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130-133 - MURPHY - Prepositions

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Verb + Preposition (3) - about and of

I dreamcd abour rou hst fl!.ht. (shcn I \v]s.]rl.cpl
dreem 0f bcrrg v,rrcLhin!. / doinil nnircrhnrg l= nnxqilrcl:
I <nr.'n drcao ot bcing nch.
''Drn r rcll rnvonc irh,t I s.rrtl. No. 1 irouldrr\ drtam of,t. t= I rvould ntlcr do it)

l)rd vou hcer rhout rh. riglt irr rht resraLrranr on SerLrrcl.rr nigLti
hcar OF... 1= knoN thrr somebodr/srrnrthing crists):
''§h,,rs lom H,rrr? 1hrv.'noidc,r. Iven.rcrhcardoihim. (rot hcrrd tlonr htrn)
,tlr.), hr.rr FIION{ . . . (= ,cccir e .r lcttcr or pLonc crll ir»;r somebotlr ),
''Hrvcrouheanlnomlisrl.rrclii \ts. 1 got .r le tttr ilom f cn ics darsrg".'

think ABOUI ... rnclthinkOF ..

\\rhen 1ou rhink AltOlJT somtrlrirg, rou considcr it. louconccrrrr'rrcloLrrrrlldonir'
Yol look rcrious. WL.rr ilr.'\ou thinkins abour?
''Will r,oLr Iend mc thc monev? l ll think about it.
\\'hcn rou rhink O[ sonrrthi,rg. drr' idcr c(llni'r ro i oLrr rnrncl:
I Ic old rnc Lrs n.rnt. L)Lrr I ..rn t think of ir ro\. lrrl rhml ibour irl
lhris I qrxr.l jder. \\rhr rlidnt I think of drati ("or rhink .rbout th.rr)
''\Vh.rLdr,:lrouthinkoItl,c.r,,'1.'j'l(lidnidrirrkmLrchofrr. t= I didn r likc lt nruch)
trt sistrr is thinking of (.)r about) goirrg t(, (}n.rLh. (= shc rs conslrlcring it)

remind «;meborlr' AIIOU'I .. . t= rell somcbodt nor to forger):

I rr gl,rd i or: rcmnrdcd n,c rbout thc ,nccrrng. I h:rr1 conrylcrtlr lor!.or.tn rborrr r'
rcmincl romehodr OF...l= causc sonrrbodi ro remcmLtcr):
TLi; housc rcminds ne ofrhc one I liied in rvhcn I iv.rs.r child'
I ook ,rL this plctLrrc oi ltieh.rrcl. \Vho doc. he remind vou of?

complanr (lO v»rcbodv) ABOUI . .. (=

'at rhrt
iou.rte not srlti\iied):
\Yc complaincd to rfc rl.rn.rgel oi tLc rtsrrLrlrlr about thc foocl
complain O! r pairr /.rn illnesr, cLc. 1= sl dr.rt voLr lruc .r prin-. ctc'):
' \Yc c.rllerj thc doc«rr bcc,rus.'(icolgc *.rs complaining of I p'rirr rn his *onr'rch'

rvarn «rrrcboilr AllOUT,r pcrson or ùing rhrr 1s drngerous. rnusu.rl, ttc':

I knlr' lic r st.a,rge person. I h,r.1 Lccn aboLrt hrnr. l/?r,,r $ rnled of him)
'r.rs us abour rhe rlafiic. Sh.'said 'uarned
it irould bc L'nd.
Vickv rvarncd
rvarn .omeÉodr AIIOU l'/OF ,r d.rnger. srnrcrhing 1'r11 th.rr might happenr
Erervbocll h.rs beer warned abouÿof the darscrs oi smoking.

