S.A.Engineering College, Chennai - 600 077.: Department of Master of Business Administration
S.A.Engineering College, Chennai - 600 077.: Department of Master of Business Administration
S.A.Engineering College, Chennai - 600 077.: Department of Master of Business Administration
CLASS / SEMESTER : II MBA / III SEM UNIT I: INTRODUCTION PART-A 1. Define International Business. 2. What are the benefits from International Business? 3. What is meant by geocentrism? 4. What is meant by Polycentrism? 5. What is meant by ethnocentrism? 6. What is meant by Regiocentrism? 7. What are the advantages of International Business? 8. What are the disadvantages of International Business? 9. What are the factors causing globalization of business? 10. Define international business environment. 11. Define business environment in Global Business. 12. Differentiate between Internal Environment & External Environment. 13. Define Trade Liberalization. 14. Differentiate between Protection Vs liberalization of global business environment. 15. What is Global Marketing? 16. Why Global Marketing? 17. What is Unique about Global Marketing? 18. Why Global Trade is Important? 19. What is Global Marketing Evolution ? 20. List different approaches to International Business? 21. What are the reasons behind International Trade? 22. What are the main characteristics of a global firm? PART-B 1. What is International business? Why MNEs prefer International Business? 2. Discuss the role of IT in International Business. 3. Describe key economic issues that influence international business. 4. Write a short note on Advantages of International business. 5. Explain in brief the problems faced by international business. 6. How is international business broader in scope compared to international trade and international market? 7. Discuss in detail the stages of internationalization.
8. What is culture? What are all its elements? How does culture influence in international business. 9. What is technology? Explain the role of technology changes in the global business. 10. What is economic environment? Explain different kinds of economic systems and their influence on international business. 11. Do you believe that political stability leads to business development and vice versa? If yes state your answer with examples. UNIT II INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND INVESTMENT PART-A 1. Define Globalisation. 2. What are the components of globalization? 3. State few advantages of Globalisation. 4. State few disadvantages of Globalisation. 5. What is WTO? 6. Differentiate between GATT and WTO 7. What are the principles of WTO? 8. What is the GOAL OF WTO? 9. What are main functions of WTO? 10. Write a note on bilateral and multilateral agreements. 11. What is dumping? 12. What are the objectives of dumping? 13. What are regional trading blocks? 14. What do you understand by Economic Integration? 15. What do you understand by Free Trade Area? 16. What do you understand by Customs Union? 17. What do you understand by Common Market? 18. What do you understand by Economic Union? 19. State few advantages of the Economic Integration. 20. What is SAPTA? 21. What is EEA? 22. What is European Union? 23. What is NAFTA? 24. What is ASEAN? 25. What is ASEAN Free Trade Area? 26. What is SAARC? 27. What is Principle of Absolute Advantage? 28. Define Principle of Comparative Advantage? 29. What is absolute advantage? 30. What is factor endowment theory? 31. What are the big challenges of the International Product Life Cycle? 32. What are Anti-dumping measures adopted by a countries? 33. Define TRIPs 34. Define TRIMs. 35. What do you understand by MFN?
