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Engg Physics June 2012 New

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First/Second Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June 2012 Engineering Physics

Time: 3 hrs.

Max . Marks: I00

Note: 1. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least two from each part. 2. Answer all objective type questions only on OMR sheet page 5 of the answer booklet. 3. Answer to objective type questions on sheets other than OMR will not be valued. 4. Constants to be given, mass of electron = 9.11 x 10-31 kg, e = 1.6 x 10-19C, 8 34 23 c =3 x 10 m!s, h =6.626 x I0- ]S, k =1.38 x 10- Jlk, to= 8.854 x 10-12 F!m, NA = 6.022 X Uf 61K mole. PART-A (04 Marks) 1 a. Choose your answers for the following : of Rayleigh-Jeans law in explaining the i) Ultraviolet catastrophe is the failure black-body radiation for wave length. B) longer than that of violet light A) equal to that in visible range C) shorter than that of violet light D) None of these Photo-electric effect establishes ii) A) wave nature of light B) particle nature of light C) dual nature of light D) None of these 4 iii) If the group velocity ofthe de-Broglie waves associated with a particle is 3 x 10 rn/s, the ve locity of the partic le is A) 3 X I 0 8 rnls B) 3 X I 0 12 rnls C) 3 X I 0 4 rnls D) None of these iv) The Compton wavelength is given by A) h/m0 cB) h2/m0 c 2 C) h/m0 C D) h2/2m0 C b. State de-Broglie hypothesis. Using the de-Broglie wavelength expression, show that an electron acce lerated by a potential difference V volt is A.= 1.226 x 10-9/ ~. (05 Marks) c . Define group velocity and obtain expression for the same. (06 Marks) d. Find the de-Broglie wavelength of an electron accelerated through a potential difference of 182 vo lts and object of mass I kg moving with a speed of (1 rn/s) compare the resu lts and comment. (05 Marks)



Choose your answers for the following : (04 Marks) i) lfthe uncertainity in momentum is large, the uncertainity in wavelength is B) Large C) Zero D) None of these A) Small If the wave packet is narrow then there is ii) B) Small uncertainity in mome ntum A) Large uncertainity in momentum D) None of these C) No uncertainity in momentum iii) An e lectron, a proton and an a -particle are enc losed in three one dimensional boxes of the same width. The energy levels will be closer together for C) Alpha particle D) None of these A) Electron B) Proton iv) If the electron moves in one-dimensional box of length 2nm, the normalization constant is

A) 1(nmr 112

B) 2(nmr'

D) None of these

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b. c. d. State Heisenberg's uncertamtty principle. Using uncertainity principle explain the (07 Marks) non-existence of electron in the nucleus. Set up time independent Schrodinger wave equation for free particle in one-dimension us ing complex variables . Write the expression for zero point energy. (05 Marks) A particle moving in one-dimension box is described by the wave function


[ .J3]

for 0 < x < l e lsewhere



Find the probability of finding the particle within the interval ( 0,


(04 Marks)


Choose your answers for the following : (04 Marks) i) In c lassical free electron theory, the electric field due to ion cores. B) is assumed to be periodic A) is neglected C) is assumed to be constant D) None of these ii) Mobil ity of electron is A) reciprocal of electrical conductivity B) acceleration of electron per unit ele. field C) average drift velocity per unit electric field D) None of these iii) If EF is the Fermi energy at absolute zero, then mean energy of the electron at absolute zero ts A) E= 1.5 EF
B) E =-EF

- 2 . 3 C) E = - E F D) E =- E F 5 3 5 iv) The resistivity of metals is due to scattering of electron by A) phonons B) lattice imperfection C) impurities D) All of these b. Explain the terms .i) Relaxation time; ii) Mean co llision time ; iii) Drift velocity (06 Marks) c . Define Fermi energy. Discuss the Fermi factor f(cr) for cases E < EF, E > EF at T = 0, E = EF at T t:. 0. (05 Marks) d. Calcu late the conductivity of sodium given "tm = 2 x 10 14S. Density of sod ium is 971 kg/mt 3. its atomic weight is 23 and has one conduction electron/atom. (05 Marks)


