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English for Academic Study

New edition


Course Book

Colin Campbell and Jonathan Smith

Book map
Unittitleandtopics 1
Problems of listening Differences between academic cultures



Listening in different languages Issues in understanding spoken English Listening to lectures Thinking about introductions Functions and language of lecture introductions Listening to lecture introductions

Migration Britain and the European Monetary Union Globalization Magistrates courts

Word stress

Identifyingkeyideasin lectures

Thinking about key ideas Identifying key points in a lecture Distinguishing key points from examples Signposting and highlighting key points Reasons for taking notes Principles of note-taking Note-taking practice Returning to your notes Using abbreviations and symbols Organizing your notes

Word families (1)

Britains traffic problems The East-Asian economic miracle

Sentence stress

Language learning Changes in the world economy Health in the UK

Word boundaries

Introducingnew terminology
Embedded words European Union: regulations and directives Market dominance and monopoly

Introducing new terminology Introducing terms and concepts

Weak forms of function words

Whatlecturersdoin lectures
Doing market research Social learning Contestable markets

Macrostructure of lectures

Word families (2)

Social learning Questionnaire design Integrated rural development

Reasons for digressions Identifying digressions

Common expressions in lectures

English for Academic Study

The purpose of this book is to help you better understand spoken English, particularly the spoken English of academic lectures, as well as to help you develop your note-taking skills while listening.


Unitstructure:Apart from the first unit, all the units are divided into two sections: macroskills and microskills.

Macroskills include such things as: making use of lecture introductions note-taking recognizing the structure of lectures

Microskills focus on understanding linguistic features of spoken English such as: recognizing words that are spoken quickly and are not stressed recognizing where one spoken word ends and the next begins word stress and sentence stress

In these units you will also find the following items: Soundadvice: These either summarize key points from the unit or present advice on listening strategies. Studytips:These have been included for ease of reference when you are revising what you have studied. They either summarize the outcome of a series of activities or are a summary of other information contained in the unit. Unitsummaries:Each unit is followed by a unit summary, giving you the opportunity to reflect on what you have learnt.

Glossary: Words or phrases in bold (or boldandunderlined in task instructions) in the text are explained in the glossary on page 70. Transcripts: At the end of the book you will find the transcripts of all the lectures. Your teacher will sometimes give you the opportunity to listen to the recordings and follow the transcript at the same time, once you have completed the main listening tasks.

It can be particularly challenging to listen to long stretches of speech in a foreign language, particularly when you are not aware of the general structure of academic lectures given in English. This book will provide you with: guided instruction on how to follow a lecture. the opportunity to practise listening to similar lectures to the ones you will meet in your future studies. What you put into the course will determine how much you get out of it. Obviously, if you want to improve your skills in listening to lectures and taking notes, it is essential to practise this skill. You should therefore prepare well for the sessions, as well as participating actively in them.


Many of the lecture extracts in this book are based on transcripts of authentic lectures given at the University of Reading. These lectures were given to audiences of British and international students as part of their normal degree programmes. Although the extracts have been re-recorded to ensure clarity, the language and content of these lectures have been maintained, to ensure that you are provided with listening practice that closely simulates listening to, and note-taking from, real academic lectures. The lecture extracts are taken from a range of academic fields, including investment banking, development economics, marketing, psychology and linguistics. Although the original lectures were intended for students doing degrees in these subjects, we have chosen extracts that should be accessible to students of all subjects. Other extracts have been written specially for this book, but have been designed to reflect features of authentic academic lectures. The symbol indicates that the recordings are available on both audio CD and DVD.

Although the recordings in the book may not be related to your particular subject, you will find a lot of useful vocabulary in this book. There are different types of vocabulary that you may find useful: Academicwords: These are words that occur frequently in many different academic subjects, so whatever your degree subject, it is important to learn how to use them. Non-technicaltopicwords: Many of the recordings use sets of topic vocabulary which will be useful to students on almost all degree courses; for example, the text on market research contains many words connected with surveys, questionnaires and statistics. Subject-specificwords: Some of the recordings contain words which will be of particular interest to students of specific subjects; for example, there is an extract on social learning which will be of particular interest to students planning to study psychology.

