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Please forward 63 Strength, Conditioning, and Nutrition Tips for Wrestlers to anyone it may help!

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Published by Steve Preston and Wrestling Performance LLC 1306 B Fairways Lookout Chesapeake, VA 23320

Email: webmaster@wrestlingperformance.com Web: www.wrestlingperformance.com

Disclaimer The training and nutrition information is not meant to be used in place of sound medical advice; it is for educational purposes only. No liability is assumed by Steve Preston or Wrestling Performance LLC for any of the information contained herein. Before starting any fitness or strength training program, you should seek the advice of your physician.

Please forward 63 Strength, Conditioning, and Nutrition Tips for Wrestlers to anyone it may help! Check out our members-only website at Wrestling Performance!

Steve I just finished reading your 63 Must-Have Strength, Conditioning and Nutrition Tips for Wrestlers! Thats some great information. I know my team will have an edge on our competition by simply being stronger this season. Phil McCarthy Coach and Parent Dallas Texas

63 Must Have Strength, Conditioning and Nutrition Tips for Wrestlers is very informative. There is so much information that any wrestler or coach can use. I cant believe how much wrestlers dont know about the strength and conditioning aspect of the sport. Even if you know tons about wrestling itself, this book will cover the rest. Brian Damon Coach Williamsville, New York Steve Preston is the Master when it comes down to conditioning wrestlers. I have learned so much from him and his logical approach to athletic performance. My son gained 24% more strength training with Steve and still moved down a weight class! Bill Russo Parent Hampton, Virginia If you want to learn how to cut weight without getting weak, I encourage you to read this manual, and follow the information. Steve Preston is ahead of the game when it comes to strength training. I love the different exercises he uses with wrestlers. I went out and bought a couple of things to use in our facility. I just wish Steve could be here for each workout. Simon Tillman Birmingham, England

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Dear Wrestlers, Coaches, and Parents Thank you for taking the time to view my new manual for wrestlers. The information that you are about to read is meant to give you ideas and tips that will help you take your level of wrestling up a notch or two. It is information that is to be used along side of hard work in wrestling practice. I have a goal! I want to improve the level of wrestling everywhere by taking the science of strength training, and nutrition and applying it to wrestlers world-wide. It all starts with you. If you find just one tip in this manual that will make a difference, you are on your way to improved wrestling performance. The information in my manual is copyrighted. That means I own it, and dont want my ideas borrowed without due credit to the author. However, if you keep the entire manual intact, then feel free to give it to anyone who might benefit from the information. I would love to hear from you! Let me know how my tips have helped you with your wrestling. You can reach me at webmaster@wrestlingperformance.com. I get a lot of email, but will make it a point to get back to you. Yours in victory!

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1) Full Body Workouts I have found that athletes respond best to performing full body workouts. Splitting the body parts into separate workouts is good for bodybuilding but not for wrestlers. Try to train the entire body at each workout session if your goal is improved performance on the wrestling mat. In my new book Ultimate Wrestling Strength, I go over some unique ways of splitting your workouts for total strength gains and recuperation.

2) Interval Cardio When a wrestler does cardio work it needs to be intense. Cardio should be similar to a wrestling match. If you are doing cardio on a treadmill you should try interval cardio. You go as fast as you can for a minute, followed by 30 seconds to a minute of slow. This will require the same energy system as a wrestling match. Always try to mimic the actual cardio needs of a wrestling match.

3) Cardio After Strength Training Strength training requires athletic ability, as well as coordination. As you may recall from a grueling wrestling practice, it is very difficult to learn new moves and skills after you are tired. Doing your strength training workout before your cardio is necessary because of the fatigue factor. It is also important because of the energy systems required of each. When you strength train before cardio, you use up the glycogen (glucose/sugar from the carbohydrates that you eat) in the muscle cells to fuel the workout, leaving your body to use its own body fat for energy when doing cardio. If you strength train after cardio, your body will use up the glycogen for the cardio, and will be left with using your muscle for energy when strength training.

4) Small, Frequent Meals Wrestlers need to learn how to eat properly! Your performance on the mat will improve tremendously when you do. The first thing to do is to consume smaller, more frequent meals. Your body burns calories 24 hours a day. By feeding it frequently you give your body the steady calories it needs to get stronger, get leaner, and have more energy. If you are trying to cut weight to go down a weight class or two, then you definitely need to eat smaller, more frequent meals.

