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Editor: G4BUE

April 1999

A man should keep his friendship in constant repair - Samuel Johnson (1755)
(3525, 7025, 10120-10125, 14025, 18080-18085, 21025, 24905-24910 and 28025kHz)


Articles that respond to Topical Issues or which raise new topics are welcomed. Please contribute to the debate. Your views will be read widely. Send your article to me by email to <g3sxw@compuserve.com> or by post. Whether your topic concerns an internal FOC club issue or a wider amateur radio issue your words will certainly stimulate reaction. We look forward to hearing from you. Dick, G2FFO, writes as follows: In this years ARRL DX CW Contest I joined in the fun of handing out a few points which inevitably led to QSOs with FOC members. At the time it had not occurred to me that many of the big guns taking part would be multi-operator contestants, which often means that the operator at the key is not the holder of the call. Having read Bills, N4AR, remarks in the February News Sheet about picking up Windle points in an RSGB Cumulative contest, I wrote to Chris, G4BUE, to report that I had picked up some 15 Windles during the ARRL Contest. In the March News Sheet Chris reported this and added a footnote in which he said he assumed I had checked who was behind the multi-op keys. I have to admit that I had not made any checks simply because I had not perceived that any problem could arise. It was only when Chris alluded to the possibility that some of my Windle claims might not have been genuine that I realised that problems can indeed arise! I was rather upset because I felt it was being suggested that I was content to make bogus claims. After I had written to Chris pointing this out, he quickly replied, setting my mind at rest and apologising for the phrasing of his comment. He had assumed that I was aware of the necessity to check. I knew that most of the 15 QSOs were genuine because we had greeted each other by name and/or had signed with 161.


I think it possible that I am not the only FOC member to have been unaware of problems such as this when working in contests, and I feel that the membership should be reminded to take care in order to avoid any embarrassment. A problem which arises is that many of us have no certainty about the identity of the multi-operator stations who will be taking part in any particular contest, although it can be safely assumed that certain FOC members always operate in that category. Chris commended his own approach to this problem, which is that when members QSO an FOC multi-operator contestant, one way of discovering who is at the key is to send OP (name)? after the report, ie when working W3LPL in the ARRL DX CW Contest, send 5NN 123 OP FRANK?. I would hope to hear a reply on the lines of R HI DICK. A negative response would mean no Windle point should be claimed. I cannot recall the last time a News Sheet reported three Silent Keys. We will miss George, GD4AM; Bob, N6EA, and Larry, W4HY, and our condolences to their families. FOC members have been very prominent in many recent DXpeditions, and on your behalf I would like to thank DJ3KR for giving us BV and JW, G3SXW and G3ZEM for their C2 DXpedition, G3VMW for his solo C56SW DXpedition, G3RTE, G3SWH and G3WGV for their 5Z4LI DXpedition to Lamu Island (IOTA AF-040), G4ZVJ for his 9H3ZV operation, K2LE for his P4 Marathon operation, K4LTA for his J3 DXpedition, N4AR as MI/N4AR, N4OO and N4TO for their KG4 DXpedition, K5NA for his KH6 operation, K6NA for his two ZD8A operations, VK8AV for his mobile DXpedition to Phillip Island (IOTA OC-136) as VK8AV/3, in addition to regulars N2NT from ZF and AA5DX and W4QM from VQ9. We are now looking for-


ward to G3HCT from A2, K3ZO as HSZAW, N1DG from A6 and N5TJ from KP2. Thanks for giving us lots of DX excitement on the bands and for showing the world how good CW DXpeditions should be carried out. The danger of making lists like those above is that you leave somebody out! If I have, then please let me know and accept my apologies. Also, please let me know if you will be QRV from somewhere other than home so I can let your fellow club members know. In addition to those members listed on page 46 of FOCUS 38 as either booked or considering attending, I am aware that G3JZV will not now be attending, but Maureen and Bob, G4CEO, and Andy, G4ZVJ, have booked and Kathleen and Bill, G3LTV are considering , attending. North American members attending, or possibly attending, are AC5K, K1AO, K1JD, K2LE, K2VCO, K2VUI, K3ZO, K4FU, K5MA, N2UU, N3BB, N3JT, N4AR, N4OO, N4TO, N4TY, N4UB, N5TP VA3LK, VE3AR, , W1HMD, W1OT, W1PL, W1RM, W3LPL, W4PM, W4QM and W4ZYT. 5B4AGC: George was planning to be QRV in the CQ WPX SSB Contest as H2G. George says they have a monthly lunch meeting on the first Sunday of each month for visiting radio amateurs at a beach-side restaurant, and anyone interested can call him for details when they are on the island. AC5K: Wes has been working some QRP on 30 metres with less than one watt. He asks if anyone in the US has a disk for WAFOCC on Microsoft Excel as he would like to submit his WAFOCC application on Excel 5. GCMM: John will be QRV during the evening of 7 April and morning of 8 April as GBKGB or GBKGC from Portishead Radio. The station will be QRV 1/11 April by the Radio Officers Association members. GIHM: Ursula will be in the UK for six months from 28 March and is hoping to attend the Harrogate Get-Together. G2FDF: Congratulations to Bill on obtaining his Augie. He says, the note in the News Sheet did the trick. G2HKU: Stella is out of hospital and learning to walk on crutches at home. G3CWW: Tony writes like Bill, G2FDF, I have been struggling for several years to reduce my outstanding list for the Augie, but it has stayed stubbornly at the 30 mark. However, this years Marathon has been a breakthrough and the list has gone down to 21 and I heard another 7 without being able to reach them. I now realise how much I have handicapped myself without computer log-


