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Sattvic Planet is a metaphor or virtual sign of the high potentials and perspectives for the Earth, our motherland

planet, to become a real place where the human race can live in harmony, peace, humanity, truth, kindness, compassion, wisdom, prosperity, goodness, awakened consciousness, and high spirituality. The "sattva" is Sanskrit ancient word, which defines the first of the three gunas or qualitiesof matter. According to ancient text of Bhagavad-gita and Sankhya philosophy there are three gunas: sattva, rajas, and tamas. Everything in the Universe and in human life is formed, based on these three underlying principles: the laws of creation (rajas), maintenance (sattva), and dissolution (tamas). The sattva-guna is characterized by enlightenment, purity, knowledge, balance, and harmony. The rajas-guna is the matter or energy of movement, creation, action, and development. The tamas-guna can be described as a down energy or energy of decay, ignorance, destruction, stagnation, illness, and congestion. Three mental qualities are defined on the basics of predominant guna. The sattvic person possesses the highest quality mental state. He or she is alert, kind, calm, comprehensive, balanced, warm, intelligent, independent. Sattvic people have a positive attitude, are compassion, faithful, forgiving, generous, and possess the ability to develop purity and peace in their own lives and in the society.

The rajasic person is hyperactive and cannot stay balanced. He or she is willful, ambitious, angry, manipulative, impulsive, and aggressive. The rajasic character creates unreliability, indecisiveness, greed for money, desire for material luxuries, need for constant diversions, and anxiety. The tamasic individual is dull, lethargic, fearful, dishonest, depressive, selfdestructive, suicidal, lazy, and has a servile attitude. Tamasicinfluence includes violence, hate, criminality, illnesses, lack of compassion, tendency to steal, and psychopathic problems.

Our technological-based civilization promotes a rajasic predominate type of person. Commercial businesses require rajasic characteristics for their employees and thus stimulate the development of these features and values in the society. It is unfortunate that you have to be rajasic person to achieve your career goals. In present Western society to be successful means to build up a career and to be able acquire wealth. Most people think that this is a formula for absolute happiness. Nevertheless, statistics show that there are many personal and social problems for the middle and upper classes in this rajasic-oriented society. There is stress, violence, depression, the suicides, anxiety, sleeplessness, fears, and so on. The problem is that the predominant rajasguna, if not balanced, creates all of these problems, while additionally initiating the tamasic destructive and toxic processes.

To fully pursue a more conscious yoga lifestyle, it is helpful to understand the concept of gunas , which means qualities or attributes. In Indian philosophy, there are three qualities that apply to everything in the universe--from gross matter to thoughts, emotions, and states of consciousness. The gunas are rajas , which denotes action, motion, restlessness, change, and passion; tamas,which stands for stability, dullness, heaviness, lethargy, and inertia; and sattva which means light, harmony, clarity, and calmness. All three gunas are necessary. Without rajas, there would be no action, and nothing would get accomplished. Without tamas, the action would never stop. Without sattva, there would be no balance. When we are working, we are in a state of rajas; when we are sleeping, we are in a state of tamas; when we are meditating or acting in a calm, peaceful way, we are experiencing sattva. The gunas apply not only to ourselves and to objects, but also to our relationships and environment. Currently our culture leans toward rajasic and tamasic qualities in extreme ways. Examples of rajasic energies are the bombardment of our senses with advertising or engaging in instant communications like texting, E-mailing, Internet activities, cell phones, or video games-all activities that lead to more hyperactivity. By eating foods and beverages containing heavy spices or refined sugar, and drinking caffeinated beverages, we also increase the rajas energy. In a rajasic environment, we may tend to become more rajasic ourselves, or we succumb to fatigue (tamas). In any case, we lose the ability to concentrate and can become impatient and angry in this fast-paced world. Our communications with others become more strident, shallow, and hurried.

