United States Patent 0: Patented Sept. 30, 1969
United States Patent 0: Patented Sept. 30, 1969
United States Patent 0: Patented Sept. 30, 1969
1 2
Another limitation of melamine-formaldehyde resins
3,470,134 heretofore available has been their tendency to become
RESINS AND PRODUCTS THEREOF increasingly viscous on standing, thus necessitating use
Israel S. Ungar, Baltimore, Md., assignor to Allied Chemi within 24 to 48 hours. With the addition of stabilizers,
cal Corporation, New York, N.Y., a corporation of such resins ‘have been known to remain ?uid for as long
New York as 30 days. Also spray drying has been used to stabilize
No Drawing. Filed Oct. 20, 1965, Ser. No. 499,086 the resins. Both of these stabilization methods, however,
Int. Cl. C08g 9/30, 53/16 add to the cost of the ?nal product.
U.S. Cl. 260—67.6 3 Claims It is a principal object of this invention to provide novel
melamine-formaldehyde resins which have thermo
plasticity even after curing under curing conditions nor
ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE mally employed in producing laminates.
Melamine-formaldehyde resins which have thermo It is another object of this invention to provide such
plasticity after curing are prepared by reacting formalde resins which have improved stability in the absence of
hyde with melamine in a mol ratio of 3.0:1 to 35:1 until 15 stabilizers or spray drying.
the resin is miscible to the extent of one part per 1-3.5 It is another object of this invention to provide
parts of water, then adding melamine to adjust the formal melamine-formaldehyde resins which, among other uses,
dehyde-melamine mol ratio to about 2.021 to 2.5:1, and can be employed to form post-formable laminates.
then heating the resulting mixture until one part of the Another object of this invention is to provide post
product is miscible in 0.5-1.5 parts of Water. The product form-able laminates having at least the surface layer sheet
is useful in making post-formable laminates. thereof, e.g., the decorative or print sheet, impregnated
with the melamine-formaldehyde resins of this invention.
Another object is to provide processes for producing
This invention relates to melamine-formaldehyde resins such resins and laminates.
of improved stability and to laminates made therefrom, Other objects :and advantages of this invention will be
particularly such laminates having post-formability. apparent from the following detailed description thereof.
Melamine-formaldehyde resins are useful for many In this speci?cation, all parts and percentages are given
purposes including use as impregnants for one or more on a weight basis.
of the respective plies of laminates in the formation of The resins of this invention are the reaction products
laminated products such as wall panels, table tops and 30 of melamine and formaldehyde containing from 2.0 to
other decorative surfaces. Such laminates are produced by 2.5 mols of formaldehyde per mole of melamine and hav
bonding one or more resin-impregnated paper sheets such ing a miscibility of 1 part in 0.5 to 1.5 parts of water at
as sheets of alpha-cellulose to a core material comprising, 25° C. Such resins, surprisingly, at elevated temperatures
for example, phenol-formaldehyde impregnated kraft have su?icient thermoplasticity, even after the resin has
paper, including kraft crepe paper, or plywood, hard been cured, to produce post-formable laminates in which
board, or particle board. In the production of decorative one or more of the ?brous laminating plies are impreg
products, the surface sheets termed the “print” or “pat nated therewith.
tern” sheets conventionally are alpha-cellulose paper hav These resins are in the form of syrups having a resin
ing the desired design printed, embossed or otherwise solids content of about 40 to 65%.
formed thereon. Melamine-formaldehyde resins are useful 40 The present invention thus includes the melamine
as the impregnating resin for the outer plies of such formaldehyde resins as well as the laminates made by
laminates because melamine-formaldehyde is transparent, impregnating the ?brous plies or layers of the laminate,
i.e., lacks inherent color, and results in a laminated prod particularly the decorative or print sheets, with such
uct of high gloss and good chemical resistance. The resins and subjecting the resultant assemblies to heat and
melamine-formaldehyde resin does not discolor or other pressure to cure the resin and bond the layers of each
wise deleteriously affect the decorative pattern of the assembly together to produce the post-formaldehyde
print or pattern sheet. laminates.