Starred List


An invitation has been sent to G3HSP .

Additional Nominations


6. G3UFY: VK8AV, G3JJZ. 5. SM4BZH: K4EWG. 5. LA8XM: OZ8RO, SM5COP SM3BCS, DJ3KR, GEBW, , G4PKT, W1HMD, SM3EVR. 4. K2UFT: KT5X, K4BAI, K1JD. 4. KW1C: K1RH, KF2AT, W4TAJ. 4. KF7E: 9J2BO, KT5X, K4EWG, KC7V. 3. WUA: G4CEO. 3. OK1RP: G2FDF, G4PKD. 3. 9V1YC: N3BB, N6NT, K5NA. 3. EA6ACC: EA6ZY, G3UOF, 5B4AGC. 3. W4LZ: G3FBN, VE1BN, G4PKT, N4TY. 3. K6OQ: W6IJ. 3. K5CA: W6IJ, KF2AT, G4ZDB, VE1BN, W1HMD, W9NN, W2DX, W1WEF, N9RD. 2. KFW: W8EGB. 2. W4ML: W4PM. 2. KY7M: KC7V. 2. TA2DS: K4EWG. 2. HA7PJ: K4EWG. 1. N7DR: G4BUO. 1. SM6CLU: W2MEL. 1. W5ZR: K2ZR. 1. JH1GNU: W6IJ. 1. KC4YDP: WIAK.

New Member

1710 G3HCT (John) - J. Bazley, Brooklands, Ullenhall, Nr. Henley-on-Arden, Warwickshire B95 5NW; Tel - 01564 795231; XYL Jill; e-mail <101552.262@compuserve. com>.


GD4AM (A1239): Silent Key. VP9C (A1333): Delete - no subscription received and no reply to correspondence. W4HY (1364): Silent Key. N6EA (948): Silent Key. W6TD (1377): Resigned. ging for the Marathon, so have resolved to be properly equipped for next year. I have no intention of changing over to full computer logging as I have 53 years of very effective card-index records which are adequate for normal working - and I do not particularly fancy the job of transferring all that information to computer!.

G3HCT: Welcome back to the club to John. He will be QRV 1/10 May as A25/G3HCT during a family trip. G3IY: Jim corrects my information about him in the March News Sheet. He says, Just received my News Sheet and on reading the entry regarding the George Cross it is obvious that you have been given some duff info! I actually won the Military Medal (the Military Cross is for officers) and I was in the Civilian Wireless Reserve. That was formed, I think, in 1938 and we were given crystals for RAF frequencies so that we could practice using RAF procedure. The George Cross is a civilian decoration and is the equivalent of the Victory Cross which, of course, is for members of the Armed Forces. My apologies Jim, but congratulations none the less on being awarded the Military Medal. G3JLB: Les says, congratulations to Dennis, G3MXJ, and all concerned in the production and distribution of Sixty Years of FOC. It is splendid testament of what we are all about. Incidentally, I can well remember the hand-over of Stan, G2DPY, in 1956 on a cold November day. He had travelled all the way from Shoreham to Gravesend by bus(es) carrying with him all the Club records and the ink-duplicator, which must have weighed all of 30lbs! I thought to myself at the time what an act to follow!. Congratulations to Janet and Les on their ruby wedding in May when they will celebrate with a cruise to 8P9, V2, V4, J6 and CT3, but radio is not contemplated! G3RWL: Richard has cancelled his 2/15 April 8P6DR operation. G3SXW: Congratulations to Roger and Bob, G3ZEM, who made over 20,000 QSOs (38% on WARC bands) in 132 DXCC (34% North America, 34% Asia, 29% Europe and 3% others) during their 27 February/7 March C21SX and C21ZM operation, including 220 QSOs on 160 metres (none with Europe), 421 QSOs on 80 metres (eight with Europe) and 2222 QSOs on 40 metres. Roger had mailed replies to over 1000 direct QSL requests within three weeks of being home! G3VMW: Steve, G3VMW, made 12,285 CW QSOs during his 4/18 March DXpedition as C56SW from Banjul, including 4 on 160 metres, 158 on 80, 1095 on 40, 1135 on 30, 2258 on 20, 1235 on 17, 1636 on 15, 2203 on 12 and 2559 on 10 metres. A log search is at <http://www.bramham.demon. co.uk>. G4HZV: Bob says that the USA FCC no longer issue reciprocal licences. Evidently from 12 February UK amateurs can operate in the US on the strength of their UK licence alone, just like we can in Europe under CEPT. Bob says, I knew this was coming, but I sent

