VCD597 (English) - AIVV
VCD597 (English) - AIVV
VCD597 (English) - AIVV
It is the morning class of 3rd July 1967. The record played was ‘tum hi ho mata, pita tum
hi ho’ i.e. you are the mother and you are the father. Children heard the greatness of their
father. The greatness of which father did they hear? ‘Tum hee ho mata, tum hee pita ho’; You
alone are the mother and you alone are the father. ‘tvamev mata ch pita tvamev’. ‘tvam’
means ‘tu hee i.e. you alone. In hindi tum is the plural form and in Sanskrit ‘tu’ that is ‘tvam’
is used for one, and tum hee ho mata i.e. you alone are the mother, so where it has been said
‘hee’, then in Sanskrit the same meaning ‘tvam’ becomes ‘tu’ in Hindi.
So, who is it for whom [it is said], you are the mother, you are the father and there is no one
else? Is it ShivBaba? It is Father Shiv. Even if he is in the body of Brahma, then also it is
‘you’; even if he is in the body of Shankar, then also, ‘you are the father’. The praise is also
of only one, but the praise of that ‘One’ also takes place only when he is in a corporeal form,
whether in the form of a mother or whether in the form of a father. No one else can be
praised, whereas there is no praise of Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar.
Who is praised in them? Father Shiv is praised. He gets the establishment done through
Brahma. Who is the one who gets it done? The Father is the one who gets the establishment
done through Brahma. He gets the destruction done through Shankar. It is you alone who gets
the destruction done through Shankar. So even then, the praise is of Shivbaba alone.
On saying ‘Baba’, the remembrance of just the point will come into your intellect. In whose
intellect? In the intellect of ‘one’. One is the corporeal father and the other is the incorporeal,
the father of souls. There is no praise of Brahma or Shankar. You will not say that Shankar
causes destruction. Neither does he do it himself nor does he get it done through others. No.
Supreme father Supreme soul gets the destruction done through Shankar. He gets the
sustenance done through Vishnu.
Shivbaba alone makes these Laxmi and Narayan so worthy. There is only his praise. Whose?
His. Not this Brahma’s. Who else can be praised other than him? If not for the teacher who
makes them like that, even they would not become like that. Like what? Like Laxmi and
Narayan. And then the praise is of the Suryavanshi family. After Father Shiv, the praise is of
the Suryavanshi family. First of all, the praise is of which family? The Suryavanshi
family[i.e. the sun dynasty]. In which form? Which is the gathering that becomes
praiseworthy first of all? [Someone said the Rudramala] In the Rudramala also, there are 12
beads of 9 different types. Among them the first group and in that too the 8 deities [ashtadev]
are especially praised. They are the perfect Suryavanshis. Only they rule. If father doesn’t
come in the confluence age, then even they will not be able to get kingship. Who? Even the 8
deities will not get kingship. Then comes the kingdom of Ravan. Does the kingdom of Ravan
come directly after the Suryavanshis? Where did the Chandravanshis disappear to? In the lap
of the Chandravashis, in the lap of the moon, everyone, i.e. the Islamic people, the Buddhists,
and the Christians and so on are sustained. For this reason, it was said that directly after the
suryavanshis, comes the kingdom of Ravan. In the kingdom of Ravan they show the 10 heads
of Ravan. Above those [heads] they show the head of a donkey. It is not their praise.
Although they sing the praise of Laxmi and Narayan and bow their heads to them, but they
don’t know anything.
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Actually, the praise is of no one. There is certainly no praise of the vicious kings. The praise
is of only one and none other. So who is the highest on high? One Shivbaba and none other.
We also get the highest position from Shivbaba. So we have to remember Him very nicely.