Examples of tamasic energy include watching television, feeling a lack of energy or enthusiasm, and eating processed foods, fast foods, or a diet heavy in meat and dairy products. We become sluggish, lazy, and bored. When we are around ignorant or lazy people, we may take on some of dullness; at other times, the tamasic energy around us can lead us into rajasic responses of hyperactivity. To find balance, we strive to develop a more sattvic approach to life. We take on the quality of light, harmony, clarity, calmness, and grace by practicing yoga and meditation or spending time in nature. We can pursue learning, surround ourselves with people who bring out the best in us, and live a balanced lifestyle. We can eat whole grains, legumes, fresh fruits, and vegetables; cultivate a disciplined life that brings knowledge and joy; and simplify our lives. We live a sattvic lifestyle when we follow the yamas and niyamas (the dos and don'ts of yoga), according to Patanjali's Yoga Sutras: practicing contentment, devoting more time to self-study and spiritual development; nurturing the yogic ethical principles of non-violence (to ourselves, others, and our planet), truthfulness, non-stealing, sexual responsibility, and non-greediness. We can feed the guna that gives peace; and our quality of light, harmony, and calmness will spread out into the world. In workplaces where many people have been laid off, those who are left are expected to do extra work. So there is a growth of both rajasic and tamasic energies: those with too much work and those with none at all. Here we see the extremes between too much lethargy, lots of hyperactivity, and too much depression. On Wall Street in 2008, we saw how the rajasic energies of hyperactivity for fast money and materialist desires came largely as an outgrowth of the tamasic energies of a lethargic and ignorant response from our government to regulate the greedy. Much suffering came out of this combination of rajas and tamas energies. We can see presently how the anger and restlessness of some people can lead to racist language, policies, and actions. One example is the Arizona anti-immigrant law (which had many similarities to South Africa 's apartheid laws). Soon after this law was passed, the United Farm Workers (UFW) union put out a statement saying that it takes about a million people to plant, pick, weed, and cook the abundance of food that America produces. Most of these workers are immigrants. The UFW offered to train any American-born workers for these very difficult jobs. Only three people so far have come forward, showing how tamasic energy operates in this instance. One of the benefits of yoga is the development of the body, mind, and spirit as a democratic unity. If we want to live in a more thriving democracy, we will need to practice more democracy within ourselves. By understanding the gunas, we see how these qualities show up in our biology, culture, individual and community relationships, and through gross and subtle manifestations. And we can promote conditions for sattvic energy to flow into our lives so that we can be a blessing to ourselves and to others around us.

