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Degree Examinations III Semester CE253 FLUID MECHANICS AND MACHINERY Answer All Questions Time: 3 Hours PART A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) 1. 2. 3. State the Newtons law of viscosity and give examples of its application. Do the following velocity components represent physically possible flows? U = x2 + z2 + 5; v = y2 + z2; w = 4xyz. Water if flowing through a pipe of 10 cm diameter under a pressure of 19.62 N/cm2 (gauge) and with mean velocity of 3.0 m/s. Find the total head of the water at a cross section, which is 8 m above the datum line. What is meant by boundary layer? Why does it increase with distance from the upstream edge? What do you mean by repeating variables? How are the repeating variables selected for dimensional analysis? Show that the ratio of inertia force to viscous force gives the Reynolds number. Define specific speed of a turbine? What is the significance of the specific speed? What is the use of draft tube in reaction turbines? With sketch explain two different types of draft tubes. Differentiate between Single acting and Double acting reciprocating pump. Draw and discuss the operating characteristics of a centrifugal pump. PART B 11. (5 x 16 = 80 Marks) The discharge Q through a rotating machine such as pump or turbine depends on the shaft work (gH) power supplied P, speed of rotation N, characteristics length D, mass density and viscosity of the fluid. Using Buckinghams theorem, obtain a set of dimensionless parameters. (16 Marks) Max.Marks: 100

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

12a. i) State Bernoullis theorem. Drive Bernoullis equation for the flow of an incompressible fluid. Mention the assumptions made for deriving it. (6 Marks) ii) The inlet and throat diameters of a horizontal venturimeter are 30 cm and 10 cm respectively. The liquid flowing through the meter is water. The pressure intensity at inlet is 13.734 N/cm2, while the vacuum pressure head at the throat is 37 cm of mercury. Find the rate of flow. Assume that 4% of the differential head is lost between the inlet and throat. Find also the value of Cd for the venturimeter. (10 Marks) (OR) 12b. i) Explain the principle of venturimeter with a neat sketch. Derive the expression for the rate of flow of fluid through it. (6 Marks) ii) The water if flowing through a taper pipe of length 50 m having diameters 40 cm at the upper end and 20 cm at the lower end at the rate of 60 lit/s. The pipe has a slope of 1 in 40. Find the pressure at the lower end if the pressure at the higher level is 24.525 N/cm2. (10 Marks) 13a. Obtain an expression for boundary layer thickness, shear stress and drag force on one side of the plate and co efficient of drag in terms of Reynolds number for the velocity profile for laminar boundary flow. (16 Marks)

(OR) 13b. Three pipes of 400 mm, 200 mm and 300 mm diameters have length of 400 m, 200 m and 300 m respectively. They are connected in series to makes a compound pipe. The ends of this compound pipe are connected with two tanks whose difference of water levels is 16 m. If co-efficient of friction for these pipes is same and equal to 0.005, determine the discharge through the compound pipe neglecting first the minor losses and then including them. (16 Marks)

14a. i) Design a Pelton wheel for a head of 80 m and speed of 300 r.p.m. The Pelton wheel develops 103 kw. Take Cv = 0.98 speed ratio = 0.45, overall efficiency = 0.80. (10 Marks) ii) What factors decide whether Kaplan, Francis or a Pelton type turbine would be used in a hydroelectric project? (6 Marks) (OR) 14b. i) A turbine is to operate under a head of 30 m at 300 r.p.m. The discharge is 10m3/s. If the efficiency is 90%, Determine (10 Marks)

Specific speed of the machine Power generated Type of turbine 14b. ii) Draw the inlet and outlet velocity triangle for inward flow reaction turbine when discharge at outlet is zero. (6 Marks) 15a. A centrifugal pump is running at 1000 r.p.m. The outlet vane angle of the impeller is 45 and velocity of flow at outlet is 2.5 m/s. The discharge through the pump is 200 lit/s when the pump is working against a total head of 20m. If the manometric efficiency of the pump is 80%. Determine. (16 Marks) (i) Diameter of the impeller (outside diameter) (ii) Width of the impeller at outlet. (OR) 15b. i) Draw the indicator diagram and explain its significance. (6 Marks)

ii) What is an air vessel? Describe the function of the air vessel for reciprocating pump with neat sketch. (10 Marks) -----

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