Service Learning
Service Learning
Service Learning
community It is a reciprocal process benefiting both service providers (students) and service recipients Applying academic knowledge to real life situations, help in understanding issues in broader social, economic, and environmental context
Service learning can be built upon the existing syllabus based on community needs that are identified by partnering with NGOs
Three types of service learning: 1. Direct-Students interact with the population that they are serving 2. Indirect-Students perform services without personal contact with the community 3. Advocacy-Students educate the community about a particular issue through awareness campaigns
Four Phases 1. Preparation-Community needs assessed, curriculum identified, teachers should identify civic or social knowledge and skills to be learnt through the project, project planning 2. Action: Project implementation and continuous assessment 3. Reflection: To be done continuously during planning and implementation, help students to understand the meaning and impact of their work, enable the students to make a connection between what they do and what they learn 4. Demonstration: Students publicize their work
Service learning enhances social responsibility attitudes of the students It helps young people to solve the problems within communities as a result of applying their academic knowledge and skills It helps the young people to develop abilities to solve problems and in turn develop better personality and leadership skills
Communication students supports local NGOs with public relations that helps in Fund Raising Students of Engineering engage in designing rehabilitation engineering equipment or clients with a mental and/or physical disability. Business students create marketing plans for nonprofits or help SHGs with finance management Economics students can help in planning economic empowerment programmes for the poor communities Natural science students collect trash from the river streams and analyze it and share the information with the community with suggestions to reduce the pollution