How to examine the Bhava of a horoscope- Jeeva (soul) and Sharira ( body) Sagittarius lagna, lord of 7th Mercury is in Sravana Mercury star. So Moon becomes the Jeeva of the 7th bhava. Further Moon is n Bharani Venus star andVenus becomes the Sharira of the 7th bhava. If this Moon is with Mars in Aries, Mars is the most powerful planet for being in own house. Thus Mars becomes the Jeep. If Mars is in Critic Sun star, Sun becomes the Sharira. If Mercury is in Scorpio in own star Jyeshta, Mercury himself becomes the Jeeva. In such cases the lord of the house in which the Jeeva is situated becomes the Sharira. Pisces lagna, Jupiter lord of the 10th bhava is in own star Purvabhadra in Pisces. Jupiter becomes Jeeva. Besides Jupiter occupies his own house Pisces. So Jupiter himself becomes Sharira also. For benefic results, the Jeep and Sharira of the bhava should be situated inbenefic houses. But in cases where either Jeeva or Sharira is rendered weak, the results will be bad. Results do not depend solely on the situation of the Jeeva and Sharira, the Gunas acquired by both the Jeeva and sharira on account of their situation play a greater part in changing the results. Further, if the Jeeva and Sharira are inimically disposed toward each other, the results will not be good. Excellent results follow, when, in addition to the above, the Jeeva and Sharira are in their friendly, own or exalted houses, in order, provided that they are not aspected by or in conjunction with the particular malefics of the natives lagna. House of Finance ( Dhana Bhava) Example1: Gemini lagna, Moon is in Pushyami star. and lord Moon is in own house, but in Saturn star. Saturn is a Thamasi and lord of 8th in additon. Hence the native lost thousand by reason of the bank going into liquidation where he had deposited. Example2: Sagittarius lagna, 2nd lord Saturn is in 12th house, which is Vyaya Sthana, Expenditure house. Yet the natives finances are satisfactory. Saturn is in Jyeshta Mercury star. Mercury is 7th lord and Saturn gets the influence of 7th Quadrant and Saturn in 7th is very powerful. Example3: Lei lagna, 2nd lord Mercury is in Virgo exalted, but in Chitta Mars star. Mercury and Mars are enemies. Hence there are the bad finances of the native. Example4: Libra Laguna, 2nd lord Mars is Scorpio in own house, but I Visakha star of Jupiter. Jupiter is not a Yogakaraka to this lagna and further Jupiter is lord of 3rd and 6th houses. If this mars is in Jyeshta star of Mercury, who is a Yogakaraka to this lagna, there will be good finances. If this Mercury is in lagna, which is a powerful place for Mercury (Jupiter and Mercury are powerful in lagna kendra) or if this Mercury is in Leo in 11th house, the native of the former case will have more wealth than the latter case. Similarly other bhavas are to be judged.

How to predict the results of a Dasa Before commencing to predict the results of a Dasa, the ownership, situation, aspects on etc of the lord of the Dasa should be noted. The Guna (nature) of the lord of the Dasa should also be considered. Further it must be decided, to which bhava the lord of the Dasa is the Jeeva as thenative will enjoy the results of that bhava during the said period. Example: Leo lagna, Mercury is in Hasta star and Saturn is in Sravana star. Both are in Moon star. Moon is in Mula star of Ketu. So Moon becomes the Jeeva of both the 2nd and 7th bhavas. Moon being in Ketu star becomes Thamasa in nature. Hence during Moon Dasa the native was separated from his wife and sustained financial losses. Similarity in planetary influences indicating same events in parents and childrens charts.t Example: In fathers chart, Scorpio lagna, Education bhava 4th lord Saturn is in Jyeshta star of Mercury. Mercury becomes the Jeeva of this bhava. He is lord of 8th house and is conjunction with Sun and Jupiter in the 12th bhava. Hence thefather did not have much of education. In sons chart, Taurus lagna, the 9th house of father is Capricorn. The 4th house from Capricorn will indicate the fathers education. The 4th house is Aries and Mars its lord is in Kritika Sun star. Hence Sun becomes the Jeeva of the Vidya bhava of the father. Sun is in conjunction with Jupiter lord of 8th bhava. This indicates also poor education of the father. Mixed results in Dasas of Dasanathas in mixed sways If a planet is situated in a star of a bad and enemy planet, the results will be bad in the first portion of the formers Dasa and good results will be forthcoming only in the latter period of the Dasa . If a planet is situated in the star of a good planet, who is himself in combination with a bad planet, the Dasa will commence with good results, but the latter portion of the Dasa will be bad. Example1: Aries lagna, Mercury is in Virgo in Uttara Sun star. Sun is in combination with a bad planet Rahu in Leo. Hence in Mercury Dasa from the beginning till the commencement of Rahu Bhukti, the native enjoyed a good official career. But in Rahu Bhukti, the native lost his position all of sudden. Example2: Aries lagna, Jupiter is in Satabhisha star of Rahu a Thamasic planet. But Rah is in combination with Moon in Taurus a Yogakartaka for this chart. Hence the first half of Jupiter Dasa was a life of miseries to the native while in the latter half he enjoyed good life. Example 3: Taurus lagna, Moon is in Aswini Ketu star. Further Moon is the 3rd lord and remains in the 12rth bhava. Yet the person rose in rank as an officer in Moon Dasa itself. The reason is Ketu is in combination with Saturn 9th and 10th lord in Virgo. Dharma Karma Yoga effect on Moon has taken place. Hence there is fine result in Moon Dasa. This is about the bright and good side in Moon Dasa. But we should not forget the dark side of Aswan Moon. Although the native rose in rank in Moon Dasa, he had the bad effect of theAswini Moon also. For a time he was bedridden. And one noteworthy thing was that his attempt to go to foreign countries for bettering his prospects failed.