36. Define global competitiveness. 37. Define national competitiveness. 38. State the importance of national competitiveness. 39. Why do Nations Compete? 40. What are the rules of Competitiveness? 41. What do you mean by export promotion? 42. What are the Objectives of export promotion? 43. Name the autonomous bodies involving in export promotion in India? 44. What is meant by "globalisation of business" What implications it has for problems if any, created by glabalisation of business? PART-B 1. Explain about the role of trade blocks. 2. Discuss the objectives of NAFTA,SAARC,ASEANand EU. 3. Discuss the role of WTO. What are all the issues lying in front of the WTO pertaining to India? 4. State the development in the various activities of economic integration and the emergence of regional trade block. 5. Write a essay on ethics of globalization. 6. Discuss the International Trade theories. Explain the relevance of International Trade theories in today context. 7. Discuss the International investment theories. Explain the relevance of International investment theories in today context. 8. Discuss the benefits for India becoming a member of WTO. 9. Discuss the disadvantages for India becoming a member of WTO. 10. Discussin detail Competitiveness of a firm. 11. Compare Heckscher-Ohlin and Leantief trade models. Examine the two models in the light of contemporary global trade situation. 12. Explain the theory of "Comparative cost advantage" How do firms in two different countries benefit from international trade in terms of this theory? Explain with examples. UNIT III INTERNATIONAL STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PART-A 1. Define International strategic planning. 2. What is the growing need for Strategic planning? 3. What determine the structural designs of MNEs? 4. Write the benchmarks of MNEs. 5. What are the importances of strategy in international planning? 6. Define Multinational Enterprise with an example. 7. What are basic steps involved in formulating strategy? 8. What are the benefits of strategy planning? 9. How MNCs are entering into a foreign market? 10. What are the factors influencing MNCs to enter into a market?
11. What is cross rate. 12. What is Turnkey project? 13. What is Management contract? 14. What is over-the-counter market? 15. What is translation exposure? 16. Define Global Corporation. 17. Define International Corporation. 18. Define Transnational Corporation. 19. What do you understand by Vertical / Tall organizations? 20. What do you understand by Horizontal / Flat organizations? 21. Write a short note on Product organization structure. 22. Write a short note on Geographical organization structure. 23. Write a short note on Matrix organization structure. 24. Write a short note on Team organization structure. 25. Write a short note on Virtual organization structure. 26. Write a short note on Decentralized business division. 27. Write a short note on Strategic business unit. 28. What do you understand by International division structure? 29. What do you understand by functional division structure? 30. Identify three types of attitudes in the choice of organizational structure. 31. Define Economic Imperative. 32. Define Political Imperative. 33. Define Quality Imperative. 34. How administrative mechanisms work in implementing a strategy? 35. Define Control. 36. How many types of control are their? 37. Differentiate between Internal Control & External Control. 38. What is the need for controlling? 39. Indicate the problems in control of international business. 40. What do you understand by performance measurement? 41. What are the objectives of performance measurement? 42. Define Interactive control. 43. State some of the characteristics of interactive control. 44. What are the challenges faced by MNEs? 45. State the various factors that determine the degree of control needed in the internationalization process. 46. Define evaluation. 47. State the steps involved in evaluation system. 48. What do you understand by balanced score card? 49. What is EVA? 50. How does EVA work? 51. What are the features of an effective control system? 52. What do you understand by financial performance? 53. What do you understand by Quality performance? 54. What do you understand by Personnel performance? 55. What do you understand by performance indicators?
56. Write a short note on financial Indicators. 57. Write a short note on Human Resource Indicators. 58. Write a short note on Production Resource Indicators. 59. Write a short note on Environment Indicators. 60. Write a short note on Marketing Indicators. 61. Write a short note on Spin-off Organisations. 62. State some of the evaluative measures. 63. What key questions in relation to control arise in international the control process? PART-B 1. Explain in brief about the multi domestic strategies of MNEs? 2. What are the approaches of organizational structure of MNEs. Discuss the pros & cons of each organizational structure. 3. Explain the elements and steps of a good global strategy preferably sighting an example. 4. Explain the various organizational structures of MNCs. 5. Discuss the strategic considerations for international business. 6. Why companies become Multinational Companies? 7. Explain in brief the factors that contributed for the growth of MNCs. 8. Explain the steps in designing organizational structure. 9. Discuss in detail the approaches to formulate and implement strategies. 10. Discuss the role of Functional area in implementation of strategies. 11. Elaborate the forms of International business. OR . State the modes of entering International Business. 12. What are the Special precautions to be taken by the MNEs before entering into International Trade? 13. Discuss the role of information system in controlling & evaluating international business. 14. Elaborate how to measure a MNCs Performance. 15. Elaborate on how MNCs can develop performance indicators to act upon them. 16. Write a essay on approaches to control. 17. Explain in brief on the control techniques used by MNCs with a example. 18. Explain various mechanisms for controlling international business operations. 19. What are the emerging trends / issues in performance evaluation? 20. Explain the control problems faced by MNCs in special situations like acquisitions. 21. Explain the control problems faced by MNCs in special situations like shared ownership. 22. Pictorial presentation of process of control in international business and explain it. 23. Discuss various methods and modes of entering and operating in International business with merits and demerits of each method. 24. What kind of strategy issues might arise in international between multinational parent company and subsidiaries? What development path's a subsidiary could adopt vis--vis if parent company? 25. There are three major rations used as performance indicators for international business. Explain these rations bringing out their meaning and significance.