Your listening will improve more quickly if you practise outside the classroom. You can do this in a variety of ways; for example, talking with English-speaking friends, listening to the radio or watching TV, or working with independent study materials (see further below). You will find Sound advice sections in most units in this book, and these contain useful advice for improving your listening. Here are some more ideas. There are a number of good websites which provide practice in listening to academic lectures. If you go to the EAS website (enter through www.englishforacademicstudy.com) you will find links to some of these sites. A wide range of vocabulary is part of the key to success in listening. You should keep a record of new words or phrases that you learn, and make sure you note down the pronunciation, particularly if it does not fit in with pronunciation patterns you are familiar with. Ask your teacher to model the pronunciation if you are not sure of it. There are several dictionaries on CD-ROM where you can hear the pronunciation and see the meaning of a word on screen, either by moving the mouse pointer over a word or by clicking on it. The Macmillan English Dictionary and Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English both have good CD-ROM versions. Think about buying one of these because it will be useful, not just on this course, but in your later studies.

English for Academic Study


Listening to longer talks, and talks about your own subject, will help prepare you for listening to lectures, so you will need to do more independent listening in your own time. Additionalaudio-visualresources To help improve your extended listening, you can access highly relevant lectures and talks on two websites the University of Readings SACLL site, and TED Talks. Self-AccessCentreforLanguageLearningwebsite(UniversityofReading) This has more than 30 lectures given to international students on pre-sessional courses at the universitys International Study and Language Centre on academic and general topics; many of these are by distinguished lecturers in disciplines such as construction management, food science, investment, psychology, finance and management. Each lecture is 3550 minutes long and comes with transcripts and tasks, both of which can help your listening. Here is a guide to using the material effectively. Find the website by typing in the URL www.sacll.co.uk or entering SACLL lectures Reading into Google or another search engine. Check through the lecture list, read the brief descriptions and choose one that interests you. Click the task button for your chosen lecture to get a list of open questions about the lecture. Read the questions and check any unknown vocabulary reading and understanding the questions will help you anticipate the lectures content. If necessary, do a quick Google search on the lecture topic to gain some more background knowledge. On degree courses, doing background reading before lectures is essential to full understanding. Listen to Part 1 of the lecture. Here, the speakers typically a) introduce the topic, b) say why it is important and c) explain how they will organize the lecture. Understanding this is essential to understanding the whole lecture (see Unit 2 on lecture introductions). As you listen to Part 1, answer the questions in the task. Check your answers to the questions on Part 1. If you have answered these correctly you will be well placed to understand the rest of the lecture. Otherwise, it is a good idea to listen again with the answers in front of you. Listen to the rest of the lecture. You could do this in parts, but it may be better to listen to the whole lecture without pausing, as you will need to develop the stamina needed for listening to long talks, rather than the shorter extracts that appear in this book. If you found parts of the lecture particularly hard to understand, or had problems answering the questions correctly, it is worth a) looking at the answers and listening again or b) reading the transcript while listening. This can help you understand why you have misheard or misunderstood. Spoken English can be harder to understand than written English, due to things like wordand sentencestress (Units 2 and 4), wordboundaries (Unit 5) and weakforms of words (Unit 6). One way to practise is to listen to a very short extract of a lecture, then try to write down exactly what the speaker says. Listen several times to do this. Then check the transcript and see if you have heard correctly. This may show you why you are having problems following spoken English. TEDTalks Speakers on this interesting site include world-famous academics, writers, thinkers, medical researchers, politicians, investors, cooks, businesspeople and artists. The talks are informative, up to date and thought-provoking. They vary from three minutes to more than an hour in length. You will hear different accents that will help you prepare for study at a culturally diverse university. Here are some suggestions on using this website effectively. The URL is www.ted.com, or just enter ted talks into a search engine. You can access the talks in different ways. The top of the homepage has a menu including Themes, Speakers, Talks. You can search for a particular speaker, e.g., Bill Gates, or the Themes button may offer a more interesting way to access talks giving you a choice of talks on related topics.


