Ozone Water Plans
Ozone Water Plans
Ozone Water Plans
Ir.rr '{,i
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l o L o \ ! l h c l h i f d ( ) \ ! ! c n l 1 ( ! n r L n ( l f { ) r r ) l r i I\c , i t h \ \ 1 4 1 r 1 ! ! errt o n r r l c l D ( o \ i . t i l i r l i o r ) . l h i s p f o I ) c f r \ n r r k e \ i t l h c D o s t l c t i v c o \ i d i r e f k . \ \ n . \ \ , i r ht | . . \ c c p L r o no l L | c \ , c r vh r T . I c l o L rfs l r . n t n ! s r s l O z o n c n o n n . r lp r . s ! r L f c ls . ( , l n l e s \ . r 1 1|d i ) t L r c t s s r r p l c . r s i r s l . s h r t i f o d o r . l 1 c n t i k e r l 1 | 1 r L ( eu n o t d . r I r s h i l ) n c d h U r d e r s l . rl l l . L r n . l c rf r ! \ ! u f . , i r h c c o m c s t r t r , . . , r l l e c l c . l b I p H . a s i s e h l L r l . i n c , l h u sa k i I r gi l r n c r c . l m l e n l c r u i d : L t cb r p o o h .s f ; r s L l u n . t r i c s . l l r d . r ) . l r l l . g \ rter trcirlment alfliclLi{rns. Il ir lnlln\I tnncs nnrlc r o l L r l r t ie l v e l L . r . r r t h c r . f h r n c i n g i l \ p u r i t i , i l g n h illrct. Ozol. rlill c.nnbin. \\'ith .:tirronlic rirr.ogcf Nr. iiirnring nxrous oxide.lNO.TIis olii.tc q ickh, c.D b i r r . s\ ! i l h r l a t c r l o r m i r g n i t l i c a c i d . I I N O . . l l M s !r11en rcrl Lrnde(ifrblc effect whcn uscd *itl, a sn:Lighllir. l,urc .rxvgengrcallv nrinnnjres this cllcll irrd is olicu requifcd ir1lnan! iirFticariors. Howevef. L l r o s ec q u r i n q a s r o 1 . , . i ( ^ . t t \ r , . . . , . ,
ibr nilratioDmat,wishto consiclef ozoneand air with a condensing apparatus ohtalntlis usciul acid.A to condensing apparatus takesvaportuonlthe ozonegft alongwith wrlcr andnitrogcn1()lonn a liclujdbvcon tactingthcm with coolersLr|{aces. liquid 0ro{, lhe nitric acid)llowsdownnrto a collccljon conLrincrb! gravil!:lr 1lc srnc way thc old Lincrsnirdc nroon shnic.llris scsiLsnnpl., .rndbasicchemicaL reacliul I 2N: 2HrO,\'ields + H,O + where 2C)' 2H(NO) ?NO.
LLfags 6enerateOzone to
argeof OToni .iir :i .rodured bv rn electlical disch wr!c. A high b\ a lxsh tliqurnc\ elecLr(,nagnclic ffequ3n.\ .equiresrhe Naveto be in lh Lrltraviolct $h.rr I'lancks energl fomrula.ly: ,('n,, specrrum \ r J r r r' , i _ . a . i n . r . . r r ' . l h i ' : . { ' e r i , e r p \ n r r \a\ e Facl3tin cr.!\is e(lual PLrnck's cons1lrnl 1{r rh. dividcclby thc Lim.s spc.dol lightin ccntiflctcrs $a\.lcnsrhin ccnrjnrcten. is thisner.ey l lt lh cnu\.\ rh. nrhlc O. 10hrcrk up ind rcco bincwillr other O: lo torm unsl Lrle C;srnricidal O,. hrnFs i)pcfatingal l5-i.7 nnnornctcN pfoduceLrzone. crn pfesenled ulilizcs ozoneThc lllelhod hcrc the producing propcnicsol rn cl.'ctrjcnl .lischnrgc.Wc (he ha\c all.nt onetinrc. snrclled bl.Pl.(rducls o[ Allcr x lhundofsl|)r'ln. bc dcLecLcd, it crtn ris ozone. \cllns or cc aind.rrs whcfcclcctficLrirctivity rs r such sfn\\ning sl(nnrA Vfl1{lngcloctrlcdischirrgc rs brushcs ir nrot(n'will on cfciltc ozonc :rls(). Ouf nlethod uscs nrc(lll r lubewilh il conduckll n ningdownthc cenlcr'. c(nrdLlct(n thc tuhc ]_hc rnd Lrre insrLhled one.rnolhcr muslsuppcnl by rnd lhc highlrequercy highvollrgcneccssirf! cre0ld to rnd 0 bfcakiIgcb\\,n inloan lrc. lhc ozoric co|.na wi(houl jn produced thc lubullrcrvilymuslLre mrde to ilow r r , . I s , , r n r . r i ". ' " c , ' ' l , , rIE ., - t ' - , r . h , r ! . . i " J I his Drcthod. \'lrile pftxlucingus.rble ozone. h.rs several disadvrntages. I'irst.uofrMl rir contains nitfo gcrrthat lil(csb conibiic 'ith thc ozonc1() producc nilrous oridcs. Sccond. conlaiis lvNl0r'ir linnr air !hc gcllirg iD!o Lrtrsic ol nroistur Wi1|our c. ohcDriitr),. we kno$'thal waterplusnitrousoile formsnitric rcnl. $'hichis corrosi!can.l urrdcsnrblclirr:in pufillcalion applicarions. Howcvcr.r vcry cllccrilc wav ol niiling this acidis 1() ill.!! tho oxidcs1.rconibincwi!h wale) vDporor slcrln and condcnsc I coolinglubc,pro in duciDg concentrrted nilric acidlhat car be usedn rhe manulactufe highcxplosivcs. 5 gran pcr of lhc hour lyslen caDproduce eroughnitricacidthal.when nlixedwirh barteryacid (sulfuricacid).car produce u!!ble anrounls highexplosives the sinlple ot by nilr a!ior oI mary or-sanic compouDds.
