財閥タウンズV - Venture Towns Lists
財閥タウンズV - Venture Towns Lists
財閥タウンズV - Venture Towns Lists
This spreadsheet is a collection of lists and data from the Kairosoft game, V (officially known as Venture Towns in English. Other names: Zaibatsu Town V, Corporation/Corporate Town, or Financial Town.)
It is not meant to be a formal walkthrough or guide. For guide-like information, please visit the Kairospot thread at http://kairospot.net/community/threads/zaibatsu-town-v-info-guide.1264/ Note: Current fan translations will be converted to the official English translations within the following days. Monetary values will also be switched before from Yen to Dollar. Original (Japanese) lists were obtained from the Kairopark Walkthrough Wiki at http://wikiwiki.jp/kairopark/?%BA%E2%C8%B6%A5%BF%A5%A6%A5%F3%A5%BAV Some additional info was taken from the walkthrough at iPhoneAC: http://iphoneac.com/zaibatu.html All images found on the spreadsheets are from the game itself. Spreadsheet owner is nunuu. Special thanks to the following editors of this spreadsheet: antz24, oorin, & Shiawase. Also, thanks goes out to emma for the housing upgrade info and Shiawase and Nicodemus82 for their translations of the combo and job lists.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To the editors at DownloadAtoZ: Please credit your sources. Stop stealing our work. Thanks.
Name & Base Cost Unlock Conditions/Notes/Description Name & Base Cost Unlock Conditions/Notes/Description
At least $4,000 in Savings and a Gravel Path must be near the home.
I can't recall exactly but I think $8,000 in Savings is the next trigger. But you need the Road near it for it to happen.
This is the upgrade from Condo. Residents need $12,000+ in savings and the Brick Street near their home before they can upgrade to this.
Upgrade from Mansion. Residents need over $20,000 and the Stone Pavement near their home. Only achievable with Entrepreneur and Alien professions.
Upgrade from Castle. Only available to the Kairo Prgrmr profession. It requires the resident to have at least $20,000 in savings before the upgrade will happen. May need Kairobot as a resident before the upgrade happens.
Kairobot's home. This is exclusive to Kairobot. It can be obtained only when he moves into the city. When he arrives, a RANDOM park in the town will change into his home.
Note: The "Available at the start" condition may only apply to the first map. Name & Base Cost Unlock Conditions/Notes/Description Name & Base Cost Unlock Conditions/Notes/Description
Available at the start. Residents come here to work. They will also discover new jobs at an Office based on the stores near it. Has an effect radius of 5x5.
The land price of an Office must reach over $30,000. Once it does, it will automatically upgrade to a High-rise Office. Has an effect radius of 5x5.
Its function is the same as the Office and Office (M). (This may be needed to unlock certain professions.) Has an effect radius of 10x10.
Available at the start. A place for residents to socialize and discover research points & develop their stats. Required for Kairo Building.
Bicycle Shp
Among the first stores that can be researched? Bento Shop is replaced by Deli in English version.
Burg rank
Town rank
Town rank
Town rank
Town rank
Burg rank
Burg rank
Burg rank
Town rank
Burg rank
Town rank
Burg rank
Town rank
Burg rank Kairosoft changed Pachinko Parlor to Casino in the English version.
Arborist and Super Town rank? Great Buddha Statue is only available in the Japanese version and is replaced by the Monument in the English version.
At least 28 unique Combos. Must have Kairo Park Combo, Special Combo. and Ancient Combo among them.
Inn () and a Rock (). The Rock MUST be placed in the square above/behind the Jpn. Rest.*
Unlocked based on number of unique Combos built? I got this when my city hit Super Town rank in my second playthrough. I only had 9 Combos. -nunuu
Director? I had 3 Directors for years and I only got this shortly after I put in the Tourist Combo. nunuu
Pet Shp
Town rank
Town rank
Town rank
Town rank
Town rank
Town rank
Able to research after Sports Combo is built? May need Special Combo as well?
Available at the start. Required for upgrading a home to House Burg rank. Required for upgrading a home to Condo Town rank. Required for upgrading a home to Mansion Super Town rank. Required for upgrading a home to Castle and Kairo House
Unlocks when city reaches Super Town or Venture Town rank? The cost of the lake is subject to land price like buildings, trees, and plants.
Flowering Tr.
