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Dissolved Gas Analysis and the Duval Triangle

By Michel Duval


Michel Duval

Abstract Dissolved gas analysis ( DGA ) is widely used to detect incipient faults in transformers. A brief review on the interpretation of DGA in transformers is presented, with a special emphasis on the Duval Triangle method. It is shown how the accuracy of DGA laboratory results can affect the reliability of DGA diagnosis. The minimum gas levels in service above which diagnoses may be attempted are indicated, as well as the gas levels observed before failure. Introduction Several methods of interpretation of DGA in transformers in service are provided in IEC Standard 605991, the IEEE Guide C57.1042, as well as in published reviews on the subject3-5. The Duval Triangle method is described in the IEC Standard and in these published reviews, however, users sometimes are not quite at ease with the use of triangular coordinates. One purpose of this paper is therefore to indicate in more detail how to use such coordinates. Another purpose is to present the most recent developments made at CIGRE concerning gas levels in service. This paper is limited to DGA in transformers. It does not address the case of DGA in load tap changer (LTC) accessories, for which specialized diagnostic programs are available6, or which is treated elsewhere3. Gas formation in service Mineral insulating oils are complex mixtures of hydrocarbon molecules, in linear ( paraffinic ) or cyclic ( cycloaliphatic or aromatic ) form, containing CH3, CH2 and CH chemical groups bonded together. Scission of some of the C-H and C-C bonds as a result of thermal or electrical discharges will produce radical or ionic fragment such as H*, CH3*, CH2*, CH* or C*, which will recombine to form gas molecules such as hydrogen ( H-H ), methane ( CH3-H ), ethane ( CH3-CH3 ), ethylene ( CH2=CH2 ) or acetylene ( CH CH ). More and more energy is required to form the above chemical bonds. Hydrogen (H2), methane (CH4) and ethane (C2H6) are thus favoured at low energy level, such as in corona partial discharges or at relatively low temperatures ( < 500 C ), ethylene (C2H4) at intermediate temperatures, and acetylene (C2H2) at very high temperatures ( > 1000 C ) such as in arcs. Paper insulation is composed of complex cellulosic molecules, mostly in cyclic form, containing CH2, CH and CO chemical groups. The C-O molecular bonds are weaker, resulting in gas formation at temperatures as low as 100 C, and complete carbonization of paper at 300 C. The

formation of CO2 is favoured at the lower temperatures and CO above 200 C, but significant amounts of the other gases ( H2, hydrocarbons ) are also formed. Oxygen is also present in oil, mainly in the case of air breathing transformers, but also in sealed or nitrogen-blanketed ones because of leaks. A decrease in oxygen content usually indicates an excessive temperature in the transformer. The main gases formed by decomposition of oil and paper are summarized in Table 1. These gases dissolve in oil or accumulate above it and are analyzed by DGA. Some laboratories also report the contents of C3 and C4 hydrocarbon gases formed. Table 1 Main gases analyzed by DGA Hydrogen H2 Methane CH4 Ethane C2H6 Ethylene C2H4 Acetylene C2H2 Carbon monoxide CO Carbon dioxide CO2 Oxygen O2 Nitrogen N2 DGA is the most widely used technique for detecting and monitoring faults in electrical equipment. About one million DGA analyses are performed each year by more than 400 laboratories worldwide. Faults detectable by DGA The internal inspection of hundreds of faulty equipment has led to the broad classes of faults indicated in Table 2, detectable by visual inspection and by DGA:

Table 2 Examples of faults detectable by DGA Symbol Fault Examples PD Partial discharges Discharges of the cold plasma (corona) type in gas bubbles or voids, with the possible formation of X-wax in paper. D1 Discharges of Partial discharges of the sparking type, inducing pinholes, low energy carbonized punctures in paper. Low energy arcing inducing carbonized perforation or surface tracking of paper, or the formation of carbon particles in oil. D2 Discharges of Discharges in paper or oil, with power follow-through, resulting in high energy extensive damage to paper or large formation of carbon particles in oil, metal fusion, tripping of the equipment and gas alarms. T1 Thermal fault, Evidenced by paper turning brownish (> 200 C) or carbonized T <300 C (> 300 C). T2 Thermal fault, Carbonization of paper, formation of carbon particles in oil. 300 <T<700 C T3 Thermal fault, Extensive formation of carbon particles in oil, metal coloration T >700 C (800 C) or metal fusion (> 1000 C). Fault diagnosis If DGA values are above typical concentration values and/or rates of increase, an actual fault in the transformer is probable, and diagnostic methods may be used for its identification. The main diagnostic methods used are : -the IEEE methods ( Dornenburg, Rogers and key gases methods ) -the IEC ratio codes -the Duval Triangle The Dornenburg, Rogers and IEC codes compare gas ratios such as CH4/H2 , C2H2/C2H4 and C2H4/C2H6. The key gas method is based on the 2 or 3 main gases formed. And the Duval Triangle on the relative proportions of 3 gases (CH4, C2H4 and C2H2). The relative performance of these methods is summarized in Table 3. One drawback of the gas ratio methods (Dornenburg, Rogers, IEC) is that some DGA results may fall outside the ratio codes and no diagnosis can be given (unresolved diagnoses). This does not occur with the Triangle method because it is a closed system rather than an open one.

Table 3 Comparison of diagnostic methods % Unresolved % Wrong % Total diagnoses diagnoses Key gases 0 58 58 Rogers 33 5 38 Dornenburg 26 3 29 IEC 15 8 23 Triangle 0 4 4 The Duval Triangle The Duval Triangle was first developed in 1974 7. It uses three hydrocarbon gases only (CH4, C2H4 and C2H2). These three gases correspond to the increasing levels of energy necessary to generate gases in transformers in service. The Triangle method is indicated in Figure 1. In addition to the 6 zones of individual faults mentioned in Table 2 (PD, D1, D2, T1, T2 or T3), an intermediate zone DT has been attributed to mixtures of electrical and thermal faults in the transformer.

Figure 1 Duval Triangle method C2H2 and C2H4 are used in all interpretation methods to represent high energy faults (such as arcs) and high temperature faults. H2 is preferred in several of these methods to represent very low energy faults such as PDs, where it is produced in large quantities. CH4, however, is also representative of such faults and always formed in addition to H2 in these faults, in smaller but still large enough amounts to be quantified. CH4 has been chosen for the

Triangle because it not only allows to identify these faults, but provides better overall diagnosis results for all the other types of faults than when using H2. This good performance of the Triangle with CH4 might be related to the fact that H2 diffuses much more rapidly than the hydrocarbon gases from the oil through gaskets and even metal welds. Therefore, gas ratios using H2 are probably more affected by the loss of this gas than those using hydrocarbons gases only, which have much lower and comparable diffusion rates. The three sides of the Triangle are expressed in triangular coordinates (X,Y,Z) representing the relative proportions of CH4, C2H4 and C2H2, from 0% to 100% for each gas. In order to display a DGA result in the Triangle, one must start with the concentrations of the three gases, (CH4) = A, (C2H4) = B and (C2H2) = C, in ppm. First calculate the sum of these three values: (CH4 + C2H4 + C2H2) = S, in ppm, then calculate the relative proportion of the three gases, in %: X = % CH4 = 100 (A/S), Y = % C2H4 = 100 (B/S), Z = % C2H2 = 100 (C/S). X, Y and Z are necessarily between 0 and 100%, and (X + Y + Z) should always = 100 %. Plotting X, Y and Z in the Triangle provides only one point in the Triangle. For example, if the DGA results are A = B = C = 100 ppm, X = Y = Z = 33.3%, which corresponds to only one point in the centre of the Triangle, as indicated in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Example of triangular graphical plot The zone in which the (X,Y,Z) point falls in the Triangle in Figure 1 allows to identify the fault responsible for the DGA results. The example of Figure 2 would indicate a fault D2 (when transferred in Figure 1).

