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Order of Important Events

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What is Sequence?
Sequence of Events - Chronology
Most narrative stories are constructed around a sequence of events. Students gain a deeper understanding of the story by acting out or retelling the proper order of the important events in stories, describing cause and effect relationships and how the events affect the central meaning of the story. Informational text is also frequently organized around a series or sequence. Historical events are often presented in chronological order; directions occur in sequence; change follows a logical order; and scientific observations are usually recorded in a precise order. Curiously, sequencing is not a natural skill, and many young children recall stories and episodes, not so much through the sequence of important events, but through a collection of salient features that seemed relevant or interesting to the student. Often, for example, when a student recalls a favorite movie, the student does not begin at the beginning of the movie and follow the movies plot, but instead recalls action scenes or describes specific characters. Sequencing, therefore, is a skill that students must learn in a fairly structured way. Students need to understand and recreate sequences of events. Students must learn to distinguish important events from less important ones. They need to understand cause and effect and plot development and the way characters change over time. These and other academic skills have foundations in sequencing instruction.

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Sequence in the TEKS

Figure 19 Reading Comprehension/Skills. Students use a flexible range of metacognitive reading skills in both assigned and independent reading to understand an authors message. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater depth in increasingly more complex texts as they become self-directed, critical readers. Students in 3rd grade are Students in 4th grade are Students in 4th grade are expected to: expected to: expected to:
Fig. 19 (E) summarize information in text, maintaining meaning and logical order Fig. 19 (E) summarize information in text, maintaining meaning and logical order Fig. 19 (E) summarize and paraphrase texts in ways that maintain meaning and logical order within a text and across texts Fig. 19 (L3) represent text information in different ways such as in outline, timeline, or graphic organizer

Fig. 19 (L3) represent text information in different ways, including story maps, graphs, and charts

Fig. 19 (L3) represent text information in different ways such as in outline, timeline, or graphic organizer

Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students in 3rd grade are Students in 4th grade are Students in 4th grade are expected to: expected to: expected to:
8(A) sequence and summarize the plot's main events and explain their influence on future events 6(A) sequence and summarize the plot's main events and explain their influence on future events 6(A) describe incidents that advance the story or novel, explaining how each incident gives rise to or foreshadows future events

Comprehension of Text/Independent Reading. Students read independently for sustained periods of time and produce evidence of their reading. Students in 3rd grade are Students in 4th grade are Students in 4th grade are expected to: expected to: expected to: 11(A) read independently for 9(A) read independently for 9(A) read independently for an increasing sustained period an increasing sustained an increasing sustained of time with increasing period of time with period of time with stamina and paraphrase what increasing stamina and increasing stamina and the reading was about, paraphrase what the reading paraphrase what the reading maintaining meaning and was about, maintaining was about, maintaining logical order (e.g., generate a meaning and logical order meaning and logical order reading log or journal; (e.g., generate a reading (e.g., generate a reading log participate in book talks); log or journal; participate in or journal; participate in book talks); book talks);

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Relevant Academic Vocabulary Students Should Learn During Sequence Instruction

There are technical terms that we use when teaching FOCUS. It is a good idea to teach these technical terms explicitly to your students and to be careful to use them appropriately in your class. Students should be encouraged to use these terms appropriately in their speaking and writing.

First, next, then, finally, etc. Sequence of Events Timeline Cause and Effect Paraphrase Order Preceding Subsequent

Primero, siguiente, luego, finalmente, etc. Secuencia de eventos Cronologa Causa y efecto Parafrasear Orden Anterior Posteriormente

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Teaching Sequence through Group Retelling

Children learn best in a supportive context. Stories and poems that use a familiar structure can help teachers provide support and scaffolding by building upon students existing background knowledge. Teachers can begin or review a lesson on sequence by using a poem, story or fairy tale that is a class favorite. In returning to a class favorite, remind students to pay particular attention to the events at the beginning, middle, and ending of the story. Teachers can also use a sequence of events graphic organizer or a beginning-middle-end chart by having students tell the story using the information on the graphic organizer or chart and recording student responses. English language learners and other students may have some difficulty understanding terminology related to sequence, such as before, after, first, next, finally, etc. Teachers may need to spend some time reviewing these terms. Learning Intentions:

