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Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 50:611624 DOI 10.



Review of research work in sinking EDM and WEDM on metal matrix composite materials
R. K. Garg & K. K. Singh & Anish Sachdeva & Vishal S. Sharma & Kuldeep Ojha & Sharanjit Singh

Received: 18 September 2009 / Accepted: 11 January 2010 / Published online: 20 February 2010 # Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010

Abstract Metal matrix composites (MMCs) are newly advanced materials having the properties of light weight, high specific strength, good wear resistance and a low thermal expansion coefficient. These materials are extensively used in industry. Greater hardness and reinforcement makes it difficult to machine using traditional techniques, which has impeded the development of MMCs. The use of traditional machinery to machine hard composite materials causes serious tool wear due to the abrasive nature of reinforcement. These materials can be machined by many non-traditional methods like water jet and laser cutting but these processes are limited to linear cutting only. Electrical discharge machining (EDM) shows higher capability for cutting complex shapes with high precision for these materials. The paper presents a review of EDM process and year wise research work done in EDM on MMCs. The paper also discusses the future trend of research work in the same area. Keywords EDM . Metal matrix composites . Process parameters

to produce dies, punches, and molds. It is widely used for finishing parts for aerospace and automotive industry and surgical components [1]. This process can be successfully employed to machine electrically conductive parts irrespective of their hardness, shape, and toughness [24]. 1.1 Working principle of electrical discharge machining The working principle is based on the thermoelectric energy. The thermoelectric energy (in form of spark) is created between a workpiece and an electrode submerged in a dielectric fluid with conduction of electric current. The workpiece and the electrode are separated by a specific small gap, the so-called spark gap, and pulsed discharges occur in this gap filled with an insulating medium [58]. The insulating effect of the dielectric medium has some importance in avoiding electrolysis effects on the electrodes during machining process. The electrode moves toward the workpiece until the gap is small enough so that the applied voltage is high enough to ionize the dielectric fluid [9]. Dielectric liquid must be selected to minimize the gap (10-100 m) to obtain precise machining. However, a certain minimum gap width is needed to avoid short circuiting, particularly with the electrodes that are sensitive to vibration (like wire electrodes) or deformation. The ignition of the discharge is initiated by a high voltage, overcoming the dielectric breakdown strength of the small gap. Short duration discharges are generated in a liquid dielectric gap, which separate electrode and workpiece. The material is removed with the erosive effect of the electrical discharges from tool and workpiece [10]. In this process, there is no direct contact between the electrode and the workpiece thus eliminating mechanical stresses, chatter, and vibration problems during machining [1]. The mirror image of electrode is copied with an offset equal to the gap

1 Introduction Electrical discharge machining is basically a nonconventional material removal process which is widely used
R. K. Garg : A. Sachdeva : V. S. Sharma : K. Ojha : S. Singh (*) Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, Dr B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar-144011 Punjab, India e-mail: malhi.sharanjit@gmail.com K. K. Singh Department of Mechanical Engineering & Mining Machinery Engineering, Indian School of Mines (ISM), Dhanbad-826004 Jharkhand, India


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size. A channel of plasma (ionized, electrically conductive gas with high temperature) is formed between the electrodes and develops further with discharge duration. As the metal removal per discharge is very small, discharges should occur at high frequencies (103-106 Hz). For every pulse, discharge occurs at a single location where the electrode materials are evaporated and/or ejected in the molten phase. As a result, a small crater is generated both on the tool electrode and workpiece surfaces. Removed materials form several hundreds of spherical debris particles, which are then flushed away from the gap by the dielectric flow. After the end of the discharge duration, the temperature of the plasma and the electrode surfaces contacting the plasma rapidly drops, resulting in a recombination of ions and electrons and a recovery of the dielectric breakdown strength. This technique has been developed in the late 1940s [11]. Trends on activities carried out by researchers depend on the interest of the researchers and the availability of the technology. Rajurkar in 1994 has indicated some future trends activities in electrical discharge machining (EDM): machining advanced materials, mirror surface finish using powder additives, ultrasonic-assisted EDM and control and automation [12]. Process parameters and performance measures of this process are shown in Fig. 1. 1.2 Process parameters The process parameters can be divided into two categories, i.e., electrical and non-electrical parameters. 1.2.1 Electrical parameters Major electrical parameters are discharge voltage, peak current, pulse duration and pulse interval, electrode gap, polarity, and pulse wave form. Discharge voltage is related to spark gap and breakdown strength of the dielectric fluid. The open-gap voltage before electric discharge increases

EDM Process

Process parameters Electrical Non electrical

Performance measures 1. MRR 2. TWR 3. SR MRR-Material removal rate TWR-Tool wear rate SR-Surface roughness