Rêmih.llwarn sonebody to - . .
1. l)irl r or lrcrr l rt L[.' 1..rrir on S.rtLrrdr. i
har lr,rp1,urtcl
2. r 'rnngc dre.rn, esr rishr.
t1,rr1 didi \\'hrr d,d iou Jre,r,,
Y<,u i-
.). Ou nr:l*l,h<r'cornpl,rircl ,,s th.toir!'l. n,.rr['Ir't rrigLr.
.+. k!'rr \.\ .(nirt)l.rin1rg prin. lr hi. .lrt'1. ht rt.'rr «, if.' rlort<,r.
j. I hrc rl,l' r,r'i.. lL rifrLnJ' u,c 'o rn
r n.,i,r Ll,r. 'prrrl:..
6. I lt lor ts l,l' tol,. I Ic rhinlr hi' iob .r11 tl,i trrrrc. Lc Jrc.rL,rs ir. h,:
-. I rrit.j ro rl r.'rr1.,'r r,rnc ol rht boo'r. Lrrt I coulJrr'r tlrrrrl
rirL: rt.
S. lxrrcr §,,lnr.d nrc rlrc r.rrtr \hr;.rid it le.,, r..ric to rlrinl'.
!. \\i r,rnrd our chilJr.'r t5. d.rnlcfs ot l.l.r\lfs i,, 11,. \1r..r.

complanr drcam hcar rcmnrd Lcminrl tlrinl. thinli si r

1. l1r.rt'rsoo.l idtr. \\'hr Lli,1,,lI r r,ùi
l. Urll is rlrcr s,l1i.i11cd. I l. l\ xl\\',r\. sorlù(hin!..
.1. Icrni mrlc r Jcciro. \.t. I fLl(l rrfr. to \ our pn)fo'll.
1 .1. llllor. loLr go ifto rLc LoLr't. I shou rl
i' i rr. rggres.li e vn,crirrcs. v, Ic crrrh,l.
Sl,c\ r,oL.r rr,:ll lnr»rr srlstr. \or r,.rrr p,'op i lr.rr.' Ll,:
{: \i,u roLLl.in r l.'.rrr ri,irL,,ur Ltlli,rg r,.'. r,,llcl r,u?
8; Oi coLrsr nrrr. I r ollrhi
I toLr[1 hlr lorgortcn mr rpp,,irrrrrrcnr ri ].rr,:1,,rJ,,1

. l, .l 'il,

l. I !r f!'\rr lorl I lrrr. \\ilo rs htl

2. l)rd lotr (ht r..il.nr l.rsl Iriilht: \i!. \ri.l\ lold nrr.'
i. rLsrJ «r srirc ro mc
jill qrir.'oitcr. brrr lh,ten t lr.rnrr.rS.!

,1. .\i Il,ltr\oLr .r s 11r.r c.rll!'(1 \illi,rin I lLrJson?

ll; No. I cloni rhirl so. \\'hr. sor r)i s rir.r rs h.l
i. I l,.r,l r <,u n,r i rlrt, lrrrrr. h l as 3.rxrl to Ior x:r.rr'.
6. l)r) \ ou \,1fr n) orra \.ra.rlror ? ''Nor I]o\\. l.1l nr(. lir1.r.'
-. I lrrr ir r rcn snr.rll «,s,, ll Icr,rs. r-ou ic p,ol,.,l,lr nutr ir

, \\ r ,,,,
I lll. ro h.1r'. ri.,( ro fr,rhc Llcci'ions. I liLc ro tllrrgs c.rr,-tLr11r.
I (lor'r lino§ rrhr. to srr ,\nli n)r h.r |lrr!r.1,r\. (1.ùr \oLr ,rnrrhirr:
\\,hxt .{id \ o'r ih. [(!)li I hrrt \ ou: D]cl r oL, lilc irl
Vr'rc goLng ont io! Jlnllr. tonighr' \{tllJ i oLr Iilc «r ton l
I dor't l1'.rll\ \!.rn. n) iro oor \ r1h S.rnr. l ll hl.'t<r
(l.rrîl is lu\ horncsicl. Sht\,tls.rls fer i,trrrrlr b.rck horrrc.
\VLcr I lrs oilrn'.i rht ioLr. I.l;d,r1 ,r..qrr rnrnri'rll.rt,lr.l rvrnr e*ei ,rrrcl
lr n)r r shil.. ln rhc.'rr{ I dcciclt.l ro rrL. thi 1oL.
I rlni nrLrch rlris coilit. h l.r\LL's lrkc w.rtu'r-
Verb + Preposition (4) - of/for/from/on

accusc/surpcct somchodt OIr. . .:

SLrcaccuscd rrc of l,cing .,'liisl,.
lhr',:c snrr{,:rrrs rcr',: ruspectcrl otcht.ting or thc rrrlr.
appror c Ol:.. . :
Hr\ t.ù-,rrr! d(,f\ âpprovc of wh.rt hi Jocç- htrt rbcl .lrrl sLop hrrl.
dic OF lÙr lllnc!s):
''\\'h.rL LLtl ht d;e ol: -,\ Lr.r'r rn,rek.'
consirt OF...:
\\ic lrrd .ur enornous rrc,rl. Ir conristcd ot socn coLrr'.'s.

par FOII (somedrins thrr \oL, bLI!):

1i1ih, r h.lc trough rrrr»cr'«r pay for rht rlc.ll. 1,oi fr\ tlrt m..11)
Lrl: pav r t ill /,r lin. / l r.r\ / x I,rr. / rerrt / r srrrn ol mor,-r. ctc. lno f r.posllionl:
I irrlr\ l,.Lrc tnoLrgh n,{,irc\ rc pa,v nr\ rclrplrone hill
ùenl/ft»givc so,ncbodr fOR.. .:
I ll nercr forgire rhtm for rhrr rhei rlirl.
apologizc ito to,,,cb( \ )rOR...:
§h.n I re.tll/r(l I $âr wrrrtl-r, I apologizcd lto rL.nrl iir Dr\ ilri\r.rkc
blamc srrncborli Âomr:drin!. IiOR . . . :
]\ i,.l,odv blamcd nc frr' .1,r ,r..,drnr.
I ,l/so: somcb<,clr rs to blamc for . . . :
t LvtÀ hodr ,J.rid thir I ir,rs «r blamc lor rhe eceidcrrr-
I À1so: blamc so,ncthing ON...:
Ilcrvl.rxlr, biarncd thc rccidcnr on mc.

sutfcr HIONI (.rn illnr$. ct..):

I hc nnrlb,:r' ol pcoplc suffeling from herrr (lisc,rsc h.rs irrerL',rsrJ.
protcct so,nlboclTsomcrhln.q l-ROM (ûr AGAINS l l ÿ,incrhin!.:
Sunscrccn cen protcct rou fron rhc sun. (r)i . . xgxin§t rhc sLI..l

'''\\rhrr rime rvill rou gct rl.'re) "1 don t knor" lr dcpcodr on rhc rr.rfiic''
YoLr err rclv on Jill. shc.rhlls kccps her prrrris.'s.
'ri,u c.rn Lrse dcpcnd + *hcnÀr hcLe/hott, crc. (qu.srioir \ or.ls). § ith (r rr i$orrr on:
i ' .\rt r <rr going «, LrLl it? 1t dcPe.d§ holï rlru.ll ir is. (ô,. (lcn.nLls on hot much)
i lirc ON lmonct/nxrdt:
(;rorg.s sal.tr\ rsrtrr lot. It isn't cnolgh «r livc on
coograrulate (somcrnc) ON... / complimcnt i«,nrcbo(l-v) ON...:
I congratulatcd Lel on bcirrg,tdrnrrttd to Ir* school.