The X, Y and Z values can easily be calculated manually, or through the use of a small algorithm, available free of charge in electronic form by email from duvalm@ireq.ca. Plotting the (X,Y,Z) point in the Triangle can also be done manually, preferably using a triangular graphical paper such as in Figure 2 for better precision. Such a paper is not available commercially any more, but it can also be obtained free of charge in electronic form by email from duvalm@ireq.ca. For those familiar with computer graphics, the (X,Y,Z) point, as well as the points from previous DGA results on the same transformer, can also be plotted and displayed automatically in the Triangle as part of a DGA report. The Kelman company in UK and Serveron the US, for example, provide such software with their on-line gas monitors, as shown in Figures 3-4. The Delta-X Research company in Canada also provides such a display (see for example Figure 7). Several individual DGA users have also developed their own graphical software.

Figure 3: Example of automatic graphical representation by Kelman

Figure 4: Example of automatic graphical representation by Serveron Zone boundaries in the Triangle Zone boundaries in the Triangle have been deduced empirically from a large number of cases of faults visually inspected in transformers worldwide over the last 60 years, as reported for example in 3,4 and in Figure 5. The present position of zone boundaries is indicated in Figure 1. Well documented and reliable new cases of faults inspected in service may be used to confirm or re-adjust slightly these boundaries.

Cases of faults PD and D1: tracking, sparking, small arcing

Cases of faults D2

Cases of thermal faults in paper: brownish paper, carbonized paper not mentioned.

Cases of thermal faults in oil only: circulating currents, laminations bad contacts.

Figure 5: Actual cases of faults visually inspected in transformers Faults in paper vs. faults in oil Faults in paper are generally considered as more serious than faults in oil, because paper is often located in areas of high electric field (in the windings, or as voltage barriers), and the destruction of paper insulation may lead to short circuits or severe arcing. Faults in paper, fortunately, are much less frequent than faults in oil (typically, in 10 % of cases only), however, because of the more serious consequences, their detection by DGA or other means is of great interest.


A popular way of detecting faults in paper by DGA is by looking at the CO2 to CO ratio. Values < 3 are a good indication of faults in paper of a temperature > 200 to 300 C (including arcing), where paper degrades very rapidly or even carbonizes. However, there is always a large background of CO and CO2 in oil (except in the first years of operation of the transformers), so that caution should be exercised when interpreting the value of this ratio. Using increment values of CO and CO2 over the last analysis is preferable, but the uncertainty on the incremented ratio is high and should be calculated to determine its reliability. Values of the CO2 to CO ratio > 10 are also an indication of thermal faults in paper at temperatures < 150 C, but such temperatures have only a long term aging effect on paper and on the reduction of transformer life, which can be more precisely evaluated by furans formation, (when regular kraft, not thermally-upgraded paper, is used). DGA results appearing in the T1 and T2 zones may also be an indication of paper involvement, since most inspected cases of thermal faults in paper have been observed in these zones, as shown in Figure 5. One should verify, however, that the oil used is not stray gassing, since stray gassing also produces gases in these zones (see below). Thermal faults in oil, by comparison, are observed mostly in the T3 zone. A sharp increase in the formation of furans may in some cases be a confirmation of faults in paper at temperatures > 250 C. Evolution of faults with time The Triangle method being a graphical method, it can be used to follow visually whether a fault evolves from a relatively harmless thermal fault into a potentially more severe electrical one. This can be done easily manually, or automatically with a software. Figure 6, extracted from 8, illustrates such a case.


Figure 6 Evolution from a thermal fault to strong arcing D2 The most severe faults, in terms of type and location, are generally considered as : - high-energy arcing D2 in paper (and in oil). - medium-to-high temperature faults T2-T3 in paper (> 250 C) - low energy arcing D1 in paper (tracking, arcing) - high temperature faults T3 in oil (> 700 C) The less severe faults, which can often be tolerated for relatively long periods of time as long as they dont evolve into a more severe one are : - low-energy discharges PD/D1 in oil (corona, sparking) - low temperature faults T1 in paper (< 150 C) - medium temperature faults in oil (< 500 C). - these faults are difficult to find by visual inspection. Other useful gas ratios In breathing transformers, the normal O2 to N2 ratio is around 0.5. In sealed and nitrogen blanketed ones, this ratio should be zero but in reality it often has a significant value because of leaks in gaskets, tank covers, etc. A reduction in the value of the O2 to N2 ratio, below 0.3 in the case of breathing transformers, is usually an indication of excessive heating inside the transformer. A C2H2 / H2 ratio > 3 in the main tank is a probable indication of contamination from currentbreaking activity in the LTC compartment. Gas formation not related to faults in service