Last days of life This is judged from the 8th house the house of longevity. Jeeva and Sharira of a bhava are the chief promoters of that bhava. Their very names suggest that Jeeva controls the intrinsic effects in the soul while the Sharira the outward things that pertain to the body. When we think of that with respect thehouse of longevity the 8th bhava, the Jeeva represents the soul while the Sharira represents the body and constitutioin that preserves the soul. Between the two if anyone is weak, things representative of it will suffer and by a comparative study of the Jeeva and Sahrira of the 8th bhava the mode of death may be judged as follows:

1. Jeeva weaker than Sharira gives short illness and if the disparity is too great the period of illness will be far lessened. 2. Jeeva stronger than Sharira gives long illness before death and the wider the disparity between the two the longer would be the duration of illness. 3. Both Jeeva and Sharira are equally strong or weak gives sudden death without illness with this difference that in the case of strength there will be no pain endured at the last moment while in the other case terrible bodily suffering will be felt.

Example1: Gemini lagna, Saturn in lagna in Aridra star of Rahu. Rahu is in Virgo in Uttara star of Sun. Sun is in Libra in debilitation. The Jeeva and Sharira of the 8th bhava are Rahu and Sun respectively. Between the two, Sun is in debilitation and hence awfully weaker than Rahu. As it is sharira that is weaker he suffered for six months and died in Sun Dasa. Shanti Karma For the evil caused by Jupiter for Libra lagna during his period, Shanti will be effective if done to Jupiter alone as he is malefic by himself and caused the result independently. For Sagittarius lagna and Jupiter related with Venus causing evil during Jupiter Dasa, it is evident the evil is caused by the malefic Venus and not by Jupiter. In this case, Shanti should be done to Venus and not to Jupiter.The relationship can be by conjunction, aspect and stellar connection. During the period of the same Jupiter for Sagittarius Lagna (Jupiter is in Bharani star 3rd pada), the malefic effect will be seen in the 3rd quarter of Jupiter Dasa. When that Jupiter was showing himself to be benefic till that time, he has suddenly changed his colours has caused evil. Does it not show that somebody else causes the evil by relationship? It is evident that Venus for Sagittarius Laguna is a great malefic being the 6th and 11th lord and Jupiter being placed in such a malefics star has attained Venus colours during the chara period of his Dasa. Then to whom should Shanti be done? Evidently for Venus. Worship of Deities may be done as follows: Jupiter and Mercury Vishnu; Moon- Parvati; Venus-Lakshmi; Mars-Kumaraswami; Sun-Eswara; Saturn-Yama. If they are further joined or related with other planets, the combinations may be as follows:

Mars and Mercury-Urge Vishnu therefore Narasimhaswamy; Moon and Rahu-Ugra Devi that is Durga, Kalika, Chamundeswari etc. Many other points: Many other important points are given in this book about different bhavas such as number of coborns, education, vehicles, property, hospital births, whether the native is first wifes or second wifes child, number and sex of children, different diseases, multiplemarriages, divorces, selection of the partner from two horoscopes, profession, one planet control, parivartana effect etc. Conclusion Since it is difficult to cover all points given in the book, it is worth that the book may be obtained from Ranjan Publications, 16 Ansari Road, Daryagunj, New Delhi- 110002, if it is available and studied thoroughly for predictive purposes.

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