To summarize information in text by talking, drawing or writing about what students have read (or what has been read to them) To use visual structures that organize information in a logical way to improve comprehension by providing concrete representations of concepts

HOW? Materials Short story familiar to the students Paper and drawing materials Chart Paper (optional)

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Lesson Overview: 1. Students listen to a favorite story either read aloud or as they follow along (shared reading) if there is a class set available. 2. Guide students to focus on the events that take place in the story and the order in which they occur. Students can take notes during the reading, or listen first and participate in a class discussion about the story. 3. Students brainstorm events from story while the teacher records on chart paper. 4. After listing events from the story, have each pair of students select a particular event. Make sure that all events are assigned to at least one pair in the class. 5. Introduce the concept of sequence to the class and explain that this is a strategy that they are going to use to understand what they have read. Explain that they are going to build a "human" timeline to review the sequence of events in the story. 6. Give each pair of students a blank sheet of plain white paper, and have them work together to write one complete sentence describing the event from the story. 7. After students finish writing their sentences, give them about 5 or 10 minutes to draw a simple illustration of the scene that they described. 8. Begin the timeline process by having students divide themselves up into three groups based on when their event happened in the story: beginning, middle, or end. 9. In each group, have students work together to decide the sequence of events. When the group has a tentative order, they are to sit in a line in their order. 10.Students can then share their sentences and their drawings with the class, and the class may make changes to the location of the students along the timeline of the story. 11.When the class has decided on a sequence for the events, have each student attach his or her drawing to the chart paper timeline hanging on the wall using glue or a stapler. Also, the students can count off in line and number their drawings to reinforce the sequence of events. 12.As a closing activity, have students write short journal entries about how this activity helped them to better understand the story.

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Teaching Sequence through Story Reconstruction

Learning Intentions:

To understand the important sequences of events that take place in narrative and expository texts.

HOW? Materials A short passage of narrative or expository text cut into segments Lesson Overview: Begin this activity by discussing with students the importance of accurately relaying information about events that have occurred. To illustrate the point, you may wish to tell students a story in which the order of events is jumbled. One possible suggestion would be to relay the events of the previous day or of an athletic event, or other example relevant to students. Make copies of a piece of text, one for each student group. Cut each copy of the story into sections by sentences and paragraphs. Place the strips of paper into envelopes, one for each student group. For this activity, it works best if students are placed in groups of 2-3 students only. After distributing an envelope to each group, challenge students to organize the slips of paper so the story appears in logical sequence. Rather than giving students strategies for organizing their thoughts, let student groups work without much common direction. You may wish to tell students that they must arrive at a group consensus about the correct sequence of the story. Once each group has completed the sequencing task, ask individual groups to share their stories. You may wish to have one group read their story, while the other groups mark those passages they have placed in a different order. Allow discussion time for comparing stories. Encourage students to defend their sequence.

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Summing Up Questions: What was the most difficult challenge in completing this sequencing exercise? Student answers will vary, but are likely to include mention of the feeling of uncertainty about whether the final sequence is really "correct." Assure students that the best rule of thumb is to ask yourself, "Does it make sense?" If the ideas are logically connected and show the progression of one idea to the next, students should consider the assignment successfully completed. While students still have their story arranged on the table, ask them to look at the ideas that were misplaced in their arrangement. In general, what types of ideas were misplaced? Students will likely realize that the items that were misplaced, did not play a very important part in the story. If using narrative text, look at the student's arrangement of the text and ask students to pull out the slips of paper containing the main ideas of the story. Challenge students to prepare a short summary of the story using these main ideas. MOVING TOWARD INDEPENDENCE: Challenge groups of students to write a set of "How to" directions on a selected topic. Students should discover that the sequence of events is very important to the directions. Once they are satisfied with their directions, they may cut out paragraphs and sentences. Exchange directions with a different group. Each group must unscramble the other group's directions. The real challenge in this assignment is writing the directions, more so than sequencing. Lesson from: http://www.uni.edu/earth/EECP/mid/mod2_la.html

