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VCD 313 [English Translation], Audio Cassette No.797

Sakar Murli: 13 December 1966, clarified on 1 October 2005

Location: Rajamandry GP. Andra Pradesh India [Mo.09441240425]
Suitability: General Public, BKs and PBKs

Om Shanti- the morning class of 31.12.66 was going on, in the middle the 3rd page. The matter was
going on that Sanyasis cannot teach simple Rajyoga. They make it more difficult. They teach (hatyog)
i.e yog of penance. The children should keep such matters in mind and they should feel very happy in
this, that by learning easy Rajyoga we become the masters of the world. This old world is going to be
destroyed now. Human beings are in great darkness, they say that the age of a cycle is lakhs[hundred
thousands] of years. They say that you prove our scriptures wrong, so you tell them, you see, these
scriptures belong to your path of devotion. There is no knowledge in it. Devotion comes from Ravan
and knowledge comes from only one Ram. Knowledge leads to true salvation(sadgati) and ignorance
leads to degradation(durgati). Bhakti(devotion) is just ignorance, because devotion comes through the
different opinions that have been written in the scriptures and the knowledge which the father comes to
give, knowledge means information. Information regarding what? The knowledge or information of
truth. Except one father, nobody else can give that knowledge of truth. Sikhs also say this, ‘Vo Hai si
bhi Sat Aur Hosi bhi Sat’. Earlier also He was true, now also He is true and He will be true in future
too. English people also say ‘God is truth’. What is God? The name of truth is God; because He
doesn’t have a physical form. Even when he comes to this world, his physical form cannot be seen
through these eyes. We cannot see God through these eyes. One cannot see even the soul through these
eyes; when the soul which comes in the cycle of life and death cannot be seen, then, how can we see
the Supreme soul father. He is very subtle. That very subtle comes and imparts the knowledge of truth
to us. He imparts us truth regarding him. What I am? What God is? Then he imparts truth regarding us.
What you souls are? Then he imparts the knowledge of the entire creation. Whatever truth is there in
the entire creation, he tells us that. The human Gurus cannot tell the truth. Why? It is because human
Gurus come in the cycle of life and death. All human souls come in the cycle of life and death. Those
that come in bondage; that are bound by the body cannot know the previous and the forth coming
births. That is why even in Gita, those human Gurus have written. There is one sentence of [spoken by]
God; that hey! Arjun, I know your previous and forth coming births, you don’t know. I will tell you.
What does he say? You, Arjun, a man, if you follow my directions, then you will become Narayan
from a man. You will become a deity; and if you follow the directions of human Gurus or the
directions of your mind, then you will deteriorate to a level even lower than a human being; you might
also become a devil. They say, ‘human-devils’ and they are so.

When a human being reforms, he becomes a deity and when a human being degrades he becomes a
devil. Father is the one who reforms and many human Gurus spoil the human creation. The Human
Gurus call themselves ‘shivoham’ (meaning I am Shiv) and occupy a seat. Shiv means benefactor. And
they think that they give benefit to the entire creation. Well, will a bhogi i.e one who experiences
pleasures and pains be beneficial to the entire creation or an abhokta i.e the one who does not
experience either pleasure or pain? A person who is voluptuous [enjoys the pleasures of the senses],
his mind is indulged in pleasure seeking. Mind becomes corrupted due to repeated indulgence in
pleasure seeking activities. Even the deities, who were 16 celestial degrees complete, come down to a
lower stage while indulging in pleasure seeking activities. That abhokta father is the only one, who in
spite of coming to this world, inspite of entering an impure body, inspite of coming to the impure
world, due to not being bhogta and due to being an abhogta, he does not get attached by the color of
company. He does not get colored by anybody’s company. He comes and colours everybody in the
colour of his knowledge. Now the question arises why doesn’t he color everybody in the same way? If