ve.b+ Preposition + "iDg


Sue sri(l I \,r\ rcllisl,. Srrc .rccLrsed nrc

fh. nrisun.lcrsr.ru(linq \i.rs mr t.rrrlr. v, I .rpologlzcd.
Shc rrorr rhc roulnamcrt. !o 1.ongrliLllrtcJ Icr'
I ionglanrlrtctl h,:r'
H, h.rr ercmirs. bur hc has.r borlrgLrarrl to prorecr hinr
Hc h,rs r borlisl,rrd «r pmtccr hrnr
I lrcrr ,rrc I I pl.rr t|r orr r soecc| Ltrm.
,\ v)ec.r ttrm c(nrsists
Shc rrts onlr brc.rd.rrrd cggs.
\hr lirs

7. Kilr !ri.lthr. \\ lrxr L.rpoentd t rs Jin s i.rLrlr. K.rr blrmrJ.litrr

§. YoLr.rl§.1\s s.r\ ,'rcnLLrng. is nri i.rult
YoLr rlss' bl.rrr,',nc
L Do \oLr rhirl( th,: rcr»orlic crisi. I' rhc i.rult oithc iroi.'rnrrrcnt?
Do vou bhrnc Lht g.oirrrrlr.'rrr
10. I thirl rhc incrcrse in violcnr crimc ls ltcc.rLrsc oitr:loislon.
I hhr!). th. incrc,rsc nr

11. 1)r, rou thinl rhr: gorcl,,rrcnr

l, I ihiûL Lh.lr

:rccusc apologize :rpProtc congrarularc clcpcnd lirc pa"v

l. Hls fir.nLr llon . rlhrt hc docs, brt rhtv carr'r *op him'
l. \Vher r oI \\ cft «r thc rhern'i u ilh l'iul. \!ho the rickci\?
j. k s .r t.n il,lc itcling s hen vor, ,rrc soneûing iou didrr.t do'
.1. ,\.c Ion fl,r'rne t.n,,is tomo".,r ? l fopr vr' lt r|c

.!. lhirgs rrc ic,i che.rp thcre Yorr c,rn rrrl little rnonet'
6. \Vhcir I s.nr ll.rrt. I him l.rssirrq his clrivins tc'r'
7. YoLr i!.re \,.r\ r'udr «r P.,t. l)ont rou thrnk lotr shorld h':ri

1. Thre. lru.lcrrts \\'cr. susPe(t.d chearing on rht crem'

2. s,rlh is olrcn sicL. Shc *rlierr rcrt brrl hcrdecfcs.
.. r,,',..... r.r:, , ,:",'.''. ...1 ' r lp
4. lt is tcn iblc th,ri sorre pmplc rrc cl"rng hrmger thilc othcrs c'rt «xr rrrrch'
5. .\re roLr g.oing ro apologrzc s'fat ioLr did)
6. I hc rccicienr s,rs m\ l.rLllt. so t hxd n) p.rv tLc rep rirs'
7. Ididn t hrve cn<rrgh n,ofc) 1rl p.r! thc hill.
8. I con,plimcnt.'d hu htr llrrglish. Shc aok': rt'rr tuentlv'
9. shc dors,r\ havc a job. Shc dcpcnds hrr prrcnr l<rr moncr'
10. I.lo,r't k,,o\! §hcrhcr I ll go orrr rr;night. ft depend' hol l fctl
11. Thcv §ort sirnr clorhcs ri prorcct thr'"'*'lu" thi cold
12. (:.kc.ofsi(§ mxi,rlr sug.rr'. ilorrr, anJ Lrutter
Verb + Preposition (5) - in/into/with/to/on

bclicrc I:i...:
l)o rou belisc in (lodi 1= (jo lor l.rlrr\. rh.r. C,od.\ld.:l
Iheli§r: in ',rrfg rh.rL I LhrrL. l= li.rl .'r. rt r< r 111'r ro s.rr \1i i I rhrrlI
spccializi IN... :

I lclL'r ls .r l,rs l. Sl,. spccirlircs in co,pr» rt 1,rr.

I Iopl\ ou succccd in lrrdiirg drr toh \,)Lr n.i,ll.

