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United States Patent": 2,947,750 Formaldehyde Absorption

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United States Patent" Free 2,947,750

Federated Aug. 2, 1960

1 2
stable solution containing up to 60% or more of the
formaldehyde and 24% of the acceptor consisting in this
case of equal parts of urea and melamine, the water con
2,947,750 stituting the remainder of the solution being only 26%
of the total. '
FORMALDEHYDE ABSORPTION Brie?y stated, the invention comprises the process and
William P. Gerg, Bainbridge, N.Y., assignor to The Bor the product of introducing monomeric formaldehyde di
den Company, a corporation of New Jersey rectly from the furnace in which produced into an ac
ceptor such as urea or melamine in aqueous solution at
No Drawing. Filed Feb. 8, 1957, Ser. No. 638,937
10 a pH of about 3.5-5.5 and at a temperature of about 50°
3 Claims. (Cl. 260-2496) 80° C. and continuing the contact to substantial satura
tion with the formaldehyde absorbed or until reaching
the concentration desired.
The products of the invention include the stable solu
This invention relates to the absorption of formalde 15 tion of formaldehyde reacted with the acceptor to an ex
hyde in an acceptor therefor. . tent adequate to prevent loss of formaldehyde in large
It is customary to produce formaldehyde by the de amounts by volatilization and to prevent the separation
hydrogenation (including oxidation) of methanol in con of paraformaldehyde from the solution.
tact With air at elevated temperatures. The resulting fur~ As to materials, the acceptor that I ordinarily use is
nace gases contain vapors of formaldehyde, methanol, urea. Another acceptor is melamine or a mixture of
water, and formic acid, the latter in small proportion, melamine and urea in any proportion. The particular
and large amounts of nitrogen and hydrogen with some acceptor chosen is the one that is to appear eventually
oxygen. Conventional procedure includes absorption of in the ?nished resinous condensation product. Thus, a
the formaldehyde and formic acid in Water, with separa concentrate made for ultimate use in making a conden
tion of most of the methanol and the gases by any con 25 sation product of‘ formaldehyde and urea would include
venient method. urea as the acceptor. A mixture of the two acceptors
The formaldehyde solution ‘so produced may be mixed describedis used if suchtmixture is desirable in the end
with urea, to form a solution to be shipped at a concen use, to. which the concentrate is to be put.
tration of formaldehyde higher than is possible when the .The aldehyde to be used is formaldehyde predomi
urea is omitted, as described in US. Patent Re. 23,174 30 nantly in the gaseous‘ form and also monomeric to the
to Kvalnes. It is emphasized in this patent that the pH extent of 50%—90% or more. Particularly satisfactory
of the solution must be within the range 7.0-9.0 in order I. results from the standpoint of economy or otherwise are
to avoid instability and ,opalescence of the solution. obtained when the formaldehyde to be used is ‘taken prac
In my copending application Serial No. 519,228, ?led tically. directly from the dehydrogenation or oxidation
June 30, 1955, now abandoned, of which the present'ap 35 unit in which the formaldehyde is being made from
plication is a continuation-in-part, I simplify the proceduremethanol. Such source of formaldehyde introduces a
of K=valnes and also obtain an improved product. I omit small proportion of unconverted methanol and some
the initial absorption of formaldehyde in water. I pass water of oxidation. These materials are unobjectionable
the hot furnace gases from the formaldehyde manufacture in the proportions normally presenttin formaldehyde from
directly into an acceptor of which urea is an example. In 40 the methanol conversion. The methanol, in fact, is ex
this copending application I use the acceptor solution at pelled from my acceptor solution, as the absorption of
a pH ’7—9. To establish the pH of 7-9 in my system, I formaldehyde proceeds, due to the temperature which
introduce an alkali in arnount required as, for instance, prevails in that solution. As an alternative source‘ of
alkali metal hydroxides, carbonates, or borates or tri formaldehyde I may use the formaldehyde gas mixture
ethanolamine. The results obtained are considered to be 45 issuing from those processes in which methane of natural
due in part at least to my introduction of the formalde gas, butane, or the like is converted for formaldehyde.
hyde largely, if not substantially entirely, in monomeric The formaldehyde from the silver catalyst‘conversion
