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1|zs0 Listen and repeat. Then act out.

me notto worry.You said bhe dentist,would

be painleaa.


0h dear, Did
'..he hurt, you?,
{,' l,lo t

but he wasn't ao painleee ao you aaid


Direct speeeh is the exact words someone Reported speech is the exact meaning of said. To show the direct speech we put what someone said but not the exact words. words said in quotation marks. "l'll go We do not use quotation marks in Reported London," she speech. She sald she would go to London.


the to


- Tell

We can use say and tell both in Direct and Reported speech. Tell is always followed by a personal object (told me). Say is used with or without a personal object. When it is used with a personal object say is always followed by to (said to me).

Direct speech
She sai4 "l can't drive." She said to me, "l can't drive." She told me, "l can't drive."

Reported speech
She said (that) she couldn't drive. She said to me (that) she couldn't drive. She told me (that) she couldn't drive.

Expressions with say Expressions with tell

say good morning levening, efc. say something lnothing, say words, say so, efc.


tellthe truth, tell a lie, tell sb the time, tellsb one's name, tell.a story, tell a secret, tell sb the way, tell one from another, etc.


Fill in: say of telf in the correct form.

2 She

Can you , . . tell


- . me what time the film starls?

she would never speak to him thetruth, thewholetruth

6 7

Sometimes it's hard the other.

to .. *,..,... onetwin from


3 5


I promiseto



good morning to her


4 Who

and nothing but the truth. you I wasn't going to the party? Bob promised to . . .. . . .. .. nothing about it to

B I couldn't believe what he ., . to me. 9 Please , . , me what happened! 10 "Goandtidyyourroom,"she ......, toherson.

ffi !
:',' : :::''
a::: : ,:;.

Reported Speech
D B questions

Wg Can report: A statements feDort: A ctaramanra

Reported Statements

C commands, requests, suggestions





' o

Pronouns and possessive adjectives change according to the context. Direct speech Reported speech He said, "nr rend you my taptop." He said (that)'he wouti teii

l"J:ff1".F::l""ll"^y,":r^":r:1:1T_s ygrbra,ia,-'i teil, exptain, erc.) followed by a fhar-clause. ln spoken Engrish that can be omittedi. i" reej siit<." i;;;;l(;#rfi: iJrX::;



Time words and tenses can change as follows depending on the time reference:

me his raptop.

Direct speech
tonight, today, this week / month year /

Reported speech
that night, that day, that week / month year /
then, at that time, at once, immediately since

now that

yesterday' last night / week / month tomorrow, next week / month /


I year


Ou^ / months / years, etc.


the day before, the previous night week / / month / year theloilowing day./ the day after, the foilowing / next week / month / year

two days / months / years, etc. before

when the reporting verb is in ilre past, the verb tenses change as foilows: Direct
present simple

speech said.

Reported speech
neededa new bike.

"Tom needs a new bike,,, Dad

present continuous Tn"

i i,iwli,,



past perrect


sarrL i past continuous

i i:lii,":i
, [::j^; "- "-'"' ;,

present perfect ,,,,,--,seL retL, D,rv udrui !, past simpte "He left {riour ago,,,she an hour ago,"she sard.


She sard he had just left.

' past simple or past perfect

she said he (had) teft an hour before

;;illh'e Ner ar tuo o,

c t o c k y e ste r d


Net at two o'clock the day before

i!T#il,T:J#,ffi] f".J;:*"Jjffi T"

woutd be back in an hour.


be back in an hour,,' she




rjF::::i,,:.:,:r ;:::?," ::::oo

"l was late for school," Jane

present perfect continuous

$::::J,Tj ;:l,ffiT"ro,nn since mornins

L:i t*a'.1|.a:.,ta*!i:t !itasira*:ra.aj!.qraaa:t*.a*i.l

the past simpte, in reported speech ir can chans" into tn"

Jane said she was I had been
said tate for

iaid. '


lf the direct verb is in the past perfect, it remains the same in reported speech, -R;ob "l had atreadv written
to him,"'Rob


n" naiiii"iai

Certain words change as follows depending on the context.

wriften to him.

Reportedspeech: that/rhose Rff:HT;i;"n, lll?

il*:: ll"i":^ ::'" (': !:: itr,:,t 1: ,?i!, be t"r" go - '(2;;;i&,;i;;;r;iil"::;rr::;;:?;!;:#i:::


here again on Monday




Reported Speech
There are no changes in the verb tenses in reported speech when the direct sentence expresses a general truth, is Type 2 0r Type 3 conditional or a wish. "The Earth is a planet,,, he He said the Earth is a ptanet. (general truth) "lf you studied more, you'd pass your test," he said. He said (that) if lstudied ,orJ, f i frrs my tesf. "l wish I were I was famous" he He said he wished

said. said.

he were

o o

was iamous.

the verb tenses. "Nina can read," she says.

when the introductory verb is in the present, future or present perfect, there are no changes in
She says that Nina can read.

