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Programming Devices in C

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43.1 Secrets

Generosity will be rewarded.

Device Driver Programming

Device driver and Driver are interchangeably used in Programming world. Device drivers are the programs that control the functioning of peripherals. According to me, writing device driver is one of the easier things in programming. What all you need to know for device driver programming is good knowledge of hardware components. You may also need to know, how to access those hardware components through programs. In this chapter lets see how to write our own device driver.

As I said earlier, device drivers are the programs that control the functioning of peripherals like keyboard, printer, etc. More specifically, they are the modules of an operating system. MS DOS device drivers are with .SYS extensions. Since drivers drive peripheral devices, they get loaded into the memory when we bootup the system. So obviously, they remain resident in memory, but they are not considered as normal TSRs. As drivers are the modules of an Operating System, one has to modify the OS whenever he adds new device to his system. Fortunately the installable device drivers technology available with MS DOS gives more flexibility to the user. It avoids direct operations or modifications of Operating System. The user can simply install a new device in a system, copy the driver files to boot disk and edit the system configuration file. Thus it clearly avoids complexity.

43.2 Types of MS DOS device drivers

1. Character device drivers 2. Block device drivers

43.2.1 Character device drivers

Character device drivers correspond to single byte. That is, these device drivers controls peripheral devices that perform input and output one character (i.e., one byte) at a time. The example for such devices are terminal, printer etc.

346 A to Z of C 43.2.2 Block device drivers

Block device drivers correspond to block rather than byte. Even though they can be used with other devices, they are usually written to control random access storage devices such as floppy drives.

43.3 Writing our own device driver

Writing device driver is not a tough job as one may think. But nowadays device driver programming is not needed as the peripheral device vendors provide powerful drivers along with their products. So I avoid indepth explanation about the device driver programming. In a nutshell, device drivers are the COM (BIN) files with .SYS as their extensions. Our new device driver should be added with CONFIG.SYS file. Drivers also have headers. MS DOS 5+ versions support EXE file (renamed to .SYS extension) as drivers too. But it is a good practice to have COM file as drivers.

43.4 BUF160
BUF160 is a device driver for expanding the default keyboard buffer from 16 bytes to 160 bytes. 16 bytes restriction of default keyboard buffer might be strange to the people who are unnoticingly using keyboard buffer expansion program. If you dont use any keyboard buffer expansion utility and if your keyboard buffer is still 16 bytes in size (i.e., it can hold only 16 character when you work under command prompt), you may try this BUF160. BUF160 is a good device driver. The recent version is 1.6a. Many people including D J Delorie, David Kirschbaum & Robert M. Ryan contributed to BUF160. It works by installing itself as the standard keyboard buffer in the BIOS. It can only do this if it is in the same segment as the BIOS, so you are advised to install it as the first device driver. While it installs itself into the BIOS, it also installs a device driver called KBUFFER. Anything written to KBUFFER ends up in the keyboard buffer. I suggest you to look into the memory map found with Ralf Browns Interrupt List for understanding BIOS data area.

43.4.1 Source code

Following is the source code of BUF160. It is written in assembly. As the code is more clear, I dont want to port it to Turbo C. I hope this real code will help you to understand the concepts behind device drivers. Refer the comment line for explanations.
title BUF160 page 58,132 ; ; BUF160.ASM ; ;********************************************************************** ; Compilation flags ;**********************************************************************

A to Z of C 347



1 equ

;Enables keyboard buffer transfer v1.4 ; procedure if enabled (1) v1.4 0 ;Should we use 286 (and later) ; 1 CPU specific instructions? ;Use own stack? v1.5 v1.6



'BUF160' equ 'v1.6a, 29 January 1992'

;********************************************************************** ; General equates ;********************************************************************** BUFSIZE STACKSZ SUCCESS ERROR equ BUSY equ CR equ LF equ TERM equ equ 160 ;What is the size of the keyboard buffer equ 100h ;What is the size of the private buffer equ 0100h 8100h 0300h 13 ;Carriage Return 10 ;Line Feed '$' ;DOS printing terminator character

;********************************************************************** ; Data structures ;********************************************************************** dqq ofs segw dqq struc dw ? dw ? ends

;changed from 'seg' to keep MASM 5.0 happy v1.4

rqq struc len db unit db code db status q1 dd q2 dd mdesc db trans dd count dw rqq ends

? ? ? dw ? ? ? ? ?