Each screen has a thumbnail picture of the speaker next to the title of their talk. Click on a photo for a talk you think might be interesting. You will find brief information about the talk and the speaker accompanying the video. To find out more before you listen, try entering the speakers name and some key words from the title into a search engine. Reading before attending lectures is key to successful understanding. TED Talks also provides transcripts of the talks, which you can keep open on-screen together with the video, plus translations and subtitles in various languages. However, for your first listening we recommend that you initially just listen to the introduction and perhaps pause to check the transcript, then open the transcripts or subtitles later. Listen to the rest of the lecture and make notes. If anything is unclear, listen again. If it is still unclear, look at that part of the transcript and listen again. Why did you not understand? Were there unknown words? Perhaps you did not recognize the pronunciation of a word you know in written form remember, in connected speech, pronunciation can also be affected by the sounds in words before or after. Perhaps it was hard to recognize word boundaries (see Unit 5) e.g., you might not hear the unstressed first syllable in attempt and hear tempt instead. Perhaps you heard a word you knew but that seemed to have a different meaning, e.g., you might hear fair and recognize it as meaning light-coloured (as in fair hair), but not know it can also mean just (as in justice). Or, was the idea not clearly expressed or hard to understand even though you knew all the words? Understanding why you have had problems can help you listen more effectively next time. Finally, you may want to listen to the talk again, or part of it, with the transcript open, paying attention to the way words are pronounced in connected speech.

English for Academic Study

Identifying key ideas in lectures

In this unit you will: practise identifying the key points a lecturer wants to make distinguish key points from examples use your understanding of examples to deduce key points develop your understanding of relationships between ideas learn patterns of pronunciation and word stress in word families

Task 1 1.1


Discussthefollowingquestionswithanotherstudentoringroups. 1. Why is it important to recognize key ideas (or main points) in a lecture? 2. Why do lecturers use examples?

Task 2 2.1

Franchise Headquarters

Youaregoingtolistentothefirstpart ofalectureonfranchising.Beforeyou listen,discussthefollowingquestions withanotherstudent. 1. What is franchising? 2. Can you think of any businesses that are run as franchises?

Franchise Operations

Customer Level


CD1: 16ListentoPart1ofthelecture,whichisinthreesections.Identifythe threesectionsandnumbertheminthecorrectorder.

a definition of franchising examples of successful franchises one reason for setting up a franchise business how franchising works the types of business that are suitable for franchising
Customer Level Franchise Operations Franchise Headquarters




CD1: 17 ListentoPart1,Section1againandanswerthequestions.Checkthat
youunderstandthefollowingwordsandphrasesbeforelistening. enterprise 1. 2. 3. 4. entrepreneur exert control unwilling

What may you need in order to develop a small or medium-sized enterprise? What example of such a business is given? What risks are there for a business owner in expanding his or her business? Which of these is the key point made in this section? Why? Expanding your business can be very risky. Franchising your business can minimize the risks involved in its expansion. Franchising your business can be very profitable.


CD1: 18ListentoPart1,Section2again andanswerthefollowingquestions. 1. What type of franchising is defined here? 2. If Bill Jones wants to open a branch of McDonalds in his hometown, who is the franchisor? who is the franchisee? 3. What does the licence entitle the franchisee to do? 4. What would the package received by the franchisee include? CD1: 19ListentoPart1,Section3againandanswerthefollowingquestions.
1. 2. 3. 4. What does the franchisor provide to the franchisee? What two kinds of fee does the franchisee pay? What is the difference between these two fees? Which of these is the key point made in this section? That fast-food restaurants can be successful franchise businesses. How the fees are calculated. How each party in the business agreement benefits.


Task 3


The lecturer begins Part 2 of the lecture by saying: There are a number of issues that you need to consider when deciding whether or not to franchise your business. He is looking at this from the viewpoint of the owner of a growing business trying to decide whether or not to become a franchisor.

3.1 3.2


CD1: 20ListentoPart2ofthelecture.
a. Make brief notes in your notebook on the key points made by the lecturer. You need to write down 510 words for each point. b. Compare your notes with your partner. Have you identified the same main points?


English for Academic Study

Identifying key ideas in lectures

Lecturers often use specific words or phrases (e.g., Firstly, Secondly, Another point to remember is ) to introduce a key point. For example, the lecturer signposts the first point in Part 2 by saying: Firstly, there needs to be ...

3.3 3.4

LookatthetranscriptforTrack20onpage79andfindtwoorthreeexamplesof languageusedbythelecturertosignpostkeypoints.