Choose your answers for the following : i) The e lectric dipole moment per unit volume is A) Magnetization B) Dipole moment C) Electric polarization D) Electric susceptibi lity. ii) The comparatively, high value of tr for water suggests that it is A) Semi conductor B) Conductor C) Di-electric D) Superconductor iii) All materials have A) Diamagnetic property B) Ferrimagnetic property C) Ferromegnetic property D) Paramagnetic property iv) In ionic solid dielectric as the temperature increases the ionic polarization A) Increases B) decreases C) remain constant D) None of these

(04 Marks)

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b. c. d. Derive Clausius-Mossotti equation. (05 Marks) Describe any three polarization mechanisms with example. (06 Marks) 28 3 An e lemental so lid containing 2 x I 0 atoms/mt shows an electronic polarizability of 2 x 10 4 Fmt2 . Assuming a Lorentz force field to be operative, calculate the di-electric constant of the material. (05 Marks)

(04 Marks) Choose your answers for the following : i) Spontaneous emission of light produces A) coherent light B) incoherent light D) None of these C) unidirectional light ii) The He-Ne laser is a B) high power pulsed laser A) high power continuous laser C) low power continuous laser D) low power pulsed laser iii) The life time of an atom in a metastable state is of the order of M a few seconds B) unlimited time C) a nanosecond D) few mil liseconds. iv) From a broken hologram which is 10% of the original, if reconstruction of image is being done, then A) only I 0% of information of the object can be obtained. B) complete information of the object is obtained. C) no information of the object can be obtained. D ) None of these Explain the terms i) Resonant cavity; ii) Metastable state; iii) Stimulated emission. (06 Marks) Describe the construction and working of He-Ne laser with the help of energy leve l diagram. (06 Marks)

b. c. d.

The ratio of population of two energy levels is 1.059 x 10' e mitted at 330K.


Find the wavelength of light

(04 Marks)


b. c. d.

Choose your answers for the following : (04 Marks) i) In a superconductor in superconducting state critical magnetic field A) increases if temperature decreases B) increase with increase in temperature C) does not depend on temperature D) remain content ii) If the optical fibre is kept in a medium of 1-! > I instead of air, the acceptance ang le A) increases B) decreases C) remains same D) None of these iii) Attenuat ion in optic fibre is due to A) absorption B) scattering C) radiation loss D) all the above iv) Numerical aperture of an optical fibre depends on A) acceptance angle B) 11 of cladding C) 'll core of material D) All of these Discuss the different types of optical fibres with suitable diagrams. (06 Marks) Write a short note on Mass lex vehicles. (05 Marks) Calculate the N.A. , V -number and number of modes in an optical fibre of core diameter 501-!m, core and cladding refractive indices 1.41 and 1.4 at wavelength 820 nm. (05 Marks)

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Choose your answers for the following : (04 Marks) i) A crystal of tetragonal lattice has A) a= b = c B) a 1= b 1= c C) a = b 1= c D) a 1= b = c ii) The relation between atomic radius rand lattice constant a in FCC structure is A) a= 2R B) a=

2.J2 R

C) a =


D) a =


b. c. d.

iii) Packing factor of diamond crystal is A) 34% B) 52% C) 68% D) 74% iv) Which of the following unit cells is a primitive cell? A) Simple cubic B) bee C) FCC D) None of these Derive an ex pression for interplanar spacing in a cubic system. (05 Marks) Explain how Bragg ' s spectrometer is used for determination of interplanar spacing in a crystal. (06 Marks) Calculate the energy of electron that produces Bragg's diffraction of first order at glancing 0 angle of 22 when incident on crystal with interplanar spacing of 1.8 A (OS Marks) Choose your answers for the following : (04 Marks) i) The nanostructure reduced in only one direction is known as A) quantum dot B) quantum wire C) quantum well D) film ii) Fullerene is a A) molecule B) atom C) chemical mixture D) nano particle iii) Testing of a product without causing any damage is called A) minute testing B) destructive testing C) non-destructive testing D) random testing iv) The signal due to a reflected wave is called A) transmitted wave B) longitudinal wave C) echo D) peaco With simple illustration describe the two methods of preparation of nano materials. What are the potential applications of carbon nanotubes? Describe in brief a method of measuring velocity of ultrasonic waves in a liquid.
(05 Marks) (05 Marks) (06 Marks)


b. c. d.


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