OL:r lrrusc u,rs b«ntcn in«r.r tor d.rr;.ruo. bLrr rorhrng r.rs 'to , r.
crrrh/drirc/burnp/run INTO.. . :

I lt losr cortrol r,i ri,L' c.,r ,r,,1 crarhcd into ,r s.rll.

dilid!/cut/\plit.t(nrr(tirrr! INIO 1No or frorr Dr{':

lhc i,rni ls clirrdccl inro rhrrr p.r'r'.
inr.,. L"
transl.rrc 1.1 h.ok. cr..I IROtrl orrr I Lrqu,rec IN I O .ruotiL r:
trflùsr Il.nrirlg§.r\'r b(x,l\ ir.rlc b,,ir trrrrslatcd into merr 1l:1rLr.rg,:..

collidc \YIl lI. . .:

fl,rrc r,rs.rn.rceLLi.'rr rl,l' r,r,rri,,g. \ bu'collidcd lith.re.r: lrlr c,r\hcd intoi
till <rr,,:rl,irg \\,lTH... 1rr1 tull 01. .. !.!' t .ir ll-lil:
lrkr rhi. por rrJ fill it *ith \.rtcr:
proridcÂupph romcl.oJr \\ITH... :
Ihc school p«rrirlcs n11 lr. 'n,L[',,r' rrith l,oo\'.

\\'h.rr hippcr.d .o rhit g<, N.rrclr r ou uçrLt ro l,.rr L I l- \\'h r i. ir :ror j
prelcr r»r i,,r-1|rnor TO.1norh.r:
I prclcr t.i to L:oll.r.

l)ofi krrl our thc urrdo§. Conccntmtc on i rur \\ o|k.
I rerrreLl ro 11, rIrrr. l,lr rho in,;istetl or comins rirlr rrr.
sp.nd iÙ,,!,(\ ION...:
H<,r ,rucL nronci Jo rou qrcnd on nxrlc.rch rtrhi

Verb + Preposition + irq Other Verbs + to Othe. Verbs + on

1. ILrtu'§.rs.r.olli'lor l)cr§(.,r.r l)ut.rnd r..tr A bus !,,lli.1ctt
-1. I Ll,n t m,n.l tris cirics. l,LLr I prcl.'r'.rrrll rosrs.
I trcl.r
3. I gor.rll drr irnirm.rtl<r, L,ccclccl lrom lrll.
lill proird,:rl ml
-1. Tlris rùonrlng I bon!lri .t filr {)a \hoù\ tl).rr.osr Sfi0.
This,,,(n',r1ng I sp.r r

hclic\c conccntritc diridc drirc tili happcn ir!i!r su.cccd

I rr,.rrtcrl ro eo alone. bur Su( conrirg l lth nrr.
I hei tn r .eo \'liLc lor .rgts. I rr ortl.'r l b,,r l,rs Lim.
I l rs clriving rTrrrt r hcn Lhc crl in h ort oi m,: suclLlcnlr. L ri<,rtrn,rtrl.. I
coulLln r s«rp ir rirrc.rl]d 1hr b.1.1( ol ir.
I rlr»r glorrs. I rhink plop,: <nlr inr.rgirre rh.rt thLl
Don r rrr rrd do Lrvo thrrgs roqethrr: o.('rhrrr! lt.r tirir(.
Ir r'.rsr'r resr. l.ut ir th,: crri s. iirrclirrg .r ;olLrrior «r drc

1. Ihcschool pri,riclt's all irs srurlc,,ts bo<,ks.

-2. ,\ srranec tflng h,rppcned rlc.r ict ,:lrrs rgr,.
-i. \lrrl decid.rlt<, giic up his job.o rh,rr l,c could corecnlrrc his *rdrcs.
4. I .l(,,i b.lie\. *orkirg vcl l,ercl. lis nor rrtrrl, lt.
5. \1r cu,rcnr job lsr't i«rrclcrlul. ltLrt I prcirr ir r1r.rr I diJ I'clorc
6. I hopc rou ruccctd gcrrin!,§lrxi\ou \!.1nt.
7. -\s l s,r. gorng out of ûc rcorn. l collid.'d sorrcborli r ho *.rs rorrrir r L