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he colors everybody in a similar way, then everybody will become Laxmi-Narayan. No. There is a
calculation. A teacher teaches, and the students study. In a class, someone passes with first rank while
someone passes in third class. Every thing depends upon studies. Is it not? Similarly, when God Father
comes and imparts the knowledge of truth, those who imbibe that knowledge; the more concentration
with which they study, the higher the rank they get. High and low are made through knowledge. That
is why father says, as much knowledge one has that much higher he is. If one is a knowledgeable soul
then we understand one is going to attain a high position and knowledgeable doesn’t mean knowledge
like that of a cock (means where one wakes up in knowledge then wakes others up and then oneself
goes to sleep). It is not like this that he is the one who listens to a lot of knowledge and tells others,
does a lot of show off but cannot implement knowledge in his life, then he can’t make others to
implement knowledge in their lives. Just as, there is the example of Ravan. As the Vedas and
scriptures are shown in Brahma’s hand, similarly Veda and scriptures are also shown in Ravan’s
hands. It is said that Ravan was a great scholar, he was a Brahmin. The entire devilish community
accepted that scholar. The deity souls didn’t accept him. Why didn’t they accept? Because the deity
souls have implemented it internally, there is no implementation just for show off. This show off
comes from foreigners. The residents of Bharat don’t show off their knowledge & yog, they imbibe
this secretive knowledge. They remain as the incognito Pandavas. That is why the father says your
knowledge is incognito, your donations are incognito, and your prestige and your position are
incognito. You are indeed the incognito Pandavas. The more they reveal; the more they show off, the
more they will come down. The giver of the knowledge lives in secrecy for 5000 years on this
creation. Although the world remembers God for 2500 years, he still remains incognito. After
remaining incognito when he comes to this world at the end of iron age [Kalyug], he still remains
incognito. Even now, since 1936, this knowledge is being imparted & Supreme soul Father is still
incognito. Had he not been incognito, then there would not have been faith & disbelief in one second.
Children keep on coming in belief & disbelief every moment. But why do they come in disbelief?
When he gives such a vast knowledge, then one should not come in disbelief; then why do they come
in disbelief; because that incognito father has not revealed himself until now. It is his glory that he
says first I reveal my children. Father shows sons. Father is revealed along with children; he is not
revealed first. That Father is not an ordinary father. He comes by entering Prajapita who is the father of
the entire human creation. He enters the father of the humanity & he is called the highest on high
father. Whosoever religious father came; those religious fathers also pointed towards that father and
went. Those religious fathers did not call themselves God, whether it was Christ or Guru Nanak, all of
them pointed (up) towards Him. He is also the father of those religious fathers. Such a highest on high
father & he comes so secretly. So the more we keep our efforts a secret the more we will be benefited.
If we will not keep it a secret and if we will reveal it, then we will suffer a loss. It is the same in
donation. Whatsoever we donate; whether we donate the power of our body, whether we donate the
power of our wealth; if we reveal it then it cannot establish heaven because it became a donation for
show off. It will bear fruits in this world itself and it will finish. In the father’s yagya, only that money
will become fruitful in the establishment of heaven which will come in the list of ‘secret donation,
extraordinary benefit’.

One hand is the giver and the other hand is the taker & a third one should not know. The one who is
giving should not keep this in his mind at the time of giving that he is giving. It should be there in his
mind that we don’t give but we take. We deposit in the father’s bank for 21 births, which we will get
back in return for 21 births. And on the basis of 21 births, it would bear fruits for 63 births too. Father
doesn’t keep anything of any body. Father comes in such a human body whose soul himself is a great
effort maker since many births. Whether he is Ram or whether he is Krishna. They are such fast effort
makers that they have the quality to become a king from pauper in just one birth. So the ones who are
such purusharthi(effort making) souls, why will they take for themselves from others? They will be

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the givers. They cannot be takers who take. Those souls who have such pride that they think that
only when we give, this Yagya is maintained; whatever they give goes waste. Whosoever gives in
egoless stage, then that becomes fruitful. When the trees bear fruits, they bow. So the one who donates
should bow before the one to whom he donates. There are some who give in the service of yagya and
then they threaten/intimidate that we have given this much, we should get this position, recognition
and status. So the wealth donated by such souls becomes rajopradhan(semi pure) wealth and that will
not bear fruits in satyug and Tretayug. Where will it bear fruits? It will be fruitful in dwaparyug &
kalyug. Donations are also satopradhan(completely pure), rajopradhan(semi pure) and
tamopradhan(impure). Effort is also satopradhan, rajopradhan and tamopradhan. Everything in this
world goes through four stages- Satopradhan(completely pure), satosamanya(ordinarily pure),
rajo(semi pure) or tamo(impure). Knowledge also goes through four stages. satopradhan knowledge,
satosamanya, rajopradhan and tamopradhan. Maya also goes through four forms: in the beginning of
copper age, Maya cannot be called as tamopradhan. She also passes through four stages. Those who
are delusive (Mayavi) i.e. those who are lustful, angry, greedy, full of attachment, and egoistic, also go
through these four stages. Just as a person who is lustful, if that urge of sex is not fulfilled, they shoot;
they totally finish [that person]. So what kind of a lustful person will he be called? Satopradhan or
tamopradhan? A Tamopradhan sex indulgent [lustful person]. Similar is with anger, greed, attachment
and ego. All these vices also become satopradhan, satosamanya, rajo and tamo. So everything in the
world goes through these four stages. In addition to it, the part that Supreme father comes and plays,
the one in whose body he comes & plays a permanent part, that actor also goes through the four stages
in the shooting period. Completely pure, ordinarily pure, semi-pure and impure. That is why there is a
reminder for it; the one in whom that point of light Shiv enters is worshipped in the form of a ling (a
phallus shaped structure). Ling is different and bindu (a point) is different. Bindu is the one who enters
and ling is the one holding that bindu. Why do they show in the form of ling? It is because ling is
shown in a incorporeal stage. It is as if there no consciousness of the hands, feet, nose, eyes and ears.

