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your guild

At JGI the aim of our

committee is to continue to
build and maintain a
supportive community for
the students of the hall, as
well as a greater sense of
belonging and involvement
among all residents. We will
be providing more student
support in order to make life
Position: Milner Hall Chair- Position: Engineering
more comfortable for the
person Representative/ Engineering
hall residents. We will be
Name:Julien J. Skeete Students’ Society President
initiating changes to
Degree: : B.Sc. Management Name: Mikhail Naipaul
improve the quality of life for
Studies & Finance Degree: : BSc. Surveying and
residents on hall, since
Land Information
change is something we all
I intend to provide a greater
see the need for. I intend to
degree of representation for To create a more integrated
increase the number of
the residents of Milner hall Engineering Faculty by hosting
activities that cater to the
and by extension communi- more events and seminars
diverse interests of the hall
cating the issues that are incorporating all departments
residents, and we have
pertinent to the 300 plus within.
already begun the process of
residents that reside on our
creating an experience in
which there are various
activities on hall. At the same
time we will be fighting to
improve the opportunities
for participation in sport and
physical activity, opportuni-
ties that we lack at Mt. Hope.
Most of all our aim is to
address student problems as
soon as possible and to the Position: Science and Agricul-
best of our ability. I am ture Representative
Position: Joyce Gibson-Inniss Name: Sarah Sue Calbio
excited for the year ahead
Hall Chairperson Degree: : MPhil Physics,
and I truly believe that we
Name:Okera Baptiste Extrasolar Planets
can bring about the change
Degree: : MBBS (Bachelor of
that people are asking for.
Medicine and Bachelor of Con’t next page....

Aug 08 YOUR GUILD 04

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