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Graphic Organizers for Teaching Sequence

NOTE: Graphic organizers are useful tools for some students. All students should be familiar with graphic organizers, but students who do not need them should not be forced to use them habitually. Graphic organizers should not be treated as a final product in instruction, rather they are a tool to assist students in creating a final product. Students may fill in a graphic organizer to sort out information prior to writing, but the purpose of a graphic organizer is to use it as a tool to write coherent and organized text.

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Once upon a time First



After that


and they lived happily ever after.

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Era una vez Primero



Despus de eso


y vivieron feliz para siempre.

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Expository Sequencing List






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Lista de secuencia





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Preparing for the TAKS

In the following pages are examples of explicit strategy instruction that teachers can use to prepare students for the types of questions they will encounter on the TAKS. There are also sample questions from released versions of the TAKS to illustrate how Sequence is tested on the TAKS.

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TAKS Stems:

What happened right before What happened right after When ____ returns from ____, she Before ____ (character) could ____ (action) successfully, it was necessary to


1 2 3 4

Graphic Organizer

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Qu pasa antes de que Qu pasa despus de que Esta tabla muestra el orden en que sucedieron los eventos en el artculo. Cul de estas respuestas va en el cuadro vaco?

1 2 3 4
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La grfica

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Examples of Sequence Questions on TAKS

1. What happens after the lion learns that the farmer is not really strong? A B C D The lion smashes a rock into powder. The farmer hunts lions with his new bow. The farmer runs from the lion. The farmers wife chases the lion way.

2. Before Elizabeth got a tarantula, she had to A B C D write articles about tarantulas Tell her friends about tarantulas teach her parents about tarantulas give presentations about tarantulas

3. The chart shows the order of some events from the story.
Corys father invites him to go on the roundup. Corys father walks up leading a small horse named Spunk

Cory rides home proudly on Spunk.

4. Which event belongs in the empty box? A B C


Corys horse, Spunk, does a better job on the roundup than the bigger horses.

Cory helps his father put Spunk back into the corral. Corys brothers saddle their horses for the roundup. Cory complains to his parents about being little.

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4. The diagram below shows events from these selections. Use the diagram to answer the next question.

Hendrick son finds some dinosaur bones.

The bones are dug up, cleaned,

Lisas class visits the museum.

Lisa writes a report about Dinosaur

Which of these belongs in the empty box? A B C D Lisa hunts for dinosaur bones. Hendrickson goes to the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation. Another T. rex skeleton is found. Dinosaur Sue is put together at a museum.

5. Read the chart of events.

Muir Crossing the Ice Bridge Dug out footholds Lowered himself over the edge __________________________ Called for Stickeen to cross

Which of the following best completes the chart? A B C D Slid along the ice bridge. Put bread in his pocket. Jumped on the other side. Danced on the side of the glacier.
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Ejemplos de preguntas sobre secuencia en el TAKS

6. Qu pasa despus de que el len se da cuenta de que el granjero no es fuerte? A B C D El len rompe una piedra hasta convertirla en polvo. El granjero caza leones con su arco nuevo. El granjero huye del len. La esposa del granjero persigue al len.

7. Dnde vivi Willy despus de salir del hospital para animales?

A B C D En una caja en Los ngeles En la casa de la Sra. Turner En un hospital para nios En una tienda de mascotas

8. La grfica muestra el orden de algunos eventos de la historia.

El papa de Gabriel te invita a juntar el ganado. El papa de Gabriel se acerca con un caballo pequeo llamado Gallardo.

Gabriel regresa orgulloso a casa montado en Gallardo.

Qu evento va en el cuadro en blanco? A Gabriel ayuda a su papa poner a Gallardo en el corral. B Los hermanos de Gabriel les ponen las sillas de montar a sus caballos para ir a juntad Ganado. C Gabriel se queja con sus padres de que es un nio bajito.
D Gallardo, el caballo de Gabriel, junta el ganado major que los caballos mas grandes.

