130-133 - MURPHY - Prepositions
130-133 - MURPHY - Prepositions
130-133 - MURPHY - Prepositions
I dreamcd abour rou hst fl!.ht. (shcn I \v]s.]rl.cpl
dreem 0f bcrrg v,rrcLhin!. / doinil nnircrhnrg l= nnxqilrcl:
I <nr.'n drcao ot bcing nch.
''Drn r rcll rnvonc irh,t I s.rrtl. No. 1 irouldrr\ drtam of,t. t= I rvould ntlcr do it)
l)rd vou hcer rhout rh. riglt irr rht resraLrranr on SerLrrcl.rr nigLti
hcar OF... 1= knoN thrr somebodr/srrnrthing crists):
''§h,,rs lom H,rrr? 1hrv.'noidc,r. Iven.rcrhcardoihim. (rot hcrrd tlonr htrn)
,tlr.), hr.rr FIION{ . . . (= ,cccir e .r lcttcr or pLonc crll ir»;r somebotlr ),
''Hrvcrouheanlnomlisrl.rrclii \ts. 1 got .r le tttr ilom f cn ics darsrg".'
Rêmih.llwarn sonebody to - . .
1. l)irl r or lrcrr l rt L[.' 1..rrir on S.rtLrrdr. i
har lr,rp1,urtcl
2. r 'rnngc dre.rn, esr rishr.
t1,rr1 didi \\'hrr d,d iou Jre,r,,
Y<,u i-
.). Ou nr:l*l,h<r'cornpl,rircl ,,s th.toir!'l. n,.rr['Ir't rrigLr.
.+. k!'rr \.\ .(nirt)l.rin1rg prin. lr hi. .lrt'1. ht rt.'rr «, if.' rlort<,r.
j. I hrc rl,l' r,r'i.. lL rifrLnJ' u,c 'o rn
r n.,i,r Ll,r. 'prrrl:..
6. I lt lor ts l,l' tol,. I Ic rhinlr hi' iob .r11 tl,i trrrrc. Lc Jrc.rL,rs ir. h,:
-. I rrit.j ro rl r.'rr1.,'r r,rnc ol rht boo'r. Lrrt I coulJrr'r tlrrrrl
rirL: rt.
S. lxrrcr §,,lnr.d nrc rlrc r.rrtr \hr;.rid it le.,, r..ric to rlrinl'.
!. \\i r,rnrd our chilJr.'r t5. d.rnlcfs ot l.l.r\lfs i,, 11,. \1r..r.
. l, .l 'il,
, \\ r ,,,,
I lll. ro h.1r'. ri.,( ro fr,rhc Llcci'ions. I liLc ro tllrrgs c.rr,-tLr11r.
I (lor'r lino§ rrhr. to srr ,\nli n)r h.r |lrr!r.1,r\. (1.ùr \oLr ,rnrrhirr:
\\,hxt .{id \ o'r ih. [(!)li I hrrt \ ou: D]cl r oL, lilc irl
Vr'rc goLng ont io! Jlnllr. tonighr' \{tllJ i oLr Iilc «r ton l
I dor't l1'.rll\ \!.rn. n) iro oor \ r1h S.rnr. l ll hl.'t<r
(l.rrîl is lu\ horncsicl. Sht\,tls.rls fer i,trrrrlr b.rck horrrc.
\VLcr I lrs oilrn'.i rht ioLr. I.l;d,r1 ,r..qrr rnrnri'rll.rt,lr.l rvrnr e*ei ,rrrcl
lr n)r r shil.. ln rhc.'rr{ I dcciclt.l ro rrL. thi 1oL.
I rlni nrLrch rlris coilit. h l.r\LL's lrkc w.rtu'r-
Verb + Preposition (4) - of/for/from/on
'''\\rhrr rime rvill rou gct rl.'re) "1 don t knor" lr dcpcodr on rhc rr.rfiic''
YoLr err rclv on Jill. shc.rhlls kccps her prrrris.'s.
'ri,u c.rn Lrse dcpcnd + *hcnÀr hcLe/hott, crc. (qu.srioir \ or.ls). § ith (r rr i$orrr on:
i ' .\rt r <rr going «, LrLl it? 1t dcPe.d§ holï rlru.ll ir is. (ô,. (lcn.nLls on hot much)
i lirc ON lmonct/nxrdt:
(;rorg.s sal.tr\ rsrtrr lot. It isn't cnolgh «r livc on
coograrulate (somcrnc) ON... / complimcnt i«,nrcbo(l-v) ON...:
I congratulatcd Lel on bcirrg,tdrnrrttd to Ir* school.
