4 Aminos: Outline
4 Aminos: Outline
4 Aminos: Outline
been isolated, except in the formation of substi- methylolureas, are low-molecular-weight methylene
tuted urons [2]. There is a fuctionality of 2 in ureas [8]:
formaldehyde. The most important factors deter-
mining the properties of the reaction products are H2 NCONHðCH2 NHCON14Þn H
the following: (1) the relative molar proportion of
urea and formaldehyde, (2) the reaction tempera- These contain methylol end groups in some
ture, and (3) the various pH values at which con- cases, through which it is possible to continue the
densation takes place. These factors influence the reaction to harden the resin. The methylolureas
rate of increase of the molecular weight of the formed copolymerize by acid catalysis and produce
resin. Therefore the characteristics of the reaction polymers and then highly branched and cured net-
products differ considerably when lower and high- works (Scheme 4.3).
er condensation stages are compared, especially The kinetics of the formation and condensation
solubility, viscosity, water retention, and the rate of mono- and dimethylolureas and of simple
of curing of the adhesive. These all depend to a ureaformaldehyde condensation products has
large extent on molecular weights. been studied extensively. The formation of mono-
The reaction between urea and formaldehyde is methylolurea in weak acid or alkaline aqueous
divided into two stages. The first stage is the alka- solutions is characterized by an initial fast phase
line condensation to form mono-, di-, and tri- followed by a slow bimolecular reaction [9,10].
methylolureas (tetramethylolurea has never been The first reaction is reversible and is an equilib-
isolated). The second stage is the acid condensa- rium that proceeds to product due to the uptake of
tion of the methylolureas, first to soluble, and then the products; the methylolureas are by the second
to insoluble cross-linked resins. On the alkaline reaction. The rate of reaction varies according to
side, the reaction of urea and formaldehyde at the pH with a minimum rate of reaction in the pH
room temperature leads to the formation of methy- range of 5 to 8 for a ureaformaldehyde molar
lolureas. When condensed, they form methyle- ratio of 1:1, and a pH of 6.5 for a 1:2 molar ratio
neether links between the urea molecules. The [11]. The 1:2 ureaformaldehyde reaction has
alkaline products from urea and formaldehyde, and been proved to be three times slower than the 1:1
from mono- and dimethylolureas, are as shown in molar ratio reaction [12].
Scheme 4.2. The rapid initial addition reaction of urea and
The reaction also produces cyclic derivatives: formaldehyde is followed by a slower condensation,
uron, monomethyloluron, and dimethyloluron. which results in the formation of polymers [12]. The
On the acid side, the products precipitated from rate of condensation of urea, with monomethylolurea
aqueous solutions of urea and formaldehyde, or from to form methylene-bisurea (or UF “dimmers”), is
Monomethylol urea Dimethylol ureas Trimethylol urea
Scheme 4.2
Scheme 4.3
also pH-dependent. It decreases exponentially from amidomethylene link and its lability in weak acid
a pH of 2 to 3 to neutral. No condensation occurs at moisture. It explains the slow release of formalde-
alkaline pH values. hyde over a long time in particleboard and other
The initial addition of formaldehyde to urea is wood products manufactured with UF resins.
reversible and is subject to general acid and base
catalysis. Different energies of activation are
reported for the forward methylolation and back-
ward demethylolation reaction. The forward bimo- Chemistry of MF Resins:
lecular reaction is reported to have an activation MelamineFormaldehyde
energy of 13 kcal/mol when the reverse unimolecu- Condensation
lar reaction has an activation energy of 19 kcal/mol
[10]. Other sources report values of 17.5 and The condensation reaction of melamine with
17.1 kcal/mol for the same reactions, respectively formaldehyde (Scheme 4.4) is similar to but differ-
[13]. If one considers that the reaction of mono- ent from the reaction of formaldehyde with urea.
methylation of urea at pH 7 is of the order of As for urea, formaldehyde first attacks the amino
1 3 10-4 l/(mol s) for each site and in the order of groups of melamine, forming methylol compounds.