1. Peak voltage 2. Peak current 3. Pulse duration 4. Polarity 5. Electrode gap 6. Pulse interval 7. Pulse wave form

1. Flushing 2. Electrode Rotation 3. Workpiece Rotation

Fig. 1 Process parameters and performance measures of EDM Process

until ionization path is created between workpiece and electrode. Once the current starts flowing, the voltage drops and stabilizes at the working gap level. Thus a higher voltage setting increases the gap, which in turn improves the flushing conditions and helps to stabilize the cut. Peak current is the amount of power used in discharge machining and is considered as most significant process parameter. The current increases until it reaches a preset level during each pulse on-time, which is known as peak current. Peak current is governed by surface area of cut. Higher peak current is applied during roughing operation and details with large surface area. This is the most important parameter because the machined cavity is a replica of tool electrode and excessive wear will hamper the accuracy of machining. New improved electrode materials like graphite, can work on high currents without much damage [1]. Pulse duration is commonly referred to as pulse on-time and pulse interval is called pulse off-time. These are expressed in units of microseconds. Since all the work is done during pulse duration, hence this parameters and the number of cycles per second (frequency) are important. Material removal rate (MRR) depends upon the amount of energy applied during the pulse duration [13]. Increased pulse duration also allow more heat to sink into the workpiece and spread, which means the recast layer will be larger and the heat-affected zone will be deeper. Material removal rate tends to decrease after an optimal value of pulse duration. Pulse interval mainly affects machining speed and stability of cut. Shorter interval, results in faster machining operation. However, if the interval is too short, the ejected workpiece material will not be flushed away with the flow of the dielectric fluid and the dielectric fluid will not be deionized. This results in instability of the next spark. Erratic cycling due to unstable spark results in prolonged machining time. At the same time, pulse interval must be greater than the deionization time to prevent continued sparking at one point [14]. Electrode gap is set by tool servo mechanism. This mechanism is designed to respond well to the average gap voltage [15]. The most important requirements for good performance are gap stability and the reaction speed of the system as the presence of backlash is undesirable. The reaction speed must be high in order to respond to short circuits or open-gap conditions. The electrode polarity may be positive or negative. In general, polarity is determined by experiments and is dependent tool material, work material, current density, and pulse length combinations. Modern power supplies insert an opposite polarity swing pulse at fixed intervals to prevent arcing. A typical ratio is one swing pulse for every 15 standard pulses [1].

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The pulse wave form is normally rectangular but generators with other pulse shapes have also been developed. With a generator which can produce trapezoidal pulses, the relative tool wear reduces to a very low value [16]. Other types of generators introduce an initial pulse of high voltage but low current and of a few microseconds duration, before the main pulse, which facilitates ignition. The EDM process is of stochastic thermal nature having complicated discharge mechanism [17]. Hence, it is difficult to explain all the effect of these parameters on performance measures. However, researchers now rely on process analysis for optimization of parameters to identify the effect of operating variables on achieving the desired machining characteristics. Lin [18] used gray relational analysis for solving the complicated interrelationships between process parameters and the multiple performance measures. Taguchi approach has also been applied by many other researchers [1921] to analyze and design the ideal EDM process. 1.2.2 Non-electrical parameters

been reported [21, 36, 37]. Though EDM is essentially a material removal process, efforts have been made to use it as a surface treatment method and/or an additive process. Many surface changes have been reported ever since the process established itself in the tool rooms of manufacturing industry [38]. 1.4 Types of EDM processes 1.4.1 Sinking EDM In this process, the workpiece can be formed, either by replication of a shaped tool electrode, or by threedimensional (3D) movement of a simple electrode like in milling or a combination of the above. The electrode material is normally copper or graphite. The numerical control monitors the gap conditions (voltage and current) and synchronously controls the different axes and the pulse generator. The dielectric liquid is filtrated to remove debris particles and decomposition products. 1.4.2 Wire EDM

Main non-electrical parameters are flushing of dielectric fluid, workpiece rotation, and electrode rotation. These non-electrical parameters play a critical role in optimizing performance measures. Researches on flushing pressure reveals that it affects the surface roughness, tool wear rate, act as coolant and also play a vital role in flushing away the debris from the machining gap [2224]. Based on the experimental results, Lonardo and Bruzzone [22] reported that flushing pressure during the roughing operation affects the MRR and tool wear rate (TWR), while in the finishing operation, it influences the SR. Both MRR and TWR increased with increase in flushing pressure. The flushing pressure also influences the crack density and recast layer, which can be minimized by obtaining an optimal flushing rate based on empirical data [23]. Workpiece rotary motion improves the circulation of the dielectric fluid in the spark gap and temperature distribution of the workpiece yielding better MRR and SR [25]. Similarly, electrode rotation results in better flushing action and sparking efficiency [26]. Hence, improvement in MRR and SR has been reported due to effective gap flushing due to electrode rotation [2729]. 1.3 Performance measures Performance measures are material removal rate, tool wear rate, and surface roughness. In MRR research, work focused on material removal mechanism and methods of improving MRR [3035]. Similarly, research work on tool wear process and methods of improvement in TWR has

In WEDM, material is eroded from the workpiece by a series of discrete sparks occurring between the workpiece and the wire separated by a stream of dielectric fluid, which is continuously fed to the machining zone. The process uses a thin copper wire of diameter about 0.1-0.3 mm as the electrode and the workpiece is mounted on a computer numeric-controlled (CNC) worktable. Complex twodimensional shapes that can be cut on the workpiece by controlled movement of the x-y worktable [39]. The thin wire is fed continuously through the workpiece by a microprocessor, which enable parts of complex shapes to be machined with extraordinary high accuracy. The microprocessor also constantly maintains the gap between the wire and the workpiece, which varies from 0.025 to 0.05 mm. The process eliminates the need for elaborate preshaped electrodes, which are commonly required in sinking EDM to perform the roughing and finishing operations. The wire has to make several machining passes along the profile to be machined to attain the required dimensional accuracy and surface quality. This process is widely applied not only in tool and die-making industry, but also in the fields of medicine, electronics, and the automotive industry [40]. 1.4.3 Micro-EDM This process is capable of machining not only micro-holes and micro-shafts as small as 5 m in diameter but also complex 3D micro-cavities. This is unlike mechanical drilling, which can produce holes just up to 70 m, or the micro-fabrication process such as laser machining, which