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9. El siguente diagrama muestra algunos eventos de estas lecturas. Usa el diagrama para contester la pregunta que le sigue.

Hendrick son encuentra encuentra algunos huesos de

Los huesos se sacan, se limpian y

La clase de Lisa visita el museo.

Lisa escribe un informe sobre el

Cual de estas oraciones va en el cuadro en blanco? A B C D Lisa busca huesos de dinosaurios. Hendrickson va a la Reserva India del Rio Cheyenne. Se encuentra otro esqueleto de tiranosaurio. Se arma el dinosaurio Sue en el museo.

10.Lee los siguientes eventos en la tabla.

Manera en que Muir cruz el puente de hielo Hizo huecos para el pie. Se incline sobre la orilla. __________________________ Llam a Stickeen para que cruzara.

Cual de las siguientes oraciones completa major la tabla? A B C D Se desliz por el puente de hielo. Puso pan en su bolsillo. Salt al otro lado. Bail a un lado del glaciar.
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Further Reading and Professional Resources to Support Sequence

http://www.literacymatters.org/content/text/sequence.htm This site contains a variety of resources to assist teachers in planning sequencing lessons. There are ideas for lesson plans and teaching tools that teachers can use in their classrooms.

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Resources to support Sequence Planning and Instruction

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Questions that Evoke Conversation Sequence

In which order does the author present his/her ideas? What happened (before or after) this event? What happened earlier in the text that suggested to you this was going to happen? Based on what has happened up to now, what do you predict will happen at the end? What happened between ____________________ and ______________? In your own words, what happened before/after this event? Why was the event important to the story?

Preguntas para promover la conversacin Secuencia

En qu orden presenta el autor sus ideas? Qu sucedi (antes/ despus) de este suceso? Qu sucedi anteriormente en el texto que te hizo pensar que esto iba a pasar? De acuerdo con lo que ha sucedido hasta ahora, qu predices que suceder al final? Qu sucedi entre _______________ y _______________? Segn tu opinin, qu pas antes/ despus de este suceso? Por qu era importante el suceso en la historia?

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Aligning Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Fig. 19 (E) summarize and paraphrase texts in ways that maintain meaning and logical order within a text and across texts SEs posted in language of TEKS Curricular assessments aligned to SEs SEs paraphrased in student language Retell or describe the order of important events in a story.

Summarize and paraphrase texts in ways that Student work showing evidence of maintain meaning and logical order within a competency maintaining sequence in text and across texts summaries of text. Items on Weekly Assessments that challenge students to sequence important events in a story. Student-generated responses to challenges to summarize texts Instruction explicitly teaching the SE Teacher guides students through multiple examples of using a graphic organizer to summarize the key events in a story. Students then use that graphic organizer to write final drafts of summaries maintaining order of key events.

Models of SEs available to students Anchors of support displayed prominently, and used often by teacher and students. Explicit model of sequence graphic organizer. Posted summarizations of familiar stories using sequence language (first, next, then, finally). Use of academic language (language of SEs) by student Students appropriately use terms like: First, next, then, finally, Sequence of Events, Timeline, Cause and Effect, Order, Preceding, Subsequent Students use terms both in speaking and in journals and writing.

Use of academic language (language of SEs) by teacher Teacher will teach and appropriately use terms like: First, next, then, finally, Sequence of Events, Timeline, Cause and Effect, Order, Preceding, Subsequent Current academic vocabulary will be displayed clearly in a word bank. Evidence of planning across grade level

Student work aligned to SE

Student tasks are rigorous and aligned across Artifacts and Anchors of Support posted all classrooms. Students are challenged to summarize or retell important events from a Common student work displayed passage of text, maintaining proper order of Similar journal entry assignments events. Evidence in: Weekly Assessments; readers response journals; story retelling, timelines Similar results on Weekly Assessments

Austin Independent School District

Office of the Associate Superintendents for Elementary Education

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