5) No Sugar Ive noticed that a lot of wrestlers starve their bodys in order to make weight each week. They then binge on food. Frequently, these binges are made up of a lot of sugar. (Sugar does have a place in the wrestling meal plan... Ill get into that later ) Sugar is not a wrestlers friend. Sugar is much more likely to be converted to fat and stored. I also see sugar used frequently at tournaments and all-day events. Sugar makes your blood sugar levels unstable, creating an imbalance in your energy levels. Keep away from sugars as much as possible.

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6.) Stick To Lean Proteins If youre a wrestler, and interested in top performance, you must eat protein at regular, frequent feedings. Protein is not stored in the body, as carbohydrates and fats are. Stick to lean proteins, such as chicken, fish, whey protein powders, egg whites, low-fat dairy products etc. My personal favorite for wrestlers is lean beef such as ground sirloin. Red meat has a B-vitamins and creatine in it. It is fantastic for your strength levels. In my book Ultimate Wrestling Nutrition I go over some simple meal plans for wrestlers.

7.) Meal Replacement Drinks I love these!! Meal replacement drinks were originally developed by the Met-R-X company for cancer victims. They are perfectly balanced for the wrestlers diet. They are relatively low calorie, with a high protein concentrate. They have just enough complex carbohydrates to supply energy, and are loaded with vitamins and minerals. If you are cutting weight, YOU NEED A MEAL REPLACEMENT DRINK IN YOUR MEAL PLAN! The best Meal Replacement Drinks I've found is Prograde Lean.

8.) Keep Hydrated I notice that many wrestlers and coaches treat water as an enemy. Some coaches even deny their wrestlers water until after practice. Hey, its not 1950 here. Sips of water throughout practice will keep your performance optimal. Your body systems each require water. Your muscles are made up mostly of water. Also, denying your body of water in order to make weight is effective, but costly. It takes time to re-hydrate. You should have 3-4 ounces of water every 3 hours when drying out to make weight. I understand that sometimes you have to cut that last pound or two to make weight. Thats why it is vitally important to plan your weight cutting... unless subpar performance is acceptable to you.

9.) Never Starve You must plan for cutting weight if youre serious about getting the BEST performances that your body is capable of. Wrestlers have starved their bodies for years in order to make weight. It is an accepted practice. Get with the times. Or at least gain an understanding of what youre doing when you starve your body to make weight. By eating less calories than your body needs daily, your body goes into a selfpreservation mode. Your body will allow you to lose weight when you dont eat much. The weight will come from fat, but only very little. When the body believes that it is starving, it will sacrifice more weight from muscle tissue and water. The outcome? A wrestler who makes weight, but is weaker and less energetic.

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10.) No Jogging To Make Weight I cringed when I watched the movie Vision Quest. That kid would starve, and then jog all the time in order to drop down in weight. Jogging, or aerobic exercise in general, is highly overrated for fat loss. If you jog enough to drop a significant amount of body weight, you are most certainly losing more muscle than fat. Jogging in moderation is fine. It isnt a bad thing. (even though I think that interval cardio is much, much better for a wrestler) Dont plan on using it to make weight all the time if you like the strength that you have.

11.) Use a Thick Bar In my Ultimate Wrestling Strength book, and with the wrestlers that I train, we use a thick bar for certain exercises. A thick bar is basically a barbell that uses regular weighted plates on it. The difference is that the bar is larger in circumference. It is perfect for wrestlers. It assists with grip strength, as well as forcing a more concentrated effort on the muscles. I recommend using a thick bar for exercises such as the reverse curl, regular grip/reverse grip rows, shoulder presses, and close grip bench presses.

12.) Prioritize the Wrestling Muscles When a wrestler strength trains, all of the muscles should be trained. This keeps a balance between opposing muscle groups, and overall strength. Wrestling definitely requires strength in all of the muscle groups. You do need to prioritize the muscles however. This means that you train the muscles in their order of importance. Unless you have a specific weakness that needs to be addressed, you should train the wrestling muscles in this order: Glutes/Hamstings/Lower Back (these work as a unit and should be trained as such), Shoulders, Chest, Arms, Upper Back, Hands, Neck, Abdominals.