Whom? Shivbaba. In order to make oneself a king, one should study by oneself. For
example, [those] who study barristry [law] become Barristers, don’t they? You children know
that Shivbaba teaches us. Only those who study very well will get a high position. Those who
don’t study will not be able to get a high position. Shrimat is given in order to study. In that
too the basic thing is to become pure. This study is in order to become pure. At this time, all
human beings are degraded and corrupted. They are sinful. Only sinful [people] live in the
sinful world, there will not be even a single pure person at all. In addition, human beings are
themselves either good or bad. Those who remain pure are called good. While remaining
pure, if one studies well and becomes a great person, he receives praise. But in fact,
everybody is impure, whether they are educated, great persons, or uneducated. Besides, who
praises the sinful? Only the sinful ones praise the sinful. Otherwise, only one is
In the Golden age there are pure ones. Pure deities don’t praise anyone. Does anyone praise
anybody over there in the Golden age? Over here, there are pure sanyasis as well as impure
householders. So, the pure ones are praised. There, in the golden age, as the king and the
queen so are the subjects.
There is no other religion for which we can say pure and impure. Over here, some even praise
the householders. There are some who go and become disciples of Muslim (gurus). For them,
he is like God [Khuda] because they say Allah hoon [I am Allah]. They keep saying ‘Allah
ho’, don’t they? How many times do they say it in a whole day? [Someone said, five times].
There is a terrible darkness in the world. Now you children understand all these things. What
do you understand? …that who Allah is. Allah means the highest on high. The matter of high
and low is of this world, it is not a matter of the incorporeal world. So you children should
have this awareness that we should study from the father and make ourselves kings. Only
those who make effort in a nice way will receive the raj tilak [i.e. be crowned].
Children should have this excitement that they should also become like these Laxmi and
Narayan. There is no need to get confused in this at all. One should make effort. One should
not get disappointed. This study is such that one can even sit on one’s own terrace and study.
One can study even if one is abroad. One can also study while at home. This knowledge is so
There is no need to go to a big college, university or a big school. Anybody can burn their
sins by hard work. One should also explain to others. You can also explain to the people of
other religions.
You should tell anyone that he is a soul. There is only one religion of the soul, no difference
can be found in this. Many religions are formed due to the body but the soul is the same, and
all the souls are children of one father. Baba has adopted these souls. It is not so that Father
Shiv, the point of light has adopted us. Who has adopted us? The combination of the soul and
the corporeal bodily being is called Baba. This is the reason why it is sung, mouth-born
progeny of Brahma. Explain to anyone who the father of his soul is. You make them fill that
in the form as well. That form certainly has a lot of meaning. The father who you remember
as well, is certainly there, isn’t he? A soul remembers its father. Now-a-days in India, they
call anyone ‘father’. They even call the Mayor of a city ‘father’. Whatever human beings say,
they say it without understanding. Now these matters are being explained to you children that
when you should call someone a father. You can explain to anyone. What inheritance did you
see with the father? Ask, do you know anything? One should get the inheritance from the
father; one takes birth from the father. The children know this. The one who doesn’t know
who his father is, he is worse than animals, an idiot.
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The second page of the vani dated 3rd July 1967. As a matter of fact, even animals know that
he is our father. Even if a cow wanders away somewhere, it will have in its intellect that my
children are over there and certainly it will go back to the children. It will come and meet the
children anyhow. The vein/string of remembrance goes [towards the children], doesn’t it?
And the children also remember their mother. Arey! Why does she beat them? Who? Why
does the mother beat her children? While drinking milk they make a noise. Even animals
have that much sense, but human beings don’t have the sense that animals have. Who is the
father of we souls? They also keep on singing, ‘you are our mother and father and we are
your children. They go to the temple and sing. Then, they don’t think that for whom we are
singing mother and father, he had become our mother and father once. There they certainly
call as God Father. In foreign countries they say ‘God father’ but mother is also needed, from
whom they adopt children. Any man adopts a woman, then they produce children through
them. The creation is created. Even here, in them… In whom? (Someone said, Brahma Baba)
In that case, they should have said ‘in him’, then why did He say ‘in them’ i.e. the plural
form? Even here, in the bodies of the last birth of the souls of Ram and Krishna, in them,
Parampita Parmatma enters and teaches us. He adopts us. The children are born. Who
Shivbaba adopts. Through whom does He adopt? He adopts through the souls of Ram and
Krishna. The children are born. He is the father of souls and then he comes here and creates.
