Stop AIDS. Keep The Promise.: L'Automédicat-ion Au Liban Nord
Stop AIDS. Keep The Promise.: L'Automédicat-ion Au Liban Nord
Stop AIDS. Keep The Promise.: L'Automédicat-ion Au Liban Nord
ور ا
آر رد
Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise.
In this issue Pge
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Stage Clinique &ع ال7& 8 -9: :و
L'Automédicat- 2
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آ اC2 D/ Externe MEDCLUB 4
K&& أن3&
&M & آC&&2 أنN و &<&دStage That Rolling 5
& و ذ8& & & آ3&
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.تQ"I+' آ اR= وRotationال Hope or Hype 6
( و =&<&وت ا10/2008-1/2009 G# 8 أV%W
<ل ا8-7 G ر )وST زدة اG2 -
اE/ -2 Do I Always 6
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& ا8\# ً2 <ت9
ادارة ا4 ع7
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ا Want to be
With You?
أي 7
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<` ا-# ات ا
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^رج وD 1= Q 3
ا Best Poem of 7
Nightly Quest 8
& ا
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& اG&&7&
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""^ ة7 1/ ,.
ت اM9-
اQ C2
Our Fight… 9
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&'&ء ا2داء & اT اG= C
ف ا8= Bordeaux 2 S G Andrée Quinton
اGQ"I+ ا8 أG /رآ وا9# .
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ا4 Impossible
.رM+ ه>ا ا2 اءاتS=^ذ ا# 8= ت و1
@ اd Faisons-le!!!
Book Guide 11
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Are you willing to volunteer in NGOs (non governmental organisations such as “Médecins sans Frontière”….)? YES/NO
2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Year Year Year Year
ns: Most students have not yet decided about their speciality (remarkably 80% of 5th
year students).
Most students have either decided to continue their studies abroad (slight male preponder-
ance) or have yet to determine.
The majority of students chose to practice in Lebanon. Of those who chose to work abroad most
are males. MEDCLU_LU@h
Most students are willing to volunteer in NGO’s (remarkably 87% of 2nd year students). 4
Gzz, le Clme Su!it MED e#lines
I lwys
nt t
ith Y
Have you ever thought that you may become unable to stay alone even for a while!
Do you imagine having to share your very
private moments with another!
Picture yourself living stuck to a person, Emery's Elements of
Medical Genetics
whose separation from you can mean your
or his death.
Believe it or notX some people do live so.
That is the case of Siamese twins.
Do they enjoy their life?
Such situations are subject to great debate. students/cim/
In November 2004, a Lebanese woman was specialties.htm
carrying two Siamese twins. The state of
the twins was critical since they were conjoined at the trunk part of their bodies.
After diagnosis, she decided to abort without taking any religious consideration into
account, bearing in mind that she is sparing her future children a miserable life. The www
mother determined their fate based on the fact that conjunction means misery.
Yet who determines the concept of happiness? Happiness remains an inner feeling
that emerges from our soul, and that can not be given or taken. In addition, all
religions forbid abortion unless pregnancy imposes a danger on the mother’s life.
Finally, to end this debate, it is easy for us to speculate or to presume but for the
people who live the experience, it’s a totally different story.
أي Did You
اي آن
ّ ا و! ا#$# %&'ا
A person will die
در$# *! +ّ & , وه ه./012 ّد, ا32 from lack of sleep
sooner than they
#42 أ+5 67 *'ا, + 3 ًآ9 * ّآ+ will from starvation,
;'؟2 ا?ّم ا* =<ه و%9 3ت ه7A ا%A' 3ه which usually takes
a few weeks.
ّ/2 BC= 6# ل
ٍ ,C! أروعGH7 ٌه;ةK م, وا%'أ' وأ
Children who are
؟1L7 %A' 3 هM &#ّ;= *رود ا, ا%A' 3ه breast fed tend to
2 67 /N اك,K? ا
ّ إR
َ / +ّ& وH ورود' آ%Hذ have an IQ seven
points higher than
;'؟7 و%
ِ A' 3 ه،ًV# WL7 ًH2 %
ِ A' 3ه children who are
!= !اMH7 ٌ3&9 + آ،B& اM B/A Bٌ H&9 +آ
Each person sheds
ه6# MH2 ر3/= ّ;ًاY *
Z 7 *! أ'[ي 22 kilograms of skin
B9 6# .!2ع ا
ٍ ;اN أ= ّي،ِ!* \ك7ا in his or her lifetime.
G'َ, Bٍ [ H 6
َ ّA وM0H7 6# 6] M أ More germs are
transferred shaking
G ا6$H/ MّHV ;; ٍةY ٍة#$# 67 *^ * ا_ن واH2ار hands than kissing.