form into the acceptor before the formaldehyde has been ofmethanol, which I have used, shows on analysis about
polymerized by contact with liquidwater, . I 45%—55% of formaldehyde by volume and sui?cient
I have now discovered that I may further simplify and methanol to make 100 volumes of the mixed formalde
. improve the operation. I may and actually do cause the hyde and methanol. In this mixture there are large
hydrogen ion concentration of the acceptor solution at volumes of nitrogen and hydrogen, both of which are
the time of contact with the formaldehyde to rise to more permissible in my process and escape from the system.
than ‘30 times the maximum in the process of the said The Water content is ordinarily about 20% to 30% by
application and even to more than 300,000 times the pre weight of the methanol and formaldehyde mixture.
viously 'used minimum concentration. In other Words, I As to conditions of operation, the formaldehyde is
maintain the acceptor solution at a pH of about 3.5-5.5. introduced in such manner as to give good distribution
'0 In operating at such pH, I decrease the Cannizzaro.re and contact with the liquid acceptor. Thus the formalde
action and thus decrease the formation of the undesired hyde may be introduced through a sparger or into the
formic'itacid or formate ester; increase the stability of the 60 bottom of a plate fractionating column into which the
concentrated solution that is the‘ object of the invention; liquid acceptor is being passed from the top downward.
and decrease the buffering effect formerly introduced by The introduction causes mixing and close, intimate con
the large vamount of alkali required to raise the pH to tact of the formaldehyde with the acceptor. The intro—
7-9. In reducing'this buffering effect of sodium formate duction is continued until further absorption of the for—
or the like, I avoid objectionable interference with the‘ 05 maldehyde becomes slow or the concentration of the
normal rate of the reaction of the formaldehyde in resin formaldehyde reaches the level desired, normally about
forming reactions such as the condensation of formalde 2~7 moles for 1 mole of the acceptor.
hyde with urea‘, melamine or the like at the time of ?nal The temperature of the formaldehyde as introduced
use of- the formaldehyde in making such resins. Also I into the acceptor should be high. At temperatures above.
decrease the amount and therefore the cost of alkali re 70 80° C., which is about‘ my minimum, the gas is in the
quired for the establishment of the desired pH. monomeric form predominantly, is quickly reactive with;
' In proceeding as described I may make, for instance, a the acceptor solution and is therefore absorbed effective
3 4
1y therein. The temperature, on the other hand, should from an industrial ‘formaldehyde converter (dehydro
not be so high as to give objectionable pyrolytic decom genat'or') were introduced at ‘a temperature of about 300°
position of the formaldehyde and for this reason I work C. below the surface of the ‘liquid in the vessel through
with the gas at a temperature not above 400° C. At tem a sparger. A representative sample of the gases so in
per'atures of 150°——380°, ‘C., 'thei'proportion'of the mono troduced contained formaldehyde 22%, methanol 12%,
mer 'I-IC'HO is very ‘large .and'the ‘rate of reaction with water 10%, and non-condensable gases (mostly nitro
aqueous ‘urea, for ‘example, ‘is very ‘high. 'As a result, gen) 56%. The temperature of the acceptor solution
this ‘range of temperature of ‘introduction of the ‘formal was maintained at 80°~90° C.
dehyde is satisfactory for good operation. ’ In the absorption of theformaldehyde ‘from the con
The acceptor liquid itself is maintained at a tempera 10 verter gas, ‘the monomeric formaldehyde reacts after the
ture of about 50°~90° C. Below 50", the rate‘of re start of ‘a run, ‘not only with urea (‘but also with urea
action of the formaldehyde is not satisfactory and time formaldehyde condensed to low ‘degree at least in a
is permitted for undesired polymerization of the formal previous stage of the run, all in aqueous solution.
dehyde in ‘cooled condition in contact with water. The The unabsorbed portion of the converter gas and va
temperature of the acceptor, on the other hand, is kept pors from the ‘tower are passed ‘through a cooled con
at all ‘times ‘at a temperature ‘not above the boiling point denser. Condensed reactants (formaldehyde) and other
under the prevailing conditions ‘and suitably not above vapors may be recycled to the formaldehyde converter.
90° C. Introduction of the gases was continued for 24 hours,
The concentration of the acceptor in the liquid into until the vfree formaldehyde (by the sul?te method) was
