PepsiCo CSR Activities and Proposal For New CSR Activity
PepsiCo CSR Activities and Proposal For New CSR Activity
PepsiCo CSR Activities and Proposal For New CSR Activity
PepsiCos Claim
Pepsico, one of the largest food and beverage companies in the world, has begun claiming that it has achieved "positive water balance" in India, that it is "Giving Back MORE WATER Than We Take". Wonderful as it may sound, Pepsico's claims of achieving "positive water balance" simply do not add up.
Pepsico had achieved "positive water balance" as it used or counted as "debit" 5.168 billion liters in 2009 saved or counted as "credit" 6.004 billion liters of water, hence a positive balance of 836 million liters. But Pepsico is also responsible for additional 21.82 billion liters of water used in the agriculture of its potatoes which it has not added to its debit. Pepsico is responsible for 214 billion liters of water used in production of sugar used in its products. And yet, Pepsico reports using only 5.168 billion liters of water in India, about 40 times less. 78% of the water "credits" that Pepsico uses in its accounting for "positive water balance" comes from "saving through agricultural intervention".
Pepsico Franchisee Plant in Water Stressed Phillaur, Punjab Where Water Usage Restrictions Have Been Placed on Farmers Due to Rapidly Deteriorating Water Conditions
To develop areas(about 100 villages- 1 village at start) with positive hygiene and sanitation through awareness creation, construction of house hold toilets, garbage management, construction of rain water harvesting structures, eradicate open defecation in the targeted area To teach-and-train villagers about the evils of Agyaan, Anyaay, Abhaav, and Asuchi.
To make the people to understand the importance of clean and sanitized environment To mobilize the community with knowledge of environment protection To motivate the community in participating in the construction of the closed toilets with water preservation. To teach them about social evils and evils of ignorance To make the people to understand the participatory approach in water, sanitation and hygiene. To plant saplings in the streets, backyards and other community lands to make the area ecofriendly
Cleaning the entire village with people participation. Creating awareness among the community about the importance of personal hygiene, water management and sanitation; and evils of ignorance, dowry, corruption, etc Training the Community, and the School Children on the four verticals(Agyaan, Anyaay, Abhaav, & Asuchi). Construction of community toilets, rain water harvesting structures drainage facilities and renovation of water resources; and setting up of Mass Learning Centers Planting saplings in the streets, backyards, schools and community lands to preserve the eco and environment friendliness Facilitating the conversion of garbage into manure by solid waste management
Cleaning the entire village with people participation
3 Rs for Water
Man-Made Irrigation System where spent water is reused Water wastage is reduced as less as possible Creation of natural wetlands where water is purified naturally
Cleaning the entire village- Months 1,2,3 Management of solid waste- Months 1 to 12 Construction of drainage facilities & closed toiletsMonths 1 to 3 Planting of Trees- Months 4 to 7 Construction of rain water harvesting structuresMonths 4 to 8 Installation of dust bins- Months 4 & 5 Awareness creation- Months 1 to 12 Setting up of Mass Learning Centers- Months 1 to 3 Making natural wetlands- Months 6 to 12
Records of awareness meetings. Training records and interaction with the community. Regular meetings with the community and the records about the progress. Reports of the records with supporting documents monthly, quarterly and on completion of the work will be submitted to PepsiCo India.
Phase 2- Promotions
Facebook page talking about the CSR activity, containing testimonials An independent website, which shows all the data and asks the youth to take over the implementation phase gradually A CSR commercial stating the success stories of villages People who have contributed the most(physically/strategically) in the campaign to be given recognition
Upliftment of rural society Increase in Knowledge and Responsibility Increase in Top of the mind Recall Increase in Brand touch points Increase in Brand Image
The number of rural households earning less than US$760 a year is down from 65% to 24% since 1993, while those with an income of US$1,525 have more than doubled from 22% to 46%. According to India's National Sample Survey, monthly per capita expenditure in rural areas stood at Rs 953 (US$20.9) in 2009-2010, up by 64.4% compared to the 2004-2005 level in nominal terms.
While PepsiCo continues to fight CSR wars with CocaCola, you can sit back & enjoy a refreshing Pepsi!