, concur. Petition denied, judgment and resolution affirmed. Note.Reasons of public policy, judicial orderliness, economyandjudicialtimeandthe interests of litigants as well as the place and order of society all require that stability be accorded the solemn and final judgments of courtsortribunalsofcompetentjurisdiction.(California Bus Lines, Inc. vs. State Investment House, Inc.,418SCRA297 [2003]) o0o
Labor Law; Benefits; Any benefit and supplement being enjoyed by employees cannot be reduced, diminished, discontinued or eliminated by the employer; Jurisprudence is replete with cases which recognize the right of employees to benefits which were voluntarily given by the employer and which ripened into company practice.
_______________ ** As replacement of Justice Renato C. Corona who is on leave per AdministrativeCircularNo.842007.
Arco Metal Products Co., Inc. vs. Samahan ng mga Manggagawa sa Arco MetalNAFLU (SAMARMNAFLU) Anybenefitandsupplementbeingenjoyedbyemployeescannotbe reduced, diminished, discontinued or eliminated by the employer. The principle of nondiminution of benefits is founded on the Constitutional mandate to protect the rights of workers and promote their welfare, and to afford labor full protection. Said mandate in turn is the basis of Article 4 of the Labor Code which states that all doubts in the implementation and interpretation of thisCode,includingitsimplementingrulesandregulationsshallbe rendered in favor of labor. Jurisprudence is replete with cases which recognize the right of employees to benefits which were voluntarilygivenbytheemployerandwhichripenedintocompany practice. Same; Same; Jurisprudence has not laid down any rule specifying a minimum number of years within which a company practice must be exercised in order to constitute voluntary company practice.In the years 1992, 1993, 1994, 1999, 2002 and 2003, petitioner had adopted a policy of freely, voluntarily and consistentlygrantingfullbenefitstoitsemployeesregardlessofthe length of service rendered. True, there were only a total of seven employees who benefited from such a practice, but it was an established practice nonetheless. Jurisprudence has not laid down any rule specifying a minimum number of years within which a companypracticemustbeexercisedinordertoconstitutevoluntary company practice. Thus, it can be six (6) years, three (3) years, or evenasshortastwo(2)years.
PETITION for review on certiorari of the decision and resolutionoftheCourtofAppeals. ThefactsarestatedintheopinionoftheCourt. The Law Firm of Chan, Robles & Associates for petitioners. TINGA,J.: ThistreatsofthePetitionforReview1oftheResolution2 and Decision3 of the Court of Appeals dated 9 December
_______________ 1 Rollo,pp.331. 2Id.,atp.36. 3Id.,atpp.3856. 112
Arco Metal Products Co., Inc. vs. Samahan ng mga Manggagawa sa Arco MetalNAFLU (SAMARMNAFLU) and 29 September 2005, respectively in CAG.R. SP No. 85089 entitled Samahan ng mga Manggagawa sa Arco MetalNAFLU (SAMARMNAFLU) v. Arco Metal Products Co., Inc. and/or Mr. Salvador Uy/Accredited Voluntary Arbitrator Apron M. Mangabat,4 whichruledthatthe13th monthpay,vacationleaveandsickleaveconversiontocash shallbepaidinfulltotheemployeesofpetitionerregardless oftheactualservicetheyrenderedwithinayear. Petitioneris a company engaged in the manufacture of metal products, whereas respondent is the labor union of petitionersrankandfileemployees.SometimeinDecember 2003,petitionerpaidthe13thmonthpay,bonus,andleave encashment of three union members in amounts proportionaltotheservicetheyactuallyrenderedinayear, whichislessthanafulltwelve(12)months.Theemployees were:
1.RanteLamadridSickness 2.AlbertoGambanSuspension 3.RodelioCollantesSickness 27August2003to27Feb ruary2004 10June2003to1July2003 August2003toFebruary 2004
