Interview Questions For Communication
Interview Questions For Communication
Interview Questions For Communication
A:-almost 90% of the energy is available in the first we can receive most of the input in the main lobe itself. If we transmit multiple digital signal through the channel,then the adjacent channel interference occurs because of the infinite bandwidth for each we only take 1 st lobe of the frqu spectrum. 2.what are the parameters we consider for the choosing the better modulation technique? A:bit error rate and bandwidth 3.why binary digital (o,1) we use ? A: because of device limitation.we have devices to verify the current flowing(1) or not (0).but we dont have devices to having the capability of dealing multiple operations. 4.what is non binary digital?explain? A:m-ary is the non binary digital signal...we have m=2,4,8,16,32........for analog m=infinite. Ex:00,01,10,11 for 4 level..000,001,010,011,100,101,110,111 for 8 level Advantage of m-ary:bandwidth decreases as levels increses. Disadvantage:power required to transmit is more in m-ary Noise discrimination is more that is bit error rate increases as the levels there is trade off between ber and bw.if bw limited go for m-ary If power limited -go for binary 5.ask ,fsk,psk which one is better? A:in ask band width reduces power more Fsk bandwidth increses power moderate Psk bandwidth reduces power reduces upto m=4,after that power increases..thats why qpsk came into picture. Qam is the combination of ask and psk. 6.Explain Amps technology? A:the amps technology works in the frequency range 800-900 MHz.the total bandwidth alloted for amps is 25Mhz.and the chaneel spacing is we can have approx 800 cnaheels for transmission of data.the range of frequency of forward link is 824 to 849.the range of frequency for reverse link is 869-894 Mhz.frquency division multiple access has been used to multiplex the mukltipul is used mainly in US.
6.explainn gsm specifications? A:it is the 2 nd generation technology. It has the bandwidth of 25 requires 200khz channel we would have 125 carriers.each carrier consist of 8 totally 1000 channels used to in tdma is used for multiple accessing.the modulation used is MSK.mostly used in asia and erope. 7.explain IS-95 or cdma technology? A:the cdma technology is the 3rd generation has a bandwidth 25MHZ for forword link as well as reverse link.the channel spacing required is 1.2 no of channels required is 9 channels.qpsk has been used for is mostly used in asia and us.forward link from 869894 and the reverse link from 824-849. 8.what are the parts present in gsm A:the gsm consist of MS>BTS>BSC> MSC> PSTN for MS to landline MS>BTS>BSC> BTS.Mobile station to other area. 9.Types od chnnel coder used in gsm? A:there are two error control coding techniques.1)Automatic repeat rquest (ARR).2.FEC(forward error arr,if errors are detected,it drops the message or retransmit the fec,first it detect the errors,then locate the errors and finally correct those real time speech fec is used.