Saini Jatinderkumar Ramdass: S/o Er. R. D. Saini, A.G.M. (BSNL) Retd., - Pass Road
Saini Jatinderkumar Ramdass: S/o Er. R. D. Saini, A.G.M. (BSNL) Retd., - Pass Road
Saini Jatinderkumar Ramdass: S/o Er. R. D. Saini, A.G.M. (BSNL) Retd., - Pass Road
Ph.D. (Comp. Sci.), M.C.A. [Gold Medal], B.Sc. (Comp. Sci.) [Silver Medal], MCSI (India), MISTE (India), MIETE (India), SMIACSIT (Singapore), GMISOC (USA), MCSTA (USA), MIAENG (Hong Kong), MIIIS (Venezuela), IBM Certified Database Associate DB2, IBM Certified Associate Developer RAD, BULATS Certified (CEFR/ALTE: C1/4) [Univ. of Cambridge, UK]
Director (I/C) & Associate Professor, Narmada College of Computer Application, Narmada Education Campus, Zadeshwa r, Bharuch, Gujarat, India 392 011. Director (Information Technology), GTUs Ankleshwa r-Bharuch Innovation Sankul
s/o Er. R. D. Saini, A.G.M.(BSNL) Retd., B 3, Sundaram Society, Behind Swami Narayan Mandir, Zadeshwar to GNFC By-pass Road, Zadeshwar, Bharuch, Gujarat, India 392 011.
Mobile 1: +91-9426861815 Mobile 2: +91-9687689708
Academic Level Mon/Year Board/Unive rsity Percentage Class Ph. D. (Computer Science)* 9/2009 Veer Narmad South Guj. Uni., Not Applicable Surat (VNSGU) M.C.A.** 6/2005 75.52 % Distinction B.Sc. Special (Computer Science) 5/2002 South Guj. Uni., Surat (SGU) 73.11 % (71.11% + 2.00% for NSS) Distinction H.S.C. (Sci.Stream,Eng. Medium)[10+2] NA/1999 Gujarat Secondary Education Board 65.38 % First Class (GSEB), Gandhinagar S.S.C. (English Medium) [10] 6/1997 84.14 % Distinction * Ph.D. Thesis Title: Self Learning Taxonomical Classification System Using Vector Space Document Analysis Model for Text Mining in UBE, under supervision of Dr. Apurva A. Desai, Prof. & Head, Dept. of Comp. Sci., VNSGU, Surat, Gujarat, India; ** Last semester project Title: Jetty Management Syste (J2EE/Oracle), Dahej Harbor & Infrastructure Ltd. (DHIL), Birla Coppe r a unit of Aditya Birla Group, Dahej Port, Bharuch, Gujarat, India.
TOTAL FULLTIME EXPERIENCE 7 Years 3 Months Designation Organization (n)Code Solutions Ltd., GNFC I.T. Division, 1 Jun-2005 to Nov-2005 Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) S.G. Highway, Ahmedabd, Gujarat, India 2 Nov-2005 to Nov-2009 *Lecturer (Assistant Professor in 6 th Pay) [AGP:6000] Narmada College of Computer Application [523], Zadeshwar, Bharuch, Gujarat, India Nov-2009 to Dec-2010 *Assistant Professor (Sr. Lecturer in 5 th Pay) [AGP:7000] *Associate Professor & HOD & GTU Coordinator [AGP: 9000] Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering [529], 3 Dec-2010 to Sep-2011 Visnagar, Mehsana, Gujarat, India *Associate Professor & Director (I/C)** [AGP: 9000] Narmada College of Computer Application [523], 4 Sep-2011 to continuing [Present Basic: 40240 in scale of 37400-67000 (PB-4)] Zadeshwar, Bharuch, Gujarat, India * All fulltime teaching experience is at PG level and as a Regular/Permanent faculty, approved and endorsed by University. ** Endorsed for Regular Appointment as Associate Professor by GTU Endorsement No. 11359 dated 25 -Aug-2011
Sr. No.