0zonefor Lllater
grolrnd Il js cstinrtcdthrt l0 |crconlol aLl w|Lcris contrnrinlcl:lbr |cstici(lcs. bcnzcrc. phcnol llr)d dcrivlrtivc\ wjlh olhcr rLndcsir'irble rilong ofunnic nrb stanccs. Ozoncc n oxidizcnrrn.r- thcsccoflpounds. ol rl(nrg wilh dercljvirling Inirn!viruscsnd h!fnrlul ' . . ( l . r i ( r / o r J s r l l . , . ' . ' \ i . l i l J J J f ir,.'ir r : ,r i t) .l f . ' r r t ' . , , . I . l , . . I JA i 1 1 ' r r . l j r r n r : r - N r . r k r r ; themnxfc cLtsily fcuro!'ll)lc filtrrlion. 1)! (lhlolilrc bronlin!rrc (ttcn thc choice ancl ol jin swirnlning pools sJrLrs.The disificctrnl rlnd ellecl of lhesc hrlog.lsisoi,rn dictltcdb! fH, tcnfcrrturc. nrrdigi!Ntidi. Exrcnc hcrilrnclrgilntionQul producc ' ( l l . . , l . , l r . .\ . ) r ' , \ i r : r . r ' r u a i , . l l r 1 , , " ' , a , . , t A \ ' ' , ,1 l P \ l . . J r . J \ r r L i - !, ) , r , , 1 t , ,'1t . t i . J , bok rl lhesechelnicals thisusc. lof Ozonc 1r!atcdwurorwilt dcsrroy lungus. moLd. prlhogcn\ .rndmttny lblLnd wrter whenLrsecllof in wrshing liuitsard vegcrabies packi|gliDes.whcn in dischrrged. ozonecauscs littlc ch:rngc thc hcnoli 1(]l cial haclcin nr scwagc trcatmentl|cilities. AddjlionaLl!. tred y caught fish will lastlongef $ , . , ,\ r ' h ( J \ i r , o , , u( - r ( . r e , l q : i , , , r Jn o . \ r oxidi^ng actnDcaneliminate oclo|sfrom srorcd cheese. storage Egg tinle is incrcascd,nrd wino crn bc agcdiaslcr'.Thc removaL olodors pfoducedhy the bleachhgof beeswax. stafch. our,sira\\,. fl bonc!..rn d Ieathefs e all:ricled ozonctrcatn1cnr. bl, Al!). thc grease Nar on cotto ancl aDd wool fibcrscanbc deconposed ozone, b,v andsra! mold on rhc surlacc of fruits and vcgctablcs bc cortrolled b), ozone. can
you requirefrom Fgure 26-2. Sclcctthe system with the maling power Note thal eachis complete sL'ppiy. Wire up lhe systc asdirectedin Figure26 3. Obtain asuitableair supplyand conneclup the hoses li^r. lor Jr shu\\nL \ o/!nc rr.r.ldnlmalerirl c!'nrr'. to the cell. Tlrn on thc air supplyand l1otea bubblingtiom the rhe oulpul hoscimnrcrscdunder w ler.Apply powerto the high vollagcand note a distiDct sDlell comiDg iionr thc hosewhenpulledoul of lhc watef. Rcilscrt and rig the hoseend !o stayunder thc thc waler.Thcunit is now ozonilting watcr.
C 1.5-3 FM'
' M u h p yC F Mb y2 83 t o g e iL i l e r p e m l n u l e s
powersuppy readyto 26_3 connect as shown ngure up on witha maichng and EachDATA BASE# svstem iscompete FlsuiF:5-2 .llt/n nl, t'oa ,p' ' tt'i,,,t;'n.
r_! i'sh-/o 696 oore,J6 s.!6d r.o wrh rho0pp'opiar6 ozon6.sr rsur25.2 oi
uso ozon6 rediElan ubiq !u.h as vToFor NvFALoN rorcdnn6.roi lorh6col ..:'( !:-"-".1:.: 1.1s !1.1 :'r olrc Fs r.6 hsl . o !e6 o-bL.r,ree40- F h q. .o . so p o * b r oo o . o i h { .
coRr) DB Part #
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