SF.5 Sky Melamine Resin LF
SF.5 Sky Melamine Resin LF
SF.5 Sky Melamine Resin LF
Low Formalin Melamin Resin which has been completed to set synthetic and natural agent, Typically suitable for that agent with precise dosage from formaldehyde content and can avoid colour difference result on dyeing. Sky Melamine Resin LF spreadly used by textile local or overseas manufacturer for finishing agree with usage possibility Sky Melamine Resin LF. . Characteristic : Form : rather thick liquid transparent Basic ingredients : Trimethylol Melamine Component : 88 % Formaldehyde : 0.11 0.39 % pH : 8-9 Expired date : Can be stored till 6 months. Cool place Solubility : Can be mixed by various finishing agent . Special Feature & Usage: 1. For Polyester setting, rayon and compound fiber (C/: T/C, T/R, N/R, dll) has some advantages as follows: Give perfect elasticity, stiffness and fiber stability. Anti wrinkle Improve handling Improve water washing resistance and can improve water resistance from cotton and rayon. Improve brightness from material surface. 2. Can be used as Fixation agent to bind pigment from printing 3. Improve non woven fabric resistance.
Sky Melamin Resin LF can be diluted with water depend on its concentrate than add diluted catalyst and other finishing agent , to be used together with stenter. Temperature and time depending on material type, for its normal 120-200C for 120-300 second. If used as Fixation agent for binder (c/: binder printing, planting, non woven). For process, the dosage 3 - 5 % from binder. Notes : Process T/C Resin Sky Melamine Resin LF : 0.5 2 % (ows) Acrylic Resin :2-3 % Sky Catalyst : 0.1- 0.2 % Sky Fintolin :1-3%
Dose : http://www.seikyoindochem.com/