Inspite of the organs being there, it is as they are not there. Inspite of the eyes being open he doesn’t
see even while seeing. Inspite of having ears, he doesn’t listen even while listening to the defame that
is spreading everywhere in the world. Similarly, it is for any of the organs, as if he doesn’t have them.
He plays such a part. So an actor who plays such a part is given the form of ling, it means no organs
are shown. Part is played through the organs. So even that ling, or ling form or the one bearing the
body has been shown to pass through the four stages in the path of devotion. What is that reminder? Is
there any reminder? Don’t you remember? Diamond ling was made in the copper age by King
Vikramaditya. Then, they make golden ling, ling made of gold, then they make silver ling, they make
copper ling and then they make ling of stone. It has become tamopradhan. He is only one soul in
which the Supreme soul enters and plays the part but even in the shooting period, He goes through four
stages. He is the father of all. He is the father of Brahmins; he is called as Prajapita Brahma. He is the
father of deities, he is called Nar Narayan; he is known as Adam, Adam, Adidev. He is the father of
Kshatriya[warriors], he is called Kshatriya raja [king of the warriors] Ram. In the copper age he is
the first vaishya. And in the iron age he is the first Shudra. That is why it is said, 'Children, your
Father has come’. In every form your father has come. Then it is told how he becomes tamopradhan.
What was said? Ram himself becomes Ravan. And Krishna himself becomes Kansa; so then are Ram
and Krishna tamopradhan or satopradhan? What are they? When they become Kansa and Ravan what
will be said of them? It is that they have become tamopradhan. Why do they become? Why does Ram
himself become Ravana and Krishna himself become Kansa? What benefit is hidden in this, that such
superior souls also play such a lowly part?
Will there be any benefit or is it just like that. What is the benefit? He is the father of all, is he not?
When he is the father of all, then father has more power. And children have power in them number
wise. Who can play the extreme part? The one who has more power, will he do the extreme or the one
who has less power will do the extreme? The one who has more power plays the extreme part. When