3 3 1024 l/(mol s) at rather alkaline pH it is possi- However, formaldehyde addition to melamine
ble to deduce what occurs at alkaline pH when urea occurs more easily and completely than does addi-
reacts with formaldehyde to form methylolated tion to urea. The amino group in melamine accepts
ureas. The inverse reaction of decomposition of the easily up to two molecules of formaldehyde. Thus
methylolurea will limit, however, the proportion of complete methylolation of melamine is possible,
methylolated urea prepared, the reaction running to which is not the case with urea. Up to six mole-
completion only as methylolated ureas react to cules of formaldehyde are attached to a molecule of
form dimers and higher oligomers when the pH is melamine. The methylolation step leads to a series
lowered in the condensation phase. If the condensa- of methylol compounds with two to six methylol
tion phase is not affected, a calculation of the groups. Because melamine is less soluble than urea
degree of advancement of the reaction of methylo- in water, the hydrophilic stage proceeds more rap-
lation of urea yields a degree of advancement idly in MF resins formation. Therefore, hydropho-
where p 5 0.60; hence, at equilibrium under the bic intermediates of the MF condensation appear
conditions used, 60% of the urea is present as early in the reaction. Another important difference
methylolureas. This compares well with a degree of is that MF condensation to give resins, and their
conversion of 65% at the equilibrium of the more curing, can occur not only under acid conditions,
reactive melamine extrapolated by reported kinetic but also under neutral or even slightly alkaline con-
values [9] to the same conditions used herewith. ditions. The mechanism of the further reaction of
The advancement of the reaction may eventually methylol melamines to form hydrophobic inter-
proceed to even higher degrees of conversion, even mediates is the same as for UF resins, with splitting
in an alkaline environment, only as a consequence off of water and formaldehyde. Methylene and
of the subsequent formation of methylene ether- ether bridges are formed and the molecular size of
linked oligomers. the resin increases rapidly. These intermediate con-
The rates of introduction into the urea molecule densation products constitute the bulk of the com-
of one, two, and three methylol groups have been mercial MF resins. The final curing process
estimated to have the ratio 9:3:1, respectively. The transforms the intermediates to the desired MF
formation of N,N’-dimethylolurea from mono- insoluble and infusible resins through the reaction
methylolurea is three times that of monomethylo- of amino and methylol groups which are still avail-
lurea from urea. able for reaction.
Methylene-bisurea and higher oligomers undergo A simplified schematic formula of cured MF
further condensation with formaldehyde [14] and resins has been given by Koehler [16] and Frey
monomethylolurea [15], behaving like urea. The [17]. They emphasize the presence of many ether
capability of methylene-bisurea to hydrolyze to bridges besides unreacted methylol groups and
urea and methylolurea in weak acidic solutions methylene bridges. This is because in curing MF
(pH 3 to 5) indicates the reversibility of the resins at temperatures up to 100°C, no substantial
4: AMINOS 79
Scheme 4.4
amounts of formaldehyde are liberated. Only small subsequent MF resin production, due to their acidic
quantities are liberated during curing up to 150°C. nature. If present, both must be removed from
However, UF resins curing under the same condi- crude melamine by an alkali wash and/or crystalli-
tions liberate a great deal of formaldehyde. zation of the crude melamine.