Level International
[Curriculum Vitae]
RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS/PRESENTATIONS (Full Papers Only) Published / Presented Accepted & To Be Published / Presented Total 12 / 4 2/0 14 / 4 National 13 / 10 0/0 13 / 10 State 0/1 0/0 0/1 Page 1 of 3
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ACHIEVEMENTS level IBM Certified Associate Developer Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software .0 test cleared in Gujarat at 1st attempt; Other two were in Rajasthan & West Bengal and became one of the hardly 05 persons in India who has IBM certification for both front-end as well as back-end Certified by University of Cambridge, England for Cambridge ESOLs BULATS (Advanced English language evel C1 equivalent to Main Suites CAE, ALTE 4, BEC H and CELS H) [approx. equivalent to IEL TS/TOEFL score of 8.5/10] Areas of Research Interest: Web Mining, Text Analysis, Machine Learning, NLP, Document Classification, Slang Usage, VSDM, BOW, UBE, Spam Emails, Text Readability, Text Parsing Guiding 5 candidates for Ph.D. Research Supervisor/Examiner/Evaluator in 8 universities across India Research work appreciated by Sandesh Newspape r by their article published on 19 th March, 2010; (Nicknamed Rancho of VNSGU) Research work appreciated by Jan Sansaar Newspaper by their article published on 10 th February, 2010 Has served as honourable VCs Nomine e for GTU, Ahmedabad for interview of Assistant Professor (Regular) of MCA Has served as Subject Expe rt (Computer Science) for VNSGU, Surat for interview of Assistant Professor (Regular) of BCA Has been nominated as Subject Expert (Computer Science) by HNGU, Patan for interview of Assistant Professor (Regular) of BCA Member, Board of Studies (Computer Science-PGDCA), VNSGU, Surat Has acted as Expe rt Resource Person for programmes sponsored by MHRD, AICTE, CSI, ISTE , etc. within Gujarat and outside. Has organized various programmes with sponsorship from agencies like CSI, GTU, IBM, etc. Industrial Experience : Birla Copper, Dahej Port; O.N.G.C., Ankleshwar; Videocon Narmada Glass, Chavaj; Blue Star Ltd., Narmadanagar; Broach Textile Mills Ltd., Bharuch; Vardhaman Acrylics Ltd., Jhagadia Published a book titled Fundamentals of Software Engineering [ISBN: 978-93 -81222 -64-5], Popular Prakashan, Surat Listed in prestigious 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21 st Century 2012 , IBC, Cambridge, England Listed twice in prestigious Marquis Whos Who in the World , (2012 - 29 th Ed. & 2013 30 th Ed.), New Jersey, USA Listed in prestigious Great Minds of the 21 st Century 2012 , ABI, North Carolina, USA Listed in prestigious Top 100 Educators 2012 , IBC, Cambridge, England Accepted for inclusion in prestigious 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century 2013, IBC, Cambridge, England Nominated for prestigious award of Intellectual of the Year 2012 , ABI, North Carolina, USA Nominated for dedication of Entire Volume of Great Minds of the 21st Century - 2012, ABI, North Carolina, USA Consistently good academic record with throughout First Class, since 1st standard (1987) to post-graduation (2005) [Mostly 1st Rank and Distinction also] School Topper: Merit Certificate & Scholarship for securing highest marks in Sanskrit in SSC Board Exams (94/100) School Topper: Merit Certificate & Scholarship for securing highest marks in Higher Level English of English Medium SSC Board Exams (78/100) School Toppe r: Received the very prestigious Talent Certificate from ETS, Nadiad An ISO 9001:2000 certified school, for consistently excellent academic performance (Secured 1 st Rank for continuous Five Academic Years from 1992 to 1 7) School Topper: SSC (10 th, Science Stream, English Medium): 1 st rank at English Teaching School (ETS, Nadiad An ISO 