It belongs to the family of Ranfstidos, which includes more than 42 species. The toucan measured at least 18 cm. and up to 63cm, its size depends on the species. The largest isthe Toco Toucan "Ramphastos toco". Beak has a very large relative to its body. It has small teeth like saw and a long tongue. Their feathers are showy and colorful blue, black, green, orange and red, with yellow breast. Its tail is long. It lives and nests in trees, and is distributed fromMexico to northern Argentina. It lays its eggs (threeor four) once a year, they are white. Is monogamous and live about 20 years. It feeds on fruits, eggs, insects and lizards.
Warty Toad The bufnidos (Bufonidae) are a family of orderAnura, which belongs to the class of amphibians.Many of its species are known by the common name of toads, yet many species belonging toother families are also commonly referred to astoads. This is because the characteristics that are popularly used to distinguish frogs from toads are not the same as those used in scientific classification. According to popular culture, they differ in that the frogs have smooth, moist skin, while toads have rough, dry skin and are morewalkers to jumpers, hence its legs are shorter. The bufnidos occur naturally on all continentsexcept Australia, where they were introduced, and Antarctica. They are found anywhere in the world except the Arctic regions and in the most ariddesert. The bufnidos lack teeth and have parotoidesglands at the back of his head. These glandscontain different toxins have different effects. Like all frogs, they undergo a metamorphosis during their development. Begin life as tadpoleswith his body like a fish, legless, with fins andbreathing through gills. During metamorphosis, fins become legs, tail disappear and breathingbecomes lung.