Some new insulating oils on the market tend to be stray gassing, meaning that they form significant amounts (and unexpected until recently) of H2 and CH4 at temperatures as low as 100 C, as a result of inadequate refining processes leaving weak chemical groups on the oil molecules. Typical examples of a non-stray gassing oil and of a strongly stray gassing one, heated at 120C during 16h in the laboratory, are indicated in Table 7. Table 4 Typical examples of stray gassing behaviour of oils ( in ppm ) Oil H2 CH4 C2H4 C2H6 C2H2 CO CO2 Non-stray gassing 3 1 3 43 Strongly stray gassing 1088 172 11 27 500 1880 This is generally a non-recurrent process, i.e., it occurs mainly in the first year of operation. However, it should be taken into account to avoid misinterpretation of DGA results. An extensive study of stray gassing oils has been made by CIGRE TF11 10. A few older oils also tend to form abnormal quantities of H2 only, in contact with wet steel surfaces or internal paints, through catalytic decomposition. However, such a behaviour has not been reported in the past 10 years, possibly because such oils are not used any more in the equipment. The influence of laboratory accuracy on fault diagnosis The accuracy of DGA diagnosis, whatever the diagnosis method used, depends greatly on the accuracy and reliability of the DGA results coming from the laboratory. Note that, by convention among chemists, accuracy is represented by the difference with actual value (the analytical error in %), so that higher (better) accuracies are represented by a smaller number in %. A few laboratories worldwide provide very accurate results, with an accuracy higher (or error lower) than 5% at routine gas concentration levels (typically, above 10 ppm for hydrocarbon gases). Some others are known to provide very inaccurate results (50%). In-between, the average accuracy of laboratories worldwide has been evaluated by CIGRE TF11 as ~ 15% at routine levels. The average accuracy worsens rapidly to ~ 35% at lower concentration levels (between 2 and 10 ppm for hydrocarbon gases), and even more so (to 100% and more) as concentrations approach analytical detection limits. This is illustrated in Figure 7, where the diagnosis uncertainty corresponding to the various DGA cases of Table 5 is represented by the coloured polygons 11. The more inaccurate the laboratory results, the larger the uncertainty on the diagnosis, as illustrated in Figure 8.


Table 5: Examples of DGA cases (concentrations in ppm) Fault CH4 C2H4 C2H2 PD 99 1 0 9.9 0.1 0 D1 38 12 50 3.8 1.2 5 D2 15 50 35 1.5 5 3.5 T2 69 30 1 6.9 3 0.1 T3 20 75 5 2 7.5 0.5

Figure 7: Uncertainty on diagnoses for cases of Table 5

Figure 8: Diagnosis uncertainties corresponding to laboratory analytical accuracies of 15, 30, 50 and 75 %


When a polygon crosses two or more zones, a wrong or uncertain diagnosis may result. This may have serious consequences for the equipment if for example an arcing problem is mistakenly diagnosed as a less severe thermal fault. In order to get good reliable diagnoses, laboratory accuracy should below 10%. Between 10% and 40%, diagnoses will likely become more and more uncertain, and above 40% they are totally meaningless. DGA users are therefore strongly recommended to verify the accuracy of their laboratories, using samples of gas-in-oil standards (the only way to do that correctly). Such standards are now available commercially12. DGA users should also always look at inconsistencies in the DGA results, for instance values going up and down within short periods of time for no explainable reason. These are often an indication of a gross laboratory or sampling error rather than just inaccurate results. Rates and levels of gas formation in service Typical values Most transformers in service are healthy. In these transformers, dissolved gas concentration levels and rates of gas increase are low. When a fault occurs in service, rates and levels of gas formation start increasing, more or less rapidly depending on the severity of the fault, up to very high values before failure. This is illustrated schematically in Figure 9, where the three gas concentration levels and rates of gas increase in oil defined by CIGRE and the IEC (typical, alarm and pre-failure values) are indicated as a function of time. Concentration level