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can only create holes of 40 m [1]. This process is basically of four typesmicro-wire EDM, die-sinking micro-EDM, micro-EDM drilling, and micro-EDM milling. In microwire EDM, a wire which has a diameter down to 0.02 mm is used to cut through a workpiece. In die-sinking microEDM, an electrode is used containing micro-features to cut its mirror image in the workpiece. In micro-EDM drilling, micro-electrodes (of diameters down to 510 m) are used to drill micro-holes in the workpiece. In micro-EDM milling, micro-electrodes (of diameters down to 510 m) are employed to produce 3D cavities by adopting a movement strategy similar to that in conventional milling. On micro-EDM, a model with numerical simulation and experimental validation is proposed by the researchers [41]. This model predicts reasonable values for current density, crater area, power dissipation, and the rate of channel growth. MRR in a single discharge, plasma temperature, and radius of crater at the cathode predicted by using the models were found to agree well with the experimental data in the literature [42]. 1.4.4 Powder-mixed EDM The mechanism of this process is totally different from the conventional EDM [43]. A suitable material in powder form is mixed into the dielectric fluid. When a suitable voltage is applied, the spark gap filled up with additive particles and the gap distance setup between tool and the workpiece increased from 25-50 to 50150 m [44]. The powder particles arrange themselves under the sparking area and gather in clusters. The chain formation helps in bridging the gap between both the electrodes which causes the early explosion. Faster sparking within discharge takes place and causes faster erosion from the workpiece surface. 1.4.5 Dry EDM

reaction with the matrix. For example, carbon fibers are commonly used in aluminum matrix to synthesize composites showing low density and high strength. However, carbon reacts with aluminum to generate a brittle and watersoluble compound Al4C3 on the surface of the fiber. To prevent this reaction, the carbon fibers are coated with nickel or titanium boride. These materials have significant advantages like highspecific stiffness, wear resistance, strength, weight reduction, high thermal conductivity, low coefficient of thermal expansion and high-dimensional stability. These materials are now used in automotive and aerospace field due to their superior physical and mechanical properties. These materials have good formability [45, 46]. Typical matrix metals are Cu, Fe, Al, Mg, Ti, and Pb. Important reinforcement materials are SiC, Al4O3, and TiB2. These reinforcement materials are applied either in whisker particulate and continuous fibrous form. Inspite of many advantages, secondary conventional machining processes like turning, drilling, and milling of materials limits the wide applications of MMCs. This is due to poor machinability, productivity, and machined product quality. Machining of these materials includes high tool wear rate, sub-surface damage, and cracking [4749]. These materials can be machined by water jet and laser cutting, but these processes are limited to linear cutting only. EDM is more capable for these materials for cutting complex shapes with high precision [48, 50]. Nowadays, EDM is widely used for machining of materials including high alloy tool steels, conductive ceramics, germanium, alumina subtracts, and polycrystalline diamonds with accuracy and finishing down to submicron range [47, 5156].

2 Research in sinking EDM on metal matrix composites 2.1 SiC/aluminum matrix In this process, tool electrode is in the form of a thin-walled pipe through which high-pressure gas or air is supplied. The role of the gas is to remove the debris from the gap and cooling of the inter electrode gap. The technique was developed to decrease the pollution caused by the use of liquid dielectric which leads to production of vapors during machining and the cost to manage the waste. 1.5 Metal matrix composite materials Metal matrix composites are composite materials with at least two constituent parts. One being a metal and the other material may be a different metal or another material, such as a ceramic or organic compound. These are made by dispersing a reinforcing material into a metal matrix. The reinforcement surface can be coated to prevent a chemical Ramulu and Taya investigated machinability of 15 vol.% and 25 vol.% SiC whisker/2124 aluminum matrix (SiCw/ Al) composites [57]. The material samples were cut at coarse, medium, and fine conditions using copper and brass tools. It was found that material removal rate increases with increase in power of electrode. MRR in 15 vol.% SiCw/ 2124 Al is >25 vol.% SiCw/2124 Al. Material removal rate obtained by using copper electrode is 5-10% less than that of obtained when using brass electrode. Machining time appears to be higher in 25 vol.% SiCw/Al than in 15% SiCw/Al composite. The micro-hardness tests on SiCw/Al composite have revealed that the machining causes surface softening at slower cutting speed. It was also found that higher cutting speed results in micro-damage in the surface and sub-surface area.

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However, in the study performance, measures were evaluated only for variation in average current. Effects of variation of other parameters have not been taken into account. Also, machinability of 25 vol.% SiCw/2124 Al was evaluated only for brass electrode, whereas the second sample material was evaluated for both brass and copper electrode. Next study was conducted on particle reinforced aluminum matrix composite (SiCp/Al). Hung et al. in 1994 investigated the feasibility of applying electrical discharge machining process for cast aluminum MMC reinforced with silicon carbide particles [49]. Statistical models of the process were also developed to predict the effect of process parameters on metal removal rate, re-cast layer, and surface finish. It was found that the presence of SiC particles results in reduced MRR. This is because these particles shield the aluminum matrix and protect it from being vaporized. The unmelted SiC particles drop out from the composite material together with surrounding molten aluminum droplets. While some aluminum droplets are flushed away by the dielectric, others trap the loosened SiC particles then re-solidify onto the surface to form a re-cast layer (RCL). No crack was found in the RCL and the softened heataffected zone, which is below the RCL. It was reported that MRR and depth of recast layer is mainly controlled by input power and the current alone dominates the surface finish of machined surface. The study is detailed in nature and particularly investigates the effect of variation in process parameters on performance measures. Explanation of formation phenomenon of recast layer and its properties is additional information. De Silva and Rankine studied the electro-erosion characteristic of SiC/Al and found that the Al matrix surrounding the reinforcing particles was melted [58]. The SiC particles were then dislodged from the matrix and flushed away by the dielectric fluid [59]. Hocheng et al. have made a preliminary study of MRR of SiC/Al composite [60]. Heat conduction model was applied to interpret correlation between the major machining parameters such as electrical current, pulse duration, and crater size produced by single spark for the representative material SiC/Al. Material removal characteristics of single and continuous discharge were investigated. The study starts from single discharge and relationship between crater size and set discharge parameters was found. Two heat conduction models were used to calculate crater size formed in a single discharge and results were compared with experimental data. The experimental results follow very well with finite step source heat conduction model. The material removal rate was found proportional to the applied current and on-time. The crater size of SiC/Al is also compared with that of steel and found larger than that. In the continuous