13.) Bodyweight X 13 For Cutting Weight To find out the minimum number of calories that you HAVE TO EAT each day when cutting weight, simply take your current body weight and multiply by 13. This is the least amount that you should consume so that your body doesnt go into a starvation mode. This number of calories will help keep the metabolism fast.

14.) Instant Canned Protein I realize that most wrestlers are going to school, doing homework, wrestling in practice, strength training, and have commitments to family. Sometimes it seems impossible to get meals in. A good choice for any wrestler is the instant proteins in a can. There is a company called American Bodybuilding that makes a really good one. Its called RTD-50. RTD stands for ready-to-drink. Just throw em in your gym back or back pack. Remember, the body needs regular feedings of protein,

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especially for those of you who are cutting weight.

15.) No More Than 7 Strength Exercises Ive found that in order to strength train the body thoroughly, yet not over-train, a wrestler will do well to create a strength training program with no more than 7 exercises. You can get away with less, but never more. I used to use more exercises (up to 12) in my programs and since cutting back we've gotten better strength and speed results. It's all about stimulating the muscle with just enough work to get the job done and then let it rest.

16.) Train the Posterior Chain Many wrestlers mistakenly believe that they need to work hard on bench presses and curls in order to get strong for the mat. These exercises and the muscles that they develop do have a place in a strength training program. But the real secret lies in training the posterior chain. This is the combination of the glute muscles, hamstring muscles, and lower back muscles.

17.) Strength Train Slowly To Wrestle Fast Many strength and conditioning coaches, wrestling coaches, and wrestlers believe that in order to wrestle faster, you must strength train fast...ie. throw the weights around. This couldnt be further from the truth. Strength training fast can lead to injury. Strength training fast utilizes momentum. The more momentum you use, the less muscle you use. Try to minimize momentum when strength training to incorporate more muscle fibers. You will be stronger as a result! I recommend faster training exercises during the Preseason training.

18.) Cutting More Than 10 lbs. for a Growing Body is not Advised For overall health, its not advised to cut more than 10 lbs. to make weight if your body is still growing. A growing body needs a surplus of calories. Reversing this process by cutting too much weight may be detrimental to the body in the long run. Heavier weight class wrestlers can cut more than the lighter weight class guys. Be careful!

19.) Complex Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are your bodys preferred source of energy. Just be sure to stick with carbohydrates that are used for energy and not stored as fat. Whole grains, oatmeal, cream of wheat, baked potatoes, yams, brown rice are all fantastic sources of complex carbohydrates.

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20.) Never Drop Carbohydrates From Meals Wrestlers should never low carb diet. I dont advise it for anyone, but especially not for wrestlers. You need to keep a high energy level, and even when cutting weight, your body will need carbohydrates. In order to make the body work efficiently, you should consume a complex carbohydrate with each meal. The exception is during a 36 hour weight-cutting phase... Ask me about this in the members-forum at Wrestling Performance.

21.) Trap Bar One of the best pieces of equipment that a wrestler can use in their strength training program is a Trap Bar. The Trap Bar is a hexagonal-shaped bar that the wrestler stands inside of. Deadlifts performed with this bar are perfect for working most of the muscles that are used for wrestling. The weight is midline with the body, making it more effective than the traditional deadlift with a regular Olympic style bar. Just be sure to have a qualified trainer show you how to perform the Trap Bar Deadlift.

22.) 4 Meals When Cutting Weight A minimum of 4 meals need to be consumed each day when cutting weight. A wrestler who I recently worked with wanted to cut weight down to the 103 lb. class. His meal plan was similar to this: Meal one RTD-50 protein drink Meal two Turkey sandwich on wheat bread, with lettuce, tomato Meal three RTD-50 protein drink Meal four Chicken breast, large green salad with one tablespoon olive oil

23.) Strength Train 3x/Week Off-season During the off-season a wrestler may have tournaments, camps, and clubs to wrestle for. This is the time to get to the gym 3 times per week. Try a regimen of 3 non-consecutive full-body workouts. If the body requires more rest, dont hesitate to take an extra day for recovery. Dont blow off a workout for laziness however. A missed workout can never be made up. There is a difference between being fatigued and needing more recovery, and being lazy. Recognize the difference and put your effort in. Hard work pays off!