Time Figure 9 Schematic representation of gas formation in service The first part of the curve (1) corresponds to typical gas concentration values and typical rates of increase. It concerns the majority of transformers (typically, 90 % of them). Its time scale is very long, generally several years or even the whole life of transformers. Typical values


observed worldwide are quite comparable and there is a relatively good agreement today in the electrical community concerning these values. The second part of the curve corresponds to alarm gas concentration levels and alarm rates of increase (2). It concerns a much smaller portion of transformers (typically, less than 5 %). Its time scale is much shorter, months or days, depending on how alarm values are defined. The third part of the curve corresponds to pre-failure gas concentration levels and rates of increase (3). It concerns a very small minority of transformers (typically, less than 1 %). Its time scale is considerably shorter, days or hours. Pre-failure concentration values also appear to be comparable worldwide. The fourth part of the curve corresponds to failure (4). It concerns typically 0.3 % of transformers. Its time scale is almost instantaneous and often catastrophic. DGA generally is meaningless at this stage because of fire or tank rupture, even using on-line gas monitors. Calculation of typical values Since typical values are influenced by such factors as transformer age and type and loading practices, each individual network is encouraged to calculate the typical values corresponding to its own transformer population. This can be done easily by listing DGA results by increasing order of values, for each of the fault gases (e.g., H2). The value corresponding to 90 % of the cumulative number of DGA analyses is the 90 % typical value. Said differently, 90 % of H2 values in the transformer population of the network are below this typical value, and 10 % (the upper percentile ) are above. This can be done for both concentrations values and rates of gas increase10. By default, if typical values cannot be calculated, for example because of an insufficient DGA data bank, the typical gas concentration levels and rates of increase reported in various countries by CIGRE an the IEC10 may be used as a rough approximation (Tables 6,7): Table 6 : Ranges of 90 % typical values for power transformers, in ppm C2H2 H2 CH4 C2H4 C2H6 CO CO2 All transformers 50- 3060204003800150 130 280 90 600 14000 No OLTC 2-20 Communicating 60-280 OLTC


Table 7: Ranges of 90 % typical rates of gas increase for power transformers, in ppm/year C2H2 H2 CH4 C2H4 C2H6 CO CO2 All transformers 35103252601700132 120 146 90 1060 10,000 No OLTC 0-4 Communicating OLTC 21-37 Values in Tables 6-7 are coming from both air-breathing transformers and sealed or nitrogen blanketed equipment. This indicates that, contrary to an often heard assumption, gas levels in sealed or nitrogen-blanketed transformers are not higher than in air-breathing ones. The ranges of values in Tables 6-7 reflect the small differences in typical values observed on different networks worldwide. Influence of some factors on typical values Typical values for hydrocarbons (except C2H2) are markedly higher in power transformers of the shell-type and in shunt reactors than in the mostly core-type transformers of Tables 6-7, possibly because they operate at higher temperatures. Typical values in instrument transformers are much lower than in power transformers. Typical values are higher in the early years of the transformers, suggesting that some unstable chemical bonds in the paper or oil insulation are broken in the early years, then the remaining ones are more stable afterwards. Typical values are also slightly higher for faults in oil than in paper. Contrary to another often heard assumption, typical values are not dependent on oil volume, suggesting that smaller amounts of gases (and smaller faults) are formed in smaller equipment. Pre-failure and alarm values Pre-failure concentration values and pre-failure rates of gas increase can be obtained by calculating the probability of having a failure-related event (PFS, in %) in a transformer in service, as a function of gas concentration level in oil 5,10. This is done by calculating the following ratio, for each individual gas, at different concentrations : number of DGA analyses followed by an event such as tripping, tank rupture, fire or explosion, divided by the total number of analyses. In Figure 10, the PFS value is indicated as a function of the concentration of C2H2, in power transformers without a communicating OLTC at Hydro Quebec. It can be seen that even at low concentration values (near the 90 % typical value of 5 ppm), the PFS is not zero but around 12 %. In such cases, a fault probably developed in the transformer very rapidly after the DGA analysis, without advanced warning. Above a value of around 350 ppm, there is an inflexion point in the curve above which the PFS increases rapidly.