Here you become the children, so He is called the father and the mother. That is his sweet
home and all the souls reside over there. Nobody can go to that sweet home without the
father. Whomever you meet, ask them, do you want to go to the sweet home? If you want to
go, then you have to certainly become pure. Now you are impure [and] corrupted; you cannot
go to the pure home. Now [all] are impure, it is an impure, iron aged world. Now you have to
go back home. The iron aged souls cannot go back home. In the pure home, all the souls
remain pure. So its name is Sweet Home. So now the Father explains that only the
remembrance of the father can burn sins. The Father is ever pure, so don’t remember any
bodily being? The more you remember the ever-pure father, the more pure you will become
and then you will get a high position number wise.
To explain the picture of Laxmi and Narayan to anyone is very easy. Their kingdom was in
Bharat. Baba had said that in the picture of Laxmi and Narayan, one should definitely put the
date. Now, in the second picture which they prepare, they should definitely put the date.
When these Laxmi and Narayan ruled, there was peace in the world. Only the Father can
make peace in the whole world. He is the father of the whole world. He is called Vishwapita.
No one else has the capability, whether it is Abrahim, Christ, Bhuddha, Guru Nank. None of
them can come and establish peace in the whole world. Now that father is teaching us
Rajayoga, to go to the New World. He comes and explains how to make king of kings. The
Father alone is knowledge-full. But no one knows what knowledge we get from Him. The
Father alone narrates the history and geography of the beginning, the middle and the end of
the world. Human beings have the history of only 2500yrs. They have the history of the
dualistic world, where there have been two religions, two kingdoms, two dynasties, two
languages; they keep on narrating the history of only those two ages. Human beings will
either say that God is omnipresent or that he is the one who knows what is going on inside of
everyone. They cannot say that for themselves. What? Shivoham, that I am Shiv. Why cannot
they say that? If they say that God is the one who knows about the inner side of everyone
and then if they say Shivoham, then would he tell the matter of everyone’s inner side? So
either they will say (God is ) omnipresent, Shivoham, and then along with that they will not
give the clarification that God is the one who knows about the inner side of everyone. The
Father sits and explains all these matters.
Now the father says, ‘I am not omnipresent. I come as ekvyapi i.e. present in one’. You have
to imbibe properly and be happy. They always make the smiling picture of this Laxmi and
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Narayan; they never show Laxmi and Narayan to be serious. At school, those who study in
the higher classes remain so happy! Others also say that they pass such a big exam! So this is
also a very big exam. There is no question of fees etc over here. It is a matter of showing
courage. This school is certainly a high standard; those who study get transferred as well but
who does get transferred? Are those who have courage transferred or are those who don’t
have courage transferred? Those who have courage get transferred. Or else what would they
say? [Some one said some thing] No. Arey! Our teacher should not come to know that [our]
class is getting transferred. If they come to know, then they feel scared/ afraid. So it is a
matter of courage that you should think yourself as a soul and remember the father. Maya
brings obstacles just in this matter. Father says- become pure. They promise the father and
then make their faces black. How powerful Maya is! They fail. The names of those who fail
is not praised. So and so is doing much better than so and so. They are praised a lot.
Father says, one should make effort for oneself and get the reward of the kingdom. There is
no need to beg and so on in this matter. Those who beg cannot establish the kingdom. Then
there is no question of getting it at all. You should get a high position through studies. This is
the study of Rajayog. Its name is not prajayog; that you go on doing exhibitions, go on
arranging big fairs, go on conducting mega programmes. What comes out (from that)? The
praja (i.e. subjects) come out. To bring out [varisdar] heirs, one has to put in effort behind
each one. Moreover, each king has many subjects, doesn’t he? One gets to know from the
face and the service what one is capable of becoming. At school they understand by the
behaviour of the students, that this one is first class and this one is going to get the third
number/class. Even here, the children’s behaviour is observed. In the end when you pass an
exam, you will experience everything in visions, that, the one whose behaviour was bad, how
it is that they become daas-daasi(servants); how they get the position of cremators.
