First Grade Newsletter
First Grade Newsletter
First Grade Newsletter
May 26 Memorial Day, No School
Monday Art
Tuesday P.E. and Computer
Wednesday All School Mass at 8:30am
Thursday P.E. and Computer
Friday Music
Dear Parents,
We had fun participating in the Walk-a-Thon last Friday. Thank you to all of the parents who helped
us in any way!
As the year winds down, we are still working hard in first grade. The students completed Units 7-8 of
daily writing time in Superkids. The finished project was a book they each wrote. This week we will be
reading each others stories and writing comments. After Sr. Kathleen reviews them (I like her to see
how well they are doing), they will hang in the hallway outside of our room. I am so proud of them!
This was a difficult project because each student had to write four pages for their book (a beginning,
a problem, a solution and an ending). We will be beginning work on Units 9-10 in Superkids this
week. Those are the last two units for the year. In the middle of May, well take the end-of-unit test.
In math, we are continuing to practice addition and subtraction facts. I know I write this often, but
memorizing facts is an important math foundation. It will be easier for them to solve difficult problems
if they have their facts memorized so please continue to work on this with your child!
In science, we are working on what the students think is the best unit of the year: Insects! We have
butterfly and ladybug larvae in our classroom. Wish us luck and pray that they survive to adulthood,
so we can watch and record their growth!
Have a great week,
Mrs. Patsavas
May 5, 2014