Melamine-formaldehyde resins heretofore available, In accordance with the process of this invention, mel
however, when cured, have insu?icient residual plasticity amine and formaldehyde are reacted in the proportions of
to post-form. Laminates made with such melamine 50 from 3.0 to 3.5 mols of formaldehyde per mol of mel
formaldehyde resins as the impregnant for the print or amine at a pH of from 8 to 10 and at a temperature of
pattern sheets or other sheets of the laminate, generally about 50° to about 110° 0., preferably 90” to 100° C.
cannot be post~formed, i.e. shaped under heat and pres until one part of the resulting resin is miscible in 1 to
sure to provide curved or other desirable non-planar 3.5 parts of water at 25° C.; melamine is added to reduce
surfaces as may be required, for example, in the case of 55 the mol ratio of 2.0 to 2.5 mols of formaldehyde per
counter tops, table tops and other decorative items. The mol of melamine and this mixture is heated at about 50°
cured melamine formaldehyde resin employed as the to about 110° C., preferably 90° to 100° C., until 1 part
binder in such laminates does not have adequate thermo by weight of the resulting resin is miscible in 0.5 to 1.5
plasticity for post-forma‘bility. parts of water at 25° C.
Post-formable melamine-formaldehyde impregnated 60 It is necessary to employ temperatures of at least 50° C.
laminates have been prepared by employing melamine in order to assure sufficient reaction of the melamine
formaldehyde resins containing various additives such as and formaldehyde, but temperatures of 90° to 110° give
polyamides, sulfonamides, carbonates and certain guana a more acceptable reaction rate. The use of temperatures
mines. Such laminates are usually under-cured to produce above 100° C. has the disadvantage of requiring more
a laminate which can be post-formed. Under-curing re 65 costly pressure-resistant equipment.
sults in products having relatively poor surface quality; ' The additional melamine is introduced while the initial
often a tendency to yellow occurs and the resistance of reaction product is still at a temperature of 50° to 110° C.
the laminate to boiling water may be decreased. The ad The formaldehyde can be formaldehyde of commerce,
ditives themselves sometimes adversely affect the quality e.g. l0—55% aqueous formaldehyde, such as formalin (a
of the ?nal product in one way or another, as by re 70 solution containing about 37% by weight of formalde
ducing transparency and often add to the cost of the ?nal hyde in water, usually with 10-15 % methanol to prevent
product. polymerization), paraformaldehyde, trioxymethylene and
3 4
other formaldehyde copolymers which decompose to form perature (about 100° C.) and atmospheric pressure with
formaldehyde. The expression “formaldehyde” is used in stirring until a water miscibility of about 1.7 parts of
the claims to include formaldehyde polymers and com water in 1 part resin at 25 ° C. was obtained. Then, 137
pounds which release formaldehyde. parts of melamine was dissolved in the mixture for a
When more than 2.5 mols formaldehyde per mol of ?nal formaldehydezmelamine ratio of 2.1, and the mix
melamine is present in the ?nal product it tends to be ture was heated at 90° C. for 10 minutes after solution
brittle after curing. Less than 2.0 mols of formaldehyde per was completed then cooled to room temperature. The ?nal
mol of melamine results in a resin syrup having a short water miscibility of the cooled resin was about 0.95 part
storage life and decreased resistance to hot water after water per part of resin. Water miscibility of the product
curing. 10 remained above 0.5 part water to 1 part resin for 2
While the reason for this resinous product having weeks.
thermoplastic properties after curing is not fully under EXAMPLE 3
stood, it is believed that the second increment of melamine Decorative laminates were prepared as follows: Sheets
functions as a modi?er. It is believed that some of the
of kraft paper and sheets of kraft crepe paper were im
melamine added in the second increment remains unre 15 pregnated with a commercial phenolic laminating varnish.
acted under the conditions of the process, and perhaps Sheets of bleached alpha-cellulose paper, having a design
even under subsequent curing conditions and acts as an
internal plasticizer. The net result is that the resin thus printed thereon, were impregnated with the resin syrup of
Examples 1 and 2 above respectively, to a resin content
obtained has adequate thermoplastic properties after nor
mal curing for it to be used for the impregnation of the 20 of about 45%. Sheets of thin, unprinted alpha-cellulose
paper were also impregnated with the resin syrup of Ex
?brous layers or plies of laminates to produce post-form amples 1 and 2 to a resin content of about 70%. The
able laminates. impregnated sheets were dried to remove excess volatiles.
