Generative Shape Design
Generative Shape Design
Generative Shape Design
Detailed Steps
Table of Contents
Mobile Phone...............................................................................................................................................4 Step 1: Creating the Wireframe Geometry...............................................................................................4 Mobile Phone...............................................................................................................................................9 Step 2: Creating the Surfaces..................................................................................................................9 Mobile Phone.............................................................................................................................................17 Step 3: Performing operations................................................................................................................17 Mobile Phone.............................................................................................................................................24 Step 4: Analyzing and Modifying............................................................................................................24 Mobile Phone.............................................................................................................................................32 Step 5: Completing the part in Part Design............................................................................................32 Wireframe Recapitulation Exercise............................................................................................................36 Surface Recapitulation Exercise................................................................................................................40 Operation Recapitulation Exercise.............................................................................................................50 Advanced Tasks Recapitulation Exercise..................................................................................................63 Knob..........................................................................................................................................................74 Step 1: Creating the Wireframe Geometry.............................................................................................74 Step 2: Creating the Basic Surfaces.......................................................................................................77 Step 3: Performing Operations the Basic Surfaces................................................................................78 Step 4: Analyzing and Modifying the draft angle....................................................................................85 Step 5: Offsetting a solid........................................................................................................................87 ...................................................................................................................................................................92 Plastic Bottle..............................................................................................................................................93 Step 1: Bottle Bottom Creation...............................................................................................................93 Step 2: Bottle Body Creation................................................................................................................117 Step 3: Bottleneck................................................................................................................................137 Step 4: Assemble the three bodies ......................................................................................................167 Step 5 : Create the Bottleneck Screw...................................................................................................183 Space Mouse Base Solution....................................................................................................................196 Step 1: Create the Filleted pad.............................................................................................................196 Step 2: Create the surfacic elements...................................................................................................202 Step 3: Sew the surface on the Pad.....................................................................................................209 Step 4: Create the Groove...................................................................................................................210 Step 5: Split the solid with an imported surface....................................................................................212 Step 6: Shell the created solid..............................................................................................................214 Step 7: Create the Shaft.......................................................................................................................215 COPYRIGHT DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 2
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Step 8: Create the Holes and Pockets.................................................................................................217 Step 9: Assemble a new body..............................................................................................................228 Designing the Lemon Squeezer...............................................................................................................236 Step 1: Completing the wireframe elements.........................................................................................236 Step 2: Creating the basic surfaces......................................................................................................242 Step 3: Creating a blend surface with coupling and adding the handle................................................245 Step 4: Creating filtering holes.............................................................................................................254
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Mobile Phone
Step 1: Creating the Wireframe Geometry
Load the part called CATGSD_F_Phone_Step1_start.CATPartfrom the ''Companion'' and save the part in the Students directory. 1. You are going to extract the elements that will be necessary to complete the wireframe geometry: a. Double-click on the Extract icon b. Select the elements to be extracted (two pink edges and the yellow face) :
2. You are going to use these extracted elements to create the wireframe geometry: d. Click on the Parallel Curve icon . e. Select the shortest pink extracted curve as element to offset, and the yellow face as support:
Click OK to confirm.
g. Click on the point creation icon . h. Select the on curve type and the previous parallel curve as support. Create this point: COPYRIGHT DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 4
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i. j.
Click on the Parallel Curve icon . Select the second pink extracted curve as element to offset, and the yellow face as support:
k. l.
Click on the Parallel Curve icon . Select the first pink extracted curve as element to offset and the yellow face as support:
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and project the previous connect curve to the yellow extracted face:
p. Click on the corner icon and create a corner between the these two curves (the shortest parallel curve and the projected curve):
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q. Click on the point icon and create a point on the YZ plane using these parameters:
Click on the circle icon and create a circle using the previous point as center, YZ plane as support and the following parameters:
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Mobile Phone
Step 2: Creating the Surfaces
Load the part called CATGSD_F_Phone_Step2_start.CATPart from the ''Companion'' and save the part in the Students directory. Insert a new open body:
Rename it Surfaces: Click with the third mouse button on the new created open body and select Properties:
1. You are going to create the two points that will be used to create the sweep sections: a. Double-click on the Point icon . b. Select the point type on curve and create these two points on the corner curve:
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2. You are going to create the adaptative sweep using the corner curve, these two points and the extracted face: a. Click on the Adaptative sweep icon . b. Select the corner curve as guiding curve:
Generative Shape Design c. Now you are going to create the section: Right click in the sketch field and select Create sketch:
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- Click OK to confirm. You automatically access the sketch creation. d. Create this sketch:
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e. Exit the sketch by clicking on this icon . f. Select the points that will define the sections 1- Select this point to define the second section:
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g. You are going to change the sections parameters: 1- Click on the first section in the dialog box and access the parameters clicking on the Parameters panel:
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3. You are going to create a linear sweep using the circle as guiding curve: a. Click on the sweep icon .