Respondentprotestedtheproratedscheme,claimingthat onseveraloccasionspetitionerdidnotproratethepayment of the same benefits to seven (7) employees who had not servedforthefull12months.Thepaymentsweremadein 1992,1993,1994,1996,1999,2003,and2004.Accordingto respondent,theproratedpaymentviolatestheruleagainst diminutionofbenefitsunderArticle100oftheLaborCode. Thus, they filed a complaint before the National Conciliation and Mediation Board (NCMB). The parties
_______________ 4 Penned by Associate Justice Jose C. Reyes, Jr. with Associate JusticesEugenioS.LabitoriaandEliezerR.DeLosSantos,concurring. 113
Arco Metal Products Co., Inc. vs. Samahan ng mga Manggagawa sa Arco MetalNAFLU (SAMARMNAFLU) Thevoluntary arbitrator, Apron M. Mangabat, ruled in favorofpetitionerandfoundthatthegivingofthecontested benefits in full, irrespective of the actual service rendered within one year has not ripened into a practice. He noted theaffidavitofJoselitoBaingan,manufacturinggrouphead of petitioner, which states that the giving in full of the benefitwasamereerror.Healsointerpretedthephrasefor eachyearofservicefoundinthepertinentCBAprovisions tomeanthatanemployeemusthaverenderedoneyearof serviceinordertobeentitledtothefullbenefitsprovidedin theCBA.5 Unsatisfied, respondent filed a Petition for Review6 underRule43beforetheCourtofAppeals,imputingserious errortoMangabatsconclusion.TheCourtofAppealsruled thattheCBAdidnotintendtoforeclosetheapplicationof prorated payments of leave benefits to covered employees. Theappellatecourtfoundthatpetitioner,however,hadan existingvoluntarypracticeofpayingtheaforesaidbenefits in full to its employees, thereby rejecting the claim that petitioner erred in paying full benefits to its seven employees. The appellate court noted that aside from the affidavit of petitioners officer, it has not presented any evidenceinsupportofitspositionthatithasnovoluntary practice of granting the contested benefits in full and without regard to the service actually rendered within the year. It also questioned why it took petitioner eleven (11) years before it was able to discover the alleged error. The dispositiveportionofthecourtsdecisionreads:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant petition is hereby GRANTED and the Decision of Accredited Voluntary Arbiter Apron M. Mangabat in NCMBNCR Case No. PM12345
03, dated June 18, 2004 is hereby AFFIRMED WITH MODIFICATION in that the 13th month pay, bonus, vacation leaveandsickleavecon
_______________ 5Id.,atp.175. 6Id.,atpp.5777. 114
Arco Metal Products Co., Inc. vs. Samahan ng mga Manggagawa sa Arco MetalNAFLU (SAMARMNAFLU) versionstocashshallbepaidtotheemployeesinfull,irrespectiveof theactualservicerenderedwithinayear.7
Petitioner moved for the reconsideration of the decision butitsmotionwasdenied,hencethispetition. PetitionersubmitsthattheCourtofAppealserredwhen itruledthatthegrantof13thmonthpay,bonus,andleave encashment in full regardless of actual service rendered constitutesvoluntaryemployerpracticeand,consequently, theproratedpaymentofthesaidbenefitsdoesnotconstitute diminutionofbenefitsunderArticle100oftheLaborCode.8 Thepetitionultimatelyfails. First, we determine whether the intent of the CBA provisions is to grant full benefits regardless of service actually rendered by an employee to the company. According to petitioner, there is a oneyear cutoff in the entitlement to the benefits provided in the CBA which is evidentfromthewordingofitspertinentprovisionsaswell asoftheexistinglaw. We agree with petitioner on the first issue. The applicableCBAprovisionsread:
ARTICLEXIV VACATION LEAVE Section1.Employees/workers covered by this agreement who have rendered at least one (1) year of service shall be entitled to sixteen (16) days vacation leave with pay for each year of service. Unused leaves shall not be cumulative but shall be converted into its cash equivalent and shall become due and payable every 1st SaturdayofDecemberofeachyear. However,if the 1st Saturday of December falls in December 1, November 30 (Friday) being a holiday, the management will give
_______________ 7Id.,atp.55. 8Id.,atp.17. 115
Arco Metal Products Co., Inc. vs. Samahan ng mga Manggagawa sa Arco MetalNAFLU (SAMARMNAFLU) Section2.Incaseofresignationorretirementofanemployee, hisvacationleaveshallbepaidproportionatelytohisdaysofservice renderedduringtheyear. ARTICLEXV SICK LEAVE Section1.Employees/workers covered by this agreement who have rendered at least one (1) year of service shall be entitled to sixteen (16) days of sick leave with pay for each year of service. Unused sick leave shall not be cumulative but shall be converted intoitscashequivalentandshallbecomedueandpayableevery1st SaturdayofDecemberofeachyear. Section 2.Sick Leave will only be granted to actual sickness dulycertifiedbytheCompanyphysicianorbyalicensedphysician. Section3.All commutable earned leaves will be paid proportionatelyuponretirementorseparation. ARTICLEXVI EMERGENCY LEAVE, ETC. Section 1.The Company shall grant six (6) days emergency leavetoemployeescoveredbythisagreementandifunusedshallbe converted into cash and become due and payable on the 1st SaturdayofDecembereachyear. Section2.Employees/workers covered by this agreement who have rendered at least one (1) year of service shall be entitled to seven (7) days of Paternity Leave with pay in case the married employees legitimate spouse gave birth. Said benefit shall be non cumulative and noncommutative and shall be deemed in compliancewiththelawonthesame. Section3.Maternityleavesformarriedfemaleemployeesshall beinaccordancewiththeSSSLawplusacashgrantofP1,500.00 permonth. xxx ARTICLEXVIII 13TH MONTH PAY & BONUS Section 1.The Company shall grant 13th Month Pay to all employeescoveredbythis agreement. The basis of computing such payshallbethebasicsalaryperdayoftheemployeemultipliedby
30 and shall become due and payable every 1st Saturday of December.
Arco Metal Products Co., Inc. vs. Samahan ng mga Manggagawa sa Arco MetalNAFLU (SAMARMNAFLU) Section 2.The Company shall grant a bonus to all employees as practiced which shall be distributed on the 2nd Saturday of December. Section 3.That the Company further grants the amount of Two Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P2,500.00) as signing bonus plusafreeCBABooklet.9 (Italicsours)
Thereisnodoubtthatinordertobeentitledtothefull monetizationofsixteen(16)daysofvacationandsickleave, one must have rendered at least one year of service. The clear wording of the provisions does not allow any other interpretation. Anent the 13th month pay and bonus, we agree with the findings of Mangabat that the CBA provisions did not give any meaning different from that givenbythelaw,thusitshouldbecomputedat1/12ofthe total compensation which an employee receives for the whole calendar year. The bonus is also equivalent to the amountofthe13thmonthpaygiven,orinproportiontothe actualservicerenderedbyanemployeewithintheyear. Onthesecondissue,however,petitionerfounders. Asageneralrule,inpetitionsforreviewunderRule45, the Court, not being a trier of facts, does not normally embark on a reexamination of the evidence presented by the contending parties during the trial of the case consideringthatthefindingsoffactsoftheCourtofAppeals are conclusive and binding on the Court.10 The rule, however,admitsofseveralexceptions,oneofwhichiswhen thefindingsoftheCourtofAppealsarecontrarytothatof the lower tribunals. Such is the case here, as the factual conclusions of the Court of Appeals differ from that of the voluntaryarbitrator.