discharge analysis, one finds the discharge of SiC/Al is more irregular and the material removal rate is faster at the beginning followed by being retarded due to the existence of SiC particles in the gap. As closed-loop gap control is applied. The material removal rate is greatly improved as expected. For effective machining of SiC/Al, large current and short on-time is recommended. The research work is important in establishing correlation between theoretical and empirical results. However, the composition of composite is not mentioned in paper. Thus effect of SiC percentage cannot be predicted. Karthikeyan et al. in 1997 worked on mathematical modeling for electric discharge machining of aluminum silicon carbide particulate composites [61]. They investigated the effects of the percent volume of SiC, current and pulse duration on the MRR, TWR, and SR. Also, they developed the mathematical models to predict the same within the operating region. The analysis of the experimental observations showed that the above-mentioned performance measures are greatly influenced by the percent volume of SiC present in material, current, and pulse duration. The MRR increases with an increase in the current and decreases with an increase in the percent volume of SiC and the pulse duration. The TWR increases with an increase in the current and the percent volume of SiC, but decreases with an increase in the pulse duration. The surface roughness increases with an increase in the current, the percent volume of SiC and the pulse duration. Moreover, an optimal combination of the various process parameters was found in such a way that the TWR and the surface roughness can be minimized and the MRR can be maximized. The paper finds the effect of variation in process parameters and composition of material on performance measures and also reports parameters optimization. It also contributes in theoretical modeling of the process for the material. However, EDM is a complex process where several disciplines of science and branches of engineering are involved in its theory. Therefore, it is difficult to develop universal mathematical model for predicting performance measures. Thus, the developed model is valid only within same operating region of experiment. Muller and Monaghan presented details and results of an investigation into the machinability of SiC particle reinforced aluminum matrix composites using different nonconventional machining processes such as electro discharge machining, laser cutting and abrasive water jet [62]. Objective of the research work was to investigate difference in surface quality, including surface roughness, surface topography, and sub-surface damage of machined workpiece. Furthermore, the effect of the reinforcement on the machining operation was investigated by performing comparative tests on non-reinforced aluminum alloy sam-


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ples. The results obtained indicate that Al/SiC particle reinforced metal matrix composite (PRMMC) is machinable by using same non-conventional machining processes. The findings show that EDM process is suitable for machining PRMMCs, but the process is very slow. Machining results in a crater-like surface. The size of the craters increases with increased discharge energy. Also, relatively small amount of sub-surface damage is found on the cut surfaces after machining (depending on the chosen machining settings). The research work focuses mainly on influence of reinforcement on surface quality of machined material. Other performance measures have not been taken into account in much detail. Since different machining processes have different setup and different material removal mechanism therefore resulted in different surface integrities. Ramulu et al. carried out experimental investigation on the effect of surface roughness generated by machining process on mechanical properties of 15 vol.% SiCp/A336 aluminum metal matrix composite [63]. Main objective was to study the fatigue behavior of machined surface. Based on the investigation, several conclusions were drawn. Surface integrity effects include surface roughness caused by deposition of recast layer, pitting of surface, surface micro-cracks, and slight material softening below recast layer. The surface pitting is caused by spark penetration and particle pollution. The yield and ultimate strength of material were found to reduce with increase in MRR. Vickers hardness tests revealed that material softening takes place up to depth of approximately 200 m below recast layer. The direct physical effects includes high surface roughness and disruption of microstructure in form of recasting of matrix aluminum and pollution of silicon carbide particulate which promotes the initiation of surface cracks and eventual failure. The machining results in clearly observable surface damage of material, resulting in inferior surface integrity. Also, a rougher surface is produced than polished one which in term contributes to decrease in fatigue strength of material by 15-20% for same life at high cycle (Nf >10,000). Prior to this study, little was known about fatigue strength of EDM-worked MMCs. The thermal damage caused by sparking results in imperfect surface integrity. Since fatigue strength is influenced by surface quality, its impact is needed to be investigated. There are very little published work investigating mechanical properties of EDM-worked material, and this research work is one of them. Mohan et al. evaluated the machining feasibility of Al-SiC composites [64]. The objective was to investigate influence of process parameters, electrode material, and volume percentage of SiC particle on performance measures. Electrode polarity, discharge current, pulse duration, and

electrode rotation were taken as parameters. Al-20% SiC and Al-25% SiC composite samples were taken for study. Copper and brass were selected as electrode material. Several conclusions were made based on experimental results. The MRR was found high with positive polarity and increased with increase in current. It was more with brass electrode in comparison with copper electrode. The increase of either the pulse duration or volume percentage of SiC results in decrease in MRR and it increases with increase in rotational speed. The TWR was less when volume percentage of silicon carbide particle was less and increased with increase in current. The surface roughness value decreased with decrease in pulse current and increased with increase in volume percentage of SiC. The study optimized process parameters for different volume percentage of SiC and electrodes for maximum MRR. The research work was more and less similar to the work done by Che Chung Wang and Biing Hwa Yan [65] although, in some aspect, it is different. For example, different material was selected for study and also performance measures were evaluated for different electrode design and two different electrode materials. P. Narender Singh et al. worked on optimization by gray relational analysis of machining parameters on machining Al-10%SiCp composites [66]. The multi-response optimization of the process parameters viz., metal removal rate, tool wear rate, taper, radial overcut, and surface roughness on electric discharge machining of Al-10%SiCp as cast metal matrix composites using orthogonal array with gray relational analysis was reported. Orthogonal array with gray relational analysis was employed to optimize the multiresponse characteristics of machining of Al-10%SiCp composites. The experimental result for the optimal setting shows that there is considerable improvement in the process. The application of this technique converts the multi-response variable to a single-response gray relational grade and, therefore, simplifies the optimization procedure. The research work is focused on parameter optimization by applying gray theory. Gray analysis provides excellent solution to uncertain, multi-input, and discrete data problems. Since EDM process is of similar nature, therefore, the method is highly useful in parameter optimization of such experimental work. P. Narender Singh et al. in the same year worked on Al10%SiCp as-cast metal matrix composites [67]. The objective of the work was to investigate the effect of current, pulse on-time and flushing pressure on metal removal rate, tool wear rate, taper, radial overcut, and surface roughness of machined material. Many conclusions were drawn by experimentation. MRR was found higher for larger current and pulse on-time settings at the expense of taper, radial overcut, and surface finish. Electrode wear was also found to be higher, even larger than the material