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b. Choose the linear sweep type and the sub-type with reference surface
Choose the circle as guide curve and the YZ plane as reference surface:
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4. You are going to create a fill surface using the upper boundary of the previously created surface: a. Click the fill surface icon .
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Mobile Phone
Step 3: Performing operations
Load the part called CATGSD_F_Phone_Step3_start.CATPart from the ''Companion'' and save the part in the Students directory. Insert a new open body:
Rename it operations: Click with the third mouse button on the new created open body and select Properties:
1. You are going to create the symmetrical surface of the adaptative sweep and join the two parts together: a. Click on the Symmetry icon . b. Select the adaptative sweep as element to symmetry and the ZX plane as reference element:
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d. Click on the Join icon . e. Select the adaptative sweep and its symmetrical part:
2. You are going to join the linear sweep with the fill surface and split the resulting join with the datum blue surface: a. Click on the Join icon .
b. Select the linear sweep and the fill surface and confirm the join creation clicking OK:
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Show the blue datum surface located in the Base surface open body:
e. Select the previous join surface as element to split and the blue datum surface as cutting element:
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3. You are going to trim the first join surface with the datum: a. Click on the Trim icon .
b. Select the blue datum surface and the first join surface:
Click on the Other side buttons in order to keep the correct part of the trimmed surfaces. Click OK to confirm the operation. The result should be:
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4. You are going to add fillets on the previously created surface: a. Click on the variable radius fillet icon .
b. Select these edges to be filleted and key in the following radius values:
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i. j.
Click OK to confirm the fillet creation. Double-click on the edge fillet icon .
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Mobile Phone
Step 4: Analyzing and Modifying
Load the part called CATGSD_F_Phone_Step4_start.CATPart from the ''Companion'' and save the part in the Students directory. Insert a new open body:
Rename it Analysis: Click with the third mouse button on the new created open body and select Properties:
1. You are going to create a reflect line on the main surface : a. Click on the Reflect Line icon . b. Select the main surface as support and the Z axis as direction :
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d. CATIA asks you if you want to keep only one sub-element of the generated reflect line : click YES
e. And select the point (0,0,0 : origine) as reference element to create the near element :
Generative Shape Design 2. You are going to use this near element to split the surface : g. Click on the Split icon .
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h. Select the surface as element to cut and the near element as cutting element :
Note : switch on the option Keep both side. i. Rename the two created split surface Top and Bottom :
3. You are going to Perform a draft analysis on the bottom surface (you have first to get to the material view mode):
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e. Select the bottom surface and set the analysis settings to this:
There is no red area on the surface: you can hide it and show the top surface:
4. You are going to perform a draft analysis on the top surface: a. Click on the draft analysis icon .
b. Select the bottom surface and set the analysis settings to this:
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There is a red area in this analysis : that means that the upper surface cannot be extracted. It needs to be modified.
5. You are going to modify the shape to correct this anomaly: a. Double click on the adaptative sweep in the Surface pen Body:
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d. Click OK to confirm the adaptative sweep modification. The whole part is automatically updated.
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Mobile Phone
Step 5: Completing the part in Part Design
Load the part called CATGSD_F_Phone_Step5_start.CATPart from the ''Companion'' and save the part in the Students directory. Access the Part Body:
This new body is defined as work object. 1. You are going to create a solid from the top surface: g. Click on the Thick Surface icon . h. Select the top surface and key in these parameters:
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Click OK to confirm the first thick surface creation (located in the new created body). Create in the PART BODY a thick surface from the bottom surface the same way (using the same parameters):
2. You are going to Add the new created body and the part body: k. Access the Add operation through the Insert menu:
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3. You are going to Sew the antenna surface to the main solid: a. In the Operation Open Body, show the split antenna:
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Select the split antenna and orientate the arrows this way (inside the antenna):
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1. First you are going to create a maximum Z extremum on the left curve. a. b. c. d. Click on the Extremum icon . The Extremum Definition Dialog box is opened, select the Maximum option. Select the Spline.1 Select the XY plane as Direction or Z axis by opening a contextual menu in the Direction field.
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2. You are going to create a minimum Z extremum on the right curve. a. b. c. d. Click on the Extremum icon . The Extremum Definition Dialog box is opened, select the Maximum option. Select the Sketch.1. Select the XY plane as Direction or Z axis by opening a contextual menu in the Direction field.
3. You are going to Create a Connect Curve using the Extremums. a. Click on the Connect Curve icon . b. Select the Spline.1 and the Extremum.1 to define the first curve. COPYRIGHT DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 37
Generative Shape Design c. Select the Sketch.1 and the Extremum.2 to define the second curve.
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1. First you are going to Offset 7 surfaces (1 mm.) from the inside of the Solid Clamp. a. Double Click on the Offset icon . b. In the Offset Surface Definition dialog box enter an Offset value of 1mm. c. Select the first surface as shown
d. Click on OK to confirm the Offset surface creation. e. As you have double clicked on the icon, the Offset function is still active.Select the other six surfaces with the same method.
