Draw the representation of transmission line using nominal T method parameters. 10. Explain the term Ferranti effect. PART B 1. Explain the procedure for determining the transmission efficiency and voltage regulation of a short transmission line 2. A single phase overhead transmission line delivers 1100kw at 33kv at 0.8 p.f. lagging. The total resistance and inductive reactance of the line are 10 and 15 respectively. Determine (i) Sending end voltage. (ii) Sending end power factor. (iii) Transmission efficiency. 3. Derive an expression for transmission efficiency and regulation of medium line (i) Nominal T method (ii) Nominal method 4. A 3-phase 50Hz overhead transmission line 100 km long has the following constants. Resistance/km/phase = 0.1 Inductive reactance/km/phase = 0.2 Capacitive susceptance/km/phase = 0.04 x 10-4 siemen Determine i) Sending end current (ii) Sending end voltage (iii) Sending end power factor (iv) Transmission efficiency. When supplying a balanced load of 10000kw at 66kv, p.f. 0.8 lagging. Use nominal T method 5. A 3-phase 50Hz overhead transmission line 100 km long has the following constants. Resistance/km/phase = 0.1 Inductive reactance/km/phase = 0.5 Capacitive susceptance/km/phase = 10 x 10-6 siemen If the line supplies load of 20MW at 0.9 p.f. lagging at 66 kvat the receiving end, calculate by nominal method. Determine i) Sending end power factor(ii) Regulation (iii) Transmission efficiency 6. Derive an expression for sending end voltage and sending end current for long transmission line using Rigorous method.

7. Explain in detail, how you will construct the receiving end power circle diagram 8. Write notes on (i) Series compensation (ii) Shunt compensation 9. (i) Explain in detail the theory of corona formation (ii) Is there any advantage in corona? (iii) Write down the expression for corona power loss. UNIT IV PART A 1. Define string efficiency 2. Write the formula for the capacitance of the single core cable. 3. What is grading of a cable? 4. Name the methods to improve string efficiency. 5. What are the different types of insulators? 6. Define thermal resistance of a cable. 7. Define safety factor. 8. What are the various types of cables? 9. What are the different insulating materials used for cables? 10. What are the advantages of suspension type of insulator? PART B 1. Describe the different types of insulators 2. (i) Give the properties of good insulator (ii) Explain the cause of insulation failure. 3. Explain about the methods used for improving string Efficiency. 4. Explain about the Potential Distribution over suspension Insulator string, and Derive Mathematical expression to calculate the string efficiency 5. An insulator string consists of three units, each having a safe working voltage of 15 KV. The ratio of self capacitance to shunt capacitance of each unit is 8: 1. Find the maximum safe working voltage of the string. Also find the string efficiency 6. Explain the constructional feature of LT and HT cables 7. Derive the expression for (i) insulation resistance (ii) capacitance and (iii) electric stress of a single core cable 8. Explain about (i) Capacitance grading (ii) Intersheath grading 9. Calculate the capacitance and charging current of a single core cable used on a 3 6 KV system. The cable is 1Km long having a core diameter of 10 Cm and an impregnated paper insulation of thickness 7Cm. The relative permittivity of the insulation may be taken as 4 and the supply at 50 Hz. 10. The maximum and minimum stresses in the dielectric of a single core is 40 KV/cm (r.m.s) and 10 KV/cm (r.m.s) respectively. If the conductor diameter is 2 cm,find (i) Thickness of insulation (ii) Operating voltage

UNIT V PART A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Define sag in transmission line Write any two practical methods used on consumer side for conservation of electrical energy. Define utilization factor and plant factor. What is string chart Mention the commonly used conductor materials in overhead lines. Give any two properties of line supports. List two merits of HVDC transmission system. PART B 1. 2. Explain in detail about the conductor materials of overhead lines. Determine the expression for sag in overhead transmission line (i) When supports are at equal levels (ii) When supports are at unequal level Explain in detail about the line supports of overhead lines with neat sketch. (i) Explain in detail the effect of wind and ice loading on sag. (ii)A 132 KV transmission line has the following data. Wt of the conductor = 680kg/km, Length of span = 260m, Ultimate strength = 3100kg, Safety factor = 2. Calculate the height above ground at which the conductor should be supported. Ground clearance is 10 metres. A transmission line has a span of 150m between level supports. The conductor has a cross-sectional area of 2 cm2. The tension in the conductor is 2000 kg. If the specific gravity of the conductor material is 9.9 gm/cm3 and wind pressure is 1.5 kg/m length, calculate the sag. What is the vertical sag? Explain the principle of HVDC. Mention its advantages and disadvantages Draw and explain the different types of HVDC links.

3. 4.


6. 7.

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