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News Sheet 580: The First Class C.W. Operators' Club

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Editor: G4BUE


(Callsigns in brackets indicate G4FOC op)

February 1998

A man should keep his friendship in constant repair - Samuel Johnson (1755).


Friends My apologies to the 54 members who submitted their Windle scores to start the 1998 table off, but the Committee decided to use the space at the top of page 2 for a special announcement about our operating standards and the Windle Trophy. Please read it carefully. You will see the Committee are determined that a small minority of members do not spoil the enjoyment of the Windle Trophy for the majority. Most members who regularly update their scores in the table know they have no chance of winning, but they approach the Windle as a bit of fun, perhaps trying to better their previous years score or as friendly rivalry with a friend or their local FOC neighbours. The original concept of the Windle Trophy was to encourage activity on the air and the current policy of publishing members scores each month has been in response to the increasing number of scores now being regularly submitted. A later advantage to the Committee has been using the annual Windle returns to help identify those members who have not been active during the year and to consider writing to them under Rule 8. The Committee have to find a balance between encouraging on air activity and discouraging bad operating practice. Not an easy task, I think you will agree. Several suggestions have already been made to the Committee, but they welcome more. If you an idea, comment, suggestions, etc, then please let us know. Now to a second apology! The quality of the photographs in FOCUS 33 was below standard. This was due to a combination of trying a new technique (which did not work!) and a problem with my laser printer (which has been identified and repaired). I promise to do better with FOCUS 34. The report of the committee meeting on 24 January has been held over to the March News Sheet due to lack of space.


February - 80m and 15m (G3LTV) 2-15 P4/K2LE by K2LE 5 9G1VJ by G4ZVJ until 1 March 5 TJ1GB by W6RJ until 1 March 6-8 Marathon 10 J3 by K4LTA and Ruby until 3 March 12/23 9G5XA by G3XAQ 12/24 9MC by G3SED/G3WGV/K5VT 14-28 VP5(FXB) by K4LT and W8AV 17 Deadline for FOCUS 34 20 9G5SW by G3VMW until 1 March 20 9G5ZM by G3ZEM until 1 March

20-24 FO by OK1KT 21/22 VP5FXB by K4LT & W8AV 23 V2 by W1HL until 2 March 24 Deadline for March News Sheet 24 ZK1 (SC) by OK1KT until 4 March March - 40 and 12m (G3LTV) 4/14 A3 by OK1KT 10/17 9H3ZV by G4ZVJ 14/23 5W1 by OK1KT 23 3D2 by OK1KT until 1 April 27 Deadline for April News Sheet April - 30 and 17m (G3KTZ) 24 Deadline for May News Sheet


Starred List
3. G3HEJ: G3MCK, G3RVM, K1RH, W8EGB, K9QVB (+N4AR, W4QM, G3XAQ, W1HMD, G3KKQ, DL7AKC). 3. N4TY: G2FDF, G4BUE, K4FU, K4LT, N6NT (+W9VNE, K4LTA). 2. W4ZYT: G3LIK, JA1NUT, K1MEM, K5DQ, W3NZ (+G4PKD, K7UOT, SM3BCS, W4YE, G2FDF). Invitations have been sent to G4OEC and K5AX. 3. DK8IT: DL4CF, W1HMD, DL7AKC, DL6TQ 1. K5RC: W4AN. 1. K1AO: N2UU. 1. SV1AOW: G3LZK. 1. G3KMQ: W4QM.

ZS6AL (658): change of callsign for xyl Hester-Ann is now ZS6ESU; change tel - 16 423 3685. N1BB (1591): amend tel. - 781 595 0122. W1FJ (1532): amend tel. - 781 598 3744. W4CK (1515): new address - 1853 Runroamin Lane, Fayetteville, TN 37334. N4JT (1674): xyl -Sandy.
rooms available at a cost of about 80DM including breakfast. However, if you took your meals at the Blesiusgarten the difference in total cost would be not so great! The cost for day trips or visits to places of interest have not yet been calculated, and so have not been included in the costing for the weekend. On Sunday there will be a snack, coffee and cake, at my QTH. I have copies of the town-map and information about the hotel ready for those members intending to come. When the complete arrangements for the weekend have been formulated, this information will also be sent to those who show interest.

