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BHEL Was Established More Than 50 Years Ago When Its First Plant Was Setup in

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BHEL was established more than 50 years ago when its first plant was setup in Bhopal ushering in the indigenous Heavy Electrical Equipment Industry in India. A dream which has been more than realized with a well recognized track record of performance it has been earning profits continuously since 1971-72 and achieved a turnover of Rs 2,658crore for the year 2007-08, showing a growth of 17 per cent over the previous year.

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited is countrys Navratna company and has earned its place among very prestigious national and international companies. It finds place among the top class companies of the world for manufacture of electrical equipments. BHEL caters to core sectors of the Indian Economy viz., Power Generation's & Transmission, Industry, Transportation, Telecommunication, Renewable Energy, Defense, etc. BHEL has already attained ISO 9000 certification for quality management, and ISO 14001certification for environment management and OHSAS 18001certification for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. The Company today enjoys national and international presence featuring in the Fortune International -500 and is ranked among the top 10companies in the world, manufacturing power generation equipment. BHEL is the only PSU among the 12 Indian companies to figure in Forbes Asia Fabulous 50 list .

BHEL An Overview
BHEL today is the largest Engineering Enterprise of its kind in India with excellent track record of performance, making profits continuously since1971-72.BHEL's vision is to become a world-class engineering enterprise, committed to enhancing stakeholder value. The company is striving to give shape to its aspirations and fulfill the expectations of the country to become a global player. BHEL business operations cater to core sectors of Indian Economy like. Power Industry Transportation Transmission Defenses etc.

The greatest strength of BHEL is its highly skilled and committed 42,600 employees. Every participative style of management all these have engendered development of a committed and motivated work force setting new benchmarks in terms of productivity, quality and responsiveness. Employee is given an equal opportunity to develop himself and grow in his career. Continuous training and retraining, career planning , a positive work culture.

VISION Wo r l d c l a s s , i n no v a t i v e , c o mp e t i t i v e a n d p r o f i t a b l e e n g i n e e r i n g

e n t e r p r i s e providing total business solutions.

MISSION The leading Indian engineering enterprise providing quality products systems a n d s e r v i c e s i n t h e f i e l d s o f e n e r g y, t r a n s p o r t a t i o n , i n f r a s t r u c t u r e a n d o t h e r potential areas. VALUES Meeting commitments made to external and internal customers. Foster learning creativity and speed of response. Respect for dignity and potential of individuals. Loyalty and pride in the company. Team playing. Zeal to excel. Integrity and fairness in all matters.

BHEL Manufacturing Plants

BHEL Haridwar has two manufacturing plants HEEP ( Heavy Electrical Equipment Plant ) CFFP ( Central Foundry Forge Plant ) Following is the brief profile of Heavy Electrical Equipment Plant:ESTABLISHMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STAGES: Established in 1960s under the Indo-Soviet Agreements of 1959 and 1960in the area of Scientific, Technical and Industrial Cooperation. DPR prepared in 1963-64, construction started from October '63. Initial production of Electric started from January, 1967. Major construction / erection / commissioning completed by 197172 as per original DPR scope. Stamping Unit added later during 1968 to 1972. Annual Manufacturing capacity for thermal sets was expanded from 1500M t o 3 5 0 0 M W u n d e r LS T G. P r o je c t d u r i n g 1 9 7 9 - 8 5 ( S e t s u p t o 5 0 0 MW,extensible to 1000/1300 MW unit sizes with marginal addition in facilities with the collaboration of M/s KWU-Siemens, Germany. M o t o r ma n u f a c t u r i n g t e c h n o l o g y u p d a t e d wi t h S i e me n s c o l l a b o r a t i o n during 1984 to 1987.

Facilities being modernized continually through R e p l a c e m e n t s / Reconditioning-Retrofitting,Technological/ operational balancing. Modernization and regular Up gradation of facilities and other infrastructure is a continuous endeavor at HEEP, BHEL. After initial setting up of the plant during the year 1964-72, in collaboration with the Soviet Union, the plant facilities and infrastructures have since been continuously upgraded under various investment projects vise, Stamping Unit project, LSTG Project, Motor P r o je c t , Go v e r n i n g C o mp o n e n t s P r o je c t , T G F a c i l i t i e s M o d e r n is a t i o n , T G Facilities Augmentation, Quality Facilities Augmentation, EDP projects, Gas Turbine Project, Facilities have also been added and establishments have been created for new projects in Defense and Aviation Project. Additionally, R &D facilities have also been created under Generators Research Institute, Pollution Control Research Institute, HTL modernization and other such schemes. T o d a y t h e P l a n t h a s u n i q u e ma n u f a c t u r i n g a n d t e s t i n g f a c i l i t i e s , computerized numerically controlled machine-tools, Blade shop, heavy duty lathes, milling machines, boring machines, machining centers and many more. The Over Speed Vacuum Balancing Tunnel created for rotors up to 1300 MW (32T, 6.9 M dia. bladed rotor, 6 rpm up to 4500 rpm) is one of the 8 of its kind in the entire world. The total spectrum of sophisticated, unique and other facilities at HEEP, Hardwar are the state-of-the-art in manufacturing processes and can be utilized for a variety of products' manufacture.