Everything will be experienced in visions. It does not take long to experience visions. Then,
one will certainly feel ashamed, ‘Oops! We have failed. Who will love those that fail?
Bioscopes i.e. films are the ones that make (someone) number one dirty. Many people who go
there fail and fall down. [Some student asks something] Bioscopes doesn’t mean T.V. (It is)
the cinema hall, where many go together. Not everyone (who goes there) would have taken
the basic and the advance course so that they would watch it with a knowledgeable intellect.
Moreover, those who take the basic and the advance course are not alike. Waste (crowd)
collects. So, are the vibrations in the cinema hall good, or are they of the worst sort? That is
why it was told that many of those who go to bioscope fail and fall down. There are also
some females who are such that they will not get sleep without seeing pictures daily.
What does picture mean? Not photo but film. By watching films, they will definitely make an
effort to become impure. Human beings become happy with just whatever is going on here.
That is all for sorrow. All these are perishable joys. We get everlasting joy from the
imperishable father alone. Who is called the imperishable father? Who is called the
perishable father? The one who leaves the body is called the perishable father. What is that
Father called whom the children see leaving his body?
The perishable father. That father whom the children never see leaving his body, is the
imperishable father. That is why in the path of devotion only one form is praised, who is not
shown to have any father, whose birth is not shown, whose death is never shown. Where does
the shooting take place? The shooting takes place in the confluence aged world itself. Now
you understand that such an imperishable Baba makes us like this Laxmi and Narayan.
Usually they write for 21 births. But now Baba writes, you remain very happy for 50 to 60
births because even at the start of the copper age, you are very happy and wealthy, aren’t
you? If you remove 21 births from 60 births then how many remain? You remove 21 births
from 60 births… thirty nine. So, in the 63 births in the abode of sorrow, for how many births
will you children remain happy? You could be happy even for thirty nine births. Though you
become impure, still there will be a lot of wealth. Why? Why does it happen like that?
Because when the shooting of the 5000 years drama had taken place, the knowledge which
you had taken from the imperishable father during that shooting period; that imperishable
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knowledge of the imperishable father becomes imperishable. There is no problem at all till 21
births but afterwards that wealth of knowledge keeps turning into physical gems.
When they become completely degraded the sorrow begins. In which age? In kaliyug i.e. iron
age. In the beginning of the iron age too, would the iron age be satopradhan(completely
pure) or tamopradhan(completely impure) or rajopradhan (semi pure)? In the iron age also
there is complete purity in the beginning. Initially they are happy. When they become very
sorrowful the father comes.
Father uplifts even great sinners (Mahan Ajamil). What? Not some petty sinners, but the
greatest of the great sinners are also uplifted by the father. ‘Aja’ means goat, the one who
plays a part like a goat. Mahan Ajamil means that they go and meet/mix with the goats. They
leave the company of the Lions and Lionesses and meet with whom? They go and meet with
goats. Father says that I will take all of them.
The sinners like Ajamil, the Ganikas (i.e. dancing girls), the Ahilyas (i.e. the one with the
stone intellect), the Kubjas (i.e. the hunch backed), and the Bhilnis (i.e. the tribal women). I
uplift all of them.
Then, I also give you the kingship of the golden age. What was said? I uplift them and give
you the kingship of the golden age. You are uplifted anyway; but I don’t make those Ahilyas,
the Kubjas the Bhilnis and the sinful souls like Ajamil the master of the new world. I make
you the master. Everyone obtains benefit because I send everyone to their own destinations.
There will be happiness for everyone in the golden age. We will not say that there will be
happiness in the abode of peace as well. What is there? There is peace. In the world where
there is happiness, there will also be sorrow sometime or the other. Sorrow and restlessness,
happiness and peace are a matter of the corporeal world, but in the incorporeal world there is
peace and only peace. They say, let there be peace in the world. Tell [them], when there was
the rule of this Laxmi and Narayan, at that time there was peace in the world. That is called
heaven. Which? In the world where there was peace. There cannot be any sorrow there.