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Once you have created the seven surfaces clcik on the cancel button to deactivate the function.
2. You are going to create a blend surface to close off the Offset Surfaces. a. Click on the Blend icon . b. The Extremum Definition Dialog box is opened, select the Maximum option. c. Select the edges and the support surfaces as shown below.
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3. You are going to Insert a JOIN operation to assemble all the Offset surfaces and the Blend surface into one single surface. a. Multi select the seven Offsets and the created blend.
b. Click on the Join icon . c. All the pre-selected objects are added to the join list. Click on OK to confirm the Join creation.
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4. You are going to Extract a Boundary Curve from this JOIN surface. a. Select the Boundary icon . b. Select an edge of the Join as shown below.
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5. You are going to Create a Sweep Surface using the circular section curve (Output1) per parameters on the right. a. Click on the sweep icon . b. In the Swept Surface Definition dialog box choose a Line Profile type and With reference surface Subtype. COPYRIGHT DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 45
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Select the Output1 circle as Guide curve1 and the Output1-Plane as Reference surface.
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6. You are going to create a Loft tangent to the Join and the Sweep surfaces a. Select the Loft icon . b. Select the Output1 as first Section and the Sweep.1 as tangent surface.
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Select the Boundary.1 as second section and the Join.1 as tangent surface. Check that the two profiles are in the same direction.
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1. First you are going to change the Units to inches. a. Select Tools / Options.
b. Select General / Parameters in the left tree of the Option dialog box.
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Under the Units tab, select the Length parameter and change the units to inch (in) in the combo box.
d. Select OK to validate. 2. Create a Face-Face Fillet (Radius 0.9 in) a. Select the Face-Face Fillet icon.
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Select the face of the second upper fin as shown, change the radius fillet value if necessary.
3. Trim this fillet with all the side fins. a. Click on the Trim icon b. Select the created fillet. .
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5. Create Tri-Tangent Fillets for the four side fins. a. Click on the tri-tangent fillet icon.
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6. Create a Shape Fillet with the nose and the Body. a. Select the Shape Fillet icon.
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e. Check the Trim support elements option and click on OK to confirm the fillet creation.
7. Create Edge Fillets between the Body and the front side fins. a. Select the Edge Fillet icon.
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1. Create a Group Surface Model leaving out the sketches a. Open a Contextual menu on the Open_body.1 and choose Create Group...
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b. Click inside the Inputs field then multi-select the six sketches.
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2. Rename the sketches, change the color and thickness. a. Select all the Sketches and show them.
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In the properties dialog box, select the Graphic tab then change the Color and Thickness of Lines and Curves as shown below.
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d. Click on OK to confirm.
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g. Click on OK to confirm.
h. Redo the same operation for the other sketches to obtain a tree as shown below.
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d. Click the circle icon to create the first profile on the predefined support e. Select the center and radius type and Part Arc circle limitation. f. Create the center point on the fly clicking the Center Point field:
g. Select the coordinates point type and key in X=0, Y=0 and Z=0.
Generative Shape Design h. Key in the radius 64mm, the start angle 90deg and the end angle 0deg:
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i. j.
Click OK to confirm the first profile creation. Exit the Work On Support mode deleting the working support in the specification tree:
2. You are going to create second profile not using the sketcher, working on support. a. Click on the Work On Support icon b. Select the YZ plane. c. Click OK to confirm. .
d. Click the circle icon to create the first profile on the predefined support e. Select the center and radius type and Part Arc circle limitation. f. Create the center point on the fly clicking the Center Point field:
Generative Shape Design g. Select the coordinates point type and key in X=30, Y=50 and Z=0. h. Key in the radius 20mm, the start angle 190deg and the end angle 260deg:
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Click OK to confirm the second profile creation. Delete the support in the tree.
3. You will now create the third profile using the sketcher. a. Select the Sketcher icon b. Select the line icon and select the YZ plane.
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Generative Shape Design e. Select the profile 2 and key in these parameters:
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2. You are going to create the revolution surface. a. Click on the Revolution icon . b. Select the third profile and key in these parameters (axis: vertical axis of the sketch):
Generative Shape Design b. Select the first extruded surface and the revolution surface:
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Using the Other side element 1 and Other side element 2 button, aim to obtain this:
d. Click OK to confirm the trim creation. 2. You are going to split the second extruded surface with the previously created trim. e. Click on the split icon . a. Select the extruded surface as element to cut, and the trim as cutting element.
Generative Shape Design b. Playing with the Other side button, aim to obtain this:
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3. You are going to extrapolate the previously created split surface. a. b. c. d. e. Click on the extrapolate icon . Select the split surface lower boundary. Select the split surface. Select the up to element extrapolation type. Select the trim surface and activate the Assemble result button:
4. You are going to extrapolate the previously created extrapolate surface. a. b. c. d. Click on the extrapolate icon . Select the extrapolated surface higher boundary. Select the split surface. Select the up to element extrapolation type.