BHEL is a major contributor of equipment and systems to industries, cement, sugar, fertilizer, refinances, petrochemicals, paper, oil and gas, metallurgical and other process industries. The range of system &equipment supplied includes: captive power plants, co-generation plants DG power plants, industrial steam turbines, industrial boilers and auxiliaries. Water heat recovery boilers, gas turbines, heat exchangers and pressure vessels, centrifugal compressors, electrical machines, pumps, valves, seamless steel tubes, electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters, reactors, fluidized bed combustion boilers, chemical recovery boilers and process controls. The Company is a major producer of large-size thruster devices. It also supplies digital distributed control systems for process industries, and control & instrumentation systems for power plant and industrial applications. BHEL is the only company in India with the capability to make simulators for power plants, defense and other applications. The Company has commenced manufacture of large desalination plants to help augment the supply of drinking water to people.

POWER TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION (T & D) BHEL offer wide ranging products and systems for T & D applications. Products manufactured include power transformers, instrument transformers, dry type transformers, series and stunt reactor, capacitor tanks, vacuum and SF circuit breakers gas insulated switchgears and insulators. A strong engineering base enables the Company to undertake turnkey delivery of electric substances up to 400 kV level series compensation systems (for increasing power transfer capacity of transmission lines and improving system stability and voltage regulation),shunt compensation systems (for power factor and voltage improvement)and HVDC systems (for economic transfer of bulk power). BHEL has indigenously developed

the state-of-the-art controlled shunt reactor (for reactive power management on long transmission lines). Presently a 400kV Facts (Flexible AC Transmission System) project under execution.

BHEL is involved in the development design, engineering, marketing, production, installation, and maintenance and after-sales service of Rolling Stock and traction propulsion systems. In the area of rolling stock, BHEL manufactures electric locomotives up to 5000 HP, diesel-electric locomotives from 350 HP to 3100 HP, both for mainline and shunting duly applications. BHEL is also producing rolling stock for special applications viz., overhead equipment cars, Special well wagons, Rail-cum-road vehicle etc., Besides traction propulsion systems for in-house use, BHEL manufactures traction propulsion systems for other rolling stock producers of electric locomotives, diesel-electric locomotives, electrical multiple units and metro cars. The electric and diesel traction equipment on India Railways are largely powered by electrical propulsion systems produced by BHEL. The company also undertakes retooling and overhauling of rolling stock in the area of urban transportation systems. BHEL is geared up to turnkey execution of electric trolley bus systems, light rail systems etc. BHEL is also diversifying in the area of port handing equipment and pipelines transportation system.

Technologies that can be offered by BHEL for exploiting non-conventional and renewable sources of energy include: wind electric generators, solar photovoltaic systems, solar lanterns and battery-powered road vehicles. The Company has taken up R&D efforts for development of multi-junction amorphous silicon solar cells and fuel based systems.

BHEL has, over the years, established its references in around 60countries of the world, ranging for the United States in the West to New Zealand in the Far East. These references encompass almost the entire product range of BHEL, covering turnkey power projects of thermal, hydro and gas-based types, substation projects, rehabilitation projects, besides a wide variety of products, like transformers, insulators, switchgears, heat exchangers, castings and forgings, valves, well-head equipment, centrifugal compressors, photo-voltaic equipment etc. Apart from over 1110MW of boiler capacity contributed in Malaysia, and execution of four prestigious power projects in Oman, Some of the other major successes achieved by the Company have been in Australia, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Egypt, Bangladesh, Azerbaijan, Sri Lanka, Iraq etc. The Company has been successful in meeting demanding customer's requirements in terms of complexity of the works as well as technological, quality and other requirements viz. extended warrantees, associated O&M, financing packages etc. BHEL has proved its capability to undertake projects on fast-track basis. The company has been successful in meeting varying needs of the industry, be it captive power plants, utility power generation or for the oil sector requirements. Executing of Overseas projects has also provided BHEL the experience of working with world renowned Consulting Organizations and inspection Agencies. In addition to demonstrated capability to undertake turnkey projects on its own, BHEL possesses the requisite flexibility to interface and complement with International companies for large projects by supplying complementary equipment and meeting their production needs for intermediate as well as finished products. The success in the area of rehabilitation and life extension of power projects has established BHEL as a comparable alternative to the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) for such plants. TECHNOLOGY UPGRADATION AND RESEARCH &DEVELOPMENT To remain competitive and meet customers' expectations, BHEL lays great emphasis on the continuous up gradation of products and related technologies, and development of new products. The Company has up graded its products to