9001:2000 certified school) Topper at GSEB Centre : Scholarship & Merit Certificate from R. M. Dave Smriti Fund, Nadiad for 1 st rank at SSC in GSEBs Nadiad Centre College Topper: Silver Medal & Merit Certificate for B.Sc. (Computer Science) from Narmada College of Science & Co mmerce (NCSC), Bharuch College Topper: Gold Medals & Merit Certificates for 1 st rank in all and each of three years of MCA at Narmada of Computer Application (NCCA), Bharuch University Toppe r: Stood 1st in VNSGU, Surat in aggregate for all and each of three years of MCA State Topper: Stood 1 st in Gujarat State in written test conducted among approx. 600 toppers [top 5 rankers of each of various BE(CE)/BE(IT)/MCA/MSc(IT)/MSc(CA)/MSc(ICT)/University Departments of different universities of Gujarat State] at Min. of Information Technology, New Delhi licensed Certifying Authority at Ahmedabad. Later, also emerged as topper in the HR & Technical interviews; panel comprised of persons from IIM, Ahmedabad too Worked with one of only four licensed Certifying Authority under Min. of Info. Tech., Govt. of India, New Delhi; Worked at Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar with ambitious e-governance project of Govt. of Gujarat; Worked at role of RA in PKI
[Curriculum Vitae]
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All published papers with ISSN/ISBN and available with many of reputed indexes including ProQuest, Scopus, EBSCO, Compendex, Thomson Reuters, INSPEC IEE, Engineering Village/Engineering Index (EI), Qualis-CAPES, Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA), DEST, DOAJ, E-LIS, IS Journals, ISWorld, MAEJOAJ, Ulrichs International Periodicals Directory, CiteSeer, CERN, CoRR, CSB, ISBIB, getCITED, EventSeer, NetBib, Prossiga, Google Scholar, WorldCat, GALE, Embase, Reaxys, Library of Congress, Electronic Journals Library, b of Knowledge, SSRN Published papers are available with nearly 60 universities across 24 countries (this count is in addition to those in Indian universities) International Research & Professional Involvements with countries like: USA (New York, Pittsburgh, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Virginia, New Jersey, New Mexico), UK (London), Korea (Busan, Gyeongsang-bukdo, Gyeongju, Seoul, Jeju), Canada (Alberta, New Brunswick, Montreal), Brazil (Lavras), Slovakia (Bratislava), Nigeria (Lagos), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), Nepal (Kathmandu), Mauritius (Mahebourg), China (Beijing, Chengdu, Dalian, Macao), Venezuela (Miranda), The Netherland (Den Helder), Taiwan (Chung Hsinchu), Turkey (Bursa), Spain (Granada), Indonesia (Depok), Hong Kong (Kowloon), Hungary (Budapest), France (Marseille), Jordan, Singapore, Ven am Invited by many National and International Conferences/Training Programmes ( in and outside India ) as Key Speaker, Plenary Speaker, Special Invitee, Session Chair, Resource Person, Expert Speaker, etc. Reviewer and Technical Programme and Committee (TPC) Member of more than 30 International Co nferences (out of which 27 are IEEE sponso red) Associate Editor/Editor/Reviewer/Editorial Board Member of 4 Computer Engineering International Journals (Impact Factor: 0.52, 0.242, 0.423, 0.0625) Listed as Distinguished Research Scientist, WASET, USA Has completed 8 courses conducted by IBM, Mic rosoft and Sun Mic rosystems Has completed nearly 20 training programs like STTP, CEP, SDP, TEQIP, etc. especially at NITs, NITTTRs and sponsored by statutory agencies like MHRD, AICTE, CSI, ISTE, UGC and Min. of Sci. & Tech., New Delhi Received the very prestigious NSS Merit Certificate [= 2% marks] from Honble Vice Chancellor SGU, Surat, 2002. Selected as the Distinguished Alumni from 1999 till date, by Narmada College of Computer Application (NCCA), Bharuch (Estd. 1999) Acted as General Secretary (G.S.), Students Council, NCCA, Bharuch; 200304 Acted as ex-officio Member, University Students Council; SGU, Surat; 200304 Reference s: 1. Prof. Dr. Sanjay Kumar Vij, GTU Dean, Zone 3 & 5 Email ID: Mobile : +91- 9825343410 2. Prof. Dr. Apurva A. Desai, Head, Dept. of Computer Science, VNSGU, Surat Email ID: Mobile : +91- 9824194314