Generative Shape Design e. Select the trim surface and activate the Assemble result button:
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5. You are going to trim the previously created extrapolate surface with the first created trim surface. a. Click on the trim icon . b. Select the last created extrapolated surface and the first created trim. c. Using the Other side element 1 and Other side element 2 button, aim to obtain this:
d. Click OK to confirm. 6. You are going to create a variable filet on the previously created trim. a. Click on the variable radius fillet icon .
Generative Shape Design b. Select this edge and key in the radius 10mm:
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7. You are going to create an edge filet on the previously created surface. a. Click on the edge fillet icon . b. Select this edge and key in the radius 5mm:
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8. You are going to create the symmetric surface and join the two surfaces. a. Click on the symmetry icon . b. Select the previously created surface as element to symmetrize and the YZ plane as reference:
Click OK to confirm.
d. Click on the join icon . e. Select the EdgeFillet.2 surface and the Symmetry.1 surface. f. Click OK to confirm the join operation. 9. You are going to create the symmetric surface from the previous join and join the two surfaces. a. Click on the symmetry icon .
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b. Select the previously created join as element to symmetrize and the ZX plane as reference:
Click OK to confirm.
d. Click on the join icon and select the Join.1 surface and the Symmetry.2 surface. e. Click OK to confirm the join creation. The operations on the surfaces are all performed. You should get this:
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e. Close the draft analysis color bar. 2. Then modify the draft angle. a. Double click on the Sketch.1 in the tree: you get in the sketch. b. Modify the line inclination from 90deg into 86deg:
Generative Shape Design c. Exit the sketch. The part is automatically updated:
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Generative Shape Design d. Verify the Thick arrows pointing inward as shown below:
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e. Key in 4mm in the First Offset Value field. f. Click OK to confirm the solid creation. g. Hide the Open Body containing all the surface elements.
2. Then you are going to split the solid to make its bottom face plane.
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Zoom on the left bottom to check that the bottom of the part is no more plane.
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g. Select the XY plane as Splitting element. h. Click OK to confirm the split creation. 3. Now, apply a material on the thick surface: a. Select the Apply Material icon.
b. Select the Rubber material under the other tab of the material library.
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Plastic Bottle
Step 1: Bottle Bottom Creation
1. Insert a New Open Body a. Select Insert in the Menu bar.
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2. Select the created Open Body in the tree and edit its properties.
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3. Under the Feature Properties tab rename the Open Body as Bottle_Bottom.
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5. Create the arc. a. Select the Work on Support icon. COPYRIGHT DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 96
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e. Open a contextual menu in the Center field and choose Create Point
In the Point Definition dialog box select a Point on plane type, complete the fields as shown below then click on OK to confirm.
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g. Once you have created the center point, choose the Intersect.4 as point then enter 90 and 90 degrees as Start and End angle.
h. Click on OK to confirm the circle creation. 6. Create two bi tangent lines a. Select the Point icon. b. Choose On plane as point type, then complete the other fields as shown below.
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d. Select the Point.2 (the point you have just created) as element to symmetrize and Intersect.1 as Reference axis.
7. Double Click the Line icon . a. Choose Tangent to curve as Lin type. COPYRIGHT DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 99
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b. Select the Circle.2 and Point.2 as tangent elements. Select BiTangent as tangency type.
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d. Select the Circle.2 and Symmetry.1 as tangent elements. Select BiTangent as tangency type.
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e. Click on OK to confirm the line creation. 8. Trim the lines and the circle. a. Select the Trim icon.
b. Select the Circle.2 and Line.1 as elements to trim and choose the side to keep as shown below.
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9. Redo the same operation with the Line.2 and the created Trim.1
Generative Shape Design 12. Create the two symmetric planes. a. Select the plane icon . b. Choose Angle/Normal to plane as type.
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Select the created Plane.4 as element and the YZ plane as reference. Click on OK to confirm the creation.
b. Select the explicit Sweep icon. COPYRIGHT DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 105
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Select the Intersect.1 as revolution axis and (90deg ; 90 deg) as Start and End angles. Click on OK to confirm the surface creation.
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b. Select the Revolute.1 and the Sweep.1 you have just created and keep the sides as shown below.
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Generative Shape Design 17. Create the variable fillet. a. Select the Variable Radius Fillet icon.
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18. Create the complete bottom. a. Select the Split icon then the EdgeFillet.1 you have just created and the Plane.4 and keep the side as shown.
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d. Select the Rotate icon then the Split.2 you have just created as element. Select Intersect.1 as axis and enter 72 degrees as angle. Check the Repeat object after OK option. Click on OK.
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e. Enter 3 for the number of instances in the Object Repetition dialog box.
Click on OK to confirm.