_______________ 9 Id., at pp. 110111. These provisions were carried over from four (4) previous CBAs covering the following dates: 28 August 1990 to 27 August 1991, 1 August 1993 to 31 July 1996, 1 August 1996 to 31 July
1999,and1August1999to31July2002. 10 New City Builders, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R.No.149281,15June2005,460SCRA220,227. 117
Arco Metal Products Co., Inc. vs. Samahan ng mga Manggagawa sa Arco MetalNAFLU (SAMARMNAFLU) Petitioner granted, in several instances, full benefits to employeeswhohavenotservedafullyear,thus:
Name 1.PercivalBernas 2.CezarMontero 3.WilsonSayod 4.NomerBecina 5.RonnieLicuan 6.Guilbert Villaruel 7.Melandro Moque Reason Sickness Sickness Sickness Suspension Sickness Sickness Sickness Duration July1992toNovember1992 21Dec.1992toFebruary 1993 May1994toJuly1994 1Sept.1996to5Oct.1996 8Nov.1999to9Dec.1999 23Aug.2002to4Feb.2003 29Aug.2003to30Sept. 200311
Petitioner claims that its full payment of benefits regardlessofthelengthofservicetothecompanydoesnot constitute voluntary employer practice. It points out that thepaymentshadbeenerroneouslymadeandtheyoccurred inisolatedcasesintheyears1992,1993,1994,1999,2002 and2003.Accordingtopetitioner,itwasonlyin2003that theaccountingdepartmentdiscoveredtheerrorwhenthere were already three (3) employees involved with prolonged absencesandtheerrorwascorrectedbyimplementingthe prorata payment of benefits pursuant to law and their existingCBA.12Itaddsthatthesevenearliercasesoffull payment of benefits went unnoticed considering the proportionofoneemployeeconcerned(peryear)vis visthe 170 employees of the company. Petitioner describes the situation as a clear oversight which should not be taken against it.13 To further bolster its case, petitioner argues that for a grant of a benefit to be considered a practice, it should have been practiced over a long period of time and mustbeshowntobeconsistent,deliberateandintentional, whichisnotwhathappenedinthiscase.Petitionertriesto make a case out of the fact that the CBA has not been modifiedtoincorporatethegivingof
Arco Metal Products Co., Inc. vs. Samahan ng mga Manggagawa sa Arco MetalNAFLU (SAMARMNAFLU) full benefits regardless of the length of service, proof that thegranthasnotripenedintocompanypractice. Wedisagree. Anybenefitandsupplementbeingenjoyedbyemployees cannot be reduced, diminished, discontinued or eliminated by the employer.14 The principle of nondiminution of benefits is founded on the Constitutional mandate to protecttherightsofworkersandpromotetheirwelfare,15 andtoaffordlaborfullprotection.16Saidmandateinturn isthebasisofArticle4oftheLaborCodewhichstatesthat alldoubtsintheimplementationandinterpretationofthis Code, including its implementing rules and regulations shallberenderedinfavoroflabor.Jurisprudenceisreplete with cases which recognize the right of employees to benefitswhichwerevoluntarilygivenbytheemployerand whichripenedintocompanypractice.ThusinDavao Fruits Corporation v. Associated Labor Unions, et al.17 where an employer had freely and continuously included in the computation of the 13th month pay those items that were expressly excluded by the law, we held that the act which was favorable to the employees though not conforming to law had thus ripened into a practice and could not be withdrawn, reduced, diminished, discontinued or eliminated. In Sevilla Trading Company v. Semana,18 we ruledthattheemployersactofincludingnonbasicbenefits inthecomputationofthe13thmonthpaywasavoluntary actandhadripenedintoacompanypracticewhichcannot beperemptorilywithdrawn.MeanwhileinDavao Integrated Port Stevedoring Services v. Abarquez,19 the Court ordered the payment of the cash equivalent of the unenjoyed sick leave
14 Tiangco, et al. v. Hon. Leogardo, Jr.,etc., et al.,207Phil.235;122 SCRA267(1983). 15Constitution,ArticleII,Section18. 16Constitution,ArticleXIII,Section3. 17G.R.No.85073,24August1993,225SCRA562. 18G.R.No.152456,28April2004,428SCRA239,249. 19G.R.No.102132,19March1993,220SCRA197. 119