.' أM
ِ #A 6# ن,\ 6 .ّ'? ّأي4! ً#, *
ّ دة إ,Vوإن =رت ا
The average person
MFh releases nearly 500
ml of intestinal gas
BEST POEM OF 2006 by flatulence every
day. Most is due to
AFRICAN KID rest is from fermen-
tation of undigested
When I born, I black food (about 14
When I grow up, I black occurrences of flatu-
lence a day).
When I go in sun, I black
When I scared, I black The only part of the
When I sick, I black human body that
never changes size
And when I die, I still black from birth to death
is the eyes.
There are
When you born, you pink approximately
When you grow up, you white 96,000 km of blood
When you go in sun, you red vessels in the
human body.
When you cold, you blue
When you scared, you yellow
When you sick, you green
And when you die, you gray
n !y EFes 7
Nightly Quest
Within the webs of the night entangled
Within traps of the mind imprisoned
found no escape
no method to flee
found no ease
no means to completely be
In quest of the reason
In search of the answer
second by second
minute by minute
hour by hour
and day by day
time had passed
yet no answer was found
Had there been a question
how much easier it would've been
Had there been a reason
how simple the answer would've seemed
Love, career, family, pride, money....
What could it be
Oh what could it be
that stops time in one's sense
and makes night as day and day as night
Life, spirits, customs, traditions, religion, luck, destiny....
Can all contribute to the blockage of god's ingenious descended machine?
Can all be factors aiding in imprinting failure and set-backs on our kind?
Or, it may only be a mere occasion
a mere unnoticed fracture in the great puzzle of survival
Or, it may be an intended crack in the soul of all being
However, it is unfair to curse one with such a crack of all others
It is inhumane to make one endure so many sleepless nights in quest of nothing
to prohibit one from liberty of the soul and peace of the mind for nonsense
Beware of what conclusions such dark nights may bring
for hasty conclusions can devastate a future just as they can make it blossom
REl Sye#
... ا
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مS G2 ا
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3B اد2 / e= " دون أنD&& وراءآN&&2 &&=
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اد أن ا2 / e= أدرك.XB+ اR
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ان ا-
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وا . نB= ً2}= و
WINDOWS ON THE WORLD-frederic beigbeder: (Amour-Thriller) &2 ر وTا
"vous connaissez la fin: tout le monde meurt"-ouvrage audacieux pour ne &1&W
دون اT اGB
pas dire scandaleux, réflexion mesurée et digne d'un érudit sur la 2<
ن ا+ دون ا,`<-
signification de la page la plus douloureuse de notre histoire récente: les &&&X&&&
ا,&&& ا
événements de 9/11. Bien loin de la politique, Beigbeder parvient à &&&&حM &&-&&&& ...D&&ا
combiner l'empathie et la sagesse que lui offre la distance, et nous propose + && e&& &&"=&&&& وB&&
une nouvelle vision de la vie, de la mort, et du destin. &&
دون اT !"
"Le père de nos pères"-Bernard Werber: (Science Fiction-Philosophie) N&<&9
ا8= ة%"# ; أ
Offrant de nouvelles théories sur les origines de l'humanité, de la vie, .ب1
ا8-2 = + و
Werber s'efforce, avec un style tout à fait révolutionnaire, de nous
instruire tout en nous divertissant! Véritable Saga, oeuvre d'un écrivain
rebelle qui ose être différent! Fabuleux pour ceux qui se sont éloignés de la
=ا أن = ا ا
ة ا
lecture et désirent s'en rapprocher! (veuillez visiter le site:
D&&B&&!&&<&&= و, &&&&# D&&B&&&&
E&&= à adorer!) وا
Tن اT .ىIT#
OSCAR ET LA DAME ROSE-Eric Emmanuel Schmitt: (Médecine-Psychologie- !&دS
ن8Sه و
Religion) G&&8S
اG> أدرك هG و
Livre court, avec un contenu très intéressant qui nous guide vers de C&&
ا, ا
&&!&& ةC&&
&& اQو
nouvelles voies de traitement, de faire face à la mort. Quand un enfant &&B&&# &&&&Sزدوا+&& ا1&&&&1&&!
leucémique condamné écrit à Dieu… Récit bouleversant d'émotion et ...8=H:-=
d'amour, de larmes et de rires! A vous faire briller les yeux!
UNACCOSTUMED EARTH-jhumpa lahiri: (Social Life-Quest for Happiness)
“I didn’t think such violent things could happen to ordinary people.” With
quiet artistry and tender sympathy, Lahiri creates an impressive range of
vivid characters showing that the place to which you feel the strongest
attachment isn’t necessarily the country you’re tied to by birth: it’s the
place that allows you to become yourself. Engrossing stories that replenish
the classical schemes of domestic realism: career, family and loneliness.
