Kindergartennewsletter11 28 11
Kindergartennewsletter11 28 11
Kindergartennewsletter11 28 11
Peter School
Aurora, IL
Ap r i l 2 , 2 0 12
The Walk-a-thon Sponsor Envelopes will go home this Wednesday. Look for them in your home/school envelope. The Pizza Hut reading logs were due today. Please make sure that they are returned. This was our last month for the reading logs. There will not be school this Friday, April 6th (Good Friday) or Monday, April 9 (Easter Monday). Save the date: Grandparents Day will be April 27th from 9:30am until 11:00am. All Grandparents are invited! Homework is going home tonight. Please make sure it is completed and returned by Thursday. Thank you! Parent Tip of the Week: To help your child practice reading, try writing them short notes and leaving them in various places around the house or in their lunchbox. They will enjoy discovering the notes and reading them aloud!