United States Patent 0 ": Main, Germany Claims Priority, Application Germany, Aug. 10, 1963
United States Patent 0 ": Main, Germany Claims Priority, Application Germany, Aug. 10, 1963
United States Patent 0 ": Main, Germany Claims Priority, Application Germany, Aug. 10, 1963
l 2
3,351,66? of the cooling liquid is below 120° C., so that the cool
PRUDUCTHUN 0F PARAFGRMALDEHYDE ing liquid still adhering to the paraformaldehyde beads,
Helrnut Jnnirermann and Friedrich Lii?ler, Frankfurt am after separation from the main body of cooling liquid, can
Main, Germany, assignors to Deutsche Golrl- und Sil be removed by evaporation at low temperatures, if de
her-Scheideanstait vorrnals Roessier, Frankfurt am sired, in an air stream or under vacuum with only very
Main, Germany low formaldehyde loss. Examples of suitable cooling
No Bray/ing. Filed July 16, 1964, Scr. No. 383,208 liquids, for instance are: benzene, toluene, cyclohexane or
Claims priority, application Germany, Aug. 10, 1963, ligroin (petroleum ether). After drying the formaldehyde
n erase content of the paraformaldehyde beads produced accord
2 Claims. (Ci. 26®—-615.5)
10 ing to the invention is between 85 and 95%, mostly be
The present invention relates to a process for the pro tween 88 to 92% by weight.
duction of an easily soluble paraformaldehyde product The paraformaldehyde beads produced according to
which is obtained in the ‘form of beads. the invention, in comparison to ?aked paraformaldehyde
In general, paraformaldehyde is produced by the de and other usual commercial paraformaldehyde products,
hydration of aqueous formaldehyde solutions. Such de are distinguished especially by their freedom from dust,
hydration can be carried out by the application of a good ?ow characteristics, high solubility in water and sta
vacuum or by distillation with organic liquids which form bility on aging.
low boiling azeotropic mixtures with water. According The following examples will serve to illustrate the
to other processes partial condensation of formaldehyde process according to the invention.
vapors is involved. 20
In carrying out these processes the so-called formal~ EXAMPLE 1
dehyde-preconcentrate which has about a 70% by weight 107 g. of a formaldehyde preconcentrate with a 76%
and more formaldehyde content is obtained as the product by weight formaldehyde content heated to 106° C. were
of the ?rst dehydration step. Such preconcentrate at the introduced under moderate pressure in a thin stream
temperatures at which it is produced, namely, over 70° into a beaker containing 500 cc. of vigorously stirred ben
C., presents a rather mobile, depending upon its formal zene at 22° C. from a nozzle 1.1 mm. in diameter ar~
dehyde content, more or less clear melt. When such ranged 4 cm. above the upper surface of the benzene.
preconcentrate is cooled to room temperature, again The benzene warmed up to 35° C. during such introduc~
depending upon its formaldehyde content, it forms a more tion. The movement of the benzene caused the stream of
or less viscous, gelatinous to solid opaque mass. The latter, 30 molten preconcentrate to be torn into droplets which
however, cannot be remelted without taking special meas~ solidi?ed and settled to the bottom of the beaker in the
ures. form of beads 0.4 to 1.5 mm. in diameter. After the para
When the production of paraformaldehyde from the formaldehyde beads had been ?ltered off and dried in
preconcentrate is carried out in such a way that the air, 83.6 g. of paraforma-ldehyde with a 90% by weight
further concentration is carried out under higher tem formaldehyde content were obtained.
peratures, large formaldehyde losses occur. This also is EXAMPLE 2
the case when the liquid preconcentrate is allowed to run
over rotating cooled drums, as is customary in the pro 21.5 g. of a formaldehyde preconcentrate with a 80%
duction of paraformaldehyde ?akes, upon which the mass by weight formaldehyde content heated to 103° C. were
solidi?es to a plastic ?lm which can be scraped off. 40 introduced into a thin stream into moderately stirred lig
‘US. Patent 2,704,765 describes a process for the pro roin (B.P. 80 to 100° C.) at 25° C. from a nozzle 1.4
duction of paraformaldehyde in which a gaseous mixture mm. in diameter arranged 12 cm. above the surface of
of 60 to 90% by weight of formaldehyde with inert dil the ligroin. White paraformaldehyde beads were formed
uents such as steam, methanol, methane and/ or carbon which immediately settled to the bottom of the ligroin.
oxides is introduced into a non-solvent organic liquid The supernatant ligroin was poured oif and the beads
which serves as a cooling medium and also contains 45 dried. 17.0 g. of paraformaldehyde with a formaldehyde
a basic or acid reacting substance as a condensation cat content of 88.5% by weight were obtained.
alyst. In this instance the paraformaldehyde is produced We claim:
in the form of a pasty mass which must still be subjected 1. A process for the production of paraformaldehyde
to an intensive drying process. in the form of beads which comprises introducing from
It is an object of the present invention to provide a 50 a nozzle a thin stream of molten formaldehyde precon
process for the production of paraformaldehyde avoiding centrate containing 70 to 85% by weight of formalde
the aforementioned difficulties which results in a readily hyde obtained by the concentration of an aqueous formal
soluble and readily reactive paraformaldehyde in the form dehyde solution at a moderately raised pressure into an
of beads. inert liquid hydrocarbon having a boiling point below
This object is achieved according to the invention 55 120° C. maintained in turbulent motion and at a tem
by concentrating an aqueous formaldehyde solution to a perature at least 50° C. below that of the melt being in
concentration of about 70 to 85% by weight and intro troduced, said nozzle being spaced above the surface of
ducing the hot melt of the preconcentrate thus obtained the hydrocarbon.
in the form of a thin stream into a liquid which is inert 2. The process ‘of claim 1 in which said hydrocarbon is
with respect to formaldehyde and which is maintained in 60 selected from the group consisting of benzene, toluene,
turbulent motion and at a temperature which is at least cyclohexane and ligroin.
50° C. below that of the melt being introduced. Pref
erably, the thin stream of melted preconcentrate is in References Cited
troduced into the stirred cooling liquid from a nozzle UNITED STATES PATENTS
from which it issues at a moderately raised pressure of, 65
for example, 1.01 to 1.2 atmospheres gauge pressure. 2,529,622 11/1950 Michael ______ __ 260——6l5.5 X
The paraformaldehyde is thereby obtained in the form of 2,593,862 4/ 1952 Eickrneyer ______ __ 260-6155
?ne beads which rapidly settle to the bottom of the cool~ 2,704,765 3/1955 Smithson _____ __ 260-6155 X
ing liquid after their formation and can easily be sep
arated from the cooling liquid, for example, by ?ltering, 70 LEON ZITVER, Primary Examiner.
decanting or centrifuging. Preferably, the boiling point H. T. MARS, Assistant Examiner.