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Catia Symbols

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From: sachin.shrotri@incat.com [mailto:sachin.shrotri@incat.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 10:27 AM
To: Venkatraman Sridhar
Cc: Shingade Vrushali; Marathe Ashish
Subject: CATIA V5 Symbols

Dear Sridhar,

Greetings from INCAT PLM Team!

Please find some CATIA Miscellaneous Symbols for your perusal.

CATIA Miscellaneous Symbols

Bodies and PartBodies

Depending on the chosen environment type, icons representing bodies (and partbodies) are assigned
distinct colors as summarized in this table:

Environment type Solid body Body Insert Body command

Solid body


When creating a new body (using Insert->Body or Insert->Body in a Set), the icon associated to the
inserted body is assigned the green color in the specification tree.

A Part Body. This type of partbody can include solids, wireframe and
PartBody surface elements.

The icon identifying part bodies is:

green in a hybrid environment (default environment).

yellow in a non-hybrid environment.

A solid PartBody. This type of Part Body cannot include wireframe nor
PartBody surface elements.

The icon identifying solid part bodies is:

gray in a hybrid environment (default environment)

green in a non-hybrid environment.

A Body. This type of body can include solids, wireframe and surface
Body.3 elements.

The icon identifying bodies is:

green in a hybrid environment (default environment).

yellow in a non-hybrid environment.

A solid body. This type of body cannot include wireframe nor surface
Body.1 elements.

The icon identifying solid bodies is:

green in a non-hybrid environment.

gray in a hybrid environment (default environment).

xy plane, yz plane or zx plane. You can click the desired reference
xy plane plane either in the geometry area or in the specification tree.

A model with a geometrical representation.


Sketch.1 Sketch. For more information about Sketcher Workbench, refer to :

Entering the Sketcher Workbench in Sketcher User's Guide.

Absolute Axis: contains information about Origin, HDirection and

AbsoluteAxis VDirection.

HDirection or VDirection.

Geometry (Point, Line,...): Wireframe and Surfaces features.


Constraints: Parallelism, Perpendicularity, etc.


Publication : a CATPart or CATProduct element is published that is to

face say its geometrical data is exposed. For more information refer to
Managing a Product Publication in Assembly User's Guide.

Assembly hole. For detailed information about Assembly features,

refer to Assembly Design User's Guide Version 5.

External references branch of the part : external geometry (a face, a

Open_body.1 point or a line) is copied/imported from driving parts to contextual
parts that are being driven (Design in context). You can customize
External References as follows: select Tools -> Options ->
Infrastructure -> Part Infrastructure, click the General tab and
check the Keep links with selected object option.
A product in NO SHOW mode. For information about the SHOW/NO
Product4 SHOW modes, see Displaying Hidden Objects in Infrastructure's User

A part in NO SHOW mode. For information about the SHOW/NO

Part5 SHOW modes, see Displaying Hidden Objects in Infrastructure's User
The Sketcher symbol is by default in NO SHOW mode.

Product Structure Symbols

Product Structure
A product. For more information, refer to Insert a New Product in Product
Product1 Structure User's Guide.

A component or sub-product. For more information, refer to Insert a New

Product2 Component in Product Structure User's Guide.

The purple little wheel to the left corner of the CATProduct icon and the light bar
Flexible_product identify a flexible sub-assembly. For more information, refer to Soft Sub-
Assemblies in Product Structure User's Guide.

Instance of a part. This symbol means that there is a geometrical

Part.1 representation of the part and that it is activated.

The representation of this part is deactivated. This symbol means the geometric
representation is deactivated. Before opening a document, you choose the
activate or deactivate Shape representation in Tools->Options->Infrastructure,
select the Product Structure tab and check the box entitled Do not activate
default shapes on open.
For a particular instance in the document, you can deactivate or activate it by
selecting the Representations -> Deactivate Node / Activate Node contextual

The representation of this component is deactivated.

Contextual parts:

For contextual parts, the reference keeps a link with the Original or Definition Instance (or Original Part).

For each parts, every instance keeps a link with its reference. But the Contextual Reference (or Contextual Part)
has only one link, with a single instance which is contextual. This unique link allows you to know the name of
the document (CATProduct) on which the part 's external geometry rests.

There is a distinction between the Original Instance and the subsequent Contextual References because the
geometrical definition of contextual Parts depends on neighboring components (support) in the Assembly. The
Geometry of the Contextual Part depends on another instance in the same Assembly (second link).

Three Instances of Contextual Part exist:

This icon shows that the Part Reference is contextual and this Instance is the
_ Definition Instance Definition Instance. The green gear and the blue chain signify the "original"
instance of a part that is contextual (driven by another part, built with another
part's data) in a CATProduct.

This contextual part, represented by the white gear and the green arrow, is an
_ Instance of the Instance of the Definition Instance, coming from the Contextual Part. The
Definition Instance geometry of this instance is connected with the Definition Instance (contextual
link). Note that you can edit this contextual part.

The brown gear and the red flash signify that the Part reference is contextual
and that this instance is not used in the Part Definition. Note that you can edit
this Contextual Part. This symbol can appear when you copy / paste or insert a
_ Other Instance of the Contextual Part into another CATProduct without taking into account the
Contextual Part contextual links.

In this case the user needs to resort to the "Define Contextual Links" or "Isolate
Part" commands in order to redefine the context of the Part and this red flash
will be turned into a blue chain or green arrow.
For more information, please read the following scenarios: Defining
Contextual Links: Editing and Replacing Commands, and Isolating a Part in
Product Structure User' Guide.
Reference of a part. For more information, refer to Insert a New Part in Product
Part1 Structure User's Guide.

A deactivated component. The shape representation is deactivated; its geometry

is not visible. This functionality can occur simultaneously on several documents
containing this component, especially when this component is the instance of a
Deactivated_Component reference. This operation is equivalent to the Delete operation because the
reference of the component no longer exists within the Bill Of Material.
A deactivated product.

The geometry of the component disappears. The product is downloaded, its

Unloaded_Product references are missing but the user is able to find them back.

Symbols reflecting an incident in the Geometry


Miscellaneous Incidents

Part to be updated

No visualization of the product or the part. The product's reference cannot

Product1 be found. The geometry of the component disappears.

A broken link. The access to this product is impossible because the link with
PartBody the root document has been lost.

A broken shaft.

The pocket's representation is deactivated.

Isolated plane (can no longer be edited)

Incidents on Constraints
A broken constraint. The access to this product and the information about its
Offset.1 constraints cannot be retrieved.
A deactivated constraint (a parallelism constraint).
A constraint to be updated (a perpendicularity constraint).

Referenced Geometry

Referenced Geometry
Geometry copied from a document different from the
CATPart document in which it is pasted.

Initial geometry has undertaken modifications in the

original CATPart document: solid to be synchronized.

Initial geometry has been deleted in the original CATPart

document or the original CATPart document has not been

Pointed document found but not loaded (use the Load

contextual command or the Edit -> Links command)
External link deactivated so that geometry cannot be
synchronized during the update of the part (even if the
option "Synchronize all external references for update" is

Geometry pasted (using the As Result with Link option)

within the same CATPart document from which it is has
been copied

Point referenced in the CATPart document is a published


Sketch referenced in the CATPart document is a published

element. The published point has undertaken modifications
so that a synchronization is required.

We assure you of our best support and services at all times.


Sachin Shrotri
PLM Consultant

TATA Technologies Limited

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