24.) Strength Train Every 4-5 days In-season During the wrestling season, you might want to cut back on your strength training frequency to help with overall recovery. Your body has a reserve tank of nervous energy. It is this nervous energy that is

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required for daily functioning, wrestling, strength training, recovering from workouts etc. The wrestling season dips into this reserve tank hard. Therefore, you need to give your body a little more rest in order to keep the body from entering an over-training syndrome.

25.) Progressive Resistance The key to any strength training program is progressive resistance. That means never holding back from doing an extra repetition or adding a little more weight with successive workouts. You need to challenge your muscle. If you are cutting a lot of weight it may be difficult to progress. At least try to maintain your strength if this is the case.

26.) 1.5 Grams of Protein/lb. of Bodyweight When Cutting Weight If you are trying to cut weight to make a lower weight class, not only do you need to maintain a minimum number of total calories each day, but you need to increase the amount of protein that you consume. Consuming 1.5 grams of protein for every pound of body weight will suffice. This will prevent the body from cannibalizing its own muscle tissue for energy.

27.) Glute-Ham-Gastroc Machine This is another piece of equipment that is perfect for training the muscles of the posterior chain. This apparatus was created by the Russians. It is hard to describe on paper. It has a place in all of my wrestling training workouts. It works on the muscles of the posterior chain in isolation (doesnt work any other muscles at the same time) so you get to concentrate fully on the posterior chain.

28.) Use Machines Many strength coaches mistakenly believe that machines have no place in an athletes training program. This is false. Machines allow a wrestler to train a muscle to momentary muscular failure and beyond with complete safety. You can get deep into the muscles and stimulate more muscle fibers for overall improved strength development by including machine training in your workouts. I like to include a 4 week high intensity training phase with machines during a High School or College Wrestler's offseason training... In my Ultimate Wrestling Strength Book I go over such a program.

29.) Use Free Weights Free weights are effective in a wrestlers strength training program along with machines. Free weights generally involve more muscle groups in addition to the primary muscle group being trained. I like to use both. Muscles dont know the difference. Each is merely a tool to get the job done.

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30.) Full Range of Motion Whether you are using machines or free weights to strength train, there are certain training variables that must be adhered to. Always use a full range of muscle when training. That means you train each muscle with a full stretch and a full contraction. Short/partial repetitions have a place in the workout. After you have exhausted a muscle using a full range of motion, you can finish it up with partial repetitions. Dont get in the habit of using partial repetitions otherwise.

31.) Pause in the Contracted Position If youve ever trained with me, or have seen my Wrestling Strength DVD you know that I make you pause each repetition in the contracted position. The reason is to thoroughly exhaust the muscle before moving on to the next exercise. For example, lets say you are performing a leg extension. When you raise the weight to the top, you will fully flex the quadriceps muscle group (the muscles on the front of the thighs) and hold that flexed/contracted position for 2 full seconds before lowering the weight.

32.) Accentuate the Negative When you are strength training for wrestling, you should always lower a weight (against gravity) twice as slowly as you raise a weight. This eccentric contraction (negative) portion of the repetition is actually the most important. You will involve many more muscle fibers this way. In fact, I sometimes have my athletes perform nothing but negatives in their workouts every once in a while to get a jolt of new strength, and break through training plateaus. An example of accentuating the negative would be raising the bar in 2 seconds on a barbell curl, and then lowering the weight in 4 seconds. The slow lowering of the weight cannot be neglected!

33.) Reverse Curl with Thick Bar This exercise is tremendous in helping wrestlers gain strength in the biceps, forearms, and grip. It is a tough one. You wont be able to use a lot of weight. Just make sure you move up in weight or number of repetitions often. Keep your elbows close to your side when you perform this one.

34.) Strength Train the Day After a Match Try to strength train the day after a wrestling match. This will help you recover from the match. It will also minimize soreness from training too close to a match. If you have an injury from wrestling, and its not too serious, just work around the injury when you hit the gym.