A male doctor asks a female doctor to
dinner and she accepts. As they sit down at What is a double-blind
the restaurant, she excuses herself to go study?
and wash her hands. Two orthopaedists
After dinner, one thing leads to another reading an
and just as things get hot, the female doctor interrupts and says she has to go and wash her electrocardiogram!
hands. Once she comes back they go for it. After the sex session, she gets up and says she is
going to wash her hands. You might be an E.R.
As she comes back the male doctor says, "I bet you are a surgeon". Doctor if... you think
She confirms and asks how he knew. that caffeine should
"Easy, you're always washing your hands." Doctor Used be available in IV
She then says, "I bet you're an anesthesiologist." Patients' form!
Male doctor: "Wow, how did you guess?"
Liposuctioned Fat As
Female doctor: "I didn't feel a thing." A man speaks
Car Fuel !!
A plastic surgeon who frantically into the
practised in Beverly Hills, phone, "My wife is
California, is being pregnant, and her
accused of using human contractions are only
fat liposuctioned from two minutes apart!"
former patients to fuel "Is this her first child?"
his car. According to the doctor queries., Alan Bittner "No, you idiot!" the
allegedly collected the man shouts. "This is
human fat and turned it her husband!"
into biodiesel for his own
SUV and his girlfriend's Patient to the eye
car. He is being investi- doctor: "Whenever I
gated by California's pub- drink coffee, I have
lic health department. this sharp,
excruciating pain."
You Might be in Med School if… Eye Doctor:
"Try to remember to
You blame neurotransmitters for anything going wrong in your life. remove the spoon
When you go out with non-medical students, you're abnormally quiet, because you from the cup before
don't know what to talk about besides med school. drinking."
Grey's Anatomy, House, Scrubs, Dr. 90210, and ER are your favorite shows, but you
point out all the wrong things in them all the time.
You know that, in theory, you have a family and friends, but you can't place the last
time you saw them. RO DE"
You don't bother dating because the divorce rate is 70% for physicians.
People assume you know something when you tell them you're in med school, but YOUR
you know that you haven't learned anything. PERSPECTIVE
You assess beverages for amount of caffeine before buying only those with more
caffeine than coffee. The Editor
You're still excited to see "real patients." H. Bitar
n !y R tme
Dear Students, for those of you who would like to take share in MEDCLUB activities
or have articles published in PULSE, please send your suggestions to our email or contact us on these numbers 03756018-03085710.
We would be more than pleased to publish your work in the upcoming issues.
Thank you. 12
Serment d'Hippocrate
« Au moment d'être admis à exercer la médecine, je promets et je jure d'être fidèle aux
lois de l'honneur et de la probité.
Mon premier souci sera de rétablir, de préserver ou de promouvoir la santé dans tous ses
éléments, physiques et mentaux, individuels et sociaux.
Je respecterai toutes les personnes, leur autonomie et leur volonté, sans aucune
discrimination selon leur état ou leur convictions. J'interviendrai pour les protéger si elles
sont affaiblies, vulnérables ou menacées dans leur intégrité ou leur dignité. Même sous
la contrainte, je ne ferai pas usage de mes connaissances contre les lois de l'humanité.
J'informerai les patients des décisions envisagées, de leur raisons et de leurs
conséquences. Je ne tromperai jamais leur confiance et n'exploiterai pas le pouvoir hérité
des circonstances pour forcer les consciences.
Je donnerai mes soins à l'indigent et à quiconque me le demandera. Je ne me laisserai pas
influencer par la soif du gain ou la recherche de la gloire.
Admis dans l'intimité des personnes, je tairai les secrets qui me seront confiés. Reçu à
l'intérieur des maisons, je respecterai les secrets des foyers et ma conduite ne servira pas
à corrompre les mœurs.
Je ferai tout pour soulager les souffrances. Je ne prolongerai pas abusivement les agonies.
Je ne provoquerai jamais la mort délibérément.
Je préserverai l'indépendance nécessaire à l'accomplissement de ma mission.
Je n'entreprendrai rien qui dépasse mes compétences. Je les entretiendrai et les
perfectionnerai pour assurer au mieux les services qui me seront demandés.
J'apporterai mon aide à mes confrères ainsi qu'à leurs familles dans l'adversité.
Que les hommes et mes confrères m'accordent leur estime si je suis fidèle à mes
promesses ; que je sois déshonoré et méprisé si j'y manque. »