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19. Select the Join icon the Split.2 and all the rotated instances.
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2. Edit the Properties of the new Open body then under the Feature Properties tab rename it as Bottle_Body.
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a. Select the Sketch.4 as Curve. Select the ZX plane as Support. Enter an Offset value of 3 mm. Click on OK to confirm.
b. Redo the same operation with the same entities but in the Reverse direction.
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Click on OK to confirm.
4. Select the Circle.1 as Curve. Select the Plane.2 as Support. Enter an Offset value of 1.6 mm.
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a. Select the Circle.1 as first Curve and the Parallel.1 as second curve as shown below.
b. Click on OK to confirm.
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7. Create another combined curve between the Sketch.4. and the Parallel.3.
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9. Create a sweep surface on the combined curves. a. Select the Sweep icon . b. Select Circular Implicit Swept surface type and Three guides subtype.
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d. Click on OK to confirm.
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10. Create three instances of the swept surface using a Translate. a. Select the Translate icon . b. Select the Sweep.2 (the sweep you have just created) as Element and the Z axis as direction.
Open a contextual menu in the Distance field then choose Edit formula. 125
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d. In the formula Editor dialog box, select the formula field. In the tree select the Offset parameter under the Plane.2 feature, then key in / 5 after the inserted string. Click on OK.
e. The distance formula has been added in the Translate definiton dialog box and a preview of the result is displayed.
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h. Click on OK to confirm.
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11. Join the created surfaces. a. Multi select the Sweep.2 and all the created translated surfaces.
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12. Create a Revolve surface using the Sketch.3 a. Select the Revolve icon . b. Select the Sketch.3 as profile.
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e. Click on OK to confirm.
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13. Trim the created revolved surface with the previous Join. a. Select the Trim icon . b. Select the Join.2 and Revolute.2 as surfaces to trim.
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14. Create a EdgeFillet on the created Trim. COPYRIGHT DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 134
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a. Select the EdgeFillet icon . b. Enter 2mm as Radius, select Tangency as Propagation type, then check the Trim option. Select the 8 edges as shown below.
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Step 3: Bottleneck
1. Insert a new Open Body.
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2. Edit the Properties of the new Open Body then under the Feature Properties tab rename it as Bottleneck.
3. Create the point between and the parallel plane. COPYRIGHT DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 138
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a. Select the Point icon . b. Select Between as Point type then select the Intersect.2 as first point and Intersect.3 as second point. Enter a ratio of 0.6 then click on OK.
4. Select the Plane icon . a. Select Parallel through point plane type. Select the Plane.2 as reference and the just created Point.3 as point. Click on OK to confirm the point creation.
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5. Create the Sketch.5 a. Select the Sketch icon . b. Select the ZX plane as sketch support. c. Draw on the fly the following profile.
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e. Select the Center of the lower arc then the Intersect.3 point, open a contextual menu then choose a coincidence constraint.
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Put a coincidence constraint between the lower point of the first arc and the Plane.3.
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b. Select a Maximum type, the just created Sketch.5 as element and the Z axis as direction. Click on OK to confirm the point creation.
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7. Create a Revolution surface with the sketch. a. Select the Revolve icon . b. Select the Sketch.5 as profile and the Intersect.1 as Revolution axis.
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8. Create a Boundary on the Revolution surface. a. Select the Boundary icon . b. Select the lower edge of the Revolution surface as shown below.
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9. Create a Point on the Boundary. a. Select the Point icon . b. Select On curve as point type. Select the Boundary as curve. Enter a Ratio of 0.125 of the boundary length from the Extremum.2 as reference.
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10. Create an Extruded surface from the Circle.1 curve. a. Select the Extrude icon . b. Select the Circle.1 as profile and the Z axis as direction. Enter a first limit of 12 mm
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11. Create the boundary of the extruded surface. a. Select the Boundary icon . b. Select the upper edge of the extrude.1 surface.
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12. Create the intermediate circle. a. Select the Circle icon . b. Choose Center and radius as Circle type. Select the Point.3 as center, the Plane.5 as Support and enter a radius of 35mm.
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13. Create the projected points. a. Select the Projection icon . b. Select the Extremum.2 as projected element and the Circle.3 you have just created as support then click on OK.
Redo the same operation to create a projected point on the Boundary.2 153
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14. Create the Loft. a. Select the Loft icon . b. Select the Boundary.1 as first section then the revolution surface as tangent and the Extremum.2 as Closing point. c. Select the Circle.3 as second section then the Project.1 as Closing point. d. Select the Boundary.2 as third section then the extrude surface as tangent and the Project.2 as Closing point.
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a. Select the Line icon . b. Choose Angle/Normal to curve as Line type. Select the Boundary.1 as curve and the Loft.1 as Support. Select the Extremum.2 as Starting Point. Enter 45 deg as Angle and 500 mm as End length. Check the Geometry on support option.