contemporary levels through continuous in house efforts as well as through acquisition of new technologies from leading engineering organizations of the world. The Corporate R&D Division at Hyderabad, spread over a 140 acre complex, leads BHEL's research efforts in a number of areas of importance to BHEL's product range. Research and product development centers at each of the manufacturing divisions play a complementary role.

INTRODUCTION Numerical control (NC) is a method employed for controlling the motions of a machine tool slide and its auxiliary functions with input in the form of numerical data. A computer numerical control (CNC) is a microprocessor-based system to store and process the data for the control of slide motions and auxiliary functions of the machine tools. The CNC system is the heart and brain of a CNC machine which enables the operation of various machine members such as slides, spindles, etc. as per the sequence programmed into it, depending on the machining operations. The main advantage of a CNC system lies in the fact that the skills of the operator hitherto required in the operation of a conventional machine is removed and the part production is made automatic. The CNC systems are constructed with a NC unit integrated with a programmable logic controller (PLC)and sometimes with an additional external PLC (non-integrated). The NC controls the spindle movement and the speeds and feeds in machining. It calculates the traversing path of the axes as defined by the inputs. The PLC controls the peripheral actuating elements of the machine such as solenoids, relay coils, etc. Working together, the NC and PLC enable the machine tool to operate automatically. Positioning and part accuracy depend on the CNC system's computer control algorithms, the system resolution and the basic mechanical machine accuracy. Control algorithm may cause errors while computing, which will reflect during contouring, but they are very negligible. Though this does not cause point to point positioning error, but when mechanical machine inaccuracies are present, it will result in poorer part accuracy. This chapter gives an overview of the configuration of the CNC system, interfacing and introduction to PLC programming. CONFIGURATION OF THE CNC SYSTEM Below fig. shows a schematic diagram of the working principle of a NC axis of a CNC machine and the interface of a CNC control.

A CNC system basically consists of the following: Central processing unit (CPU) Servo-control unit Operator control panel Machine control panel Other peripheral device Programmable logic controller (PLC) Central Processing Unit (CPU) The CPU is the heart and brain of a CNC system. It accepts the information stored in the memory as part program. This data is decoded and transformed into specific position control and velocity control signals. It also oversees the

movement of the control axis or spindle whenever this does not match the programmed values, a corrective action is taken. All the compensations required for machine accuracy (like lead screw pitch error, tool wear out, backlash, etc.) are calculated by the CPU depending upon the corresponding inputs made available to the system. The same will be taken care of during the generation of control signals for the axis movement. Also, some safety checks are built into the system through this unit and the CPU unit will provide continuous necessary corrective actions. Whenever the situation goes beyond control of the CPU, it takes the final action of shutting down the system in turn the machine. Speed Control Unit This unit acts in unison with the CPU for the movement of the machine axes. The CPU sends the control signals generated for the movement of the axis to the servo control unit and the servo control unit converts these signals into the suitable digital or analog signal to be fed to the machine tool axis movement. This also checks whether machine tool axis movement is at the same speed as directed by the CPU. In case any safety conditions related to the axis are overruled during movement or otherwise they are reported to the CPU for corrective action. Servo-Control Unit The decoded position and velocity control signals, generated by the CPU for the axis movement forms the input to the servo-control unit. This unit in turn generates suitable signals as command values. The servo-drive unit converts the command values, which are interfaced with the axis and the spindle motors. The servo-control unit receives the position feedback signals for actual movement of the machine tool axes from the feedback devices (like linear scales, rotary encoders, resolves, etc.). The velocity feedback is generally obtained through tacho generators. The feedback signals are passed on to the CPU for further processing. Thus the servo-control unit performs the data communication between the machine tool and the CPU. As explained earlier, the actual movements of the slides on the machine tool is achieved through servo drives. The amount of movement and the rate of movement

are controlled by the CNC system depending upon the type of feedback system used, i.e. closed-loop or open-loop system.

Closed-loop System The closed-loop system is characterized by the presence of feedback. In this system, the CNC system sends out commands for movement and the result is continuously monitored by the system through various feedback devices. There are generally two types of feedback to a CNC system -- position feedback and velocity feedback

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