Sap Reading 1
Sap Reading 1
Sap Reading 1
Study Program : English Teaching Subject/Code/Credits/Semester : Reading I / 12152101 / 2/ I Description : This subject introduces and develops reading skills necessary to comprehend English texts of upper elementary to intermediate levels, i.e. guessing the meaning of unfamiliar words, sentence understanding, determining the topic and main idea of a paragraph, determining the subject and thesis of a passage, skimming, scanning, connective and references, and reading table and graphs.
Lecturer :
Situjuh Nazara
NO 1
INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES Students are able to explain the nature of reading in general and the scope of Reading I
TOPICS/ SUB- TOPICS Introduction: Definitions of reading Factors involved in reading Lesson Plan of Reading I Developing Reading Vocabulary: Word Analysis Context Clues Consulting Dictionary Understanding Sentences: Recognizing Complete Sentence Identifying Core Parts Recognizing Relationship among ideas Punctuations: Aids to sentence Comprehension
SOURCES Book 1, pp 12
Students are able to explain and use the three methods of reading vocabulary enrichment.
Discussion Practice
Book 1, pp 319
Students are able to explain the structure, components, and meaning of English sentences.
Discussion Practice
Book 1, pp 20-33
Students are able to explain the elements, identify the topic, main idea, and supporting details of a paragraph.
Understanding Paragraphs Essential Elements of a Paragraph Identifying the topic of a paragraph Finding the main idea. Position of the topic sentence Understanding Passages Four Important Elements of a Paragraph Identifying the subject of a passage. Finding the central thought of a passage. Recognizing supporting ideas of a passage. MID SEMESTER TEST References and Connectives References Connectives Skimming and Scanning Skimming Scanning Aids to Reading and Interpretation Footnotes and Bibliography Table Line Graphs Circle Graphs Bar Graphs Reading Longer Passages Methods of Education: East Versus West The Urban Crisis Banking on the Poor College Students in the United States Today MID SEMESTER TEST
Book 1, pp 34-46
Students are able to explain the elements of a passage and determine the subject, central thought, and supporting idea of a passage. To test Students mastery of the materials studied in sessions 1-7 Students are able to explain the use of references and connectives
Book 1, pp 47-54
6 7
8 9 Discussion Practice Reading Discussion Practice Reading Discussion Practice Reading Book 1, pp 55-61
Students are able to apply skimming and scanning. Students are able to identify and interpret any aids used in texts.
Students are able to apply all reading skills learned in sessions 1-12
Book 1, pp 84-95
References: Pardede, Parlindungan. 2010. Developing Reading Comprehension Skills 1. Jakarta: FKIP UKI