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removal rate for larger current settings. The dimensional accuracy is affected at higher current and pulse on-time ratings. Both material removal rate and electrode wear are considerably influenced by flushing pressure. Two more performance measures radial overcut and taper were taken into account along with three major performance measures. Mohan et al. investigated the machining characteristics of SiC/6025 Al composite using rotary electro-discharge machining with a tube electrode [68]. The objective of research work was to investigate effects of discharge current, pulse duration, SiCp percentage, tube electrode hole diameter, and speed of electrode rotation on performance measures. Also, mathematical modeling and parameter optimization was performed for experimental results. Many conclusions were drawn from their study. The effect of drilling with the rotating tube electrode resulted in higher material removal rate than the rotating solid electrode. The electrode tube hole diameter significantly affects the performance measures. The MRR and SR improve with the decrease in hole diameter but electrode wear increases. The increase in volume percentage of SiC has resulted in decrease in material removal rate, surface roughness, and increase in electrode wear. The increase in rotational speed of the tube electrode has produced higher material removal rate, electrode wear, and better surface quality. The material removal rate and electrode wear were higher for the injection flushing than the side flushing. The results obtained are similar in line with the previous study. In previous research works, it was reported that electrode rotation results in higher material removal rate due to improved flushing condition. Also, tube electrode resulted in better performance measures than solid one. Seo et al. in year 2006 investigated on machining of functionally graded 15-35 vol.% SiCp/Al composites [69]. The material was drilled to assess the machinability and workpiece quality as a function of SiCp percentage, resulting dimensional quality of hole, surface topography, and metallurgical integrity of subsurface. Some aspects of material removal mechanism were also investigated. Based on results, several conclusions were made. For producing maximum MRR, optimum combination of the peak current and pulse on-time was found. MRR showed an increasing trend with increase in product of peak current and pulse ontime up to the optimum value and then decreases. Material removal rate also increases with increase SiCp percentage. Larger tool wear is reported with a combination of high peak current and low pulse on-time. The average diameter error was found proportional to pulse on-time and peak current. Higher energy results in rougher surface. Under rapid and coarse cutting condition, negatively skewed machined surface was found. This was due to presence of well-defined discontinuous patches of recast material, deep

vacancies, and cracks on recast layer. At machined subsurface layer, the fragmented and melted SiC particles were reported under scanning electron microscopy and energy disperse spectroscopy-X-ray testing. Response surface models are developed in this research work to find the correlations between machining measures and process parameters. No non-electrical parameter was taken into account in this research work. Sushant Dhar et al. worked on mathematical modeling of cast Al4Cu6Si alloy10 wt.% SiCp composites [70]. The objective of the work was to evaluate effect of current, pulse on-time and air gap voltage on material removal rate, tool wear rate, and radial overcut. The mathematical model developed can be used to predict the optimal conditions suitable for machining of the work samples. Linear programming was used to find the optimum conditions for maximum MRR with reduced TWR and radial overcut. All the three performance measures increased significantly in a nonlinear fashion with increase in current. The material removal rate and radial over cut were found to increase with increase in pulse duration. Gap voltage was found to have little, but some effect on the three responses. Al4Cu6Si alloy finds widespread application automotive industry. Therefore, research work may also have industrial application along with application for future research work. Akshay Dvivedi et al. investigated the machinability of Al6063 SiCp metal matrix composite and obtained optimal setting of process parameters [71]. The material was developed using melt stir-squeeze-quench casting route and characterized for density, porosity and electrical conductivity. These properties may significantly affect the behavior of material subjected to EDM. During pilot experimentation, an optimal setting was found for maximum MRR with acceptable electrode wear and satisfactory dimensional accuracy. Increase in electrical parameters beyond optimum setting resulted not only in a decrease in MRR but also increased TWR with dimensional inaccuracy. Also, it was found that high value of pulse current, pulse-on time, and pulse offsetting results in maximum MRR within selected range of process parameters. The statistical influence of pulse current on MRR is more than effect of any other parameters. Also, machining with optimum flushing pressure and gap control setting will achieve higher material removal rate. The process variable affecting material removal rate according to relative importance are pulse current, pulse offsetting, flushing pressure, pulse on and gap control setting. The optimum value of these parameters was determined by experimentation. The research work is related to influence of process parameters on performance measures and parameter optimization, however, the material selected for study is new


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for investigation on EDM and no previous published work is found for same. 2.2 Al2O3/Aluminum matrix Yan and Wang investigated the machining characteristics of Al2O3/6061Al composite using rotary electro-discharge machining with a tube electrode [72]. They concluded that the machining process of the Al2O3/6061Al composite by EDM-drilling is feasible in comparison to other machining processes. Other machining techniques such as water jet machining, laser machining and wire EDM can be applied but these processes are mainly limited to linear cutting [65]. Since the cost for using laser machining is generally prohibitive and EDM wire-cut process is not appropriate for a metal matrix composite workpiece due to excessive breakage of the electrode wire, sinking EDM becomes an optimal choice in the machining of Al2O3/6061Al composite owing to its easy control in operation and precise criterion of high complex-shape demand. The observed value of MRR with rotating hollow tube electrode is found higher than that of with solid electrode. Although the tool wear rate is also higher for hollow tube electrode, the overall advantage still makes this revised technology an acceptable tool. The peak current and volume fraction significantly affect the MRR, TWR and SR. In contrast, the rotating speed and flushing pressure of the electrode have minor effects on the same performance measures. EDMdrilling with an optimized flushing pressure and electrode rotation can achieve an approximately constant cutting feed rate. Also empirical expressions have been developed to predict the value of performance measures. This research work investigates two innovative features than previous papers on MMCs. These are electrode rotation and change in electrode design by using hollow tube electrode. So, the paper opened new areas of focus for researchers in field of EDM on MMCs. Che Chung Wang and Biing Hwa Yan worked on optimization of the blind-hole drilling of Al2O3/6061Al composite using rotary electro-discharging machining [65]. Taguchi methodology was used for experimental design. Based on the results, several conclusions were made. The machining process of the Al2O3/6061Al composite by blind-hole drilling is feasible. The blind-hole drilling with a rotational eccentric through-hole electrode results in higher MRR and electrode wear. The overall performance for this new EDM blind-hole drilling is still acceptable. The electrical parameters much significantly influence the machining process than the non-electrical parameters. The polarity of the electrode largely affects either the MRR or the SR, whereas the peak current mainly influence the electrode wear. The increase of either the rotational speed of the electrode or the injection using pressure of the

