Workers Vanguard No 264 - 19 September 1980
Workers Vanguard No 264 - 19 September 1980
Workers Vanguard No 264 - 19 September 1980
"disarmament." The GOP platform
assails as "not credible" the nuclear
strategy limited to "threatening mass
extinction of civilians." Candidate
Carter answers with PO 59: see, we're
already going after Soviet military
targets. Reagan hails the genocidal
Vietnam War as "a noble cause"; the
Democrats run TV campaign commer-
cials like something out of The Big
Picture: jets, rockets, napalm aflame
and ending up, "Jimmy Carter, A
Military Man, A Man of Peace."
The new wave of high-technology
imperialist militarism is already reflect-
ed in popular culture. Millions groove
on Star Wars and The Empire Strikes
Back with their contest between the
continued on page 4
Poland and the Left'6
No "Free For Fascists"!
SWP Shares Platform with
Klan Terrorist Metzger
KKK Terrorists
Invade Connecticut
Labor, blacks
must stamp out
hooded cross-burners.
ch'i! rights, and women's rights groups
to unite to defeat the Klan." Friedman
had nothing to say about the Klan's real
atrocities, though-because the SWP
does nothing but sit on the sidelines
while they rampage and murder! The
SVfP's Militant bragged about how
Friedman "confronted"' the Klan in the
safet) of the TV studio. But on the
streets, where the Klan does its dirty
work, the SWP isn't around.
Communists do not support "free
speech for fascists." The KKK is a gang
of killers. The Spartacist League has
mobilized labor and the left to confront
and stop the Klan-in Detroit following
the Greensboro massacre and in San
Francisco, where 1,200 trade unionists,
blacks, Chicanos, gays, Jews and
socialists rallied to stop the Nazis from
celebrating Hitler's birthday. On those
da)s the SWP stayed home. Obviously
thel prefer "debating" the Klan to
fighting it.
South" segregationism), on down to the
local cops. Only labor/black mass
mobilizations can stop the growing
fascist terror! Drop the charges against
the anti-Klan derr:onstrators!.
tolerance of the American state, from
Carter (who kicked off his presidential
campaign in Alabama Klan territory)
and Reagan (he went to Mississippi's
state fair, traditional bastion of "Old
its program of race-terror-from Impe-
rial County, where it runs night-riding
patrols to murder Mexican workers
crossing the border, to Riverside, only a
few miles from where Dovard Howard,
a black telephone worker, was the
victim of a racist shooting shortly before
a Klan rally in July.
Socialist Workers Party (SWP) can-
didate Mark Friedman sat placidly in
the audience watching these terrorist
atrocities-after all, the SWP believes
the KKK/Nazis have the right to "free
speech." He rose only to politely rebut
his "Democratic Party opponent," and
state that the SWP calls for "unions,
Greensboro, Chattanooga, Connecti-
cut, southern California-Klan terror is
riding again in. America, and
that means murder of blacks, trade
unionists, socialists. The new star-
spangled "Speak Up America" TV show
September 5 featured Grand Dragon
Tom Metzger, who's the Democratic
Party candidate in California's sprawl-
ing 43rd Congressional District. What
the Klan's "program" consists of was
clear enough-film clips showed
KKKers armed with clubs and dogs
savagely assaulting anti-Klan protesters
in Oceanside. Within the 43rd District
the Klan has already been carrying out
automatic-was just window-dressing
to make the liberals feel better. But
everyone knows the Klan got what they
wanted, with the cops' help. In Greens-
boro the KKK murdered in cold blood,
in Chattanooga they shot to kill at
defenseless black women, seriously
wounding some of them. The ominous
growth of the Klan. and other fascist
terror groups is marked by the growing
The Ku Klux Klan invaded Connecti-
cut with the protection of state police to
hold a cross-burning on September 14 in
the township of Scotland. Two hundred
state troopers, including a police team
armed with automatic weapons and
dogs, defended "Imperial Wizard" Bill
Wilkinson's "Invisible Empire" as they
held their racist, terror-inspiring cross-
burning. Almost 500 anti-Klan protest-
ers, inspired by Progressive Labor's
Committee Against Racism, skirmished
ineffectuaily with KKKers along the
narrow road leading to the cross-
burning site. Reportedly six anti-Klan
demonstrators (at least) were arrested.
The Louisi'tna-based "Imperial
Wizard" was in Connecticut to anoint
his Connecticut lieutenant, "Gary Peter-
son" (a/k/a Gary Piscottano) of New
Britain. Local news media made much
of the fact that the cops forced Piscotta-
no to remove a cover on his car's rear
license plate which read "K's car" (real
license number SL3699). But he got to
keep his gun-for which he had a state
permit allowing him to carry it con-
cealed, granted after he applied to he an
auxiliary policeman! Wilkinson was so
pleased with his Saturday night terror-
show that he held another cross-burning
Sunday night, also heavily protected by
the cops ("The Wiz is coming. Let him
go through," the police radioed to each
Wilkinson's arrest later on a technical
weapons violation-carrying a .45
. ,
1.1' '.' .
Harlem didn't sit still-thevsat in.
Tempers had been boiling for "months,
and the Coalition to Save Harlem
Hospital, supported by AFSCME
Local 420 representing Sydenham
workers, announced it was occupying
the facilities to force the city to keep
them open. As we go to press Sydenham
Hospital is still functioning under a
"people's administration"' while hun-
dreds of cops mass outside waiting for
the word from Koch to move in. Ed
Koch is a virulent race-hating and
hating capitalist politician-an honest-
to-goodness enemy of the people of New
York. But the black Democrats who
oppose him today have no solution to
the capitalist cutbacks being pushed by
all sectors of the ruling-class parties.
Only the power of the NYC labor
movement-demonstrated so impres-
sively in the May transit strike, despite
the defeatist TWU leadership-has the
social power to beat back the bosses'
racist austerity drive .
ployer in Harlem. was written off, to be
downgraded into a drug and alcohol
detoxification center.
Detox Koch!
workers protest
at Sydenham.
On September 15, twelve hours
before New York City mayor Ed Koch's
racist administration planned to shut it
down, Harlem's Sydenham Hospital
was taken over by doctors. hospital
workers and members of the local black
community. While hundreds of sup-
porters marched outside chanting such
slogans as "Koch has got to go!"' they
kept the emergency room, admitting
desk and administrative office
The confrontation had been brewing
for' a long time. After the austerity-
crazed city government drastically
slashed city workers' jobs and wages in
1974-76, the next target was the city's
black and Latin ghettos. Koch promised
funding for Sydenham when he ran for
mayor in '77, but later included the 119-
bed facility on a list of six ghetto
hospitals he wanted closed. Harlem,
which the federal government classes as
one of the most "medically underserved
areas" in the U.S., was sentenced to lose
both Sydenham and Metropolitan
hospitals. Federal funds were scraped
together to keep Metropolitan going,
but Sydenham, the second-largest em-
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