At the condensation stage attention must be paid
to the formation of hydrolysis products of the mela-
mine before preparation starts. The hydrolysis pro- Mixed Melamine Resins
ducts of melamine are obtained when the amino With regard to melamineureaformaldehyde,
groups of melamine are gradually replaced by copolymers can be prepared which are generally used
hydroxyl groups. Complete hydrolysis produces to cheapen the cost of MF resins, but which also show
cyanuric acid. some worsening of properties. Copolymerization was
Ammeline and ammelide can be regarded as par- proven by means of model compounds and polycon-
tial amides of cyanuric acid. They are acid and densates [18]. MUF resins obtained by copolymeriza-
have no use in resin production. They are very tion during the resin preparation stage are superior in
undesirable by-products of the manufacture of mel- performance to MUF resins prepared by mixing
amine because of their catalytic effect in the preformed UF and MF resins, especially because
solubility, viscosity, pH, concentration, and so on Control of the average molecular size of the fin-
have been determined, they constitute the resins ished resin is essential for correct flow in plywood
available commercially. The most important factors and particleboard applications while in the hot press
influencing the final properties of aminoplastic prior to curing. Too low a level of condensation (i.e.
resins in industrial manufacture are the purity of the low-molecular-weight resins) may give too much
reagents, the molar proportions of the materials flow; the resin “runs away” from the wood or sinks
used, the preparation process used, and the pH vari- into it rapidly under pressure, leaving “starved” glue
ation and control. lines. This can be corrected by lowering the pH by
The most common method of preparation for adding an acid or acid-producing substance, usually
commercial UF resin adhesives is the addition of a a curing agent, hardening catalyst, or simply, hard-
second amount of urea during the preparation reac- ener. If a resin of too high a condensation stage (i.e.
tion. This consists of reacting urea and formalde- high-molecular-weight resins) is on hand, its flow
hyde in more than equivalent proportions. under normal pressure and temperature may be too
Generally, an initial urea/formaldehyde molar ratio low to produce good results. This can usually be cor-
of 1:2.0 to 2.2 is used. Methylolation can in this rected by adding flow agents to it, provided that at
case be carried out in a much shorter time by using least some flow is left in the resin. It is generally an
temperatures of up to 9095°C. The mixture is advantage to produce resins with ample flow in the
then maintained under reflux. When the exotherm factory. Their storage life is longer and finishing can
subsides (usually after 10 to 30 min), the methylol be done at any time, at short notice, to specification,
compounds have formed and the reaction is com- particularly by adjusting the flow and speed of cure.
pleted under reflux by adding a trace of an acid to Resins that have lost part of their flow during man-
decrease the pH to the UF polymer-building stage ufacture or storage must be corrected by the addition
(pH 5.0 to 5.3). As soon as the right viscosity is of a flow agent. The simplest means is often the addi-
reached, the pH is increased to stop polymer build- tion of water sprayed on the compound and mixed in
ing, and the resin solution is cooled to about 25 to well. If a resin is still capable of flowing, this proce-
30°C. More urea (called second urea) is added to dure produces a resin with properties that are still
consume the excess of formaldehyde until the acceptable. In cases where moisture content control is
molar ratio of urea to formaldehyde is in the range critical, it may be necessary to allow a little more
1:1.1 to 1:1.7. After this addition of urea, the resin time for “heating” to let the added moisture escape.
is left to react at 25 to 30°C for as long as 24 h. However, if the flow is very low, and large quantities
The excess water is eliminated by vacuum distilla- of water must be used to bring the flow back to nor-
tion until a resin solids concentration of 64 to 65% mal, this method is not recommended. The large
is reached, and the pH is adjusted to achieve amount of water would cause longer “breathing”
suitable shelf life or storage life. times to be necessary due to excessive volatile com-
The final addition of urea can be done in one oper- ponents; excessive shrinkage may take place, causing
ation or the urea may be added at suitable intervals in excessive stress on the glue lines. It must be kept in
smaller lots. Second or further ureas can be added at mind that excessive water addition causes UF resin
a temperature slightly higher than ambient, or can be precipitation. The best way to correct flow in these
added at higher temperatures of 60 to 90°C according cases is to mix the resin with large amounts of an
to the type of final resin wanted [2932]. Increasing equal resin of the same quality that has a higher flow.