One Line Summary of CV: PhD (Computer Science), MCA [Gold Medal], Post Doctoral experience of nearly 3 years and Total Expereince of more than 7 years and working as GTU endorsed Regular Associate Professor at PG level
[Curriculum Vitae]
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E mail:
BIRTH (Date, State, and Citizenship): 26/10/1081, Chandigarh,Indian ADDRESS : s/o Er. R. D. Saini, A.G.M.(BSNL) Retd.,B 3, Sundaram Society, Behind Swami Narayan Mandir,Zadeshwar to GNFC By -pass Road,Zadeshwar, Bharuch, Gujarat, India 392 011. CONTACT: M : 9426861815,9687689708 O:(02642) -230922
EDUCATION: (Post Graduate Level. Highest Degree First, Specify University, Year, Grade) 1.Ph.D in Computer Science ,VNSGU,Surat,2009 2.MCA,VNSGU;2005; 75.525%(Gold medal) 3.B.Sc(Computer Scinence);VNSGU;Surat;2002;71.11%(Silver ) 4. AWARDS: (Last F irst. Source, Year, Type of Award, Reason of Award) 1.CV Attached 2. 3. 4.
INTERESTS: (Please specify areas of interests in Research and Consultancy) 1.Text Analysis 2.Web mining 3.Document Classification 4.Readability Statistics 5.Opinon mining
LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY: (Nil, Good, Better, Excellent)
Note: You are requested to send an electronic form of your Photograph size not exceeding 15 KB (passport)
E mail:
EDUCATION: (Post Graduate Level. Highest Degree First, Specify University, Year, Grade) 1. Ph. D. HNGU,Patan 2011. ---2. MCA HNGU,Patan 2002. Distingtion 3. 4. AWARDS: 1. 2. 3. 4. (Last F irst. Source, Year, Type of Award, Reason of Award)
Type of work
Teaching Staff Teaching Staff Teaching Staff Teaching Staff
Lecturer Lecturer Sr. Lecturer Asst.Professor
1year 4 years 2 yeats 2 year
8500 Fixed 8000 Basics 10000 Basics 15600-39100 Basic
2. Business: 3. Research: CONSULTANCY: (Have you done consultancy/industrial testing work earlier if
2. 3.
INTERESTS: (Please specify areas of interests in Research and Consultancy) 1. Cloud Computing, Computer Networks and Security, Network Protocol Designing 2. 3. 4.
LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY: (Nil, Good, Better, Excellent)
E mail:
CONTACT: M : 9374009523 O: 02752 - 247713
EDUCATION: (Post Graduate Level. Highest Degree First, Specify University, Year, Grade) 1. PhD, Saurashtra University -Rajkot, June-2009 2. MCA, Saurashtra University -Rajjkot, Nov-2003, First class 3. BCom, Saurashtra University -Rajkot, Apr-1996, Second 4. AWARDS: (Last F irst. Source, Year, Type of Award, Reason of Award) 1. Best Paper Presentation Award, ICETAETS 2008 2. 3. 4.
INTERESTS: (Please specify areas of interests in Research and Consultancy) 1. Interested to development Innovative Mobile Application related to Medical / para-medical 2. 3. 4.
LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY: (Nil, Good, Better, Excellent)
Note: You are requested to send an electronic form of your Photograph size not exceeding 15 KB (passport)
E mail:
ADDRESS : 110; Vraj Homes, Before Shanti School, After Apple Wood,
S P Ring Road, Post via bopal, Shela, Ahmedabad -380058 CONTACT: M : 9924553302 O:
EDUCATION: (Post Graduate Level. Highest Degree First, Specify University, Year, Grade) 1. PhD GTU ---------Pursuing 2. MCA DDU March 2003 66% 3. BSc GU April 2000 57%
AWARDS: (Last F irst. Source, Year, Type of Award, Reason of Award) 1. IJCEE International Journal Outstanding Reviewer 2010 -11 Please Refer : 2. IJCEE International Journal Excellent Reviewer Feb 2011