567 01 97
567 01 97
567 01 97
Editor: G4BUE
January 1997
A man should keep his friendship in constant repair - Samuel Johnson (1755).
Have you made your new year resolutions yet? If you are an Internet user, can I please ask you to add another to your list. When sending messages to other members about FOC matters, please put the word FOC at the beginning of the subject line, followed by whatever you want to make the subject. When we arrived home on 20 December after being in Florida for three weeks, there were 1507 e-mail messages waiting for me (despite having set no-mail to some of the reflectors!). I had to check them in a hurry before Dennis, G3MXJ, compiled the new tick sheets, and it was very difficult to identify some of them as coming from members. June joins me in wishing you and your families a very Happy New Year. Let us hope that 1997 brings more health, more new friends, more sun spots and more Windles, but less 449 reports and less QRM to us all, and a more peaceful world for everyone.
16-18 Dayton Hamvention 17 Condin in Fulda? 18 Dayton Breakfast? 28 Deadline for June N/Sheet June - VHF and 10m 25 Deadline for July N/Sheet 28 Northern Get-together July - 40 and 12m 28 Deadline for August N/Sheet August - 30 and 10m 25 Deadline for FOCUS 32 28 Deadline for September N/Sheet September - 40 and 15m 25 Deadline for October N/Sheet 26-28 RSGB HF & IOTA Colnvention October - 80 and 17m 3 June and Chriss Open House 4 Annual Dinner at Lords November - 160 and 20m 17 Deadline for FOCUS 33 27 Deadline for December N/Sheet
Starred List
New Members
GM3KPD (1199): resigned. G3PDL (10120: amend e-mail g3pdl@compuserve.com G3RVM (1407): amend e-mail g3rvm@compuserve.com G3UOF (1640): change to postal address Aerial View Cottage, The Reddings, An invitation has been issued to G3IZD. Lydbrook, Glos GL17 9ST. No reply has yet been received to the invita- G3VMK (1332): change e-mail g3vmk@compuserve.com tion issued to YO3APJ last month. G3WGV (1600): new telephone - 0118 973 Additional Nominations 3745 6. HA7PJ: W1PL, W2MEL, N3SZQ. G8GP (597): transfer to Associate mem4. N4KG: N4AR, GM3POI, W9VNE, W1BIH. 3. VE3UPG: VE1BN. bership. 3. G3PQC: G3LPN, G3VCN, G4YNU, G4RMV. G8QZ (59): transfer to Associate member2. K2UFT: KT5X. ship. 2. G3MRC(9Q5MRC): G3JFF, G2HKU, G4MVA, GIVZ (1666): change e-mail G3WGV, 9J2BO. jan.fisher@virgin.net 1. KF2AT: K5DQ. DL7AKC (1520): add e-mail 1. WB8APR: K4EWG. JensDL7AKC@aol.com 1. W4PM: N2UU.
F5VCT (1516): amend telephone - 4 50 56 38 02; change e-mail - bo.lofstedt@cern.ch F8RU (1326): Silent Key. F9VN (1534): new address - Les Bougainvillees 4, 17 Rue des Melezes, 66270 Le Soler, France; telephone - 4 68 92 48 79. OZ1VY (A1345): delete, Associate membership expired and no reply to correspondence. VE7BS (140): restore to full membership. ZL1AXM (1013): Silent Key ZS6AL (658): change XYL - Hester-Ann. 9A2AA (1359): add XYL - Mirta; zip code 21001; tel - 21 587235. K2AGJ (837): resigned. N2EEC (A1355):delete, Associate membership expired and no reply to correspondence. N3JT (1067): change e-mail n3jt@nmaa.org W4MJ (1139): e-mail - w4mj@greater.net W4YE (1217): new address - 8260 B.T. Washington Hwy, Wirtz, VA 24184, USA; telephone - 540 721 4684. W8JBI ((1495): change call - N8XU. KM9P ((1598): change call - N4VJ.