26. The decision of how much power should be delegated to a manager of a subsidiary is crucial, and depends on several factors. Examine these factors with their importance in Multinational Corporation,
UNIT IV PRODUCTION, MARKETING, FINANCIAL AND HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OF GLOBAL BUSINESS PART-A 1. Exchange risk-Define. 2. Define foreign exchange 3. Explain the function of foreign exchange 4. Name the theories of determinates of foreign exchange rate? 5. What is exchange risk? 6. What are the different types of foreign exchange risk? 7. Define foreign exchange management. 8. Discuss the various factors that influence foreign investment decisions. 9. State the various distinguishing features of Transaction Cost Approach of FDI. 10. Discuss any one innovative production technique used in international firms to face intense competition. PART-B 1. Explain the major exchange rate arrangements used by countries for their currencies. 2. What do you mean by risk analysis and, to what extent companies use this tool for framing policies in International business both at the time of entry and operation? 3. What factors influence the decision regarding location of production facilities? What complexities and trade-offs might be involved? 4. Discuss the determinants of international investment decisions. What different strategies could a firm follow in this respect? 5. Are there any basic differences between Japanese and American work cultures, particularly in relation to human resource management practices? Explain what can India learn from such cultures and practices? 6. What are the issues that need to be considered decision. What are the risks investment decision. What are the risks associated with these decisions and how can a company minimize these? 7. MNCs are supposed to build considerable market power. How does it influence that host country? Elaborate your answer with examples. 8. Explain the following: (a) How to use the Source-Market Matrix in production management. (b) Needs and types of interventions in International business. 9.
UNIT V CONFLICT MANAGEMENT AND ETHICS IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PART-A 10. What is conflict? 11. State the main ingredients of conflict. 12. Indicate the grounds on which conflicts arises in International business. 13. What do you understand by collaboration in conflict resolution action? 14. What do you understand by compromise in conflict resolution action? 15. What do you understand by competition in conflict resolution action? 16. What do you understand by Accommodation in conflict resolution action? 17. What do you understand by avoidance in conflict resolution action? 18. Name few international agencies involved in resolving international conflicts. 19. What are features of Conflicts? 20. How does a conflict begins? 21. What are the conflict indicators? 22. When is conflict constructive and destructive? 23. What are the techniques for avoiding and / or resolving conflict? 24. Write a short note on negotiations in international business? 25. Define negotiations. 26. What do you understand by bargaining behaviors? 27. Write a note on Negotiating strengths. 28. What do you understand by bargaining process? 29. Write about behavioural aspects in negotiations. 30. What do you understand by corporate citizenship? 31. How do conflicts arise between low and high context cultures? 32. What are the stages of negotiations in international business? 33. What do you understand by negotiation skills? PART-B 1. Discuss the role of negotiations in international business. 2. Explain the factors causing conflicts in International business. 3. Discuss in detail the steps to manage conflicts. 4. Explain the steps involved in negotiation process. 5. Write a essay on Negotiation tactics. 6. Discuss in detail the role of international agencies in conflict resolution. 7. Explain the behavioral characteristics that affect negotiations.