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Full Report Kinematic Viscosity

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1.0 REPORT SUMMARY 2.0 THEORY Dynamic Viscosity As a fluid moves, a shear stress is developed in it, the magnitude of which depends on the viscosity of the fluid. Sheer stress () can be defined as the force required to slide one unit area of substance over another. Thus, is a force divided by an area and can be measured in the unit of N/m2 or Pa. In fluid such as water, oil, alcohol or other common liquids the magnitude of the shearing stress is directly proportional to the change of velocity between different positions in the fluid. = (v/y) where : = sheer stress v = change in velocity of fluid particle y = distance travelled by fluid particle = constant of proportionality, called dynamic viscosity (Eq 1)

For the purpose of clarity, let give the symbol d for dynamic viscosity. Unit System SI system US System cgs System Dynamic Viscosity, (d ) Units N.s/m , Pa.s or kg/m.s lb.s/ft2 or slug (ft.s) Poise = dyne.s/cm2 = g/(cm.s) = 0.1 mPa.s

Centipoise = poise/100 = 0.001 Pa.s = 1.0 mPa.s Kinematic Viscosity Many calculations in fluid mechanics involve the ratio of the dynamic viscosity to the density of fluid. k = d / where : k = kinematic viscosity d = dynamic viscosity = density of fluid Unit System SI System US System cgs System

(Eq 2)

Kinematic viscosity, ( k) Units m /s ft2 /s Centistokes = stoke/100 = 1X10-6 m2 /s =1 mm2/ s

The dimension for kinematic viscosity is L2/T.

Measurement of Viscosities The direct measurement of viscosity is based on the correlation, = R4tP / 8VL where : V = volume of liquid, cc t = flowing time, second r = radius of capillary tube, cm L = length of pipe, cm P = pressure N / cm2 = absolute viscosity, poise The direct measurement of absolute viscosity is difficult. For simplicity, the measurement of viscosity normally used the same equipment and two types of liquid. Using the following relationship :

(Eq 3)

= (1t1) / (2t2)

(Eq 4)

where : = density of fluid, gm/cc t = time taken to flow in the capillary, second
1, 2

= type of fluid used

Basically the method used to measure the viscosity is by measuring the time taken for the liquid to flow in the capillary at a given temperature.

= ct

(Eq 5)

where :

= kinematic viscosity

c = viscometer constant, cts/s t = time of flow,

3.0 PROCEDURES Determination of Kinematics Viscosity

a) A pipette was used to pour 10ml of kerosene into the capillary glass viscometer. The

capillary glass viscometer is put into the bath to equalise the temperature of the kerosene and instrument, which is 40C. b) A vacuum pump was used to suck water in the capillary glass viscometer until the water level is about 5mm above the level in the viscometer. c) The time taken for the water to flow from a high level to the low level of the viscometer was measured. d) The steps are repeated at temperature of 100C. e) Steps are repeated using Diesel oil.

Determination of Liquid Density a) The empty pycnometer is weighed.

b) The pycnometer was filled with kerosene and was weight. c) The steps are repeated using Diesel.


Temperature of Liquid, T oC

Weight of empty Pycnometer (gm)

Weight of Pycnometer fill with the Liquid (gm) Kerosene

Volume of the Liquid (cc)

Density of the Liquid (gm/cc)



70.1921 Diesel



24 Temperature of Liquid, T oC

30.6304 Constant No. of glass capillary




Time taken to flow Kinematic viscosity, Dynamic viscosity, from top to bottom k in cts/s d in cp of glass capillary, t(s) Kerosene

40 100

0.08 0.08

180 86 Diesel

14.40 6.880

11.3976 5.4455

40 100
Table 1: Liquid density

0.001539 0.001539

617 199

0.9496 0.3063

0.7992 0.2578

Table 2 : Kinematic viscosity and dynamic viscosity

Example of Calculation: Kerosene at temperature 40 oC Time, t Viscosity Constant Kinematic Viscosity : 180s : 0.08 cts :cxt = 0.08 x 180 = 14.40 cts/s Weight of empty Pycnometer : 30.6161 gm : 70.1921 gm