It is intended that the 1997 Call Book will be mailed with FOCUS 30 and the April News Sheet at the end of March 1997. Please ensure that you let Dennis, G3MXJ, or me have any changes you want made to your entry, including any additional calls you want listed on the inside back cover. You are reminded that the third line of your entry can be used for an e-mail address or a packet BBS address, but not both. I would like to offer Fulda, Germany as the site for the 1997 CONDIN (to be held on 17 May). Fulda is centrally located, about 90kms northeast of Frankfurt/Main and easily accessible by motorway. How do the membership feel about it. Please let me know on HF or via packet radio UHF (DK4LX@DBGV.#HES.DEU.EU). If there is enough support within three weeks of this publication, I will go ahead and do what is necessary to get the project underway. The 1997 Northern Get-together at Harrogate will be held on Saturday 28 June at the Imperial AC5K: Wes has recently started his own business, specialising in human resource consulting. F8RU: Ted passed away on 24 November after a long illness. His family have said they do not wish to be contacted by any of Teds amateur radio friends. F9VN: Herve and Jo have settled into their new cottage and Herve says he will be back on the air soon. G3SWH: Phil and Jan visited China in December and Phil managed to get permission to operate from BY1QH for a few hours, making 182 QSOs. G3SXW: Rogers says the 5V7A team made 12,200 QSOs in the CQ CW Contest. G3XAQ: Alan was QRV as 6Y5/G3XAQ at the beginning of December. G4VXE: Tim was QRV as C6A/G4VXE at the beginning of December. Phil, G3SWH, is now acting as QSL manager for all Tims operations. G8VG: Peter reports the sad news that his mother Muriel, (wife of the OM, Bill) passed away on 16 December. She had been ill in hospital for several weeks after the death of Peters sister at the end of October. Muriel was almost 89 years old and older members will remember the many years of support she gave Bill when he ran the Club almost single-handed. We offer our condolences to Peter and the family. GM3POI: Congratulations to Clive on his ARRL 160 Meter Contest entry. His 14 hours operating yielded 600 QSOs and he worked all 50 USA States (including two KH6s and six KL7s), and 75 Sections. Is this the first time that WAS has been worked in one week-end on 160 metres from Europe? K9BG: Jerry will be QRV as HR3/K9BG with Bob, KS9W, 8/15 January, CW/RTTY and some SSB and satellite, 160-10 metres. N1BB: Bill was QRV in the ARRL 10 Meter contest and was pleased to see an opening to Europe on the second day (1500-1530z) when
Hotel, Prospect Place, Harrogate HG1 1LA (telephone 01423 565071; fax 01423 500082), the same venue as 1996. I am told the rates will be the same as 1996, i.e. 14.95 per person for the meal, (which will be a carvery and coffee) including service and VAT, and accommodation (bed and breakfast) at 30 per person per night. Everyone settles their own account with the hotel, including the meal. This will be the Tenth Northern Get-together and we hope to see many of you there. Our President Pete, G3PDL, and Diane will be attending. Further information can be obtained from me by telephone (01472 852201) or e-mail (101347.3130@compuserve.com).
The Convention dates are 4-6 April at the Centre Plaza Holiday Inn, Fresno, California, U.S.A. Pre-registration is $60 (until 3 March 1997) and thereafter $65. Send cheques to Gordon Girton, W6NW, P.O. Box 60307, Sunnyvale, CA 94088-0307, USA. Gordons email address is: gordon@svpal.org. When you send your registration check please indicate your choice of banquet meal, they are prime rib, salmon, or grilled breast of chicken. I understand the Centre Plaza Holiday Inn, Fresno is full. However if you call them, (209) 268-1000, they will refer you to alternative available lodging. Also the Visitors Bureau, (209) 233-0836 will assist in lodging needs.
I have not yet received any information about the 1997 West Coast Dinner, but am assuming it will again be held on the Friday (4 April) of the International DX Convention in California. If members are considering attending the Dinner and/or the Convention, they may be interested in the following message from Len, K6ANP, the Publicity Chairman for the Convention, which was posted on the Internet recently:-
If you are visiting the USA and intend to operate there, then you will need a reciprocal licence issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The licence is free but the application must be made on the proper form (FCC FORM 610A February 1996). Jim, N3JT, has kindly sent me a quantity of forms for distribution to members intending to visit the USA. Please let me have a SAE if you want one. sociated with the club if he so wishes. This is certainly the case with most sports or hobby clubs who have a thriving membership of people who whilst unable to actively participate in their hobby as much as they would wish nevertheless make a valuable contribution to their adopted club and enjoy the comradeship and belonging that a club of like-minded people brings. I agree that the active membership should maintain their activity levels in line with the clubs wishes, but to hound out Associate Members in this way seems to be somewhat of a pointless and errant pursuit which has caused a number of less-active members a good deal of upset and bad feeling. (Ian is referring to the rule where Associate Membership will only be granted as a temporary measure and, apart from exceptional circumstances, not permanently. At the last revision, the Committee took the view that there is no support for having two classes of membership within FOC.) W4/GIHM: Ursula is in England for medical treatment for Ray. She will be off the air for a while. We wish Ray a speedy recovery. W8JBI: After 63 years with the same call, Ted finally applied for a new one and received N8XU on 18 December. ZS6AL: Congratulations to Vidi and Hester-Ann on their marriage on 30 November. Hester-Ann is N4MPQ and uses her second name, Ann, on the air. She will apply for a ZS call once she finalises her residence permit. Vid says they met on 20 metres CW in 1994 and were married by a radio amateur, ZS6DRM, who is a minister in Vidis local church. ZS6YI was one of the witnesses and drove them to the ceremony in his 1996 Rolls Royce Spirit IV which also has a HF, VHF and UHF station built into it! They didnt do any operating on their way to the wedding, but did some from a chalet on the Vaal River during their short honeymoon. Their long honeymoon was driving down to the Western Cape for three weeks.