This corresponds approximately to the 99 % typical value and to 1 % of DGA analyses, which is not far from the annual failure rate of transformers (0.3 %). This value has been defined as the pre-failure gas concentration value ( PFGC ). The PFGC values observed for the other gases are indicated in Table 8. 90 PFS, in % 98 99 Norm, in %

300 400 ppm Figure 10 Probability of having a failure-related event ( PFS, in % ) as a function of C2H2 concentration in service in ppm, and of Norm in % Table 8 Pre-failure gas concentration values at CIGRE for core-type power transformers H2 CH4 C2H6 C2H4 C2H2 CO 550- 340- 750- 700- 310- 9801320 460 1050 990 600 3000 By combining pre-failure values and actual rates of increase in service, one may have an idea of how long it may take to reach failure (if rates do not accelerate), and plan appropriate actions. Alarm gas concentration values may be defined as the values corresponding to x times the PFGC population. For example, in Figure 10, if x = 2, the alarm value corresponds to the 98 % typical value, or 170 ppm. Alarm values thus calculated for the other gases can be found in 10. Pre-failure and alarm rates of gas increase are in preparation by CIGRE TF15. On-line monitors



On-line monitors are particularly useful to detect alarm and pre-failure rates of increase, since these occur over a short time scale (weeks or hours), and may often be missed by regular oil samplings performed over longer periods of time ( years or months ). About 25,000 on-line monitors have been installed so far in service worldwide, while an increasing number of commercial equipment are available today (e.g., Hydran, Calisto, TNU, Serveron, Transfix), in addition to portable on-site instruments (e.g., Hydran, Shake test, TransportX, Energy Support). The accuracy and reliability of these monitors is presently under evaluation by CIGRE TF15. References 1. IEC Publication 60599, Mineral Oil-Impregnated Equipment in Service Guide to the Interpretation of Dissolved and Free Gases Analysis, March 1999. 2. IEEE Std C57.104-1991, Guide for the Interpretation of Gases Generated in OilImmersed Transformers, 1991. 3. M.Duval, A Review of Faults Detectable by Gas-in-Oil Analysis in Transformers, IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, Vol.18, No.3, p.8 (2002). 4. M.Duval and A.dePablo, Interpretation of Gas-in-Oil Analyses Using New IEC Publication 60599 and IEC TC10 Databases, IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, Vol.17, No.2, p.31 (2001). 5. M.Duval, P.Gervais and G.Belanger, Update on Hydro-Quebecs Experience in the Interpretation of Dissolved Gas Analysis in HV Transformers , CIGRE Symposium 1993, Berlin, Paper # 110-14 (1993). 6. TJ/H2b Services, Sacramento, California. 7. M.Duval, Fault gases formed in oil-filled breathing EHV power transformers- The interpretation of gas analysis data, IEEE PAS Conf.Paper No C 74 476-8, 1974. 8. S.Lindgren, Power Transformer Asset Management On-Line DGA- The New Ballgame, EPRI Substation Equipment Diagnostics Conference XI, New Orleans, Louisiana (Feb.2003). 9. Transformer Oil Analyst Delta-X Research, Victoria, B.C., Canada. 10. CIGRE Task Force TF15/12-01-11 (M.Duval, Convenor), Final Report to be published as a CIGRE Brochure and in Electra in June 2006. 11. M.Duval, J.Dukarm, Improving the reliability of transformer gas-in-oil analysis , IEEE


Electrical Insulation Magazine, Vol.21, No 4, p.21 (2005). 12. True North gas-in-oil standards, Morgan Shaffer, Montreal, Canada. Biography Michel Duval is a senior scientist with Hydro Quebecs Institute of Research (IREQ) in Canada since 1970. His main topics of interest have been dissolved gas analysis, electrical insulating oils and lithium polymer batteries. A senior member of IEEE, he holds 13 patents, has authored over 70 scientific papers, book chapters or international standards and is very active in several CIGRE and IEC working groups. M.Duval obtained a B.Sc. in chemical engineering in 1966 and a Ph.D. in polymer chemistry in 1970. He may be reached at duvalm@ireq.ca.


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