Arco Metal Products Co., Inc. vs. Samahan ng mga Manggagawa sa Arco MetalNAFLU (SAMARMNAFLU) benefits to its intermittent workers after finding that said workers had received these benefits for almost four years untilthegrantwasstoppedduetoadifferentinterpretation of the CBA provisions. We held that the employer cannot unilaterallywithdrawtheexistingprivilegeofcommutation or conversion to cash given to said workers, and as also notedthattheemployerhadinfactgrantedandpaidsaid cashequivalent of the unenjoyed portion of the sick leave benefitstosomeintermittentworkers. In the years 1992, 1993, 1994, 1999, 2002 and 2003, petitioner had adopted a policy of freely, voluntarily and consistently granting full benefits to its employees regardless of the length of service rendered. True, there were only a total of seven employees who benefited from such a practice, but it was an established practice nonetheless. Jurisprudence has not laid down any rule specifying a minimum number of years within which a company practice must be exercised in order to constitute voluntarycompanypractice.20Thus,itcanbesix(6)years,21 three (3) years,22 or even as short as two (2) years.23 Petitioner cannot shirk away from its responsibility by merelyclaimingthatitwasamistakeoranerror,supported only by an affidavit of its manufacturing group head portionsofwhichread:
5. 13th month pay, bonus, and cash conversion of unused/earned vacation leave, sick leave and emergency leave are computedandpaidinfulltoemployeeswhorenderedservicestothe companyfortheentireyearandproportionatelytothoseemployees whorenderedservicetothecompanyforaperiodlessthanone(1) year or twelve (12) months in accordance with the CBA provision
_______________ 20 Sevilla Trading Company v. Semana, supranote12. 21 Davao Fruits Corporation v. Associated Labor Unions, supranote11. 22 Tianco v. Leogardo, Jr., supranote10 23 Sevilla Trading Company v. Semana, supra. 120
Arco Metal Products Co., Inc. vs. Samahan ng mga Manggagawa sa Arco MetalNAFLU (SAMARMNAFLU) 6. It was never the intention much less the policy of the managementtogranttheaforesaidbenefitstotheemployeesinfull regardlessofwhetherornottheemployeehasrenderedservicesto thecompanyfortheentireyear,otherwise,itwouldbeunjustand inequitable not only to the company but to other employees as well.24
In cases involving money claims of employees, the employerhastheburdenofprovingthattheemployeesdid receivethewagesandbenefitsandthatthesamewerepaid inaccordancewithlaw.25 Indeed,ifpetitionerwantstoprovethatitmerelyerred ingivingfullbenefits,itcouldhaveeasilypresentedother proofs, such as the names of other employees who did not fully serve for one year and thus were given prorated benefits. Experientially, a perfect attendance in the workplace is always the goal but it is seldom achieved. There must have been other employees who had reported for work less than a full year and who, as a consequence received only prorated benefits. This could have easily bolstered petitioners theory of mistake/error, but sadly, no evidencetothateffectwaspresented. IN VIEW HEREOF, the petition is DENIED. The DecisionoftheCourtofAppeals in CAG.R. SP No. 85089 dated 29 September 2005 is and its Resolution dated 9 December2005areherebyAFFIRMED. SOORDERED. Quisumbing (Chairperson), CarpioMorales Velasco, Jr., JJ., concur. Brion, J., WithSeparateConcurringOpinion. and
_______________ 24 Rollo,pp.120121. 25 Mark Roche International v. National Labor Relations Commission,372Phil.238,247;313SCRA356,365(1999). 121
Arco Metal Products Co., Inc. vs. Samahan ng mga Manggagawa sa Arco MetalNAFLU (SAMARMNAFLU) SEPARATECONCURRINGOPINION BRION,J.: I fully agree with the ponenciathat the enhanced 13th monthpayandbonuscomputationsmadebythecompany haveripenedintoanestablishedbenefitthatcannolonger beunilaterallywithdrawn.Thecompanyclaimsupported solely by the affidavit of a company officer that the computations were clear oversights that should not be taken against itmust fail as against the undisputed evidence of the number of times and years the enhanced computations have been in place. At most, the company claim raises a doubt about the real character of these computations but any such doubt we have to resolve in favoroflabor(Article4,LaborCode). I concur separately to clarify that the basis for the prohibitionagainstdiminutionofestablishedbenefitsisnot really Article 100 of the Labor Code as the respondents claimed and as the cases cited in the ponencia mentioned. Article 100 refers solely to the nondiminution of benefits enjoyedat the time of the promulgation of the Labor Code. Employeremployeerelationshipiscontractualandisbased ontheexpress termsoftheemploymentcontractaswellas on its implied terms, among them, those not expressly agreeduponbutwhichtheemployerhasfreely,voluntarily and consistently extended to its employees. Under the principleofmutualityofcontractsembodiedinArticle1308 oftheCivilCode,thetermsofacontractbothexpressand impliedcannotbewithdrawnexceptbymutualconsentor agreement of the contracting parties. In the present case, thelackofconsentoragreementwaspreciselythebasisfor theemployeescomplaint.
Petition denied, judgment and resolution affirmed. Note.Exercise of management prerogative is not unlimited but subject to the limitations found in law, a collectivebargainingagreementorthegeneralprinciplesof fairplay