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the world becomes totally impure, then to make the impure world reach its climax and to demolish it,
to put an end to it, he has to play the extreme part. When it is the extreme, the end comes. Thereafter
the one in whom Shiv comes and plays the permanent part, he will play any part; Shiv means
benevolent, that part can never be harmful. In every respect, it will be beneficial. What ever he speaks
will be truth; and beneficial, whatever work he will do with his organs that work will also be
beneficial. That work done by the organs can never ever be harmful. If it would have been harmful
then his name would not have been Shiv. Not Shiv but sada Shiv. Is always beneficial. When he plays
the part in the beginning it is beneficial, when he plays the part in the middle it is beneficial and in the
end when the extreme part is played that is also beneficial. When he is in the guise of a father, he is
beneficial, in the guise of a teacher, even then he is beneficial, and if he is in the guise of a satguru
even then he is beneficial. There is no question of being unbeneficial at all because he is a non
pleasure seeker. The one who is effected by karma, who in pleasure seeking, he is effected by karma,
and the one who is a non pleasure seeker, there is no question of him being effected by karma at all.
Then there is no question of the bondage of karma. Who comes under the bondage of karma? Those
who develop attachment come under the bondage of karma. That same deed of destruction, that same
deed of killing is carried out by the murderers; they burgle and even kill by barging into the houses; it
becomes a sin. And that same murder is carried out by the ones who explode the atom bombs. Some
one enters and inspires them and gets it done through them. He gets the whole world killed. It is
written in Gita that no sin befalls on him. Why does no sin befall him? It is because he gets it done
while being in the stage of an abhogta (i.e. the one beyond the effect of karma). If any action is done
with any organs and the mind is not involved or engrossed in it then it does not come under the
bondage of karma. A lover remembers his beloved, he is working in the factory, his eyes are wide
open, somebody comes or goes, and he is not able to see. He sees only his beloved. Why is he not able
to see? It is because his mind was somewhere else. That is why inspite of the eyes remaining open it is
not able to grasp the matter. Similarly, that is the rule for all the organs. Such organs which are not
attached do not bear the sin. That is why the father says practice to remember me. I am a non pleasure
seeker. You will become like the one you remember. If you remember a thief, you will become a thief.
If you remember a wealthy person, you will acquire the qualities of a wealthy person. If you remember
a scholar, you will develop the qualities of the intelligent. If you remember godfather who is a non
pleasure seeker, you will develop the quality of abhogta. Since many births, you have been a bhogi
[one who takes the pleasures and pains through their organs]. Now in this one birth you have to
experience of not becoming a bhogi even while performing the actions through the organs. You have
to do the karma still you have to be beyond the effect of karma, and then all your sins will be
destroyed. It is the fire of yog. In this fire of yog, all the sins of the past will turn into ashes; and new
sins will not be made. Why will they not be made? Because we have practiced it like that. Which type
of practice? We have to put in a firm practice of remembering such a father who is beyond the effect of
karma. That abhogta comes in a bhogi. This world is just like a tree. One 100% bhogi is sitting on the
tree and one, 100% abhogta is sitting on the tree. It is the same tree, and the bodily being sitting on the
tree is only one; and in the same body, there is the bhogta as well as the abhogta. A bhogi cannot do
service and an abhogi can do service of the world. A sensuous person will be indulged in his own
pleasure seeking, then his aim becomes different; & the abhogta who is inside him, He doesn’t have
any kind of sensuality. That is why Baapdada says you children should not feel proud that you have
done service. You all have become tamopradhan. At present, the shooting is going on, the rehearsal is
also going on. The rehearsal goes on from the higher stage downwards. First, the shooting of the first
scene takes place – i.e. satyug. Then the shooting of second scene that is satosamanya- Treta yug; then
the shooting of the third scene- Dwapur yug rajopradhan, then in the end tamsi shooting- kalyugi
shooting takes place. As the stream of shooting flows, accordingly souls are bound to play the part of
satopradhan, satosamanya, rajo & tamo. But there is one thing, the practice of remembrance goes on
increasing & when the practice of remembrance increases, that practice alone will put us across in the
end. Deities don’t remember at all. Kshatriyas also don’t remember. With the advent of copper age
when little by little the sorrows increase then remembrance starts little by little & at the end of kalyug