Additional Nominations
4. G3TOK: G3CWW 4. W8LAT: AA5DX, W1FZY. 3. N4IR: W4TAJ. 3. K7OQ: NR7O. The programme for the weekend will be put together in a few weeks time. Two hotels were already fully booked, but I have been fortunate again to make reservations at the Blesiusgarten, which has been improved since we were last there and now offers an indoor swimming pool and sauna. Whitsun in Trier is a very busy time and there will be many tourists visiting the city. For this reason I have already booked 18 double rooms at the hotel, but they will need to know the exact number required at the latest four weeks before the actual weekend. The total cost for the two nights at the hotel (arrive Friday 29 May and depart Sunday 31 May) days, including two champagne breakfasts and the four course (Two Seasons) dinner on the Friday evening and the five course (candle-light) dinner on the Saturday evening, is 229DM per person. There is a surcharge of 40DM for a single room for the two days and 70DM for additional nights accommodation. I may also be able to book a room for you at a small Hotel in Osburg. There are four double


This is your last call to let Dennis, G3MXJ know of any amendments you want made to your entry in the 1998 Call Book. It will be published at the end of March and mailed with the April News Sheet and FOCUS 34. Please let me know of any other callsigns you hold which you want listed on the inside back cover. Those members using e-mail will have the address currently recorded in OZ1LQHs data base shown in their entry. If this is not correct then please let Rene know now.

CLUB SALES by Maud Slater


The 1998 Con-din will again be held at Whitsun, 29/31 May 1998, and once again at Trier, Germany.

I have 37 of the new FOC ties left which can be purchased for 7.50 (paid to me, cheques payable to FOC) or for US$15 (paid to Elliott, W2MUM), both post-paid. I also have some of the silver 1997 Lords coasters for sale at 5 (to me) or US$10 (to Elliott, W2MUM), both post-paid.

At the recent Committee meeting, a number of complaints were considered from members relating to what they consider to be an unacceptable deterioration in the standard of on-the-air operating in the Club. Specifically referred to was what seems to be an escalating practice of breaking into QSOs without reasonable justification. It was suggested that an apparent increase in the competitiveness of the Windle Award is to blame. The Committee discussed the issue at length and took into account personal experiences of a number of similar incidents. They came to the conclusion that the complaints are well justified and that the actions complained of are in clear violation of item 3(c) in the FOC Code of Conduct. This demands consideration of other amateurs at all times by recognising that it is inconsiderate to break-in to a contact unless there is a reason that is relevant to both of the participating stations. This clause should be absolutely clear in its intention. It may be acceptable to extend a two-way contact to a three-way where the joining station has something relevant to the conversation, and will be readily acceptable to both of the original stations. What is totally unacceptable is an attempt to break into a QSO in an attempt to obtain a Windle point. Even more unacceptable is the practice that has been complained of against a small minority of members who resort to almost continuous calling when their attempts to break-in are ignored. Presumably, they consider that the stations involved have not heard them and it is only a matter of continuing to call before they will be acknowledged. Apart from being inconsiderate in the extreme, this practice sets a terrible example to non-FOC members who may be listening on the frequency. The Committee has resolved to take a hard-line on future examples of this kind of bad operating practice and will take action against persistent offenders. It invites members who suffer at the hands of the win-at-any-cost minority to send details. The Committee also intends to review the future of the Windle Award in the light of experience during 1998 and may decide to adjust the rules to limit the degree of competitiveness associated with a club event that is designed to stimulate activity and which was never intended to become any kind of contest.



I have just volunteered to take over the organisation of the West Coast Dinner from W6DU (sadly now a Silent Key) and N6RA. The dinner will be on Friday 1 May in conjunction with the Visalia International DX Convention at the Holiday Inn in Visalia. Reservations should be made to me as early as possible, please, although I will not know the cost until I have checked with the hotel. Bob, W6CYX, has kindly volunteered as Programme Chairman, and he will be organising the evenings entertainment for us. More information next month.


26th North American FOC Dinner - 8/10 May Dinner Tickets: $49 per person Venue: DoubleTree Hotel, 7801 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22043. Telephone: (703) 893-1340 Fax: (703) 847-9520 Rooms: $79 per night (ask special FOC rate). More information later. (So far I am aware that G2FFO, G3IY, G3LTV and Kathleen, G3MXJ, G4CEO and Maureen, GM3POI and Terry, OZ4UN plus June and myself are planning to attend. Please let me know if other overseas members are intending to attend so I can publish details in the News Sheet- G4BUE.)


Despite putting a correction to the circuit diagram of my tuneable peak-notch audio filter on page 48 of FOCUS 33, there is still an error in it! In a recent QSO with ZS6AL, Vida correctly pointed out to me that the pin connections for the LM741 on page 44 of FOCUS 32 are wrong. The -VE and +VE should be reversed! My apologies. (Vidi told me he has built the filter and it really does wonders in lifting signals out of the noise and performs just about as well as our very sophisticated DSP - G4BUE.)


