LEAP: Learning English For Academic Purposes: Julia Williams, DR Ken Beatty
LEAP: Learning English For Academic Purposes: Julia Williams, DR Ken Beatty
LEAP: Learning English For Academic Purposes: Julia Williams, DR Ken Beatty
3 Levels Beginning Advanced This three-level course brings together all the tools, tips and techniques students need to speak clearly, accurately and fluently. Each level is organized into five parts vowels, consonants, stress, rhythm and intonation and offers a comprehensive yet highly accessible approach to pronunciation mastery.
Student Book with Student Audio CD-ROM Classroom Audio CDs Level 1 9780132314930 9780132314961 Level 2 9780132314947 9780132314985 Level 3 9780132315005 9780132315029
Writing Power
Karen Blanchard, Sue Peterson, Dorothy E. Zemach 4 Levels Beginning Advanced Writing Power helps students develop practical skills in a wide range of different written genres. Each book is organized into four parts focusing on an important aspect of writing proficiency. Units are created around a central topic or theme, guiding students through the complete writing process.
Writing Power Level 1 9780132314848 Level 2 9780132314855 Level 3 9780132314862 Level 4 9780132314879
Focus on Writing
Series Editor: John Beaumont
5 Levels Using a process approach to writing, students practice with careful guidance and internalize the essential steps that are essential to improve their confidence as writers.
Student Book w/ ProofWriter Level 1 9780132313506 Level 4 9780132313544 Level 2 9780132313520 Level 5 9780132313551 Level 3 9780132313537
3 Levels Using authentic writing excerpts Grammar for Writing provides students with the most essential grammar applications they need to become proficient writers.
Student Book w/ Class Audio CD Student Book Class Audio CD Level 1 9780132170307 9780138140014 9780131361911 Level 2 9780132170291 9780138140007 9780131361935
Focus on Vocabulary
Level 1: Diane Schmitt, Norbert Schmitt and David Mann Level 2: Diane Schmitt and Norbert Schmitt 2 Levels Now in an expanded two-book series, the research-based Focus on Vocabulary breaks down the task of vocabulary acquisition into achievable, short-term language goals.
Student Book Level 1 9780131376199 Level 2 9780131376175
EAP Now!
Kathy Cox and David Hill 2 Levels Equip your students with the necessary English language skills required for academic study at university. This two level course uses a thematic approach and covers areas such as critical thinking and note-taking.
EAP Now! Student Book Teachers Book Class Audio CDs 9781740910736 9781740910743 9781740910798 EAP Now! Preliminary 9780733978050 9780733978081 9780733978104
Real Reading
Series Editor: Lynn Bonesteel Series Consultant: Paul Nation with David Wiese and Alice Savage 4 Levels Real Reading creates an authentic reading experience for your students through carefullycontrolled texts, meaning-focused exercises and extensive vocabulary development. www.pearsonELT.com/realreading
Student Book w/ MP3 Level 1 9780136066545 Level 2 9780138146276 Level 3 9780137144433 Level 4 9780135057714
Reading Power
Beatrice S. Mikulecky and Linda Jeffries 4 Levels With Reading Power encourage your students to develop a strategic approach and view reading as a problem-solving activity rather than a translation exercise.
Student Book Teachers Guide w/ Sample Syllabus (w/ key) Test Booklet Level 1 9780138143893 9780138144470 9780132085342 Level 2 9780138143886 9780138143916 9780138143909 Level 3 9780132089036 9780132089050 9780132089043 Level 4 9780131990272 9780131990289
Contemporary Topics
Series Editor: Michael Rost 4 Levels With Contemporary Topics, make academic lectures accessible to students by developing their listening and note-taking skills through a series of diverse lectures.
Student Book w/ Audio CD Student Book w/ DVD Student Book Teachers Pack Class Audio CD DVD Introductory 9780132469432 9780132316040 9780132075176 9780132075206 9780132075190 9780132075183 Level 1 9780132469449 9780132316057 9780132355704 9780132424288 9780132424295 9780131358065 Level 2 9780132469401 9780132316071 9780132345248 9780136005155 9780136005148 9780131358096 Level 3 9780132469418 9780132316088 9780132345231 9780136005131 9780136005162 9780131358102
Engaging Writing
Mary Fitzpatrick 3 Levels Engaging Writing provides step-by-step instruction for intermediate to advanced learners in the key concepts and skills of academic writing.
Student Book w/ ProofWriter Level 1 9780131408890 Level 2 9780131963328 Level 3 9780131363342
Issues Series
Carol Numrich, in cooperation with NPR 3 Levels This academic listening and speaking series uses original National Public Radio broadcasts to provide students with a context for listening comprehension and discussion.
Face the Issues Student Book Class Audio CDs 9780131992184 9780131992207 NEW Consider the Issues 9780132314893 9780132314909 Raise the Issues 9780137007301 9780132443081
Listening Power
Bruce Rogers, Dorothy Zemach, David Bohlke and Tammy LeRoi Gilbert 3 Levels Target the listening skills that are needed both inside and outside of the classroom. This course puts emphasis on comprehension whilst encouraging students to listen for pleasure.
Student Book w/ Class Audio CD Student Book Class Audio CD Teachers Pack Level 1 9780132626491 9780136114215 9780132315418 9780136114222 Level 2 9780132626514 9780136114253 9780132315432 9780136114260 Level 3 9780132626484 9780136114284 9780132315449 9780136114291