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the miseries & sorrow increase & when the sorrow is at the extreme then remembrance is also
extreme. Remembrance is not there in the path of devotion. Devotion is there in the path of devotion &
remembrance is there in the path knowledge. Nobody in the path of devotion knows about the form of
the Supreme father Supreme soul then how will they remember? Now we know. Father himself
comes & tells of his form and appearance. That I am like this; what I am and how I am, very few
children recognize. As much knowledge one has, only that much will one know. As much knowledge
one would have imbibed, only that much one will recognize.
Ravan also had knowledge but he became adamant that if God is God, then first let him fight with
me, let him win me. We have got everything - money, status, respect, position. Very big officers are
under our control. Very big capitalists are under our control. Multimillionaires are under our control, if
he is GOD, then let him compete with us in position, respect and status. Is his knowledge or
ignorance? This is ego. It is body consciousness. Where the physical power & where the subtle
power? Is there more power in the subtle or in the physical? The subtle power is very powerful. Atom
bomb is made from atom. Atom is a very tiny particle, but soul & Supreme soul are even more subtle
than that. Souls are not that subtle but Supreme soul is even more subtle. That which is extremely
subtle is extremely powerful & only the one who is extremely powerful becomes victorious at the end.
The struggle goes on for a short while; it goes on because father has come to make the children equal
to him. That is why father is bound in the bondage of drama. He will take the children along with him.
The children should acquire a stage equal to the father and then go together. Everybody will go back
together. Everybody will get salvation and true salvation. First, I cause the salvation of the mind and
intellect. Then the salvation and true salvation of the body takes place. The salvation and true
salvation of the five elements takes place. It takes time for causing the salvation and true salvation of
the mind and intellect because it takes time for the transformation of the mind, the intellect and the
sanskars that are filled within it. That can be changed only through knowledge; and that knowledge is
acquired number wise by each and every human soul. The knowledge cannot be acquired altogether.
It is just like a chain-a garland of 500 crore[5 billion]. One after the other the beads are attached; who
so ever will be the first bead, he will grasp knowledge first and the first bead will be the one who
comes down first from the supreme abode. And the soul which comes down from supreme abode last
also imbibes the knowledge late. Those souls which come down first are very knowledgeable souls.
They are also divided into groups. They are divided in 10 groups. Ten groups belonging to the ten
religions. Out of them two groups are the most superior- Suryavansh and Chandravansh. The souls
which come down in the golden age and the silver age are suryavanshi and chandarvanshi souls.
With the advent of copper age, suryavansh and chandravansh vanish; but the sanskars of the
suryavanshi & chandravanshi don’t vanish. But even they get the colored by the company of the
vidharmis (heretics). The multitude affects them too. That is why it is said when some other alloy is
mixed in gold then the price of the gold decreases. As will be the mixture of the alloys, so will be the
decrease in its value. The souls which descend in golden age are divine souls. Those who take full 84
births are the firm or completely divine souls. Those firm divine souls are only handful in comparison
to the world. The population of the world is 500 to seven hundred crore [5-7 billion]. And those souls
who are in the list of taking complete 84 births, their population at the beginning of the golden age, is
only 4 ½ lakhs [450 thousand]. Those 4 ½ lakh human souls, who are transformed to Narayan from
an ordinary human being; in them the alloys of other religions is mixed. When the golden age begins,
the souls like Radha-Krishna who are of decreasing celestial degrees; who begin the Age of the
decreasing celestial degrees; one is bound to get colored by their company. When the silver age
begins, the souls with two celestial degrees less come down, who are souls like silver, the alloy of
silver is mixed in gold. When the of copper age begins, the price of gold silver is still high, the
copper like souls who are full of lust and anger come down and the colour of their company affects
those 4.5 lakh souls. The multitudes of souls descend whose company colors. Just as it is said, if there
is a small room of lampblack and no matter how intelligent a man is, who goes inside it, a spot of the
lampblack will surely be applied on him. He cannot escape because the souls alone are influenced by
the company of others. The Supreme Father Supreme Soul is not influenced by the company. And the

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Supreme Father Supreme soul lives (up there) in his abode for 5000 years. He doesn’t come down. So
from copper age onwards copper like souls who are full of lust, full of anger, greed and attachment
start descending and they come in large numbers and they convert even the firm Bharatvasis [residents
of Bharat] . They color them by the color of their company. Although, there are some who are so
strong that they don’t get converted in that birth, but if they get influenced, then they will have to
become their subjects. Then they become their subjects in their next birth. When it is the Iron Age,
then the iron like souls with a stone-intellect numbering in crores descend down from above. There
are only a handful of God’s children; hence they are quickly influenced by the company. Yes, those
souls who have acquired a lot of power of yog, keep on fighting with their sanskars until their last
birth. That is with the sanskars of vidharmis(heretics). They are not fully influenced. However, Maya
is also sarvashaktivaan (all powerful), This is Maya in the form of Ravan, of the ten religions. This
ten headed Ravan doesn’t leave any body. Some start becoming impure from the copper age. Some
start becoming impure with full force from the end of copper age & some become impure at the end
of the iron age. The speed of becoming impure varies from soul to soul; though they may be stanch
(firm) deities. Some seeds are such that they quickly thrust upon themselves the cover of other
religions. There are some such souls who don’t allow other religions to influence them. It does cover
them but they are not affected by it that much. That is why even until their last birth they remain
unconverted. Baba says: “Aho mam Maya, you are very strong.” Just as father is sarvashaktivaan(all
powerful), Maya is also sarvashaktivaan(all powerful). In the last birth she takes them in her clutches
& once she takes them in her clutches, that hold is so powerful that she doesn’t allow them to escape.
It is an extreme grip, those souls who didn’t get that impure in their 63 births; in their last birth
become many times more impure. So when it happens like this, when they become extremely impure
then The Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiv enters them.