dielectric fluid or the presence of two eccentric throughholes in the electrode may result in a higher MRR; however, the modification is still limited within a certain range. Semi-empirical expressions have also been developed to simplify the evaluation of the material removal rate, electrode wear, and surface roughness under various machining conditions. The paper investigates influence of electrode rotation along with other electrical parameters on performance measures. One new electrode design of eccentric throughhole electrode has also been tried. This was a new aspect of this research work. 2.3 Powder-mixed EDM Kansal et al. have done an experimental study of the machining parameters in powder mixed electric discharge machining of Al-10%SiCP metal matrix composites [73]. The aim of this experiment was to establish optimum process conditions by an experimental investigation. Response surface methodology was used for experimental design. They mixed aluminum powder into the dielectric fluid. A modified powder-mixed dielectric circulation was developed in the laboratory for experimentation. Relationships were developed between various input process parameters and output characteristics. The various input parameters taken into account were concentration of aluminum powder in dielectric, peak current, and pulse duration. Output characteristics taken into account were machining rate and surface roughness. Based on experimental results, the most important parameters were decided. The parameters were also optimized for maximum machining rate and minimum surface roughness. The recommended optimal process conditions were verified by conducting confirmation experiments. The results of experimentations can be compared with the results of previous research work with the same material in sinking EDM to find effectiveness of powder mixed dielectric. Singh et al. in 2008 have carried out a comparative machinability study on stir-casted 6061Al/Al2O3P/20p work specimens by using plain dielectric and silicon carbide abrasive powder-suspended dielectric fluid [74]. Copper electrode was used for experimentation. They evaluated machinability in terms of surface roughness. The results of both the processes have been analyzed using Lenths method to find the significant parameters and to obtain optimum machining parameter settings. It was found experimentally, that abrasive particle size, abrasive particle concentration and pulse current are the most significant parameters that affect the surface characteristics. The research work is a comparative investigation between machining with plain and powder-mixed dielectric

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on composite. It is important to determine the effectiveness of powder mixed electric discharge machining, but only surface roughness is taken into account as performance measure. 2.4 Other MMCs One recent work by Ahamed et al. has been found on hybrid-type MMC [75]. Hybrid metal matrix composites are a class of materials, having two or more discrete particulate reinforcements. The objective of the research work was to investigate the effect of machining parameters namely current, pulse on-time, pulse off-time, and flushing pressure on the material removal rate and surface roughness while machining hybrid composites Al5%SiC5% B4C and Al5%SiC5% glass prepared by stir casting. The effect of inclusion of B4C and glass on machining of aluminumSiC composite was investigated. Presence of ceramic particulate reinforcements impedes the machining. A trade-off has to be made between the levels of parameters for achieving the combined objective of maximizing material removal and minimizing surface roughness. A fairly long spark is required to remove material which has embedded in it hard particles such as B4C and SiC. Longer spark duration is essential to remove the SiC and glass particles which are, however, easily flushed away by the fluid at a fairly lower pressure of flushing. This is because of the lower density of glass when compared to B4C. The white layer, which is a characteristic of machined surfaces, is seen prominently on both materials. The research work is devoted to find the effect of machining parameters on material removal rate and surface roughness. Electrode wear has not been taken into account in this research work. There is a lot of scope for future research work in EDM of such kind of materials.

3 Research in wire EDM on metal matrix composites Among the different material removal processes, wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) is considered as an effective and economical tool in the machining of modern composite materials [76]. But there is not so much research work on MMC in this process [58, 77, 78]. Gatto and Iuliano performed WEDM tests under one roughing and two finishing conditions on two composites. The materials selected for investigation were SiC/2009 Al alloy with 15% whiskers and with 20% particles reinforcement [79]. For understanding the reinforcement and the behavior of the matrix during the machining of both composites, the machined surfaces, their sections, and profiles were examined by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive semi-quantitative analyses of X-rays.

From the experimental results, many conclusions were drawn. The machining rates in millimeter/minute of both composites were found equal. The roughness values of the machined surfaces of the 15%SiCw/2009 Al alloy composite are less than the corresponding values for the surfaces of the 20% SiCp/2009Al alloy composite. The surface roughness values of the 20%SiCp 2009Al alloy composite WEDmachined surfaces and then glass bead peened were found less than the corresponding values for the I5%SiCw/2009Al alloy composite. SiC reinforcement and Cu precipitates were not found in outer re-cast layer. The glass-bead peening resulted in disappearance of the layer without reinforcement. The thickness of the outer layer without reinforcement was found less than 5 m under finishing conditions and for both of the composites. The paper specially focuses on surface quality of machined surface. Investigation into effect of particle reinforcement and whisker reinforcement is one of the important aspects of this research work. Another important aspect is investigation into glass bead peening of machined surface. Rozenek et al. reported experimental investigation for the effects of machining parameters (discharge current, pulse on-time, pulse off-time, and voltage) on the machining feed rate and surface roughness for machining of metal matrix composite AlSi7Mg/SiC and AlSi7Mg/Al2O3 [80]. The feed rate and surface roughness clearly follows the increasing trend with increasing discharge energy. The result of investigation showed that for the input parameters of 1.6 s pulse-on time, 8 s pulse-off time and 80 V gap voltage, the value of feed rate, and surface roughness parameter Ra increases with increase in current. With the decrease in voltage, the values of feed rate V and surface roughness parameter Ra drop slowly. Increase in pulse-on time resulted in higher values of feed rate and surface roughness parameter. The maximum cutting speed of AlSi7Mg/SiC and AlSi7Mg/Al2O3 composites are found approximately three times and 6.5 times lower than the cutting speed of aluminum alloy. The machining rate of composite is significantly affected by the kind of reinforcement. Therefore, the research work is important because it investigates the influence of type of reinforcement on performance measures. However, the influence of percent volume of reinforcement cannot be predicted. Guo et al. investigated into shaping particles reinforced material by wire-EDM with high-traveling speed [81]. Selected for experimentation was 6061 alloy with 20% Al2O3 particle reinforcement. The electrical parameters were found to have little influence on surface roughness. The experiment resulted in coarse surface irrespective of high energy or low energy is used. The selection of electrical parameters had an important effect on cutting