second or further urea additions tends to improve Any proportion may be used to bring the flow back to
bond quality, especially at low formaldehyde/urea normal. If increased flow is desired, 0.5 to 2.0% of
molar ratios [2932]. Higher-molar-ratio resins tend spray-dried UF or MF resin can also be added to
to exhibit an overall better initial bond quality [14], function as a flow agent. Methylol compounds, such
but present an exponentially increased formaldehyde as dimethylol urea, also increase flow, but they
emission problem [16], most often disqualifying them increase the water released during reaction more than
from many, or most, modern uses. Some UF resins do spray-dried resins. Lubricating agents such as cal-
used for joinery are also produced without a final, or cium stearate are also able to give a fair degree of
second, urea addition. The pH used during the con- flow increase.
densation reaction (not the methylolation) is generally Many substances have been suggested as curing
in the range 4.8 to 5.3. agents. These include the following acid products:
Figure 4.1 Light-colored amino resin-based coasters compared to dark-colored phenolic resin-based coasters.
(1) boric acid, (2) phosphoric acid, (3) acid sulfates, 4 NH4Cl + 6 HCHO → 4 HCl + (CH2)8N4 + 6 H20
(4) hydrochlorides, (5) ammonium salts of phospho-
ric or polyphosphoric acid, (6) sodium or barium
ethyl sulfate, (7) acid salts of hexamethylenetetra-
mine, (8) phthalic anhydride, (9) phthalic acid, (10) Scheme 4.6
acid resins such as poly(basic acid)poly(hydric
alcohol), (11) oxalic acid or its ammonium salts,
and many others. However, the most widely used
curing agents in the wood products industry are still Often, particularly in cold-setting UF resins for
ammonium chloride or ammonium sulfate. Their joinery, hardeners consisting of mixtures of a salt
effect can be altered by retarding the resin reaction. such as ammonium chloride or ammonium sulfate
This is done by the simultaneous addition of small with an acid such as phosphoric acid, citric acid, or
amounts of ammonia solution (which is eliminated others are used to regulate pot life and rate of cur-
during hot curing) to lengthen the pot life of the ing. Both pot life and rate of curing of the resin can
glue mix. Latent catalysts that produce acid only on then be regulated by (1) varying the concentration
heating may also be used, such as dimethyloxalate of the hardener in the resin, (2) by changing the rel-
and other easily hydrolizable esters, or halogenated ative proportions of acid and salt, and (3) by chang-
substances such as 0.1 to 0.2% bromohydrocin- ing the type of acid and/or salt composing the
namic acid and others. hardener. Acting on these three principles, setting
The driving force in the use of these salts as times of between a few minutes and several hours
hardeners is their capacity to release acid, which can easily be obtained.
decreases the pH of the resin and thereby acceler-
ates curing. The speed of the reaction between the
ammonium salt and formaldehyde (or ammonia and Adhesive and Bonding Resins
formaldehyde when this is present) also determines, Ureaformaldehyde and melamineformaldehyde
together with the amount of heat supplied, the rate resins, usually in the liquid or spray-dried forms,
of acid release and therefore the rate of curing are used as adhesives (see Figures 4.1 and 4.2).
(Scheme 4.6). Though the melamineformaldehyde resins are more
Ammonium chloride is a better hardener than water- and heat-resistant and give more durable adhe-
hydrochloric acid, as the latter produces weaker sives and bonding resins than the ureaformaldehyde
joints. resins, their higher costs limit their use.