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d. Create a line with same characteristics but starting from the Point.4
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16. Create two Boundaries limited by the two lines. a. Hide the two previous boundary curves. b. Select the Boundary icon . c. Select the lower edge of the revolution surface then relimit the boundary with the two previous lines.
Generative Shape Design e. Redo the same operation with upper edge of the Extruded surface.
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17. Create a Fill surface with the created lines. 18. Hide the Loft.
19. Select the Fill surface icon . a. Select the four previous lines as shown below using the revolution and extruded surfaces as supports for the boundary curves. COPYRIGHT DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 159
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20. Rotate the fill surface around the Intersect.1. a. Select the Rotate icon . b. Select the Fill.1 as Element, Intersect.1 as axis then 45 degrees as angle. Check the Repeat object after OK. Click on OK.
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21. Analyse the connections between the created surfaces a. Multi-select the Fill.1 and the Rotate.5.
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23. Select the Information display mode to check that there is a gap between the two surfaces.
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24. Fill the gap between the rotated surfaces. a. Select the Healing icon . b. Select the Fill.1 and all the rotaed surfaces. Enter a Merging distance of 0.5 mm.
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d. Select the Join icon . e. Select the created Healing.1, the Extrude.1 and the Revolute.3
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Generative Shape Design 3. Create two Offset planes. a. Select Plane.1 and Plane.2 in the tree and Show them.
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b. Select the Plane icon . c. Choose Offset from plane as Plane type, select the Plane.1 as reference then enter an offset value of 2mm. Orient the direction upward. Click on OK to confirm the plane creation.
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Generative Shape Design 5. Create two circles on the Offset planes. a. Select the Intersection icon . b. Select the Plane.7 and the Bottle_Body as elements to intersect.
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Generative Shape Design d. Redo the same operation with the Plane.6 and the Bottle_Body.
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6. Redo the same operation with the Plane.1 and the Bottle_Bottom.
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7. Create two swept surfaces. a. Select the Sweep icon . b. Choose an Implicit linear profile as profile type and Two limits as subtype. Select the Intersect.6 and Intersect.7 as guide curve.
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d. Choose an Implicit linear profile as profile type and Two limits as subtype. Select the Intersect.5 and Circle.1 as guide curve. COPYRIGHT DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 173
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8. Trim the created surfaces with the previous bodies. a. Select the Trim icon . b. Select the Bottle_Body and the just created Sweep.4 as elements to sweep.
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9. Redo a Trim operation between the Body_Style and the just created Trim.5.
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10. Redo a Trim operation between the Bottle_Bottle and the Sweep.3.
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11. Redo a Trim operation between the just created Trim.7 and Trim.6.
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12. Create two edges fillets on the salient edges. a. Select the EdgeFillet ico n. b. Select the two edges as shown below and enter a 5 mm radius.
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3. Create the Start point and plane of the helix a. Select the Plane icon . b. Choose Parallel through point as Plane type, then select the XY plane as reference. COPYRIGHT DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 184
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Open a contextual menu in the point field to create on the fly the Point. Select Create Point.
d. Choose On curve as Point type. Select the Sketch.5 as Curve then enter a 1.5mm distance from the upper vertex of the sketch as shown below.
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b. Select the last created Point.5 as Starting point. Select the Intersect.1 as axis. Enter a pitch = 3mm and a Height = 7 mm then choose Counterclockwise as orientation.
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5. Create the line. a. Select the Line icon . b. Choose an Angle/Normal to curve as Line type. Complete the definition fields as shown below. COPYRIGHT DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 188
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6. Create the Point. a. Select the Point icon . b. Choose On curve as point type then complete the definition fields as shown below.
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7. Connect the curves. a. Select the Connect Curve icon . b. Select the Line.5 and vertex.2 as first curve elements then the Helix.1 and Point.7 as second curve elements. COPYRIGHT DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 190
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8. Create a Implicit circular profile swept surface. a. Select the Sweep icon . b. Choose the Implicit circular profile and the Center and radius subtype.
Select the Connect.1 as Center curve then enter a radius of 0.8 mm.
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9. Assemble the sweep with the assembled bottle. a. Select the Trim icon . 193
Generative Shape Design b. Select the Bottle_Assembled fillet then the just created Sweep.5 as elements.
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5. Select the Plane icon. a. Choose Offset from Plane as Plane type. b. In the Reference field, open a contextual menu and select Create Plane.
c. In the new Plane Definition dialog box, choose Angle/Normal to Plane as plane type d. In the Rotation axis field open a contextual menu then select Create Line.
e. In the Line Definition dialog box, choose Point-Direction as Line type f. In the Point field open a contextual menu then select Create Point.
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g. In the Point Definition dialog box choose Point by coordinates as Point type then create a point with the (0 ;0 ;0) as coordinates.
h. Click on OK to create the Point i. In the Line definition dialog box open a contextual menu in the direction field then select the X Axis
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j. k.