off a form 610A licence application, just to be on the safe side, and got a reply to this effect from the FCC in the mail this morning (24 March). I havent seen anything in the amateur radio press yet. G8VG: Pete is temporary QRT while both his IC-756 (main rig) and IC-735 (back-up rig) are being repaired, after both braking down within a day of each other. GW3SB: Chas recently contributed to a BBC radio programme, Morse Story to be broadcast on BBC Radio 4 at 2230z 20 May. GW3SYL: Roy will be QRT for a couple of months while some major work is done on the house and garden at the rear of his QTH necessitating the taking down of his masts. K1RH: Ralph has been in hospital recently to have a pacemaker fitted. K2SX: Dennis made over 1700 QSOs in the ARRL DX CW Contest with his Butternut vertical and says it is amazing what good conditions can do for a puny antenna! He and Betty went to Hilton Head, SC for a holiday in February, a place they are considering moving to when Dennis retires in a few years time. He says, only problem is that antennas and towers are prohibited on the island. About 100 amateurs are on the island and nobody apparently has figured out how to get around the prohibition. Not a good sign. I did talk to some of the locals and they told me how to mix up some camouflage paint so that verticals would blend in with the trees!. K4XU: Dick will be in the UK 25/27 April. K9WA: Jim is the trustee for W9FOC, which he will use in the Marathon and possibly at other times to get others used to the call. N1DG: Don will be in A6 again in late April. N4AR: Bill was QRV for a few days in March (including the Commonwealth Contest) as MI/N4AR from GIAIJs QTH. N4KG: Tom is in hospital for possible bypass surgery. N4OO: Vic, N4TO, and Ink, N4OO, made 9985 QSOs during their 12/22 March DXpedition as KG4TO and KG4BV (1859), including 166 on 160 metres, 277 on 80, 691 on 40, 1389 on 30, 422 on 20, 1470 on 17, 1087 on 15, 3153 on 12 and 1330 on 10 metres. N6EA: Members will be saddened to hear that Bob passed away peacefully on 17 March. Adam, N6QR, says In his room, he was literally surrounded by dozens of cards, letters, even photos, pasted on the walls and windows, most from his FOC friends. Bob was fortunate to have his whole family join him a few weeks ago to celebrate reaching his 79th birthday. And he was fortunate indeed to have so many good friends in the Club, to support him in his waning days. OH2EA: Hans arrived back home from Thai-

land at the beginning of March to six feet of snow. He made a few QSOs from HS but none with members. VE7NH: Doug has bought a used 80 feet self supporting tower but now has to dismantle it and ship it to the island. He is still suffering from a high noise level which he is unable to trace the source of and may move QTH. VK8AV: Alan had poor conditions while he was QRV from Phillip Island (IOTA OC-136) as VK8AV/3 at the beginning of March. He subsequently visited Mavis and Ivor, VK3KS and VK3XB, and saw their very restricted antenna and says, the wire comes out of the top window and blends into the background making it impossible to see. Their big secret is the placing of radials all around the shack, with each terminated by a little neon which lights up when the frequency is being transmitted on! It looks like a wide-spaced Christmas tree!. Alan is QRV as VK8AV/5. W1HT: Ralph says, It occurs to me one way of increasing the amount of CW activity might be to require a minimum time for FOC QSOs to count towards awards. Many FOC members are serious contesters and a minimum time requirement might encourage longer QSOs, thus increasing activity. W3ABC: Hugh says every day gets better and I now able to do some limited driving. W4HY: Members will also be saddened to hear that Larry passed away 13 March. W6IJ: Tommy is now back at work and says his back is now 90%. Referring to KC9Ts comments in the March News Sheet about one of N2DANs gold plated Mercury paddles being sold for $4000, Tommy says that W1HMD told him there are only four real gold Mercury paddles: VA3CH has 001SP K5VT has , 001G, KC9T has 000G and Tommy has 003G. Evidently Larry was compiling records of the paddles with Steve when he died. W6TD: Terry has decided to resign, he writes, I have found that in the past several years my interest and activity in amateur radio has dwindled dramatically. This seems to occur with me every few years having been an ama-

