DB Boring Specs
DB Boring Specs
DB Boring Specs
PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Work Included The work specied in this section consists of furnishing and installing underground utilities using the directional boring (horizontal directional drilling, HDD) method of installation, also commonly referred to as guided horizontal boring. This work shall include all services, equipment, materials, and labor for the complete and proper installation, testing, restoration of underground utilities and environmental protection and restoration. 1.02 Quality Assurance The requirements set forth in this document specify a wide range of procedural precautions necessary to insure that the very basic, essential aspects of a proper directional bore installation are adequately controlled. Strict adherence shall be required under specically covered conditions outlined in this specication. Adherence to the specications contained herein, or the Engineers approval of any aspect of any directional bore operation covered by this specication, shall in no way relieve the Contractor of their ultimate responsibility for the satisfactory completion of the work authorized under the Contract. 1.03 Submittals A. WORK PLAN: Prior to beginning work, the Contractor must submit to the Engineer a general work plan outlining the procedure and schedule to be used to execute the project. Plan should document the thoughtful planning required to successfully complete the project. B. EQUIPMENT: Contractor will submit specications on directional boring equipment to be used to ensure that the equipment will be adequate to complete the project. Spares inventory shall be included. C. MATERIAL: Specications on material to be used shall be submitted to Engineer. Material shall include the pipe, ttings and any other item which is to be an installed component of the project. D. PERSONNEL: Documentation of training and relevant experience of personnel shall be submitted. PART 2 - EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS 2.01 General The directional boring equipment shall consist of a directional boring rig of sufcient capacity to perform the bore and pullback the pipe, a boring uid mixing & delivery system of sufcient capacity to successfully complete the crossing, a guidance system to accurately guide boring operations and trained and competent personnel to operate the system. All equipment shall be in good, safe operating condition with sufcient supplies, materials and spare parts on hand to maintain the system in good working order for the duration of this project.
2.02 Boring System A. BORING RIG: The directional boring machine shall consist of a hydraulically powered system to rotate, push and pull hollow drill pipe into the ground at a variable angle while delivering a pressurized uid mixture to a guidable drill (bore) head. The machine shall be anchored to the ground to withstand the pulling, pushing and rotating pressure required to complete the crossing. The hydraulic power system shall be self-contained with sufcient pressure and volume to power boring operations. Hydraulic system shall be free of leaks. Rig shall have a system to monitor and record maximum pull-back pressure during pull-back operations. The rig shall be grounded during boring and pull-back operations. Sufcient spares shall be kept on hand for any break-downs which can be reasonably anticipated. B. BORE HEAD: The bore head shall be steerable by changing its rotation and shall provide the necessary cutting surfaces and boring uid jets. C. MUD MOTORS (if required): Mud motors shall be of adequate power to turn the required boring tools. D. DRILL PIPE: Shall be constructed of high quality 4130 seamless tubing, grade D or better, with threaded box and pins. Tool joints should be hardened to 32-36 RC. 2.03 Guidance System The Guidance System shall be of a proven type and shall be setup and operated by personnel trained and experienced with this system. The Operator shall be aware of any magnetic anomalies and shall consider such inuences in the operation of the guidance system if using a magnetic system. 2.04 Boring Fluid (Mud) System A. MIXING SYSTEM: A self-contained, closed, boring uid mixing system shall be of sufcient size to mix and deliver boring uid composed of bentonite clay, potable water and appropriate additives. Mixing system shall be able to molecularly shear individual bentonite particles from the dry powder to avoid clumping and ensure thorough mixing. The boring uid reservoir tank shall be a minimum of ____ gallons. Mixing system shall continually agitate the boring uid during boring operations. B. Boring FLUIDS: Drilling uid shall be composed of clean water and an appropriate additive. Water shall be from a clean source with a pH of 8.5 - 10. Water of a lower pH or with excessive calcium shall be treated with the appropriate amount of sodium carbonate or equal. The water and additives shall be mixed thoroughly and be absent of any clumps or clods. No hazardous additives may be used. Boring uid shall be maintained at a viscosity sufcient to suspend cuttings and maintain the integrity of bore wall.
C. DELIVERY SYSTEM: The mud pumping system shall have a minimum capacity of ____ GPM and be capable of delivering the boring uid at a constant minimum pressure of ______ psi. The delivery system shall have lters in-line to prevent solids from being pumped into the drill pipe. Connections between the pump and drill pipe shall be relatively leak-free. Used boring uid and boring uid spilled during boring operations shall be contained and properly diposed of. A berm, minimum of 12 high, shall be maintained around boring equipment, boring uid mixing system, entry and exit pits and boring uid recycling system (if used) to prevent spills into the surrounding environment. Pumps and or vacuum truck(s) of sufcient size shall be in place to convey excess boring uid from containment areas to storage facilities. 2.05 Other Equipment: A. PIPE ROLLERS: Pipe rollers, if required, shall be of sufcient size to fully support the weight of the pipe while being hydro-tested and during pull-back operations. Sufcient number of rollers shall used to prevent excess sagging of pipe. B. PIPE RAMMERS/PULLERS: Hydraulic or pneumatic pipe rammers or pullers may only be used if necessary and with the authorization of Engineer. 2.05 Other Equipment Other devices or utility placement systems for providing horizontal thrust other than those previously dened in the preceding sections shall not be used unless approved by the Engineer prior to commencement of the work. Consideration for approval will be made on an individual basis for each specied location. The proposed device or system will be evaluated prior to approval or rejection on its potential ability to complete the utility placement satisfactorily without undue stoppage and to maintain line and grade within the tolerances prescribed by the particular conditions of the project. PART 3 - OPERATIONS 3.01 General The Engineer must be notied 48 hours in advance of starting work. The Directional Bore shall not begin until the Engineer is present at the job site and agrees that proper preparations for the operation have been made. The Engineer approval for beginning the installation shall in no way relieve the Contractor of the ultimate responsibility for the satisfactory completion of the work as authorized under the Contract. It shall be the responsibility of Engineer to provide inspection personnel at such times as appropriate without causing undue hardship by reason of delay to the Contractor. 3.02 Personnel Requirements All personnel shall be fully trained in their respective duties as part of the directional boring crew and in safety. Training shall be provided specic to the project if any potential hazards may be encountered which has not already been included in personnels training.