4: AMINOS 83
Coating Resins
Amino resins serve as cross-linking agents for
hydroxyl, carboxyl, and amide functional polymers
Figure 4.2 Fabricated items made from such as acrylics, polyesters, epoxies, and alkyds.
particleboard. Particleboard has superior structural Liquid amino coating resins are produced by react-
strength and is less expensive than medium-density ing the initial methylolated species, dimethylol
fiberboard. (Courtesy of Weyerhaeuser.) urea, and hexamethylol-melamine, with either
n-butanol or methanol. This step results in an
amino resin that is more soluble in, and compatible
with, the coating resins. The increased compatibil-
Their durability and water-resistant characteris- ity enhances the ether exchange reaction between
tics promote the use of melamineformaldehyde the amino resins and the reactive sites of the coat-
resins in outdoor and marine applications. The ing polymers to produce coating films with a very
light-colored amino resins are attractive for deco- high degree of cross-linking.
rative plywood veneers without encountering the Ureaformaldehyde coating resins cure more
associated problem of discoloration caused by rapidly but have lower moisture resistance than
resin bleed-through. Typically, the adhesive and melamineformaldehyde coating resins. In general,
bonding resins have urea:formaldehyde ratios of melamine-based coating resins have better overall
1:1.5 to 2.0 and a melamine:formaldehyde ratio of performance, but, again, their higher costs limit
1:3.0. The reactions are carried out at a pH of 7.5 their use. It is common to use a combination of
to 8.0 and at reflux for up to 8 hours until 50 to urea/melamine-based resins to achieve the right
60% solid composition is attained. The pH is low- balance of properties, costs, and performance.
ered as viscosity is increased; the reaction is then Beetle, Cymel, and Melmac are trade names of
stopped and the resin is stabilized using caustic American Cyanamid Company’s liquid coating
soda by raising the pH to 8.0. The typical formula- resins [33].
tion of adhesive resins is about 15% resin; wood The Beetle grades are butylated and iso-butylated
flour, pecan, and walnut shells are the common fil- ureaformaldehyde resins with low-temperature cure
lers. Acid catalysts are favored in adhesive and characteristics, very good substrate/intercoat adhe-
bonding amino resins. siveness, and low cost. These ureaformaldehyde
coating resins are compatible with hydroxyl-bearing dispersions containing 0.5 to 1.0 percent alcohol as
polymers such as amine-catalyzed epoxy resins, oil- a surfactant. The alcohol surfactant reduces the sur-
alkyd resins, epoxy-ester resins, cellulosics, and con- face tension of the resin solution and increases fiber
version varnishes. wettability. Typical colloid composition is of the
The Cymel grades are either methylated or melamine resinacidwater ratio of 1:1:6.5 by
butylated melamine-form-aldehyde resins with weight.
UV-resistance, chemical resistance, exterior dura- Saturation of the fiber material with the resin
bility, fast-cure characteristics, and very good typically involves the free-turningroll-pulling of
adhesiveness. These melamine-form-aldehyde fiber material through a resin solution bath. The
coating resins exhibit compatibility for a wide resin-saturated web is then drawn to the dryer. The
range of resin types with thio, hydroxyl, carboxyl, resin concentration, pulling speed, and residence
and amide functional groups such as alkyd and time of the fiber in the bath influence the rate of
polyester resins, epoxy resins, acrylics, vinyl poly- impregnation. The dryer and drying process are an
mers, and cellulosics. Compatible cellulosics integral part of the laminating process. The drying
include ethyl cellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose, process helps to evaporate the resin solvent and
nitrocellulose, and carboxylated cellulose deriva- enhance the degree of resin polymerization.
tives. They are also good wetting and dispersing
agents for carbon black and organic pigments.
Some Cymel resins require the presence of strong Amino Molding Resins
acid catalysts for effectiveness and a high degree Granule and powder forms of ureaformaldehyde
of cross-linking. p-Toluene sulfonic acid is the and melamineformaldehyde resins are used in
most popular catalyst used with Cymel resins. The molding resins (Table 4.1). Their characteristic clar-
other catalysts are dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid, ity promotes their use in a variety of colored pro-
oxalic acid, maleic acid, hexamic acid, and metal ducts. Amino-molding compounds are commonly
salts. Metal salts like magnesium bromide formulated with fillers for strength and dimensional
(MgBr2), aluminum nitrate (A1(NO3)3), and zinc stability. Chemically purified alpha cellulose fibers
nitrate (Zn(NO3)2) are used to achieve hardness are the most popular fillers for amino molding
and solvent resistance, but they cause discolor- resins. The other fillers are talc, mica, glass fibers,
ation and low gloss. chopped cotton flock, and wood flour.
