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Aircraft Identification (Item 7)

Please enter a maximum of seven alphanumerical characters. - Example: DXDFS

Flight Rules (Item 8)

I for IFR flights V for VFR flights Y for change of flight rules if the flight has begun as an IFR flight Z for change of flight rules if the flight has begun as a VFR flight

Type of Flight (Item 8)

S for scheduled flights N for non-scheduled flights G for general aviation flights M for military flights X for training, test and acceptance flights

Number (Item 9)

Type of Aircraft (Item 9)

Please enter the type designator for your aircraft assigned by ICAO (4-figure group). If no aircraft type designator has been assigned by ICAO, ZZZZ shall be inserted and specified in Item 18, preceded by TYP/.

Wake Turbulence Category (Item 9)

J (super) at present exclusively for Airbus A 380 H (heavy) maximum certificated take-off mass of 136000kg or more M (medium) maximum certificated take-off mass of less than 136000kg but more than

L (light)

7000kg maximum certificated take-off mass of up to and including 7000kg

Equipment and Transponder of the Aircraft (Item 10)


S if standard equipment (VHF RTF, ADF, VOR and ILS) is carried and serviceable if no equipment is carried or if the existing equipment is not unserviceable, or if the pilot N is not permitted to use the equipment carried C LORAN C D DME not assigned E F ADF G GNSS H HF I INS Note: specify in Item 18 the equipment carried, preceded by J Data Link DAT/ K MLS L ILS M Omega O VOR P P-RNAV RNP type R certification T TACAN U UHF V VHF W RVSM Y 8.33 kHz Note: specify in Item 18 the other equipment carried, preceded by Z other equipment COM/ and/or NAV/
SSR equipment:

A Mode A C Modes A and C D ADS capability X Mode S, without aircraft identification and pressure-altitude transmission P Mode S, including pressure-altitude transmission I Mode S, including aircraft identification

N if Transponder is not carried or is unserviceable S Mode S, including aircraft identification and pressure-altitude transmission

Departure Aerodrome (Item 13)

Please enter the four-digit ICAO location indicator of your departure aerodrome. If no location indicator has been assigned by ICAO, please insert ZZZZ and give additional information in Item 18 preceded by DEP/. If you do not know the ICAO location indicator of your departure aerodrome, our Location Indicator Assistant (LIA) will assist you.

Estimated Off-Block Time (EOBT) (Item 13)

Please enter the estimated off-block time (EOBT) using a four-digit number in format HHMM in UTC. Example: 1430 means 14:30 UTC

Speed (Item 15)

Indication in knots: N in field 15/1 followed by 4 figures in field 15/2. - Example: N0120 Indication in Mach: M in field 15/1 followed by 3 figures in field 15/2. - Example: M032 Indication in km/hour: K in field 15/1 followed by 4 figures in field 15/2. - Example: K0880

Level (Item 15)

Indication of flight level: F in the first field followed by 3 figures in the second field. Indication in ft MSL in hundreds of feet: A in the first field, followed by 3 figures in the second field. For flights according to visual flight rules: VFR in the first field, followed by an empty second field. For VFR flights at night: indication of level (e.g. A030 or F040) and indication of route (point to point or analogous to an IFR routing). Indication of standard metric level in tens of metres: S in the first field, followed by 4 figures in the second field. Indication of metric altitude in tens of metres: M in the first field, followed by 4 figures in the second field.

Route (Item 15)

Please enter your flight route. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at +49 (0) 69 78072 500 (see also AIP Germany ENR 1.10-3). Flights under instrument flight rules (IFR) For your flight route, please use the published ATS routes as well as known significant points whenever possible and insert - if available - the standard instrument departure and arrival routes (SID/STAR). For flights outside ATS routes, insert DCT between the given points. - Example: MARUN1F MARUN Y152 ARPEG Z850 ADEMI

T854 DOMUX DOMUX1G or ANKER6S ANKER Y104 MAMOR L132 ABKIS Q240 BESIP DCT DRN DCT Flights under visual flight rules (VFR) Please insert points not more than 30 minutes flying time or 200 NM apart (e.g. designators of radio navigation aids) to describe your flight route. If you wish to request a NOTAM-Briefing, you must enter at least one point for each FIR in order to obtain a complete briefing. - Example: FUL DCT WRB Change of flight rules (Z flight plan - VFR to IFR) (Point at which the change takes place) (oblique stroke, followed by speed and altitude) (plus IFR) (remaining route). - Format examples of Z flight routes: CHA/N0180F140 IFR DCT MTR DCT GISEM N850 WRB WRB4H ofKNG/N0350F180 IFR G103 AKONI Z74 HAREM T104 DKB DCT Change of flight rules (Y flight plan - IFR to VFR) (previous route) (point at which the change takes place) (plus VFR). - Format example of Y flight routes:ALAGO Z5 LOKTA N851 LBU Z11 EBATU Z41 OLKAS VFR

Destination Aerodrome (Item 16)

Please enter the four-digit ICAO location indicator of your destination aerodrome. If no location indicator has been assigned by ICAO, please insert ZZZZ and give additional information in Item 18 preceded by DEST/. If you do not know the ICAO location indicator of your departure aerodrome, our Location Indicator Assistant (LIA) will assist you.