UP.TO.DATE REPoRTING / oUT.oF.DATE REPoRTING The verb tenses can change or remain the same in reported speech when a sentence expresses something which is up to date or stilltrue when we report it. The verb tenses change when something is out of date or not true when we report it. "l'm travelling to England next week," he He said he is travelting I was travetting to


"l'm travelling to England in January,,, he said. (Now it's February.)

"The Earth

is flat," he said.

England next week. (up-to-date reporting _ immediately reported after said) He said he was traveiling to Engtand in January. (The trip is over srnce ft's February. out-of_date reporting)

He said (that) the Earth was ftat. (tt isn,t; not true.)
L.rrilt:ii:att:iua:,iutiit:i :,,iirai::::ilr:ri.r.-

1. I

Report what the Jones family said when they came home from their holiday.
had a brilliant time. 2. I loved wind-ourfing! 3. t didn't

*" io,oi:},
4. l'm not looking forward

to goinq back to school.

7. t hope we'tt qo ^r^^^ --,!.-

i;i;" *r;\

6. I've never had ao

muah fun in my life,





(thar) ,she.(haC, had.a.brilljan,t Lime.

Jimmy 3 Grandmother 4 Judy

2 5

Mr Jones

6 7



Reported Speech
Reported Questions In reported questlons we use affirmative word order and the question mark is omitted. To report a question we use: a) ask, wonder, want to know + wh-word (who,what, etc.) when the direct question begins with such a word, b) ask, wonder, want to know + if / whether when the direct question begins with an auxiliary or modal verb (be, do, have, can, may etc). Pronouns, possessive adjectives, tenses, time expressions, etc. change as in statements.

Direct speech
He said, "Where did they staY?" He said to me, "Have you got a He said to her, "Can you drive?"

Reported speech


He wondered where they (had) stayed. He wanted to know if I whether I had a bike. He asked her if I whether she could drive.

t.l,j Report the tourists' questions to the tour guide.

l.Where'e the main



4. What are we qoin7t,

oculpture in the

10. Do you know



whore the nearest bank ia?

i 9b:u":1

2. Did you find my


The boy with the cap ,, aaked fr,hq Lour.gutdo.whera.tltqtrLain y,QL)riet p,fftqo.waq.. 2 The elderly man . 3 The woman with the hat 4 The lady with the sunglasses 5 The man with the tie 6 The girlwith the headphones 7 The man with the moustache 8 The man with the camera 9 The elderly woman 10 The man with the blond hair

Reported Speech
Turn the following into reported speech using introductory verbs.
..You can'
}txaa d:as


Don't unfaeten your aeat belt while on the ride!



could 5'' lfyo, do,You "l;l: fall and 4et


oerioualY iniured'

'^ o

?lease, please

otoPthe ride' I *urito 6et off'

The security guard , asked.the b.oy.if .he.could..eea hje.baa.



3 Thefun

parkemployee,_. ...,.,..,..

. ., r

4 The fun park employee 5 The fu n park employee




Turn the foilowing text into direct speech.

The student advisor asked Barry why his grades had been dropping. Barry explained that he didn't have enough time to study. The stuJent advisor asked Barry if he was taking part in too many after-school activities. Barry admitted that he was in three sports teams. As a result, he always felt tired at the end of the day. The student advisor suggested that Barry participate in

the studyins. n:'ff:j:Y^:11,:l* asked him toinmeet tibraryher after hisE"",ry ug,""d ilrai ii was a good idea. The student advisor T:i:,,:,: with next exam.

'illW .have.ypw.6radae.ben .droppin6T'..tha e7,udent

advi,Eor .aaked Earrv,


Reported Speech

freporffmg peCIpfe's words) The students of Bedford Secondary School recently cleaned up Griffith Park. Look at the interview they gave to a reporter and then, in groups, report what was said,
Reporter: Why did you decide to help clean up Griffith Park? 51: Griffith Park was too dirty to play sports in and we wanted to help
change that. Whose idea was it to organise such an event? Our class came up with the idea after our teacher had asked us to think of a project to help the environment. Reporter: What exactly did the students do? 53: Well, some students helped to pick up leaves and rubbish while others painted the park benches. Reporter: What message would you like to give residents in the
area? S4: Please take part in a neighbourhood clean-up programme

and don't throw your litter on the ground, use bins. Reporter: Are you planning another eveni like this one? 55: Yes, actually we're thinking of having a beach clean-up day next.


reporter aeked one of the atudenbe why he had decided to help clean Griffrbh ?ark, etc.