Common mole ratios of urea or melamine to
formaldehyde in amino resins are 2:3 and 3:4. The
resinification process is carried beyond the point of
Laminating Resins water solubility, and then the resin-filler mixture is
Amino laminating resins are predominantly heated at controlled humidity conditions. The resin-
melamineformaldehyde resins based. Typically, to-filler ratio, filler type, catalyst type, and degree
1 mole of melamine reacts with 2 moles of form- of polymerization are varied to achieve different
aldehyde at a pH of 8 to 10 to achieve a 50 to molding properties.
65% solids resin. Catalysts and plasticizers are Compression transfer methods for processing
usually added to enhance cure and flexibility. and injection (screw and cold manifold) molding
Melamineformaldehyde laminating resins have are the major amino-molding resins. Molding tem-
characteristic hardness, clarity, stain resistance, peratures are 260340°F for ureaformaldehyde
and UV-resistance. Spray drying is sometimes resins and 260360°F for melamineformaldehyde
used to achieve long shelf life. resins. Compression molding pressures of 2000 to
The methylolated melamineformaldehyde resins 8000 psi are common for amino resins. Processing
form stable cationic colloids in the presence of such is enhanced by the presence of an acid catalyst
acids as carboxylics. The colloidal melamine resins such as phthalic anhydride and an inhibitor such as
impregnate and form strong ionic bonds with cellu- hexamethylenetetramine (“HEXA”). Small amounts
lose fibers (paper) in water dispersions [5] with a of the inhibitor help to stabilize the molding resin
consequent increase in wet tensile strength. The during storage and prior to molding, and to control
degree of impregnation is enhanced by using water the cure rate during molding.
Table 4.1 Properties of Amino (Urea, Melamine) Molding Compounds
Table 4.3 Trends in Amino (Urea-Formaldehyde and Melamine-Formaldehyde) Coating Resins Consumption
(106 lb/yr) [5,11]
of amino resins than all other laminates combined. and electrical switch gears. Other laminate applica-
These are mainly ureaformaldehyde-based resins, tions include light reflectors and diffusers, refriger-
and are typically used for interior applications. ator breaker strips, and name plates.
Phenolic resin-based plywood is used instead for
exterior applications, hence its domination of the
plywood market. Molding
Melamine resins, which dominate the amino Approximately 40 thousand tons of amino mold-
resin laminate market, are used more for decorative ing compounds were used in 1993. About 73%
than for electrical and industrial purposes. Amino were urea-type resins (Tables 4.4 and 4.5), due
resin laminates are paper, cloth, veneers (wood), mainly to the higher costs of melamine resins (in
and glass (cloth and mat) based, sandwich-type spite of their better properties). The major areas of
constructions with high percentages of amino amino molding resins application are electrical, clo-
resins. Stacks of heat-cured sheets are pressed sures, housewares, buttons, and sanitaryware.
together to produce laminates having the desired Alpha cellulose-filled melamine molding resins
characteristics. Decorative laminates are used are used to make housewares such as dinnerware
mainly for furniture construction, kitchen counter (dishes, cups), ash trays, utensil handles, knobs,
tops, cabinets, and vertical wall surfaces. Industrial appliance components, control buttons, and sani-
laminates are used for printed circuit boards, elec- taryware such as toilet seats and bowls and shaver
trical panels, welding torch electrode insulators, housings.
Table 4.4 Trends in Urea-Formaldehyde Molding Resins Consumption (106 lb/yr) [5,11]
Table 4.5 Trends in Melamine Molding Resins Consumption (106 lb/yr) [5,11]
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