Crying, shouting and beating do not take place over there at all. Neither sorrow nor
restlessness is there. Look, over here there is restlessness in each and every house. There
would not be a single house where there is no unhappiness and restlessness. There is
restlessness in each and every region. It has broken into so many pieces. There is so much
friction. The language changes every ten miles. Now the father says that the language of
India was different [at that time]. Those people say that the ancient language of India is
Sanskrit. Arey! Nobody knows about ancient India itself. They have the history of only 2500
years. Nobody knows about the Adi Sanatan Devi Devta Dharm [the ancient deity religion] at
all. So how can they know about the language there? So then, how can they say that the
ancient language of India is Sanskrit? You can tell when the Adi Sanatan Devi Devta
Dharm existed. Even amongst you, there are number wise ones. Some are completely dull-
headed. It is also visible what a stone intellect they have! Also during the period of
ignorance it is said - Oh! God, open the lock of their intellect. Now the father is opening the
intellect of you children; that means you have got the light of knowledge. But still for some,
the intellect doesn’t open. They say, Baba, for us, you are the intellect of the intelligent. Open
the lock of our sinful intellect. Father says, ‘Have I come for that? That I should open the
lock of everyone’s intellect? Then everybody will become Maharaja and Maharani(king and
queen). The lock of everyone’s intellect will open. How will I open the lock of everyone’s
intellect? Those who are not going to come in the golden age; in that case, how will the lock
of their intellect open? According to the drama, the lock of their intellect will open by itself.
How can I open? It is also dependent on the drama, isn’t it? All pass and fail. Even at school,
(students) are number wise. So this is also a study. Many subjects also have to be made, don’t
they? All those who study cannot be alike. If everybody’s lock opens then who will become
subjects? It means that those who come to see the exhibitions, to see the fairs and those who
come and go to the conferences; the lock of the intellect of all of them will not open. Subjects
are formed through these mediums. So this is not the rule, that the father should come and
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open the lock of everyone’s intellect. You children should make this effort. What? You
children have been given the key to open the lock of everyone’s intellect.
I do not keep with me the key to open the lock of everyone’s intellect. Which key do I keep
with me? I keep with me the key to cause visions and I don’t give this key to anyone else.
It is known from everybody’s effort. What will be the identity of those who study well and
teach well? Those who study well and also teach others, their happiness will certainly
increase; just by seeing their face service will be done but the main identification of those
who study well and teach others well is that they will be called everywhere. Come, come and
do service at our place. For the seminars also they say, send so and so. Then Baba gives a
suggestion to call so and so. What suggestion can the dull-headed ones give? Baba cuts ten to
twenty names out of a hundred names. Baba knows which children are doing good service.
Children have to study well. If you study well then I will take you home and then send you to
heaven. Otherwise you will suffer very tough punishments. Afterwards you’ll go home and
come to heaven number wise or you’ll come to hell.
The position will also be degraded. So, students should bring fame to the teacher. Here the
supreme teacher is only one. The Satguru is also one. There is no other guru at all. And if
anyone sits as a guru then they are all false gurus. No gurus will be there in the golden age.
Now in the Iron Age, all are degraded. How can the degraded one be called a guru? This is a
corrupt government, isn’t it? By calling oneself Jagatguru(the world guru) how much they
insult(the father)? Jagatguru is the guru of all - the prime ministers, the presidents etc of the
world. What lies! They do not have any Master. The Father alone is everyone’s master. He
says, only I uplift these saints, sages and so on. So then, how can they become the guru? A
sinful person can never be called a guru. Guru is only one. [Sarvaka sadgati data ek] One is
the giver of true salvation to all. The true salvation [sadgati] through the best direction
(shrimat) of one, degradation comes from the direction of all the rest of the religious gurus.
This is certainly the kingdom of Ravan. Now, everyone has a stone intellect. Your intellect
was a golden intellect [paras-buddhi ] in the golden age, now it is the iron age. So, the ones
with the golden intellect will not even be visible here. How can the ones with a golden
intellect exist over here? Alright, om shanti.