;Request header structure ;length of request block (bytes) ;unit # ;driver command code ;status return ;8 reserved bytes ;donno

;********************************************************************** ; Pointers to BIOS data segment, v1.4

348 A to Z of C
;********************************************************************** BIOS_DATA_SEG equ 40H ;MASM had prob using BIOS_DATA in calculations, ; so this typeless constant introduced. v1.6 BIOS_DATA SEGMENT AT BIOS_DATA_SEG org 1AH BUFFER_GET dw ? ;org 1ah BUFFER_PUT dw ? ;org 1ch org 80H BUFFER_START dw ? ;org 80h BUFFER_END dw ? ;org 82h BIOS_DATA ENDS ;********************************************************************** ; The actual program ;********************************************************************** Cseg segment assume org 0 start equ $ byte cs:Cseg,ds:Cseg,es:Cseg,ss:Cseg ; no offset, it's a .SYS file ; define start=CS:0000 v1.5

IF USE286 ; .286 %OUT Compiling 286 code ... ELSE %OUT Compiling generic 8086 code ... ENDIF IF PRIVATESTACK %OUT Using private stack ... ELSE %OUT Not using private stack ... ENDIF IF TRANSFER %OUT Including keyboard transfer code ... ELSE %OUT Not including keyboard transfer code ... ENDIF public header header label near dd -1 dw 8000h dw Strat dw Intr db 'KBUFFER '

;pointer to next device ;type device ;strategy entry point ;interrupt entry point ;device name

A to Z of C 349


public dd ?

req ;store request header vector here queue_start,queue_end BUFSIZE dup (0) ;our expanded keyboard buffer $ - start ;calculate offset as typeless

public queue_start dw queue_end equ constant IF PRIVATESTACK stack_end stack_start oldss dw oldsp dw oldax dw ENDIF db equ 0 0 0

; STACKSZ dup (0) $


;use our own private data stack

;********************************************************************* ; Strategy procedure ; Save the pointer to the request header for Intr in the req area. ; Enters with pointer in es:bx ;********************************************************************* public Strat Strat proc far mov cs:[req].ofs,bx mov cs:[req].segw,es ret Strat endp


;********************************************************************** ; The main interrupt (driver) ; This is the actual driver. Processes the command contained in the ; request header. (Remember, req points to the request header.) ;********************************************************************** public ASSUME proc far Intr ds:Cseg, es:NOTHING



IF PRIVATESTACK mov cs:oldax, ax cli mov ax, ss mov cs:oldss, ax

;If using private stack, process ; v1.6 ; turn ints off

350 A to Z of C
mov mov mov mov sti mov ENDIF push push IF USE286 pusha ELSE push push push push push push ENDIF mov mov les mov mov xor shl add call les mov IF USE286 popa ELSE pop pop pop pop pop pop ENDIF pop pop ds es ;save everything in sight cs:oldsp, sp sp, offset stack_start ax, cs ss, ax ; turn ints back on ax, cs:oldax

; ax bx cx dx di si


ax,cs ds,ax

;DS=code segment v1.4a

bx,req ;point to request hdr si,offset cmd_table ;our function table cl,es:[bx].code ;get command ch,ch ;clear msb v1.4 cx,1 ;*2 for word addresses si,cx ;add to table base word ptr [si] ;call our function bx,cs:req ;get back request hdr vector es:[bx].status,ax ;return status ; si di dx cx bx ax es ds ;clean everything up v1.5


A to Z of C 351
IF PRIVATESTACK mov ax, cli mov ss, mov sp, mov ax, sti ENDIF ret

cs:oldss ax cs:oldsp cs:oldax

; ; turn ints off


; turn ints on

public cmd_table cmd_table: dw Cmd_Init dw Cmd_None dw Cmd_None dw Cmd_None dw Cmd_None dw Cmd_None dw Cmd_None dw Cmd_None dw Cmd_Output dw Cmd_Output dw Cmd_Output_Status dw Cmd_None dw Cmd_None

;command routing table ;0=initialization (we do that) ;1=media check (always SUCCESS) ;2=build BIOS param block (ditto) ;3=IO control input (ditto) ;4=input from device (ditto) ;5=nondest input no-wait (ditto) ;6=input status (ditto) ;7=flush input queue (ditto) ;8=output to device (we do that) ;9=output with verify (same thing) ;A=output status (we do that) ;B=flush output queue (always SUCCESS) ;C=IO control output (ditto)

;********************************************************************* ; Cmd_Output procedure ;********************************************************************* public Cmd_Output Cmd_Output proc near mov ax,BIOS_DATA mov ds,ax ;BIOS data area ASSUME ds:BIOS_DATA ;keep MASM happy mov cx,es:[bx].count les bx,es:[bx].trans Output_Loop: mov al,es:[bx] inc bx cli mov di,BUFFER_PUT call Buf_Wrap cmp di,BUFFER_GET sti je Output_Error


;next free space ;add 2, check for wraparound ;is the buffer full? ;ints back on ;buffer is full, error

v1.4 v1.4 v1.4 v1.4

352 A to Z of C

xchg xor mov loop

BUFFER_PUT,di ah,ah [di],ax Output_Loop

;save the old, get the new ; v1.4


public Cmd_None Cmd_None: mov ax,SUCCESS ret Output_Error: mov ax,ERROR ret Cmd_Output endp

; ;share this code

v1.4 v1.4

;********************************************************************* ; Buf_Wrap procedure ;********************************************************************* public Buf_Wrap Buf_Wrap proc near inc di inc di cmp di,BUFFER_END je Wrap ret Wrap: mov di,BUFFER_START ret Buf_Wrap endp