49.51 The mark of that entrance is shown as Rudragana, i.e. the beads of Rudra, the beads of rudraksh.
The garland of rudraksh beads which is made in path of devotion, in that rudraksh many faces are
shown. Some rudraksh have less faces while some have many . It is said that it is very difficult to find
one faced rudraksh bead & many faced beads of rudraksh can be found in plenty. You go to any
shop; there you can easily get the many faced beads of rudraksh & you can hardly find the one faced
bead even on searching. Where is it a reminder of? It is a reminder of this time. At this time, in the
confluence age, that one faced bead in which only one Supreme Father Supreme soul Bapdada can
enter and no other soul can enter; it is a reminder of taking that one's face. It is very rarely found.
Those who find it they say that they have been blessed with so many things. They are considered as
very fortunate souls. They experience ‘Pana tha so pa liya’ means we found what we wanted.
Similarly, there are also other beads number wise. Some have the entrance of two faces while some
have the entrance of three faces, i.e. three souls & then there are some in whom many souls enter.
there are 108 such beads. The eight among the 108 are very superior who have been worshiped over
many births in the path of devotion. Then the rest are number wise. There is the group of the beads of
the moon dynasty, the group of the beads of the Islam dynasty and the group of the beads of the
Buddist dynasty; all are different-different seeds of their own sort. They are the children of God Rudra.
They will become kings number wise. They are going to become authoritative souls. They are not the
souls who will become subordinate . They are the souls who accept one father. One father and none
else, and then of course, there are also number wise. It is not so, that who I am or what I am, or in
what form I am going to play the part, all the 108 will know that form simultaneously. No. Even
among them, there are 8, who recognize first, and who are the real suryavanshi beads. Then the rest
recognize number wise. The closer one would have been birth after birth, in the 63 births, they
recognize that much sooner. Some small children, when they are born, some are a year old, some are 2
year old, 4-8 year old; they behave in such a manner; [say], we want to go to BABA, we don’t like to
live here, we can't live here; they cry, they shout , they beat, and trouble the parents, at last they have
to be taken and surrendered. Where did this sanskar come from? This is the sanskar of their previous
births. Those souls do not like it anywhere else with anyone else. Every soul is coming taking the

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sanskars of many births. It is making efforts. That is why father says, ‘bani baniyi ban rahi Ab kuch
banna nahin’ whatever is happening has already happened and nothing more is to happen. According
to the calculation of their previous births, every soul is doing its efforts. But nobody knows. When
the matter appears in the front , then it is known that they have these sanskars and this soul belongs to
this group. It will be known. It will not only be known as to which group a particular soul belongs to,
but also the costume of which religion it is wearing, the skin of which religion is covering it more or in
the company of people of which religion has it been more or in which religious land has it taken more
sustenance. Everything will be known. the history of every birth will be known. First, one will himself
know. Then later the friends and associates will know. The Father will also know first regarding the
beads that are very close to the father because all the 108 (beads) have connection with the father. In
those 108 seeds, the whole world is contained. The nature and resolves of the entire world of 500 to
700 crores [5 billion] all that can be seen in those 108 seeds. Therefore, there is a story in the
scriptures, that when the earth was about to collapse, then in one boat all types of seeds were gathered
together, so that the creation should not end. BABA says this is your Chandra Kant Vedanta Jahaj (i.e.
a ship by name chandrakanthvedant). It is not a boat. What is it? Chandra Kant Vedanta Jahaj. This
C.K.V.J. is praised a lot. Who so ever will take shelter in it; they will go across the ocean of vices.
They will not drown. Those seeds will remain safe. Now the new world is getting ready and the ship
also might be ready. In path of devotion they say, the Hindu people say, ‘Shankar chap Jahaj. Jahi
chare utre par nar, budhi sakal sansar’. What? The body of Shankar which is like a bow, is just like a
ship in this ocean like world. One who has taken support of that ship or has caught hold of it will go
beyond this ocean like world. If he gets lost some where and if he leaves the support of this ship and
takes the support of some other small boat then it is possible that he may drown. Father says that I am
the boatman who puts across both your soul and body which is like a boat. This is such a ship whose
captain/boatman is only one; many are not its boatmen. Ten headed Ravan is not its boatman; Maya
Ravan is not the one who steers it. One Ram alone steers this ship. The incorporeal Ram has entered
that Ram. This will not be 16108, they will be 916108 souls. All will go across. The time for getting
across has also been mentioned. How much time will it take? How long will it take? One second?
That one second is different for everybody, but the talk is of 916108. What will be the time for
everybody to go across? Arey? The confluence age is told to be of how many years at the maximum?
100 years. in 2036 all the 916108 souls will go across and the complete Golden aged world will

Om Shanti

Adhyatmik Ishwayia Vishwa Vidyalaya email - a1spiritual@sify.com

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