.!. lhirgs rrc ic,i che.rp thcre Yorr c,rn rrrl little rnonet'
6. \Vhcir I s.nr ll.rrt. I him l.rssirrq his clrivins tc'r'
7. YoLr i!.re \,.r\ r'udr «r P.,t. l)ont rou thrnk lotr shorld h':ri
bclicrc I:i...:
l)o rou belisc in (lodi 1= (jo lor l.rlrr\. rh.r. C,od.\ld.:l
Iheli§r: in ',rrfg rh.rL I LhrrL. l= li.rl .'r. rt r< r 111'r ro s.rr \1i i I rhrrlI
spccializi IN... :
OL:r lrrusc u,rs b«ntcn in«r.r tor d.rr;.ruo. bLrr rorhrng r.rs 'to , r.
crrrh/drirc/burnp/run INTO.. . :
\\'h.rr hippcr.d .o rhit g<, N.rrclr r ou uçrLt ro l,.rr L I l- \\'h r i. ir :ror j
prelcr r»r i,,r-1|rnor TO.1norh.r:
I prclcr t.i to L:oll.r.
l)ofi krrl our thc urrdo§. Conccntmtc on i rur \\ o|k.
I rerrreLl ro 11, rIrrr. l,lr rho in,;istetl or comins rirlr rrr.
sp.nd iÙ,,!,(\ ION...:
H<,r ,rucL nronci Jo rou qrcnd on nxrlc.rch rtrhi
.:r1,$ ni .*", "'. ' -r,,' ."1,1 th! n,llos rns sîr J!:
in on up âwây around about over b,v
out off do*n back through along forrvard
S{) }oLr can sr! plrt off / run auar, ctc. I hese verhs arc ÿl)trsnl t\r-l,s.
on1 / get on / takc
We ohcr usc out/off/up, ctc., *irh lcrbs oi nrt,vcrnent ltr clrrnpli':
get on Thc brrs wes fLrll. Wc coLrldn\ gct on
drive off A srrman gor rn«r rhe car rrrd drovc off.
come back Salh is lctring «rmorrorv and conrirrg back on Seturtlar'.
trrrn around \!hen I «ruchcd him or tht shoulder'. hc turncd around.
Llut ofrcn the second ivord {out/off/up, ctc.)gires a spccial me.rning ro thc rcrb. ) or cr,rrtrple:
break do§n Sorn l'm lare. Thc car brolte down. (= rhe enginc stopped §rrrklng)
look out l'ool our! I hcr€ s i citr comine (= Lt c'tr''iul)
take off k rvas r:rl firsr ilight l rvas nervous as thc pl:rnt took off. (= l'nr rrrro
the rir)
gc1 up I l as vcr'y tircd thrs mr)rning. I couldn'. gcr uP. 1= gct our oi herl)
gct b}, \lv lllprncsc isn\ l,er) goorl, bur it s enorrgh «) get by. (= n) mrfailcl
Sometimes r phr.rs.rl vcrb h.rs .rn oàrl( i. tlsurllv thcrc ere nvo pos\ibl€ l,ositiolr\ itlr thc
ohjcct. So -vou crn sry: 'I
1 turned off the light. r»' the light
If thr: ohjcct is e prorrr.,rrl (irlthenr/mc/him, erc.), orriY on€ position is possiblc;
I turncd il off. lr.)i I türned off it)
Some molc cr.rmples:
rhrs f,,rrrr
(,,! .r \"u I fill out
rhi. h,., ourl
Thev gavr me a i»rr and tolcl nre «, fill it out. lrrot fiLlout u)
, lbrerlrnq do"n r\' ''' "r'
r r o,, ."9,,r ,,.,,,,r.. .,,.,,.r.\
ibr".rt ;nËrh.J,,,, ,1""n.
Thc door nar't loched. Whv did rhe police break it down? (rr)r brc.rk do\!n ir)
c«rss our girc arar mrLc Lrp çec off l= scr rorrrl.oJr L rr' r
1h.t bo\ \!ur clqlrcrtc i jlchc! th. rcl!\i\;orr n \ord ir ir thcnr hrnr
''l)o \ou ltrrri rhL: Lrori \o. ror c.rrr tlrou 1rBr\
Shll Il:r el,llrl,cn -rrr',r'licp. l)orri r.r1« " ' iL I
. \oirtrl\ 1( n.t.lri.g lr- lotll
lofr q(n r.r\ ,rrr!r\ ,rnLl 't.r|rrrl shourrng. 1r i.rl ro,:rlrrr .1(1(i\r1l
I1r'1rl in lri sror,::. brrr I JrJf t l'ri\ i' l(nrl
l']li.,'r fL,r ' I Irl\ i' r fo 'rr!ol'if!r '1i'1' l.Irl
lr r.r; onlr .r çnr.rll iirc. I l.r' rblr «r pL:t rlriLc c.r'lli loLrrr
rrr.r Jl.rrorr.L,, ll rou Ior'r lnorr jt nr.rrr.. lLrll
)ou c,rn |r,L \1r,rr