;hit end yet? ;>=, wrap around

v1.4 v1.4

;force ptr to start


;********************************************************************* ; Cmd_Output_Status procedure ;********************************************************************* public Cmd_Output_Status Cmd_Output_Status proc near mov ax,BIOS_DATA mov ds,ax mov di,BUFFER_PUT ;ptr to next free space v1.4 call Buf_Wrap ;wraparound if necessary cmp di,BUFFER_GET ;same as next char to get? v1.4 jne Cmd_None ;ok, return SUCCESS v1.4a mov ax,BUSY ret Cmd_Output_Status endp

A to Z of C 353

public last_code last_code label near ;********************************************************************* ; Initialization (installation) procedure ;********************************************************************* public Cmd_Init Cmd_Init proc near mov ax,cs mov ds,ax mov es,ax ; ASSUME ds:Cseg,es:Cseg

v1.4a ; v1.4a

; Is our new keyboard buffer within reach of the near pointers in ;BIOS_DATA? cmp ja ax,(0fffh+BIOS_DATA_SEG-queue_end/10h); Init_Error ;No, too far away v1.6

mov dx,offset banner ;Yes, 'Buf160 loaded' mov ah,9 ;DOS display msg int 21h mov bx,0 ;Initialize size of buf mov cx,BIOS_DATA ;PRESERVE THIS! mov ds,cx ;BIOS data area ASSUME ds:BIOS_DATA ; cli IF ;turn off ints

v1.5 v1.4 v1.4 v1.6a

TRANSFER public Transfer_Buffer Transfer_Buffer: mov si,BUFFER_GET mov dx,BUFFER_PUT

;next key to read ;next empty space

v1.4 v1.4a

mov di,offset queue_start ;gonna stuff here v1.4a cld ;insure fwd v1.4 Transfer_Loop: cmp si,dx ;hit empty yet? v1.4a je Transfer_Done ;yep, transfer complete lodsw stosw inc bx inc bx ;snarf the kbd word ;stuff in OUR buffer ;increment counter ;increment counter

v1.4a v1.5 v1.5

354 A to Z of C
cmp jne mov jmp si,BUFFER_END Transfer_Loop si,BUFFER_START Transfer_Loop Transfer_Done ;hit kbd buffer's end yet? ; nope, keep going ;yep, wrap around to start ; and keep going v1.4 v1.4

public Transfer_Done: ENDIF mov sub IF USE286 shl ELSE shl shl shl shl ENDIF mov add mov mov add mov mov add mov sti les mov jmp ax,cs ax,cx ax,4 ax,1 ax,1 ax,1 ax,1

;Code Segment ; calculate difference b/w bios & this ; v1.5

;remainder * 16 (paras to bytes)

cx,ax ;CX = driver starting offset ax,offset queue_start ;AX = queue_start offset BUFFER_START,ax ;init BIOS buffer pointers BUFFER_GET,ax ; v1.4 ax,bx ;here'e next free space BUFFER_PUT,ax ;tell BIOS v1.4 ax,cx ax,queue_end BUFFER_END,ax


;get back driver starting offset v1.4a ;code start + queue end v1.4a ;tell BIOS v1.4 ;restore ints v1.6a

bx,cs:[req] ;complete driver header es:[bx].trans.ofs,offset last_code ;driver end short Stuff_Seg ;share code, return success


public Init_Error ASSUME ds:Cseg,es:Cseg ; Init_Error: mov dx,offset msg_err ;'Buf160 too far...' mov ah,9 ;display msg int 21h les IF mov bx,cs:[req] ;complete driver header v1.6


0 ;not sure if it works. es:[bx].trans.ofs,0

A to Z of C 355
ELSE mov es:[bx].trans.ofs,offset last_code ENDIF Stuff_Seg: mov mov ret Cmd_Init ; es:[bx].trans.segw,cs ax,SUCCESS v1.4a ; v1.4


public banner, msg_err banner db PROGNAME,' ',VERSION,' installed.',CR,LF db 'Keyboard now has buffer of 160 characters.' IF PRIVATESTACK db ' Using private stack.' ENDIF db CR,LF,CR,LF,TERM msg_err db Intr Cseg endp ends end db PROGNAME,' too far from BIOS data area.' CR,LF,CR,LF,TERM



43.4.2 Compiling BUF160

To compile with Turbo Assembler use:
tasm BUF160 tlink BUF160 exe2bin BUF160.exe BUF160.sys

To compile with Microsoft Assembler use:

masm BUF160 link BUF160 exe2bin BUF160.exe BUF160.sys

43.4.3 Installing BUF160

To install BUF160, insert the following line in your config.sys:

356 A to Z of C

43.5 BGI Driver

As we know BGI drivers (one with .BGI extension) are used in Graphics Programming. We can also create our own BGI drivers. I omit the BGI driver programming here, because of the space constraint. More codes and documentations are found on CD .

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