What is even more surprising is that the resin products Separate laminates were made using the sheets impreg
of this invention are stable at room temperature for
nated with the resins of Examples 1 and 2, respectively, as
periods of two weeks or more in the absence of any addi 25
tional stabilizers. That is, they are still su?iciently ?uid to
follows: Three sheets of phenolic impregnated kraft crepe,
be easily handled. two sheets of phenolic impregnated kraft, one printed
sheet and one unprinted alpha-cellulose sheet were
The amount of resin incorporated in the sheets of the
laminates depends chie?y on the desired properties of stacked, in that order, and the assembly was laminated
the laminated product. In general, from 35% to 70% of 30 under product
1000 p.s.i., for 18 minutes, at 260° to 275° F. Each
was an attractive laminate which could be post
resin based on the weight of the paper, textile or other
formed over a 1/2” radius mandrel at 275° F. in ac
sheets of the laminate, can be used. The melamine-formal cordance with the procedure described in National Elec
dehyde resins of this invention are particularly applicable
to the impregnation of the decorative sheet of paper or trical Manufacturers Association Standards Publication
LP2-1957. The laminates had an attractive appearance,
various textile materials such as cotton, glass or nylon, 35 high surface gloss and good chemical and physical re
used as the outer layer or ply of the laminate to produce
normally rigid laminates which are post-formable when sistance.
heated to forming temperatures. Such laminates frequently Since various changes and modi?cations can be made in
contain a core consisting of a plurality of paper plies this invention as hereinabove described without departing
bonded with thermosetting resin, such as the phenolic 40 to from the scope thereof, the invention is not to be limited
resins. In some cases these laminates have a core con
this description except as indicated by the appended
sisting of a board base such as particle board in which claims.
cellulosic particles are bonded with a thermosetting resin I claim:
under high pressures. The expression “?brous” is used 1. A process for producing a melamine-formaldehyde
herein in a broad sense to include paper as Well as such 45
resin which comprises reacting formaldehyde with mel
textiles made from ?bers or ?laments of nylon, glass or amine in a mol ratio of 3.0:1 to 35:1 at a pH of from
other synthetic textile materials. 8 to 10 and at a temperature of from about 50° to about
The following examples are given for illustrative pur 110° C. until one part of the resulting resin is miscible
poses. It will be understood that this invention is not in 1 to 3.5 parts of water at 25° C., adding sut?cient mel
limited to these examples. 50
amine to said resin to reduce the mol ratio of formalde
hyde to melamine to about 2.0:1 to 2.5 :1 and heating the
EXAMPLE 1 resulting mixture at 50° to about 110° C. until one part
A slurry was prepared containing 276 parts of mel of the resulting product is miscible in 0.5 to 1.5 parts of
amine, 624 parts of 37% formaldehyde (formaldehyde: water at 25 ° C.
melamine mol ratio=3.5), and 75 parts of water. The 55 2. The process of claim 1 wherein all the heating is
pH was adjusted to 9.0 with 20% sodium hydroxide solu carried out at a temperature in the range 90° to 100° C.
tion and the mixture was heated at re?ux temperature 3. A melamine-formaldehyde resin consisting essen
(about 100° C.) and atmospheric pressure with stirring tially of 2.0 to 2.5 mols of formaldehyde per mol of
until a water miscibility of about 1.55 parts water in 1 melamine and having a miscibility of one part by weight
part resin at 25° C. was obtained. Then 181 parts of 60 in 0.5 to 1.5 parts by weight of water at 25° C., and pre
melamine was added for a ?nal formaldehydezmelamine pared by the process of claim 1.
mol ratio of 2.1:1. The temperature of the mixture References Cited
dropped to 90° C. as the melamine was added. After the
melamine was dissolved the mixture was heated 10 min UNITED STATES PATENTS
utes longer and then cooled to room temperature. Final 65 3,082,180 3/ 1963 'Boldizar et al. ____ __ 260—67.6
miscibility was about 1 part water to 1 part resin at 25 ° 3,202,635 8/1965 Galinke __________ __ 161-—263
C. This resin was stable for two weeks.
EXAMPLE 2 WILLIAM H. SHORT, Primary Examiner
A slurry was prepared containing 320 parts of melamine, 70 T. PERTILLA, Assistant Examiner
624 parts of 37% formaldehyde (formaldehydezmelamine
mol ratio=3.0) and 75 parts of Water. The pH was ad U.S. Cl. X.R.
justed to 9.0 with 20% sodium hydroxide solution and the 16l—257, 259, 263
mixture was heated for about 40 minutes at re?ux tem