Click on OK to create the Line. In the Plane Definition dialog box select XY plane as reference and enter a Angle of 6.5 deg.
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9. Select the Fillet icon. a. Select the upper edge as shown below.
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2. Select the Plane icon by a double click. a. Choose Offset from Plane as Plane type. b. Select the ZX plane as reference and enter 10mm as Offset value.
c. Click on OK to create the plane. d. Select the ZX plane as reference and enter 110mm as Offset value.
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6. Select the Sketcher icon. 7. Draw the following Sketch on the created Plane.4
Generative Shape Design 9. Select the Loft icon. 10. Create a simple Loft using the two created sketches as Sections
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11. Select the Line icon. a. Choose Point-Point as Line type then select the indicated vertices as shown below.
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12. Select the Fill surface icon . a. In the Fill Surface Definition panel select the green and blue curves as boundary curves as shown below.
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13. Select the Join icon a. Select the just created Fill.1 and Loft.2 as Elements to join.
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b. Click on OK to create the surface. 14. Select the Split icon a. Select the Join as Element to cut then the bottom face of the Pad as cutting element.
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3. Exit the Sketcher 4. Select the Groove icon. a. Select the just created sketch as Profile then enter the parameters as shown below..
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3. Exit the Sketcher 4. Select the Shaft icon a. Select the just created sketch as Profile and enter the parameters as shown below.
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5. Click on the Edge Fillet icon. a. Select the two edges as shown.
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b. Click on OK to confirm.
Generative Shape Design a. Select the upper face of the just created shaft.
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b. Choose Simple as Hole type, then Up to Next as Extension type and enter 28mm as Diameter value.
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2. Select the Sketcher icon. 3. Draw the following Sketch on the Upper plane of the part.
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5. Exit the Sketcher 6. Select the Pocket icon. a. Select the just Created sketch. Choose Up to Next as type.
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b. Choose Simple as Hole type, then Up to Next as Extension type and enter 11mm as Diameter value.
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Under the Hole node in the tree double ckick on the created sketch of the hole to open it
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8. Select the Sketcher icon. 9. Draw the following Sketch on the Upper plane of the part.
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10. Exit the Sketcher 11. Select the User Pattern icon.
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12. Select the Edge Fillet icon. a. Select the upper edges of the just created holes and enter a radius of 0.5 mm.
13. Select the Sketcher icon. 14. Draw the following Sketch on the ZX plane.
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15. Exit the Sketcher 16. Select the Pocket icon. a. Select the just Created sketch. Choose Up to Next as type.
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2. Select the Sketcher icon. 3. Draw the following sketch on the YZ plane.
4. Select the Shaft icon. a. Select the just created sketch as profile. Enter 12.5 degrees as First and second angles.
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b. Click on OK to create the shaft. 5. Select the Edge Fillet icon. a. Select the following edges on thge created shaft then enter a radius value of 0.4mm.
6. Select the Sketcher icon. 7. Select the bottom face of the part as sketch support.
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9. Exit the Sketcher 10. Select the Pad icon. a. Select the previous sketch as profile and enter a length of 3mm.
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13. Create a circular pattern with the new body. a. Select the circular pattern icon
b. Select the just created Body.2 as element to repeat. Enter 6 as number of instances then 60 degrees as angular spacing.
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1. Using the icon at the bottom of the screen, create an evolution law: a. In the LAW EDITOR window, declare 2 parameters (real type) clicking 2 times on this button: b. 2 new parameters appear in the parameter list:
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Note: to make parameters appear in the formula, double-click on the parameter in the parameter list.