Total Estimated Elapsed Time (Item 16)

Please enter the total EET using a four-digit number in format HHMM - Example: 0545 means 5 Hours and 45 Minutes.

Alternate Aerodrome (Item 16)

Please enter the four-digit ICAO location indicator of your alternate aerodrome. If no location indicator has been assigned by ICAO, please insert ZZZZ and give additional information in Item 18 preceded by ALTN/. If you do not know the ICAO location indicator of your departure aerodrome, our Location Indicator Assistant (LIA) will assist you.

Other Information (Item 18)

Please enter supplementary information concerning for Items 7 to 16 or additional information, preceded by: DAT/, DEP/, DEST/, EET/, NAV/, OPR/, TYP/, STAYINFOn/ or RMK/. Additional identification groups can be requested from Aeronautical Information Service Centre (AIS-C).



vorraussichtliche berflugzeit der FIR Grenzen in Stunden und Minuten vorraussichtliche Flugzeit zum Punkt mit Flugregelwechsel in Stunden und Minuten

RMK/LIC LA REQ 2 APCHS AT EDLW FOR 0020 HRS RMK/REQ AIRWORK Eintragungszeichen des Luftfahrzeugs REG/DXDFS Pistensichtweite in Metern RVR/550 Luftfahrzeughalter, sofern dieser nicht aus der LFZOPR/ Kennung in Feld 7 ersichtlich ist Flge mit kranken oder verletzten Personen; sowie STS/HOSP Transplantate, Medikamente oder Blutkonserven Startflugplatz, wenn die Buchstabengruppe ZZZZ DEP/ in Feld 13 angegeben ist Zielflugplatz, wenn die Buchstabengruppe ZZZZ in DEST/ Feld 16 angegeben ist
Bermerkung: die Angaben in Feld 18 werden durch ein Leerzeichen voneinander getrennt. Bitte verwenden Sie keine zustzlichen Leerzeichen oder Satzzeichen.

Date Of Flight (DOF)

Please enter date of departure in format YYMMDD - Example: 070413 means 13 April 2007

IFPS Reroute Accepted

Falls Sie mit einer Routennderung durch IFPS einverstanden sind (nur IFR), markieren Sie bitte das entsprechende Feld mit einem Hkchen.

Supplementary Information (Item 19)

Please indicate in Item 19 the survival equipment, emergency radio, dinghies or lifejackets that are available.

E/ Endurance

Please indicate the endurance useing a four-digit number in Format HHMM - Example: 0630 means 6 Hours and

30 Minutes

P/ Persons on board

Please state the number of persons on board.

R/ Emergency Radio

Please check the boxes UHF, VHF and/or ELT, if the relevant emergency radio is available.

S/ Survival Equipment

Please mark one or more of the following four boxes POLAR, DESERT, MARITIME and/or JUNGLE, if the relevant survival equipment is carried.

J/ Life Jackets

Please mark one of the following four boxes LIGHT, FLUORES, UHF and/or VHF, if the relevant life jacket equipment is carried.

D/ Dinghies

Please indicate the number, capacity and colour. Mark the box COVER if the dinghies are covered.

A/ Aircraft Colour and Markings

Please state the colour and markings of the aircraft.

C/ Pilot-in-Command

Please state the name of the pilot-in-command.

N/ Remarks

Please state additional survival equipment, if necessary.

Filed by

Phone Accessibility

Please provide a telephone number at which you can be contacted up until EOBT. Note: Do not use special characters. - Example: 004961037070 or +4961037070

Request Briefing

This section allows you to choose if and when you wish to receive a NOTAM-Briefing. Please select immediately if you require documents for your flight preparation immediately after filing your flight plan. You may also or additionally select 3 hours before EOBT in order to obtain a NOTAM-Briefing three hours before your departure. In order to obtain a complete briefing, the flight route (Item 15) must be entered correctly (see above - help for route). To avoid confusion, we will generally only send you NOTAM of the past 90 days. If you require older NOTAM, you may order them from the Aeronautical Information Service Centre (AIS-C) at +49 (0) 69 78072 500.

Automatic transmission of ACK/REJ or statusmessage

You will receive the response message from IFPS (ACK/REJ) or a copy of the activated message via e-mail automatically. If you also wish to receive confirmation via SMS text message, please enter your mobile phone number. Note: Do not use special characters. - Example: 004961037070 or +4961037070

Transmission of ATFCM messages

If you wish to receive up-to-date slot information (ATFCM) for your flight via SMS message, please enter your mobile phone number. Note: Do not use special characters. - Example: 004961037070 or +4961037070



Disclaimer, Date: 08/05/2012, Release: 2.0hf1, Source: AIS-Portal

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