CWSP: is the Sao Paulo CW Group in Brazil formed to encourage new operators and promote and preserve CW activities, and Cesar, PY2YP, maintains their Internet Web page at <http:// www.qsl.net/cwsp>. He found the new FOC Web page and invites FOC members to visit their page.

F9VN: F3AT saw F9VN listed in the Silent Keys column of Radio REF magazine as having passed away on 25 December. Ivan reminds us that Herve was also QRV as FA9VN in Algeria and FC9VN/TK9VN from Corsica. Our condolences to his xyl, Jo. G4SFO: Norman will be QRV as LA/G4SFO 9/ 16 May while staying with Otto, LA1IE. G4VXE: Since moving back to the UK, Tim has been QRV on 15 and 20m from his parents home in Cornwall with an indoor antenna. He will be QRV as GW4VXE/P in the Marathon from GW5NFs QTH. G4ZVJ: Andy will be QRV as 9H3ZV 10/17 March, including the RSGB Commonwealth Contest. G3XAQ will be joining Andy in Ghana 12/23 February as 9G5XA, and G3VMW and G3ZEM will join him 20 February/1 March as 9G5SW and 9G5ZM. JA7SSB: Jun said they had a record snow fall of over 65cm (27 inches) on 9 January but no damage to his antennas. K4LTA: Bill confirms their 10 February/3 March J3 holiday/DXpedition from Grenada, including 160m and WARC bands. Ruby will be QRV SSB and Bill CW with callsigns issued on arrival. K5DQ: Peggys activity has been curtailed for a while because Don is in hospital recovering nicely from bypass surgery on 19 January. K9BG: Jerry was QRV as KP2/K9BG 8/15 January. LA2UA: Bob and Brenda are looking forward to better things in 1998. Bob had two spells in hospital in November and December following heart attacks, and Brenda has been in hospital after breaking both hip bones and for a stomach operation. Bob also broke three fingers earlier in the year! His antennas blew down twice in 1997 and he suffered his first TVI problem. OK1RR: Martin will be QRV as OM/OK1RR in the Marathon, and he believes, a new one for WAFOCC. ON4RU: Mar was QRV as ON5LUS in January (as were some other ON stations) OZ1LQH: Rene has made some updates to his Internet Home page so that it is now possible to search on callsigns and send e-mails directly from the address page. He has made a javascript, where you can enter a callsign. If the callsign is on the list, you are asked if you want to create an e-mail to that call, or if you want to enter a new call-

sign. If the callsign is not on the list, you are told that it is not on the list, and you can then choose to enter a new callsign. There is a link to the script on the normal address page and Rene invites you to take a look and let him know what you think about it. PAVDV: Joeke was QRV as PJ9/PAVDV in January. VK8AV: Alan is planning to attend Lords this year and the Farnborough Air Show in the UK and also to visit Russia and the Baltics. W4CK: Mark got some help from his dad to help pour the concrete for the second tower base at the new QTH and is hoping to get the antennas up for the Marathon.. W4DHZ: Nap should be out of the nursing home soon. Some of his local amateurs have repaired his antennas and set up his station so he will be able to get on the air when he returns home thanks NP3G. W6DU: When I checked my e-mail during the evening of 19 January, there were several mesages telling me the sad news that Eric became a Silent Key earlier that day in hospital after an illness. W8AV: Goose and Doug, K4LT, and a group of non-members of the Caribbean Contesting Consortium will be QRV 14/28 February as VP5/ home calls, and as VP5FXB (in memory of Al Slater, G3FXB) in the ARRL CW Contest, from VP5JMs QTH. More information on their Web site at <http://asgard.kent.edu/ccc/vp5fxb/ vp5fxb.htm>. QSL VP5FXB via W8AV. (Pity those of us outside the USA will not be able to have a QSO with VP5FXB.) ZL2AGY: Tony has put up a half size loop with two elevated radials for 80m (from a recent QEX) and has worked the UK at his sunrise with it. ZL3GQ: Peter is still in hospital and will miss the Marathon this year. He is using an occupational therapy computer to compose his e-mail messages and needs help with single handed key boarding for DOS programs, software that will allow sequential input of control (or ALT and Shift) and another character and convert it to simultaneous input. If it will handle the [CTRL] [SHIFT] that the N6TR software uses for the tune command, it would be even better. It would also be desirable to toggle the tune to on, thus allowing him a free hand to actually tune the transmitter, probably use [ESC] to toggle the transmitter off.

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