Available at start. Raises land value and popularity. Effects increase during Spring
Fruitful Tree
Unlocks when city reaches Super Town rank Automatically produces items that can be harvested in December
Unlocks when town reaches Burg rank Raises land value and popularity. Effects increase during Spring. Research Points may be discovered when passing by Can be discovered when town is in Burg rank Raises land value and popularity. Effects increase during Summer. Research Points may be discovered when passing by
Unlocks when city reaches Super Town rank Raises land value and popularity. Effects increase during Summer. Research Points may be discovered when passing by
Persimmon Tree
Unlocks when city reaches Venture Town rank. Raises land value and popularity. Effects increase during Autumn. Research Points may be discovered when passing by
Unlocks when city reaches Town rank Raises land value and popularity. Effects increase during Spring. Research Points may be discovered when passing by
Bamboo Grove
Unlocks when town reaches Burg rank Raises land value and popularity. Effects increase during Winter. Research Points may be discovered when passing by
Giant Boulder
Unlocks when city reaches Super Town rank Raises land value and popularity. Research Points may be discovered when passing by
Banana Tree
Map 2 Raises land value and popularity. Effects increase in Autumn. Research Points may be discovered when passing by
Willow ()
What map is this tree on? Graphic is in the IPA archive but ...
Maple ()
What map is this tree on? Graphic is in the IPA archive but ...
Ginko ()
Map 5 Raises land value and popularity. Effects increase in Autumn. Research Points may be discovered when passing by
What map is this tree on? Graphic is in the IPA archive but ...
Land Price () 20 Product Price () 15 Land Price () 15 Product Price () 20 Land Price () 15 Product Price () 20 Land Price () 20 Product Price () 30 Land Price () 20 Product Price () 15 Land Price () 20 Product Price () 20 Land Price ( )20 Product Price () 20 Land Price () 20 Product Price () 20 Land Price () 35 Product Price () 35 Land Price () 50 Product Price () 50 Land Price () 20 Product Price () 20 Land Price () 20 Product Price () 20 Land Price () 20 Product Price () 20 Land Price () 20 Product Price () 20 Land Price () 15 Product Price () 20 Land Price () 10 Product Price () 45 Land Price () 45 Product Price () 10 Land Price () 25 Product Price () 25 Land Price () 20 Product Price () 20 Land Price () 15 Product Price () 5 Land Price () 10 Product Price () 20 Land Price () 20 Product Price () 10 Land Price () 15 Product Price () 10 Land Price () 20 Product Price () 10 Land Price () 15 Product Price () 10 Land Price () 5 Product Price () 25 Land Price () 5 Product Price () 20 Land Price () 30 Product Price () 30 Land Price () 20 Product Price () 25 Land Price () 3 Product Price () 3 Land Price () 50 Product Price () 50
Additional possible unlock conditions gleaned from iPhoneAC (i.e. Try these if the ones above don't work):
Base Cost 30 points from each research category ??? + 10 points from each research category 40 Food, 40 Hearts, 60 Entertainment, and 60 Culture points 300+ 50 Food, 80 Entertainment, and 100 Culture points 50 Food, 50 Service, 100 Entertainment, and 80 Culture points 800 + 100 Food, Service, and Entertainment Points and 120 Culture Points 1000? +180 Food, 160 Service, 180 Entertainment, and 180 Culture points 800 + 100 points from each research category 1,000 + 200 points from each research category 6,666 + 500 points from each research category
Notes Looks to be Date Spot since he appeared about 1 week after I put the combo in. -- nunuu Secretary?
You'll also have to make sure you have at least one Park () somewhere on the map since Kairobot "moves into" one. Special + Celebrity Combos and Venture Town rank? -- nunuu Ghost Combo Nature and Animal Combos + 2 Dog Groomers? 5 Adventurers? 3 Investors? 10 Politicians Need the official English translation of this character's name. Not sure what reading the first three characters should have. -- nunuu Unlock condition is incorrect. -- nunuu
* 2 people in the wiki comments said they got Runki with the following: 5 Jockeys, 5 Racecar Drivers, 5 Adventurer, 5 Pet Groomer, and 5 Entrepreneurs. But it didn't work for me. -- nunuu
Currently, no one is sure what determines what pet residents will purchase at the Pet Shop.
(Entrepreneur only)
Racecar Driver (), Spy () -- these 2 jobs are confirmed. -- nunuu Japanese wiki notes that only a Jockey () can get this but my Spy got one at some point. -nunuu Japanese wiki says that only an Adventurer () can get this. I'm not certain about that. -- nunuu Only an adventurer can buy one at the TV tower. Anyone can win one in the lottery. -- shiawase Wiki claims that only a Dog Groomer can get this. -- nunuu
Note: A Jet Plane, Helicopter, Horse, Hot Air Balloon, Cow and UFO can all be obtained from the Kairobot Fest. However, only one vehicle or animal is awarded to a random resident each time.
