Baz Lala
Baz Lala
Baz Lala
Microcontroller Architecture: Brief History: Microcontroller 8051 which is 8 bit was introduced by Intel Corporation in 1981 having chip rom of 4 kilo byte and have a ram of 128 bytes. Also its having a one serial port, two timers excluding this having 4 ports on a single chip. The microcontroller 8051 can works on 8 bits data because its processor is 8 bit. The central processing unit should have to convert the data into eight bit pieces if the data is larger than 8 bits. The prescribed microcontroller is having four input output ports and which is 8 bit wide. Microcontroller 8051 are available in different versions and they also having different sort of the speed depending upon the version. If we prepare a program for one of the microcontroller then we can also run it on the different versions of the 8051.The microcontroller 8052 and 8031 belongs to the family of the microcontroller 8051. The architecture of these three are same but we can differentiate these from each other on the following of its character. 1. Ram of 8031 microcontroller is 128 bytes, 2 timers and 6 interrupts. 2. Ram of 89S51 microcontroller is 128 bytes, 4KB ROM, 2 timers and 6 interrupts.
3. Ram of 89S52 microcontroller is 128 bytes, 8Kb ROM, 3 timers and 8 interrupts. The microcontroller 89S51 is the one which is the most wanted among the three. Because there are two sort of the communication take place in this the one serial and the other is parallel. The product of the ATMEL laboratory AT89S52 microcontroller is used in the prescribed project.
Microcontroller 89S52: This is the microcontroller 89S52 and its having a silent components in which the flash is 8Kbytes, ram is of 256 bytes, the input output lines are 32, 16-bit timers, six vector interrupt architecture, on chip oscillator and its also having the full duplex serial port. AT89S52 is the microcontroller which is made in such away that s having unchanged logic for the zero frequency sort of operation and it can be able to work on two sorts of softwares. Till the next hardware reset the other chip function are made disabled and the RAM is saved by the power down mode. The prescribed microcontroller is like a most advanced version which can give high flexible and cheap solution to a lot of the fixed control applications.
Features of microcontroller (89S52): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Compatible with MCS-51 Products 8Kbytes of In-system Reprogrammable Flash Memory 0 Hz to 24 MHz fully static operation Three-Level Program Memory Lock 256 *8 Bit Internal Ram Eight vector two level Interrupts Programmable Serial Channel
8. Low Power idle and Power Down Modes 9. Low Power idle and Power down modes Till the next hardware reset the other chip function are made disabled and the RAM is saved by the power down mode. The prescribed microcontroller is like a most advanced version which can give high flexible and cheap solution to a lot of the fixed control applications.
Pin Description:
1. VCC Supply voltage to the chip is made by pin 40 and the voltage is +5. 2. Ground The pin 20 is made grounded.
Port 0: From the pin 32 to the pin 39 the port 0 is an 8-bit open bidirectional input output. The 1s are mentioned to the 0 pin port and the mentioned pins are used for the high impedance inputs. The low-order addresses are multiplexed to the port 0.the port 0 having the internal pull-ups.
Port 1: Port 1 in pin 1 to 8 have the internal pull-ups with a 8 bit bidirectional input output. The 1s are written to the port 1 pins and they are highly pulled by the internal pull-ups. With this P1.0 and P1.1 are configured to the timer 2 external count input and the timer 2 trigger input. While doing the programming in Flash programming the port 1 gets the low order bytes.
Port 2:
In the port 2 the pins from 21 to 28 are with internal pull-ups and the pot 2 is an 8 bit bidirectional input output. This port can do its job with four TTL inputs. The 1s are written to the port 1 pins and they are highly pulled by the internal pull-ups. Due to the internal pull-ups the pin 2 are pulled to the lower extent. Port 2 at the end of the external program collects the high-order address byte. And to access to the external data memory it uses 16-bit addresses. While emitting the 1s it uses the strongest internal pull-ups. Also to access to the external data we uses the 8-bit addresses. While doing the programming in Flash programming the port 1 gets the low order bytes.