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35.) Dips with Chin Tucked Down to Chest The body weight dip or with added weight is one of the best upper body strength exercises for a wrestler. The key is to perform them properly. Tuck your chin into your chest, and lean forward. At the same time, cross your ankles and keep your feet behind you. This will force you into a position where your pectoral muscles (chest) are the primary movers, allowing you to develop more strength in this area. Accentuate the negative/lowering portion of the dip as you would with the rest of your strength exercises.

36.) Creatine Most wrestlers have at least heard of creatine. The form in which athletes use it is called creatine monohydrate. A number of years ago there was a big controversy with creatine because a couple of wrestlers who had used it died. They didnt die from use of creatine. They died from improper weight cutting ie. starving, and dehydrating. Creatine is a mineral. It is found in red meat. Keep up your water intake if you take it. Do you NEED it? No. But it isnt a bad supplement once youve got the rest of your strength training, conditioning, and nutrition in check. BEWARE IF YOU ARE CUTTING WEIGHT. Creatine will add a quick few pounds to your body because it is a cell volumizer in the muscles.

37.) Multi Vitamin Wrestlers should definitely take a daily multi vitamin/mineral supplement. If you arent cutting weight, you are probably not getting perfect nutrition. If you are cutting weight, you are definitely not getting perfect nutrition. Use a multivitamin for peace of mind that youre treating your body like the high-performance machine that it is. If you consume 2-3 meal replacement drinks each day you dont need to take a multi-vitamin, because you will be getting all of your vitamins and minerals in the drink.

38.) Antioxidant An antioxidant formula (vitamin) isnt a bad idea. The antioxidants have been shown to prevent diseases. They are a good idea for the long run. This is extra and dont worry about it if you have your other nutrition and supplement needs taken care of.

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39.) Glutamine If you are cutting weight, I highly recommend you take glutamine as a supplement. Glutamine has a muscle sparing effect when calories are restricted. Glutamine takes a few weeks to kick in. It is one of the best supplements for a wrestler who is cutting weight. It is virtually tasteless, and you can add it to a meal replacement drink, protein shake, or any beverage.

40.) Sleep 8 Hours Sleep is crucial to high-performance athletics. If you are going to wrestle at your best, you cant burn the candle at both ends! Try to get at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. It wouldnt hurt to take a 15-20 minute nap/rest time each day. Good sleep is part of the recuperation process. If you arent sleeping well, look into the reasons why. If youre cutting weight, sleep is even more essential. Dont take it too far though. Although a growing body needs more sleep than a body that is fully grown, sleeping half the day away on an off day isnt good for you. You push your body into an additional REM cycle, and you are missing out on the nutrition that your body needs.

41.) No Alcohol I hope this one is obvious, for wrestlers who are serious, and for those wrestlers underage. But Ill cover it anyway. Alcohol is a sugar. In fact, it is a unique sugar. One gram of table sugar contains 4 calories. One gram of sugar alcohol contains 7 calories. Whats worse is that the calories from sugar alcohol get absorbed directly from the stomach into the bloodstream, and have absolutely NO nutritional value. Ill stop there

42.) Time Under Tension More important to developing your wrestling strength than the number of repetitions you perform, is the time you keep the muscles under tension. Time under tension means to keep constant tension on the muscle throughout the entire set, and not letting the weight rest. The optimal time to keep a muscle under tension is 50-90 seconds. When you exhaust a muscle within this time frame (take the muscle to momentary muscular failure) you incorporate the most muscle fibers, to gain more strength.

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43.) Move Quickly Between Strength Exercises Never rush a set. Just move quickly between sets. If you perform high intensity strength training workouts, and take each work set to momentary muscular failure, you will move as quickly as possible to get to the next exercise, and get started. Training in this fashion will not only make you stronger, but it will help you develop more stamina for the wrestling mat. I like to have athletes take more time between sets at the beginning of their training program, and as the weeks progress, gradually shorten the time in between exercises. Train this way, and watch your performances on the mat improve dramatically.

44.) Unsaturated Fats When Cutting Weight People have a phobia of fats. They believe that all fats are bad. This isnt true. You need fats to have your body systems work properly. But you need unsaturated fats... not saturated fats. Unsaturated fats are when the fatty acid chains are not filled with hydrogen molecules. These fats are used by the body. If you are cutting weight, try to include unsaturated fats in the form of oils in your meal plan. My two favorites are olive oil, and flax seed oil. A tablespoon of each is just over one hundred calories. You can use a tablespoon of flax seed oil in meal replacement/protein shakes, or use flax seed or olive oil with a salad.