CD1: 21ListentoPart2,Section1againandanswerthefollowingquestions.
1. The lecturer makes the point that a relatively stable, long-term market is needed for a successful franchise operation. To support this point, the lecturer gives two reasons and two examples. What are they? 2. Do the examples help make his point clearer? If so, how?


CD1: 22ListentoPart2,Section2againandanswerthefollowingquestions. 1. What point does he make about buying supplies in bulk? 2. How is this point related to the main point in this section? 3. Now look at the following excerpt. Having made the key point (highlighted), the speaker repeats the idea twice. Underline the words in the excerpt where he repeats the idea.
In addition and this is fairly obvious you will need a fairly wide margin between cost and income. Remember that the gross margin needs to provide a return on the investment to both the franchisor and the franchisee. So you will need to keep costs low and prices as high as the market will bear. One advantage of a franchise operation is that supplies can be bought in bulk across the whole franchise, which will help to keep costs down. But you can see that franchising would be unsuitable in a market where the margin between cost and income is very narrow.


CD1: 23ListentoPart2,Section3againandanswerthefollowingquestions.
1. 2. 3. 4. What does the franchisor need to provide to the franchisee? When are these required? What point is made about franchisees in the restaurant industry? What do you think is the key point in this section?

Task 4


In Part 3, the lecturer continues to discuss some of the issues that need to be considered when deciding whether or not to franchise your business.


CD1: 24ListentoPart3ofthelecture.Makenotesonthekeypointsinyour notebook.Thencompareyournoteswithanotherstudent.Haveyouidentified thesamekeypoints?




CD1: 25ListentoPart3,Section1againandcompletetheexcerptwithoneto
threewordsineachspace. One further issue you may need to consider is whether the business is to another geographical area. If you have developed your business serving one particular part of the country and you want to set up a franchise network covering a the whole country, for example another thing you will have to consider is whether there is a other parts of the country may be so franchisees to , or that for localized reasons the business may not be as profitable. for your that it is difficult for or product or service in different regions. It may be, for example, that competition in


CD1: 26ListentoPart3,Section2again. a. Underline the signposting language used to highlight key points. b. Now listen again and circle any key words or phrases the lecturer stresses.
Finally, when you are setting up a franchise network, you will need to bear in mind that you will be losing direct control of the way your brand is perceived by the customer, so this brings me to my last point, which is to emphasize the importance of protecting your brand. I am sure you are all aware that it often takes a long time to establish a distinctive brand with a valuable reputation, but that this reputation can be damaged comparatively quickly if, for example, quality standards are not consistently applied. The detailed operating manual that I referred to earlier will play a role in maintaining the brand but, just as important, you need to take care selecting franchisees and monitoring their operations. In addition to checking that franchisees have the relevant skills and experience to run a successful business, you also need to ensure that they share the same business values as you, that they accept the importance of maintaining the brand and that they are clear about what they can or cant change about the way the business is run so people who are very individualistic will probably not make good franchisees.
Studytip Lecturers often use signposting language to indicate the start of a new point. Techniques to highlight ideas include: stressing key words or phrases pausing after key words or phrases


English for Academic Study

Identifying key ideas in lectures


CD1: 27ListentoPart3,Section3againandcompletethenotesinasmuch detailasyouthinkisnecessary.

Pr otectin g the bran d Written agreement should specify

Initial training - to ensure staff

Regular visits - to ensure

Ongoing training - to deal with

Protecting the brand is in the interests of

Whichofthetechniquesthatthelecturerusedhelpedyoutocompletethenotes? Soundadvice: As you listen, try to keep in mind the key ideas and relate any new information you hear to those ideas. Listen for signposting language, stressed words or phrases and pauses as indicators of key points. If you do not understand a key point, listen for any examples which may help you to recover the meaning. Remember that effective lecturers sometimes repeat key points. This gives you time to note them down, but try to avoid writing down the same idea twice!



Task 5


You can extend your vocabulary by learning groups of words which have the same basic form and which are often related in meaning.