Now pretend you are the reporter. Look at the questions and answers from the Speaking Activity and complete your newspaper article.

ot"ir FE.ii$i

Yesterday, the students of Bedford Secondary School cleaned up Griffith Park. After the event, we got the chance to speak with some of them. The students were very interested in answering our questions. When asked why they had decided to help clean the park, one of the students said


We would like to congratulate these students for all their efforts. Perhaps they will encourage others to help our community.


. , I wa6 ironinq when the Phone rafig

Fast $imPle
oast actions which 'napPened immediatelY the other one after
She sealed the letter, put a stamP on it and Posted


Well, yeo! I had been ircning

for only

s.,d I an*werad the iron by m.iolake, .,"' Paet eentinusus two or simultaneous

two minuteo when it


Fast Fenfeet

Fast Perfeet eontinustis

more past actions

emphasis on the duration past action which of an action which started occurred before the Past another Past action and finished in

init" twas sunbathing, Timwasswimmins

action or before a specific before another Past

llffjllffffi: got
time I
there. (or bY 8:15 Pm)

or a stated time in the Past She had been working as

a clerklor 10 Years before she reslgned.

complete past action past action of certain action in progress at action or event which duration which had in the past which had visible happened at a stated Past siated time visible results in the Past past results in the playing tennis theY time was sad because They were wet because

ii *tt

She called an hour ago' (When? An hour ago.)


a at


in the rain' she had failed the test' had been walking

action which haPPened at a definite Past time' The action was comPleted in the Past.
ShakesPeare wrote a lot of

p/ays. (Shakespeare is now dead; he won't write again')

is past action in Progress the Past Perfect the past equivalent another interruPted bY past action' The longer of the Present Perfect action is in the Past shorter (He can't find his Gontinuous, the watch. He has /ost it) action is in the Past Simple.
While Iwas getting

the Past Perfect

Continuous is the Past equivalent of the Present Perfect Continuous
(She ls going to the doctor'

Her leg

has been

aching for

He couldn't find his watch. He had lost it'

tvvo daYs.)

dressed the bell rang.

wentto the doctor' Her leg had been aching for

Nvo daYs.

past habit or state

He used to go lwentto schoo/ onfoot'

background descriPtion to events in a storY

She was flYing to Paris' The sun was shining... tnetn' just now' when' in 1967' etc' yesterday. last week, etc' (how long) ago'

Time exPressions used with:


iPast SimPle iPast Continuous

I Past Perfect


just, never, vet, before, bv, bv the time' etc

iPast Perfect Gontinuous for, since


Listen and repeat. Then act out.


The passive is formed by using the appropriate tense of the verb lo be + past participle. Active Voice Present Present
Passive Voice




Simple They repair cars. Cars are repaired. Continuous They are repairing the car. The car is being repaired. Past Simple They repaired the car. The car was repaired. Past Continuous They were repairing the car. The car was being repaired. Future Simple They will repair the car. The car will be repaired. Present Perfect rhey have repaired the car. The car has been repaired. Past Perfecl They had repaired the car. The car had been repaired. Future Perlect They will have repaired the car. The car will have been repaired. Present nfinitive They witl have to repair the car. The car witt have to be repaired. Perfect nfinitive She ought to have repaired the car. The car ought to have been repaired 'tng form He likes people admiring his new car. He likes his new car being admired. Perfect -rng form Having repaired the car, ... The car, having been repaired, ... Modals You must repair this car. This car must be repaired.


The passive is used:

when the agent (the person who does the action) is unknown, unimportant or obvious from the context.
My car was stolen yesterday. (unknown agent) The road repairs were completed /asf week (unimportant agent) The kidnappers have been arrested. (by the police - obvious agent)



r r

to make statements more polite or formal.

My new suff has been burnt. (lt's more polite than saying "You've burnt my new suit.")



when the action is more important than the agent - as in news reports, formal notices, instructions, processes, headlines, advertisements, etc.
Taking pictures is not allowed. (written notice) The local bank was robbed this morning. (news report) Bread is haked in an oven for about 45 minutes. (process)

to put emphasis on the agent.

The Tower of London was built by William the Conqueror.


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