45.) Sugar After Strength Training Or Practice If you are in the off-season, or are inseason and within 3 or 4 lbs. of making weight, you should consume between 70-90 grams of simple sugars immediately following your strength training session. The sugars replenish the glycogen stores in the muscle that have been used up to fuel your workout. Even better, add one scoop of protein powder (about 22-25 grams of protein) and glutamine. If you arent worried about making weight, add creatine also. This formula is fantastic for overall strength levels.

46.) Static Stretch After Strength Training Static stretching is when you stretch and hold the position for 10-15 seconds. Static stretching is great. It will help develop more flexibility. It should be performed after strength training and after a wrestling practice. Never perform static stretches before a wrestling match. Research has shown that static stretching puts the muscle to sleep. You can perform static stretches any time, except for just prior to a match.

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47.) Dynamic Warm-up Before Practices or Matches A dynamic warm-up is when you use movement to warm and loosen the muscles. Jumping rope before a match is a good example. Most wrestling practices and team warm-ups are of this type. To loosen the hips, glutes, hamstrings and lower back, perform dynamic movements such as heel kicks, high-knees, karioka etc.

48.) Forced Repetitions One way to get more intensity to your strength training workouts for wrestling it to use forced repetitions. I love having my wrestlers perform these! Why? Because wrestlers are tough enough to do them! Forced repetitions are when you take a set to momentary muscular failure, and then have your spotter or training partner assist you with two more by applying just enough force on the bar or machine arm to get you to grind out another. If youre really brave, have them apply force on the negative portion of the repetition as well. Forced repetitions should be used sparingly, because they can lead to overtraining if done too often, or with every set of the workout.

49.) 1 Gram of Protein per lb./Bodyweight When Moving Up a Weight Class Ive written a lot on how to eat when you are cutting weight. I realize that there are lots of wrestlers who need to move up to a higher weight class. I hear a lot from them about how difficult it is to gain weight. Heres what you do. Consume about 1 gram of protein for each lb. of body weight. Divide that number by 5. Thats the number of grams of protein to consume with each meal (assuming you will be eating 5 times each day). Then take your bodyweight and multiply times 2 or 3. Take this new number and divide by 5 (again, assuming youre eating 5 times each day). This is the number of grams of carbohydrates you should consume with each meal. Dont worry about grams of fat. Itll even out.

50.) Build Strength Then Speed One of the biggest mistake I see is wrestlers is when guys who haven't done an offseason strength training program try to use 'speed' exercises during the Preseason. This is all wrong. You MUST get stronger in order to get faster. This means that every wrestler needs an offseason training system to maximize strength, so that speed can be 'turned on' during the Preseason. In my Ultimate Wrestling Strength book I go over exactly how to set up your Offseason, Preseason and Inseason Programs.

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51.) Age Specific Training Another huge mistake made by most coaches when training young wrestlers is not matching the training program to the 'age-specific needs' of the wrestlers. A youth wrestler has certain growth and development needs that require certain types of training. A high school wrestler has different needs and should be trained differently than a youth wrestler. A college wrestler whose body has matured can then use a unique training program from the youth and high school wrestlers. One of the biggest differences in the training is the intensity level. The younger wrestlers need to gain a neuromuscular connection (skill) needed to perform the exercises. The older wrestlers can turn on the intensity switch.

52.) Good Mornings This is an old-fashioned strength training movement that you rarely see these days. I dont generally have my wrestlers perform these because of all the other fantastic strength training exercises and equipment available these days. If you dont have access to any machines or fancy equipment, use the Good Morning exercise to hit the posterior chain muscles. To perform, you place a barbell on the back of the shoulders as if performing a free weight squat. Then, with only a slight bend at the knees, bend forward from the waist about 30 degrees. Control the weight, and raise back up to the starting, standing position. Youth wrestlers can do this with just bodyweight.

53.) High Repetition Squats One of the ultimate strength and conditioning exercises for wrestlers is the high repetition squat. You perform this one with a barbell. Heres how you do it. Load the bar with a weight that you can barely do 10 repetitions with... now do 20 reps! I know it sounds crazy. You can WILL yourself to do it. You breathe deeply in between repetitions and then grind out another one. Have good spotting for this one. This will do so much in terms of your overall strength, your metabolism, and your overall conditioning.