which the formaldehyde is introduced may vary consid 20 31% of the weight of the solution in the vessel. The 'so
erably. It -'is economically desirable in using urea, for lution then had ‘the following analysis: total formalde
example, to work with solutions that are almost saturated hyde 49%, urea 16%, methanol 12%, and water (by
at the temperatures of the acceptor solution during the difference) 23%.
absorption of the formaldehyde. Thus, I use to advan This solution was then vacuum distilled to give a con
tage solutions of urea of concentration 50—100 parts for 25 centrated product of the following composition; total
100 of water, the exact concentration being determined in formaldehyde 59.7%, urea 22.7%, Water (by difference)
part, at least, by the temperatures to be used with a par 17.6%, pH 5.1. This solution is stable and remains
ticular acceptor solution. With melamine, I use a dis clear for ‘a period of time in excess of'six months at tem
persion in water, such as ‘a slurry or suspension of mela peratures in the range of 50°-110° F. The remaining
mine powder in 2-4 times its weight of water. solution was further vacuum concentrated to give a vis
The pH of the acceptor liquid is established and main cous, clear syrup containing substantially no water and
tained at a level to cause reaction of the formaldehyde containing formaldehyde 67% and urea 32%. This
monomer with the acceptor, that is, at least 3.5. The syrup product is dilutable with water without precipitation.
pH is maintained at not above 5.5 in order to obtain the The product is useful for resin manufacture, addi
advantages stated above. To do this I add an alkali, such 35 tional urea being added if desired and condensation being
as sodium or potassium hydroxide, triethanolamine, effected in the usual mamier.
borax, or sodium carbonate. ‘ Example 2
Atmospheric pressure is ordinarily used for evapora
tion 'of water from aqueous products. To make a con The apparatus and conditions of Example 1 except as
centrate containing practically no methanol, it is advan 4.0 noted are used. The urea solution is introduced con
tageouslto distill, at the end of the formaldehyde absorp tinuously at the top of the column and the product with
tion and reaction, at reduced pressure, as at the pressure drawn continuously from the pot at approximately 35%
of boiling at temperatures around 60°—70° C. formaldehyde, 14% urea. In other words, streams of
The contact of the formaldehyde with the selected ac gas containing formaldehyde and of the acceptor move
ceptor under the conditions stated is continued until the countercurrently', in contact and continuously.
formaldehyde is absorbed in substantial proportion. The This product is vacuum distilled to remove methanol
percentage of formaldehyde that is actually absorbed is and water in a separate still.
ordinarily around 50%—95% or more of the formalde Example 3
hyde introduced. In operations, in which an extremely
high concentration of formaldehyde is desired, I may The procedure of Example 1 is followed except that a
produce absorption of percentages within the lower part 50 suspension of melamine in water is substituted for urea
of this range or even somewhat below 50% and then on an equivalent basis, that is, 42 parts of melamine for
absorb the remainder of the formaldehyde in another so‘ 30 of urea. _
lution of the acceptor for sale or use at a lower concen The product is a highly concentrated formaldehyde
tration of formaldehyde. Alternatively, the formaldehyde product. Additional melamine may be added and the
remaining from the ?rst absorption may be absorbed 55 whole then condensed to a formaldehyde melamine resin.
in water in conventional scrubbing equipment and used Example 4
as an aqueous formaldehyde solution for purposes out
side the present invention. Into the ?nal product of Example 1, in hot condition,
The equipment used is conventional in reacting gases there was _ added and mixed an approximately equal
with liquids or in gas absorption and, therefore, is not weight of 50% formaldehyde in water at a tempenature
illustrated. of about 80° C. up to the boilingpointof approximately
The invention will be further illustrated by description 100° C. _ The resulting solution contained total formalde
in connection with the following speci?c examples of the hyjde.54%, free formaldehyde 33%, and urea 15%. The
practice of it. In these examples and elsewhere herein, solution was stable at pH 5.8 against separation ofpara
proportions are expressed as parts by weight except when 65 formaldehyde and the stability persisted on storage at
speci?cally stated to the contrary. 50°~110° F. temperatures. , i _, h .