Practisethepronunciationofthewordsinthetableandunderlinethestressed syllableineachword. Examples: Noun product, production, productivity definition economy, economics, economist Verb produce define economize Adjective productive definite, definitive economic, economical


Usethewordsinthetabletostudyhowchangesinsyllablestresswithinword familiesaffectpronunciation. In many cases, a different syllable stress has an effect on the pronunciation of the sounds. Example:

product produce

/ prdkt/ /pr du:s/

Studytip If you think about the grammar and meaning of each sentence as you do the exercise, you are more likely to get the correct answers.


CD1: 28Youcanalsomodifythemeaningof awordbyaddingaprefix,e.g.,interpret/ misinterpret,assess/reassess,appear/disappear. Listentothesentencesandwriteinthemissing prefixtoeachword.

Howdotheprefixeschangethemeaning oftheoriginalwords? 1. All trade unions were declared 2. This is one example of a organization. 3. They found no significant 4. Real estate

legal by the government. match between the individuals goals and those of the

relation between class size and levels of achievement.

actions rose by 30% last month. action of supply and demand.

5. Prices are determined through the 6. These animals exhibited

normal behaviour compared to the control group.


English for Academic Study

Identifying key ideas in lectures


CD1: 29Listentothesentencesandcompletethemwithtwotofourwordsin
eachspace.Someofthewordsincludeprefixes. 1. We had to get the detail was not very clear on the original ones. 2. Many doctors work them under a lot of stress. 3. Crime prevention is polices work, but it is often difficult to assess its effectiveness. 4. Doctors have noticed an young men. 5. These plants should be grown in partial shade, rather than 6. Researchers have found that much more likely to be involved in traffic accidents. . , such of the , which put because the

as bulimia and anorexia, not just among young women but, surprisingly, among


CD1: 30Listentothegroupsofsentences.Completethesentenceswithtwo tofourwordsineachspace.Oneofthewordsineachspaceisaformofthe wordinbold.

1. a. Children need a secure environment in which to grow up. b. Many immigrants are only able to find c. The money was invested in . and property.

2. a. Achievement levels vary considerably from school to school in the city. b. Some economists believe that interest rates can be predicted by examining . c. In the Eden Project they have managed to create habitats. d. There is parts of the country. 3. a. How are we going to solve this problem? b. You need to the crop. c. There appears to be countries, despite years of peace negotiations. between the two in water before applying it to to health care in different



4. a. A mass spectrometer was used to analyze the gases. b. initial findings. c. The course is designed to help students to develop . 5. a. The results indicate that the virus mutates more rapidly than was first believed. b. All the recovering. c. The strike was frustration. 6. a. Chomsky was a fierce critic of Bush Seniors foreign policy. b. There was the way the election had been administered. c. The negotiations establishment of peace in the area. Soundadvice: Your listening skills will improve if you work to enlarge your vocabulary. Learning word families is an effective way of doing this, but you also need to develop your awareness of differences in pronunciation between words in each family. You can learn the most useful word families by referring to the AcademicWordList and by doing the exercises in EAS: Vocabulary. the level of the workers suggest that the economy is of the data is needed to confirm these


English for Academic Study

Identifying key ideas in lectures

In this unit you have practised identifying key points in a lecture and have seen how examples can help you understand a key point. You have also developed your understanding of relationships between ideas and learnt patterns of pronunciation and word stress in word families.

Whichtwostatementsabouthowalectureridentifieskeypointsinalectureare nottrue?Tick(3)thesetwofalsestatements. a. The lecturer may use signposting words and phrases to indicate a key point. b. The lecturer may use words and phrases that are specific to the topic of the lecture. c. The lecturer may stress important words and phrases. d. The lecturer may pause for a moment before introducing a key point. e. The lecturer may repeat some key points. f. The lecturer may speak very quickly at times to emphasize that a point is key. g. The lecturer may give examples to support a key point. h. The lecturer may give reasons why a point is important.

Tickthestatementbelowthatistrueforyou. a. I can now distinguish between key points and examples. b. I still get confused about the difference between key points and examples.

Whenalecturerusestypicalwordsandphrasestoindicateakeypoint,itiscalled signposting.Writeeightsignpostingwordsandphrasesfromtheunithere.

For web resources relevant to this book, see: www.englishforacademicstudy.com These weblinks will help you identify and practise key vocabulary and provide you with further listening practice related to business matters and as franchising..



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