2. We are going to use this law to create a curve parallel to Circle.1. a. b. c. d. Click on this icon: Curve: select Circle.1 Support: select Plane.3 in the tree. Mode: select the LAW mode and select in the tree the previously created law: Law.1
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1. We are going to create the symmetry to Parallel.1 using Project.2 as reference. a. Click the icon b. Element: Parallel.1 c. Reference: Project.2
2. We are going to create an extremum point (minimum) on the Sketch.1 using the Z direction. a. b. c. d. Click on the icon Element: Sketch.1 Direction: W Axis Mode: min
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3. Now we are going to split the Sketch.1 with the 2 points : Extremum.1 (previously created) and Point. 3 a. Click this icon b. Element to cut: Sketch.1 c. Cutting element: Point.3
Note: Be sure to keep the wright part of Sketch.1 (bigger one). d. Repeat this operation with the point Extremum.1:
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4. Now we will translate the point Project.2 in the Z direction (offset: 10mm) a. Click the icon b. Element: Project.2 c. Direction: select Plane.3 in the tree (CATIA will take as direction the normal to this plane: Z)
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5. We are going to create a plane parallel to the Plane.3 and passing through the previously created point a. b. c. d. Click this icon Plane type: Parallel through point Reference: Plane.3 Point: Translate.2
6. Now we will create a circle lying on this new plane, centered on the point Translate.2 (radius=2mm) a. b. c. d. e. f. Click the icon Circle type: center and radius Center: Translate.2 Support: Plane.5 Radius: 2mm Circle limitations mode :
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7. Finally we will translate the point Translate.2 normally to Plane.5 (offset=1.2mm) a. b. c. d. Click the icon Element: Translate.2 Direction: Plane.5 Distance: 1.2mm
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2. Create the lower boundary of this surface: a. We are going to use the previously created wireframe elements to create a circle sweep b. Click this icon c. d. e. f. g. h. Profile type: circle Subtype: Two guides and tangency surface Limit curve with tangency: Boundary.3 Tangency surface: Sweep.1 Limit curve: Circle.4 Spine: Circle.4
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3. Join the two previously created surfaces using the icon 4. Now we are going to fill the Circle.5 passing through the point Translate.3 a. Click the icon b. Boundary curve: Circle.5 c. Passing point: Translate.3
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Step 3: Creating a blend surface with coupling and adding the handle
1. First, we are going to create the wireframe that will support the coupling points creation a. Click the icon b. Select the upper edge of the surface Sweep.1
Generative Shape Design Note: Do not forget to select the propagation mode called Point Continuity
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d. Click the icon to create a plane passing through the previously created boundary e. Select the Boundary.4
Then create a point on this plane (coordinate: 0,0) clicking the icon On Plane. g. Key in the coordinates: H=0 and V=0.
2. Now, we are going to create the first coupling point using the function Polar Extremum a. Click the icon Type: Min Radius b. Contour: Boundary.4 c. Support: Plane.6 (previously created) d. Origin: Point.5 (previously created) e. Reference direction: X (select it with the 3rd button of the mouse)
CATIA calculates the point on the curve that is the closer from the origin point (Point.5)
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g. As you see, many points are possible. We will keep only one:
3. Now we are going to create the next coupling point. a. b. c. d. e. f. Click this icon Select the mode On Curve Select the curve Boundary.4 Select the option Ratio of Curve Length Choose the point Near.1 as reference point (previously created) Key in the ratio 0.1
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g. Repeat the operation 8 times, each time choosing the previously created point as reference point:
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4. We are going to create the boundary of the surface Fill.3 a. First hide the Circle.5 b. Then create the boundary of Fill.3 using the icon and then selecting the edge of Fill.3:
c. Then project all the previously creating points (those lying on Boundary.4): d. Multi-Select the previously created points to project. e. Select the icon f. Select the support: Boundary.5 (previously created)
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5. The coupling points are now ready. We are going to use them to create the connecting surface between Fill.3 and Join.3 (the 2 swept surfaces previously garthered) a. Click the icon b. Select Boundary.4 as first curve and Join.3 as first support. Selecting Join.3 as first support, we are adding a tangency condition between the blend surface and Join.3. c. Select Boundary.5 as second curve but do not select Fill.3 as second support. d. Select the option coupling:
e. And now select the coupling points (Near.1 and its projected point) so that you should get this:
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Note: Always make sure the two selected curves are oriented in the same direction. If not, click on the red arrow to invert the direction as shown:
The blend surface is created. You can now join it to Join.3 and Fill.3 with the icon The resulting entity is called Join.4 6. We are now going to add the handle to the previously created surfaces. a. Show the handle.
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Note: the operation is made in Open.Body.4 but the handle is another Open.Body. So, the original handle is not automatically hidden. You have to hide it yourself to visualize the result of the trim operation. 7. Finally, we are going to add a fillet on the sharp edge shown above. a. Click the icon b. Select the sharp edge and key in a 1mm radius value.
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You have completed all the surface creation of the Lemon Squeezer. The only thing to do now is to add filtering holes (useful to filter the pips while squeezing a lemon).
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3. We are going to create a circular pattern in order to repeat this geometry. a. b. c. d. e. Select the previously created sketch and click the icon Parameters: angular spacing and total angle. Angular spacing: 18deg Total angle: 342deg Reference element: Plane.7 (previously created)
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4. Now we are going to project Sketch.6 (ellipse) and CircPattern.1 on the main surface called EdgeFillet.2. a. b. c. d. Click the icon and select the Sketch.6. Projection type: Along a direction Support: EdgeFillet.2 Direction: Z (select it by clicking with the 3rd button of the mouse in the direction panel) 256
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5. Repeat the same operation with CircPattern.1 but deselect the option Nearest Solution:
a. CATIA asks you if you want to keep only of the sub-elements engendered by the operation or not:
6. Now we are going to split EdgeFillet.2 using the previously projected curves
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a. Select the icon and select EdgeFillet.2 (main surface) as element to cut. b. Select the first projected curve (ellipse projection) as cutting element.
7. You obtain a result called Split.4. Now split Split.4 the same way but using the Circular pattern projection as cutting element.
Note: even if this projection contains many disconnected curves, CATIA sees it as only one entity.
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