Example I It will be observed that 1 partmof urea stabilized 3.6

times its weight of total formaldehyde, By contrast, a
A solution of 18 lbs. of urea in 57 lbs. of water was representative conventional solution of formaldehyde
charged to a 10 gal. vessel or pot fitted with a packed 70 stabilized by urea contains approximately_59% of total
column 12 ft. high and 8 in. diameter. The solution in formaldehyde to 24% of urea._ In other words, this
the vessel was continuously circulated through the col solution requires 1 part of urea to stabilize 2.46 parts of
umn by a circulating pump. vThe pH was continuously formaldehyde. _ { I ,_ V

adjusted to and maintained within the range 4—5 by the In this example‘ the temperature of mixing‘of the
manual addition of sodium hydroxide as required, Gases 75 components may be varied provided it is kept above the
temperature at which paraformaldehyde will separate changes and modi?cations of the examples of the inven
from the added urea solution in advance of the stabilizing tion herein chosen for the purpose of illustration which
reaction. do not constitute departures from the spirit and scope
Example 5 of the invention.
This example relates to the continuous manufacture of What is claimed is: .
?nished resins. To 100 parts of the product of Example 1. The method of absorbing and concentrating form
2 were added 21 parts of urea, to yield a solution con aldehyde, which comprises oxidizing methanol in a fur
taining 29% formaldehyde and 29% urea. This solution nace to form a gaseous mixture containing formaldehyde
is then continuously charged to a wel stirred reactor in pre dominantly monomeric form, introducing said
vessel of such volume that it is ?lled in about 1 hour. 10 gaseous mixture at a temperature of about 150°-380°
While the solution is being charged the pH is adjusted to C. into an aqueous dispersion of an acceptor selected
5.6-5.8. The product is continuously withdrawn and from the group consisting of urea and melamine, said
neutralized. dispersion being maintained at a temperature of about
The product of this example is useful as an adhesive 50°-90° C. and a pH approximately within the range
for wood, a binder for foundry sand cores, and paper 15 3.5-5.5, and continuing the introduction of the gaseous
sizing. formaldehyde into said acceptor dispersion to form a
Example 6 clear stable solution containing at least 2-7 moles of
formaldehyde to 1 mole of the acceptor.
A slurry of 15 parts melamine in 50 of water was - 2. The process of claim 1 in which the acceptor dis
charged into the apparatus described in Example 1. The 20 persion is an aqueous solution of urea.
pH was adjusted to and maintained in the range 4.0-5.0 3. The process of claim 1 in which the acceptor dis
with small amounts of sodium hydroxide. Gases from persion is ‘a suspension of melamine in water.
the formaldehyde convertor were introduced, at about
300° 0., below the surface of the liquid through a sp-arger. References Cited in the ?le of this patent
When the temperature ‘reached 50° C., the solution be 25
came clear. When the temperature of the absorbing UNITED STATES PATENTS
solution reached 80° C., this- temperature was main Re. 23,174 Kvalnes _____________ ..._ Nov. 29, 1949
tained throughout the remainder of the absorbing cycle 2,415,705 Rohner et al __________ __ Feb. 11, 1947
by cooling. The absorption of the gases was continued 2,625,524 Kvalnes _____________ __ Jan. 13, 1953
until the free formaldehyde content was 26% of the 30 2,729,611 Chesley et a1. __________ __ Ian. 3, 1956
weight of the solution in the vessel. At this stage the 2,763,649 Albrecht ____________ __ Sept. 18, 1956
solution had the following composition: total formalde
hyde 36.65%, melamine 0.75%, methanol 15.1%, water FOREIGN PATENTS
(by difference) 47.5%. 515,623 Belgium _____________ __ Dec. 15, 1952
Further concentration by vacuum distillation gave a 35.
product having the following composition: total formal OTHER REFERENCES
dehyde 45.8%, melamine 0.9%, and water (by di?er— Walker: Formaldehyde, pages 35 and 47 (1953).
ence) 53.3%. The pH of the resultant solution was 4.8. Goldschmidt: Ber. Deut. Chem., vol. 29, pp. 2438-39
This solution exhibits excellent stability in spite of the (1896).
very low proportion of melamine and the high proportion 40 Vass: British Plastics, vol. 10, pp. 115-118 (1938).
of formaldehyde present. Yee et al.: Ind. and Eng. Chem, vol. 40, pp. 1178-83
It will be understood that it is intended to cover all (1948).

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