Weight of Pycnometer and lubricant oil Weight of kerosene oil

: 70.1921- 30.6161

= 39.576 gm Volume of kerosene oil Density of the kerosene oil : 50 cc : weight/volume = 39.576 / 50 = 0.7915 gm/cc Dynamic viscosity : Kinematic viscosity x density of lubricant oil; = 14.40 x 0.7915 = 11.3976 cp 5.0 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. For a laminar flow which is incompressible, steady and uniform, the flow rate through a pipe can be calculated by integrating the increase in flow rate, Q through a capillary with the thickness of its radius r ranging from r = 0 to r = R. U = - ( R2 r2 )/4 d /dx ( p + gh ) Q = 2rr Q = 2rdr Q = - / 2 d/dx ( p + gh ) ( R2 r r3 ) dr Q = - /2 d/dx ( p + gh ) [ R2 r2/2 r4/4 ]

Q = - /8 d/dx ( p + gh ) R4

Q = dpR4/8L

Where dp/L = - d/dx (p + gh ). But Q = V / t,


V/t = dpR4/8L = dp t R4 / 8VL ( shown )

2. The Poiseuille Equation above is an equation designed for laminar flow, not turbulent flow. This is because the coefficient of friction being used is f = 64/Re, which is used only when the Reynold number is less than 2000. As the Re<2000, it shows that the flow is laminar flow. Re>2000 would mean that it is a turbulent flow, and the coefficient of friction can be found using the Moody-Chart. 3. The unit for the kinematic viscosity is poise. Dimension unit for poise in c.g.s can be determined as followed: In c.g.s system, 1 poise = 1 dyne.s/cm2 = 1 g/cm.s Dimension for gram Dimension for centimeter Dimension for second =M =L =T

Then, the dimension unit g/cm.s is ML-1T-1

4. In the experiment the high velocity flow cannot be used as the tendency of the production of turbulent flow is rather high. If the flow is not in a laminar state the Poiseuille equation cannot be applied.

5. According to the experiment, the time taken flow from top to bottom of glass capillary

decreases while temperature of fluid increases. Hence, we can conclude that the time taken flow from top to bottom of glass capillary is inversely proportional to the temperature of fluid.

Based on the equation 5, k = c t

Conclusion, the kinematic viscosity of fluid is inversely proportional to the temperature.

Graph of kinematic viscosity against temperature for kerosene:

Graph of kinematic viscosity against temperature for diesel:

Graph of kinematicviscosity ag ainst temperatureof diesel

1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4

, y o s v c t a m e n i K

0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 20 40 60 T empera ture, 0c 80 100 120

Based on the equation 2, k = d / Assume the density of kerosene and diesel at room temperature is same as the density at 40.3C. The dynamic fluid viscosity of kerosene at 40.3C is 11.3976 cP.

The dynamic fluid viscosity of diesel at 40.3C is 0.7992 cP. Viscosity is defined as the internal resistance of the fluid to flow. The units used in cgs system are poise and centipoises. But normally they use centipoises equivalent to 0.01 poise, as the poise unit is a large unit for hydrocarbon fluids under normal operating conditions. Fluid in other way can be defined as the elements generally can flow from one place to the other. This is including gas, water and oil. So do viscosities can be divided to the viscosity of gas, oil, and water. The viscosities of gases are difficult to measure accurately, particularly at elevated temperature and pressure. In order to obtain an accurate answer, correlation must be made. From the correlation for hydrocarbon gases, developed by Bicher and Katz, several typical trends of gas viscosity can be observed. First, the vary of viscosity with the temperature. As the temperature increase, collisions between molecules increased which resulting the increased in viscosity. The same result is obtained as the pressure is increased and the temperature is remained constant. The reason is, as the pressure increased the distance between the molecules decreased, thus more collisions occur at the same level of kinetic energy. In contrast with the viscosity of gas, the viscosity of liquid (oil) is inversely proportional with the increased in temperature. This is mainly due to the increased distance between molecules due to thermal expansion. As a result, the liquid become less viscous. In other way, liquid viscosity increased with the increased in molecular weight. Heavier liquid are more viscous than the lighter one. In term of pressure, the relationship between viscosity and pressure

6.0 CONCLUSION Based on the result from the experiment that we had conducted, we conclude that the kinematic viscosity is inversely proportional to the temperature. When the temperature increases, the kinematic viscosity of a fluid will decrease. Besides that, we also had determined the dynamic and kinematic viscosity of a fluid from different temperature. At 40C for diesel, the kinematic viscosity is 0.9496 cp and dynamic viscosity is 0.7992 cp. Next is kerosene at the same temperature, the kinematic viscosity is 14.40 cp and dynamic viscosity is 11.3976 cp. Then at 100C for diesel, the kinematic viscosity is 0.3063 cp and dynamic viscosity is 0.2578

cp. Next is kerosene at the same temperature, the kinematic viscosity is 6.880 cp and dynamic viscosity is 5.4455 cp.


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