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rate. Use of low energy resulted in wire breakage due to blind feeding especially for low pulse duration and low machining voltage. It was found that at high pulse duration, high voltage, large machining current, and at proper pulse interval high machining efficiency can be attained. The research work is based on comparative experiments investigating machining mechanism and technique to shape the material with WEDM and also optimize the electrical parameters. Yan et al. investigated machining of Al2O3p/6061Al composite on WEDM [82]. The materials selected for experimentation were 10 and 20 vol.% Al2O3 particles reinforced 6061Al alloys-based composites and 6061Al matrix material itself. In experiments, machining parameters of pulse on-time were changed to investigate their effects on machining performance, including the cutting speed, the width of slit, and surface roughness. Since the wire electrode breaks easily during the machining of composite, therefore, this work also comprehensively investigates into the locations of the broken wire and the reason of wire breaking. Many conclusions were drawn from experimental results. The cutting speed for 6061Al alloy was found the highest than the two Al2O3P/6061Al composites and both composite materials yielded similar cutting speeds. Additionally, increasing the volume fraction of reinforcing Al2O3 particles resulted in wire breakage. Cutting of the 6061Al alloys and the 10 vol.% Al2O3P/ 6061Al composite resulted in smoother surface of workpiece, than cutting the 20 vol.% Al2O3P/6061Al composites. The width of slit of the cut for 20 vol.% Al2O3p/ 6061Al composite was found much narrower than that of the 6061Al alloys and the 10 vol.% Al2O3p/6061Al composite. Protruding Al2O3 particles within the discharge gap impeded the advance of the brass wire along the machining path, resulting the brass wire to shift; therefore, clear bandings were found on the machined surface when the 20 vol.% Al2O3p/6061Al composite was machined. These bandings appeared under low wire tension cutting conditions, but these features were generally not found on surfaces formed under high wire tension. Increasing the percentage of reinforcing Al2O3 particles deepened and widened discharge craters of the wire surface, facilitating the wire breakage during machining. Particularly, while machining the 20 vol.% Al2O3P/6061Al composites, the wire electrode surface exhibits the largest craters, due to abnormal arc discharge. Softening due to high temperature during machining quickly reduces the tensile strength of the brass wire, causing wire breakage. A very low wire tension, a high flushing rate, and a high wire speed are required parameters to prevent wire breakage for machining these composite materials. Moreover, an appropriate servo voltage, a short pulse-on time, and a short pulse-off time, normally associated with a high cutting speed, does not

affect much on the surface roughness for composite materials. Wire breakage is a prominent problem in WEDM of MMCs. So an important aspect of the research work was an investigation into wire breakage mechanism. The study is useful for future wire electrode design with creep resistance at high-temperature resulting in less breakage. Patil and Brahmankar investigated the performance of Al/SiCp composites with wire electro-discharge machining [83]. They studied the effect of various control parameters such as pulse on-time, off-time, ignition pulse current, wire speed, wire tension, and flushing pressure on cutting speed and surface finish in WEDM of Al/SiCp composite. Taguchi method was used for experimental design. Based on experimental results, mathematical models relating the machining performance and machining parameters were developed. Optimal settings for each performance measure have also been investigated. A comparative study on unreinforced alloy revealed the effect of reinforcement. Cutting speed for unreinforced alloy was found higher compared to composites. But surface finish in composites was found superior compared to the unreinforced alloy. Wire breakage posed limitations on the cutting speed of composite. The research work is related to influence of parameters and parameter optimization. It also contributes to theoretical work by mathematical modeling of experimentation. Manna and Bhattacharyya offered an experimental investigation to determine the parameters setting during the machining of aluminum-reinforced silicon carbide metal matrix composite (Al/SiCMMC) [84]. On the basis of the experimental results, several conclusions were drawn for the effective machining of Al/SiC- metal matrix composites by the CNC wire-cut EDM. Open-gap voltage was found as the most significant influencing machining parameters, for controlling the MRR. Pulse-on period was second important influencing parameter. The open-gap voltage influences the cutting speed significantly. Wire tension and wire feed rate are the most significant and significant machining parameters influencing the surface roughness. Similarly, wire tension and spark gap voltage setting were found as the most significant and significant parameters for controlling spark gap. Open-gap voltage and gap current were found as the most significant and significant parameters, respectively, for gap current. Mathematical models were developed and also verification tests for developed models were carried out. The test results were analyzed for the selection of an optimal combination of parameters for the proper machining of Al/SiC-MMC. The research work investigated the relative importance of parameters affecting different machining characteristics. Saha et al. in 2009 worked on machinability of 5 vol. % TiC/Fe in situ metal matrix composite [85]. Pulse on-