(callsign in brackets indicate G4FOC operator)


Until May VQ9DX by AA5DX (592) Until June ZF2NT by N6NT (588) 26/17 April BV3/DJ3KR (593) 10/5 April J3/K4LTA (592) April - 30m & 17m (G3PDL) April A6 by N1DG (594) 1/30 ZL2RN/1 by ZL1MH (594) 3/30 HSZAR by K3ZO (594) 7/8 GBGKB by GCMM (594) 9 West Coast Dinner 14 Committee meeting 27/1 May LZ/N3JT (593) 28 Deadline for N/Sheet May - 80m & 20m (G3LIK) 1/10 A25/G3HCT (594) 7/9 North American Weekend 14/16 Dayton Hamvention 16 Dayton FOC Breakfast

teur for 47 years. This inactivity, however, is not beneficial to the Club, therefore I wish to resign my membership of 20 years and let a newcomer enjoy the Club as I have. It has been a very rewarding comradeship. We wish you the best of luck for the future Terry. ZL1MH: Mike QSOd both C21ZM (G3ZEM) and C21SX (G3SXW) on nine bands and says, Nauru looks close to me, but is close on 4000km from here!. Mike will be QRV as ZL2RN/1 during April, as well as his own call, as part of the New Zealand contribution to the Radio Officers Association Commonwealth Area Stations DX event tribute to Portishead Radio. Mike says, there will be many stations (generally with callsign suffixes following the format of the old area scheme) from all over the world taking part +/- 7020, 10120, 14050, 21050 and 28050kHz. ZP6CW: Doug says in an e-mail to me, Having a blast now on six meters, waiting for that band to open up in your area. ZS6AL: Vidi has been helping Deryck, ZS6DE, with his Morse code prior to him starting a tour of duty on Marion Island as ZS8D in April (thanks K5XK).

Score updates can be passed to G4BUE or any committee member. An asterisk against the call indicates the score has been updated this month. Table shows scores received by 0730z 31 March.
9H1EL* K1AO* EA8CN* W1HMD F5VEX* DL6TQ* N9RD* YV1NX* VE1BN* ZF2NT G3HZL G4HZV* 300 243 230 220 207 203 193 183 182 171 168 166 SV1AOW* 166 G4PKD* 161 GORH* 152 G2FFO 151 K4XU* 150 LZ1AF* 149 G4BJM* 138 W2GW 138 VE1BN 137 GW3KGV*134 K5DQ* 131 W8XM* 127 G2FDF* 125 G4BUE* 125 OZ4UN 120 W6IJ* 115 G4BUO* 112 GW3KDB 112 K1JD* 110 G3IY* 110 G3HEJ* 108 WB2YQH*106 G3JZV* 105 K4II* 102 G3KTZ 97 G3NKS* 96 VK4XA 95 VK8AV* 94 AC5K* 93 K4EF* 91 VE3DZZ 91 SM5COP* 88 W4ZYT* 86 N4TY* 84 W8KJP* G3KKQ DJ5ZN* G3LIK G3MCK GDMN G3LHJ* W5GEL G8VG* GW3SYL* K2SX* 84 82 81 80 79 77 76 76 75 75 74 N1DG* F3AT* YO4PX* ZL1AH* GW3SB* G3WGV ZL1MH W3NZ G2HKU* G3IEW ZS6AL* 72 71 71 69 66 62 62 60 59 59 59 K6DC K6TS* VA3LK* SM6AOU* JA7SSB* W2DX* W1FZY* W9NN KC7V* DJ9SB G3PQC* 55 54 52 51 50 47 46 45 44 44 42 N4TO GCHV ZP6CW W1HT* DF2IC W1FJ* ZL2AGY OH2KI* ZS6QU KL7PJ* OZ1LQH 41 40 37 36 34 32 30 28 20 13 3


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