(5001,0003,0009,999) An Office with a land price greater than $30,000 will automatically upgrade to a Office (M). Residents with a walking distance of 9 steps or lower will walk slower than those with 10 steps or higher. The Sports Drink item will boost the maximum amount of steps by 6. (This is done through 5 uses of the item.)???? UP+6(5) For items being used on stores, you can only use the same item up to 4 times on one building.14 Structures that span 2 spaces cannot be rotated. 200500(80) 3920200 4? () Deadly Facilities and Combos that Have Negative Effects on Residents The Local Combo and Casino/Pachinko Parlor () are both available fairly early to build in the game (at least it's the case on the first map). It's not recommended to have these on the map until you have access to create items and enough research points to create them. The reason for this is that all stores in the the Local combo reduces Work and/or Talent. The Casino/Pachinko Parlour is especially deadly since ALL stats are affected, some of which have double negative (two minus signs) which may cause stats to plummet if a resident frequents the facility. With items, you can reduce the effects or even completely make them disappear! It's probably rather difficult to force facilities to grant positive effects given the fact that you've used the same item multiple times already to rid the minus signs (and the game keeps track of how many of each item was applied). I'm guessing the maximum times you can use any item is 4 - 5. This may include failures/when no change occurs after you used an item. However, do note that some of the shops in the combo (such as the Cake Shp) are required for job unlocks so if you want to have or need the shops early, then just be mindful of how far certain stats drop for a resident as having low numbers will affect their chances of getting new jobs as well as how much they work. You can always counter the effects with the use of items as well. How to Win the Bid to Host the Ulympics? Every four years around May, your assistant will inform you that the city has been chosen as a candidate to host the Ulympics (or World Sports Festival in Japanese ()). Your job is to show the world that your city would make the best host for the games. You have until end of July to do this. Unfortunately, there are no instructions on what to do and how to do it, and getting the town to rank 1 in Land Price won't cut it. Here are some tips from some Japanese players on how to win the bid. (Please note that no one is 100% certain of the conditions ^^): Having residents in an athletic profession such as the Soccer Player helps up the chances. Conditions may include having all of the following: an Athlete, 1 Sports Combo, 1 Entrepreneur, 1 Politican, 1 TV Station, and 1 Security Co. Assuming no other factors affected things, the conditions they listed worked for me. Winning the bid will net you $250,000 as a reward. There is also a citywide boost to shops' stats powerups. (-shiawase) How to Win the Bid to Host the World Soccer Championship? The winning conditions seem to be the same as the Ulympics except you need a Pilot and Heliport as well. Having a Soccer Player may help too. The reward for this one is $350,000. There's probably some sort of bonus that comes from winning this as well.
Miscellaneous Tips
Image is from Zaibatsu Towns 2 (http://kairosoft.net/mobile/zaibatu2.html) but still applies to this game. Combos are created within a 3 x 3 window. Here's what the images are saying: Left image: Structures needed for a combo can be arranged like this Middle image: All of A and all of C are 2 individual buildings (think Zoo or Theme Park). This layout will also result in a combo. Right image: If two 4-square structures are placed side by side and another facility is placed at the end, this WILL NOT get you a combo as building C is not within the 3 x 3 window. Try to literally build around Offices since the chances of new jobs being discovered may happen faster the closer a store is to an Office. Mind the radius of the Office and Office (L) so you don't build unnecessary Offices. Trees and plants have additional effects such as producing items which can be "harvested" in the first week of December, and allowing residents to discover research points while passing by. Secondhand Book Fair () is useful for obtain research points in a short amount of time. (See Town Development Projects.) To achieve the number 1 rank in the annual Land Price Ranking () in the end of October, only one store needs to have a land value of over $75,000. You can achieve this by comboing around, say, a Farm or any 4-square facility. Try to get the facility over $60,000 (as close to $70,000 as possible, in fact) and then top off the remaining amount needed with the Land Price Seed ( ). To get the Kairo House, it's recommended that you switch the resident to a high paying profession. Once the resident has saved over $20,000, change to the Kairo Prgrmr job and the upgrade of the Castle should follow shortly ... assuming the resident hasn't caused his or her savings to fall below $20,000 at some point.
Still on the subject of the Kairo House, you can do a "double-upgrade" if you catch a resident in time while his/her house is being upgraded from a Mansion to Castle. Since both the Castle and Kairo House require $20,000, simply switch the resident from Entrepreneur or Alien to Kairo Programmer while the upgrade to Castle is happening. Re: hosting sports events: Try to assign residents "permanent jobs" that correspond to the winning conditions. That way, you don't have to remember switching people to the required careers every 4 years. Appeal, Land Price, and Move Coupon unlock once the city upgrades to Town rank. IQ, Skill, and Rename Seed unlock once city upgrades to Super Town rank. Product Seed unlocks once Venture Town () rank is achieved. The best jobs for Part-Timers are ones that pay 40 and above since with such a salary, they can upgrade their houses quite fast. Be wary of your expenses though (such as road types and switching jobs.) The Model and/or Genius jobs are decent for Freelancers to change to since their stat requirements are fairly low and can get them to upgrade their houses to Apartment or even Mansion rather quickly. However, the cost to change to them are 135 and 150 respectively. A tip found within the game: Staying Hungry -- According to the new book "Staying Hungry: Working in the Big City," people who get high-paying jobs tend to lose their drive, making them unlikely to discover new jobs. Sometimes going back to a life of freelancing can give one a new perspective on things, freeing you up to find new jobs.