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29% Wire EDM Sinking EDM 71%

time, pulse off-time, wire feed rate, and average gap voltage were considered as input parameters. Cutting speed and kerf width were taken as measure of performance due to presence of TiC particles and formation of Fe2O3 while machining results in the unstable machining process. Thus, the process modeling becomes extremely difficult. In this research work, modeling of wire electro discharge machining process by normalized radial basis function network (NRBFN) with enhanced k-means clustering technique has been done. Both the models have been used to carry out the parametric study and were compared with experimental results to measure the effectiveness of this approach. From the experimental results and model predictions, several conclusions were drawn. They found that an increase in the average gap voltage results in decrease of the cutting speed but it results in increase in kerf width within the range under consideration. The pulse on-time had less effect on cutting speed and kerf width compared to the average gap voltage. Also, an increase in pulse on-time increases both the cutting speed and kerf width. Among several network architectures, a 4212 network was found as providing the best prediction. The research work investigated TiC/Fe composite which is relatively new. The applied NRBFN technique has several advantages like less complexity, requirements fewer training samples, easy input-output mapping, and less chance of getting local least convergence. So, the technique is suitable for such kind of study. In 2009, Liu et al. studied the behavior of wire electrochemical discharge machining of Al2O3 particlereinforced aluminum alloy 6061 [86]. The influence of machining voltage, current, pulse duration, and electrolyte concentration, on material removal rate were evaluated in the light of the contribution of the wire electrical discharge machining and electrochemical machining actions. The relative strength of the WEDM and ECM activities in the machining process under different conditions was investigated with the aid of the voltage waveforms. It was found that the conditions of high current or high concentrations of electrolyte would promote the ECM activity and result in a high material removal rate. Orthogonal analysis was applied to study the relative importance of the various cutting parameters on MRR. The results suggested that for achieving the highest MRR, the applied current is the most influential among current, pulse duration, and electrolyte concentration. This outcome was supported by experimental results and is explained in terms of the surface area of the matrix phase and the spark gap size. In this paper, authors compared two types of machining processes with same material. Only material removal rate is considered as performance measures.

Fig. 2 Research studies conducted in EDM on MMCs

4 Discussion and future trends After an elaborate scrutiny of the published work, the following conclusions can be drawn. & & & & As evident from Fig. 2 most of the published research work has been carried out in sinking EDM process. Not so much work has been reported on wire EDM. Most of the published work belongs to SiC reinforced metal matrix composites. Not so much work is reported Al2O3 reinforced and other MMCs types. Many useful MMCs have not been tried as work material on EDM process. Table 1 gives the name of some MMCs with their applications which are yet to be tried. Very little work has been reported on MMCs with powder mixed EDM. Also, only aluminum powder and SiC powder have been tried in MMCs. Many other powders like boron carbide, powders of important alloying elements such as manganese, chromium, molybdenum, and vanadium are yet to be tried in the dielectric medium. Most of the research work has been carried out on optimization of process parameters for improvement of performance measures. In most of research work, mainly electrical process parameters and flushing pressure as nonelectric parameter have been taken into account. Very little work has been reported on effect of non-electrical parameters like workpiece rotation and electrode rotation. Only one research paper is there to find change in mechanical properties of EDM worked material. So, this area is still open for future research work.



Table 1 Some important MMCs yet to be tried on EDM S. No. MMC system 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cobalt matrix with hard tungsten carbide particles Steel reinforced with boron nitride Aluminum boron carbide matrix Monofilament silicon carbide fibers in a titanium matrix Al2O3-SiO2/AC4C SiCw/7075 Al2O3,CF/Al-alloy SiCw/Al-17%Si-4%Cu alloy Industrial application Carbide drills Tank armors Driveshaft F-16 fighting falcon(jets landing gear) Vane, Pressure side plate of oil pressure vane pump Joint of aerospace structure Cylinder liner Rotory compressor vane


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& &


Many MMCs are yet to be explored for suitable electrode material and electrode design since very little research work has been reported in these areas. Little work has been reported on theoretical models for simulating the input and output parameters for MMCs on EDM processes. Much research work is needed in this area in future. The research works on dry EDM and EDM using pure water as dielectric fluid is emerging area for the future. MMCs are yet to be explored in these areas.

5 Summary A review of the research work on MMCs with sinking EDM, WEDM, and powder-mixed EDM is presented in this paper. The research work of the last 20 years has been discussed. For each and every method introduced and employed in EDM process, the objectives are the same: to enhance the capability of machining performance, to get better output product, and to have better working conditions.

1. Ho KH, Newman ST (2003) State of the art electrical discharge machining (EDM). Int J Mach Tools Manuf 43:12871300 2. Kansal HK, Sehijpal S, Pradeep K (2007) Technology and research developments in powder mixed electric discharge machining (PMEDM). J Mater Process Technol 184:3241 3. Abu Zeid OA (1997) On the effect of electro-discharge machining parameters on the fatigue life of AISI D6 tool steel. J Mater Process Technol 68(1):2732 4. Ramasawmy H, Blunt (2004) Effect of EDM process parameters on 3D surface topography. J Mater Process Technol 148:155164 5. Rudorff DW (1961) Spark machining and its development. Metal Treatment and Drop Forging: 28 (186): 120124 6. Pandey PC, Shan HS (1999) Modern machining process. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd, ISBN 0070965536, 84113 7. Smith GV (1961) Spark machiningfundamental and techniques. J Br Inst Radio Eng 22:409 8. Luis CJ, Puertas I, Villa G (2005) Material removal rate and electrode wear study on the EDM of silicon carbide. J Mater Process Technol 164165:889896 9. Bojorquez B, Marloth RT, Es-Said OS (2002) Formation of a crater in the work piece on an electrical discharge machine. Eng Fail Anal 9:9397 10. Marafona J, Chousal AG (2006) A finite element model of EDM based on the Joule effect. Int J Mach Tools Manuf 46 (6):595602 11. Singh S, Maheshwari S, Pandey PC (2004) Some investigations into the electric discharge machining of hardened tool steel using different electrode materials. J Mater Process Technol 149:272 277 12. Rajurkar KP (1994) Handbook of design, manufacturing and automation. Chapter 13: nontraditional manufacturing processes. Wiley, USA, ISBN 0471552186

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