3.03 Boring Procedure A. SITE PREPARATION: Prior to any alterations to work-site, contractor shall photograph or video tape entire work area, including entry and exit points. One copy of which shall be given to Engineer and one copy to remain with contractor for a period of one year following the completion of the project. Work site as indicated on drawings, within right-of-way, shall be graded or lled to provide a level working area. No alterations beyond what is required for operations are to be made. Contractor shall conne all activities to designated work areas. B. BORE PATH SURVEY: Entire drill path shall be accurately surveyed with entry and exit stakes placed in the appropriate locations within the areas indicated on drawings. If contractor is using a magnetic guidance system, drill path will be surveyed for any surface geo-magnetic variations or anomalies. C. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Contractor shall place silt fence between all boring operations and any drainage, wetland, waterway or other area designated for such protection by contract documents, state, federal and local regulations. Additional environmental protection necessary to contain any hydraulic or boring uid spills shall be put in place, including berms, liners, turbidity curtains and other measures. Contractor shall adhere to all applicable environmental regulations. Fuel or oil may not be stored in bulk containers within 200 of any water-body or wetland. D. UTILITY LOCATES: Contactor shall notify all companies with underground utilities in the work area via the state or local one-call to obtain utility locates. Once the utilities have been located Contractor shall physically identify the exact location of the utilities by vaccuum or hand excavation, when possible, in order to determine the actual location and path of any underground utilities which might be within 20 feet of the bore path. Contractor shall not commence boring operations until the location of all underground utilities within the work area have been veried. E. SAFETY: Contractor shall adhere to all applicable state, federal and local safety regulations and all operations shall be conducted in a safe manner. Safety meetings shall be conducted at least weekly with a written record of attendance and topic submitted to Engineer. F. PIPE: Pipe shall be connected together in one length prior to pull-back operations, if space permits. Steel pipe welds will be X-rayed prior to being placed in bore hole. Pipe will be placed on pipe rollers before pulling into bore hole with rollers spaced close enough to prevent excessive sagging of pipe. G. PILOT HOLE: Pilot hole shall be drilled on bore path with no deviations greater than 5% of depth over a length of 100. In the event that pilot does deviate from bore path more than 5% of depth in 100, contractor will notify Engineer and Engineer may require contractor to pull-back and re-drill from the location along bore path before the deviation. In the event that a boring uid fracture, inadvertent returns or returns loss occurs during pilot hole boring operations, contractor shall cease boring, wait at least 30 minutes, inject a quantity of boring uid with a viscosity exceeding 120 seconds as measured by a March funnel and then wait another 30 minutes. If mud fracture or returns loss continues, contractor will cease operations and notify Engineer. Engineer and contractor will discuss additional options and work will then proceed accordingly.
H. REAMING: Upon successful completion of pilot hole, contractor will ream bore hole to a minimum of 25% greater than outside diameter of pipe using the appropriate tools. Contractor will not attempt to ream at one time more than the boring equipment and mud system are designed to safely handle. I. PULL-BACK: After successfully reaming bore hole to the required diameter, contractor will pull the pipe through the bore hole. In front of the pipe will be a swivel. Once pull-back operations have commenced, operations must continue without interruption until pipe is completely pulled into bore hole. During pull-back operations contractor will not apply more than the maximum safe pipe pull pressure at any time. In the event that pipe becomes stuck, contractor will cease pulling operations to allow any potential hydro-lock to subside and will commence pulling operations. If pipe remains stuck, contractor will notify Engineer. Engineer and contractor will discuss options and then work will proceed accordingly. 3.04 Pipe Testing Following successful pull-back of pipe, contractor will hydro-test pipe using potable water for a period of __ hours at a pressure of ____ psi. A calibrated pressure recorder will be used to record the pressure during the test period. This record will presented to Engineer. After successful completion of hydro-test, pipe will pigged dry. 3.05 Site Restoration Following boring operations, contractor will de-mobilize equipment and restore the work-site to original condition. All excavations will be backlled and compacted to 95% of original density. Landscaping will be restored to original. 3.06 Record Keeping, As-Builts Contractor shall maintain a daily project log of boring operations and a guidance system log with a copy given to Engineer at completion of project. As-built drawings shall be certied as to accuracy by contractor. Third-party verication of as-built drawings may be done, at owners expense. [END]