54.) Sprint Drills One of the best ways to improve your conditioning for wrestling is to do sprint drills. They utilize the same energy systems as a wrestling match. You sprint for 50-100 meters. Rest 30-45 seconds. Repeat. Keep going for 5-7 times. It is tough, but effective.

55.) Eat Your Veggies Wrestlers need their vegetables. Vegetables are loaded with vitamins and minerals. They are necessary to help digest meats. They give a feeling of being full as well. Try to get lots of green veggies. Two servings each day is good. Be sure to check out my Ultimate Wrestling Nutrition ebook to learn how to set up meal plans for wrestlers.

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56.) Supportive Meals It is very important for wrestlers to try to balance their meals. This balance of meals will keep the strength levels high, energy levels high, body fat lower, and ability to recuperate. By balanced I mean to consume visually equal portions of a lean protein, complex carbohydrate, and a green vegetable. Meal replacement drinks have a balanced nutrient ratio so Im referring to solid food meals. This allows you to get the proper nutrients to the muscle cells.

57.) Plan Your Weight Loss The bottom line to cutting weight and still keeping your muscle and strength is to plan ahead. The more time you give to losing weight properly, the more likely it is to come from fat, and not muscle tissue. If you wait until the last couple of days, then accept the fact that you wont be at your best. You may still win, but you wont be your best. I dont know about you, but when I do something, I like to do it right

58.) Standing Shoulder Press This is another great strength training exercise for wrestlers. It works the deltoids (shoulders) as the primary mover, but involves many other muscle groups, including the abdominals. Keep a solid base by placing your feet wider than shoulder width, slight bend in the knees, keep the glutes flexed to keep the lower back safe, and pull the belly button in towards your spine.

59.) Minimize Momentum No matter what exercise you perform, you will get a better strength training workout if you minimize momentum. Never swing the weight. Dont heave it either. Controlled squeezing is the answer. Remember, to get in the best workout for your wrestling muscles, you are working muscle, not lifting weights!

60.) Rest Pause Another great intensity method for wrestlers to increase their strength is called Rest Pause. It is when you take an exercise to momentary muscular failure, put the weight down for 10 seconds, pick the weight up again and grind out another repetition or two, put the weight down for 10 more seconds, pick it up again and try to grind out one or two last repetitions. This is a really good intensity method if you are training without a training partner to assist you with forced repetitions.

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61.) Reverse Close Grip Chinups This strength training movement was made for wrestlers! You grasp a chin up bar with palms facing you (underhand grip) and 6-12 inches between your hands. Each and every repetition should not only start from a dead hang, but you should try to let the stretch go deep into your latissimis dorsi muscles ( the wing muscles of the back). Concentrate on flexing the lat muscles as you squeeze your way back up to the bar. Keep an arch in the mid-back to involve the back muscles more.

62.) Leg Press on Heels If you want to improve your stand-ups from the bottom position, you need good hip flexor and quadriceps strength. You can develop these muscles well by performing leg presses with the resistance on the heels. You still keep your entire foot on the platform of the leg press, but you raise the toes slightly inside your shoes to emphasize pushing off the heels. This is a great alternative to the Trap Bar deadlift.

63.) Reverse Hyperextensions This machine was created by a powerlifter out of Ohio named Louie Simmons. This is my number one favorite strength training exercise for wrestlers. It is amazing for the posterior chain muscles, while at the same time the safest exercise out there for the lower back. In fact, I like it so much that it is the first exercise I have many wrestler perform, and the first one on my Wrestling Strength DVD. If you dont have one available, any of the other posterior chain exercises I mentioned can be substituted.

Ok... those were just some quick tips that you can and should use. Training wrestlers is a science. If you'd like to know more about how you can take your wrestling performance to the next level, be sure to look for my weekly tips in your email box. If you need to get started on the best programs to turn wrestlers into champions be sure to have a look at the following resources!

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Check out these other great resources for wrestlers!

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Wrestling Performance

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Please forward 63 Strength, Conditioning, and Nutrition Tips for Wrestlers to anyone it may help! Check out our members-only website at Wrestling Performance!

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