3. I hcre tr' ,rn rrllul rolsc l thr c.rr crrshctl e nct'.

'1. Iilrr ls.i rL(,ro!.rit)h.'r Hc sprci,rlizc' phoro.:rephr
l(). l)o lolr spcr.trru.h nxrucr cloth,:s?
12. Ifr.ler.r.r\clirrg b\ lrrln driirng. lr's mrteh ,rrorc plc'es.rrrt
l-1. Srrrctrodl b,r,lc n,r cl ,rrJ srolt rht rrilio.
l.+. Itrs irrl coltl. but Prr.r insrsr..l lccping thc irinck,* optrt.
li. Somc worcls rrc rllfiicrrl to trrnslate one larsurgt .rrlothei
16. \\/llat h,rpp.'ncd thc rrrorrc! I lclr )ou? Nh:rt dltl .olgcndir
l-. \'r. .l 'r'r'.'
lS. l lilletl thlttrl. bLrr Lrriorturr:rrclr llrlledlt drctrrrsl.ildoig.rs.

1. I s.rrt,'cl ro go out .rlrrrc. ltur rll i i.ntl lrli*rct

). t gcnrl oi rronti
I se* rhc rrcclclcnr. l fe crr cr,rslleci
1. S.rraf prctcrs tr.rskttball
.t. Sh.Lkespe.rrc\ pl.ls hlc
bcc,, nenslrred
Phrasal Verbs (get up / break down / fillrn, etc')

.:r1,$ ni .*", "'. ' -r,,' ."1,1 th! n,llos rns sîr J!:
in on up âwây around about over b,v
out off do*n back through along forrvard
S{) }oLr can sr! plrt off / run auar, ctc. I hese verhs arc ÿl)trsnl t\r-l,s.
on1 / get on / takc
We ohcr usc out/off/up, ctc., *irh lcrbs oi nrt,vcrnent ltr clrrnpli':
get on Thc brrs wes fLrll. Wc coLrldn\ gct on
drive off A srrman gor rn«r rhe car rrrd drovc off.
come back Salh is lctring «rmorrorv and conrirrg back on Seturtlar'.
trrrn around \!hen I «ruchcd him or tht shoulder'. hc turncd around.
Llut ofrcn the second ivord {out/off/up, ctc.)gires a spccial me.rning ro thc rcrb. ) or cr,rrtrple:
break do§n Sorn l'm lare. Thc car brolte down. (= rhe enginc stopped §rrrklng)
look out l'ool our! I hcr€ s i citr comine (= Lt c'tr''iul)
take off k rvas r:rl firsr ilight l rvas nervous as thc pl:rnt took off. (= l'nr rrrro
the rir)
gc1 up I l as vcr'y tircd thrs mr)rning. I couldn'. gcr uP. 1= gct our oi herl)
gct b}, \lv lllprncsc isn\ l,er) goorl, bur it s enorrgh «) get by. (= n) mrfailcl

Somctimes a phras.rl'erb is tollorved hy a prePositnn. for cumple:

phrasal rcrb l)rcPasitrc
run away
from Vhr did vou run arvay from mc?
keep up
with You Ic rvalking too hst. I car't keep up rvith rou.
look forrvard ro \1 ',,u look'ng lor$.rrd r,' ',,rrr .-.. tt,,' :

Sometimes r phr.rs.rl vcrb h.rs .rn oàrl( i. tlsurllv thcrc ere nvo pos\ibl€ l,ositiolr\ itlr thc
ohjcct. So -vou crn sry: 'I
1 turned off the light. r»' the light
If thr: ohjcct is e prorrr.,rrl (irlthenr/mc/him, erc.), orriY on€ position is possiblc;
I turncd il off. lr.)i I türned off it)
Some molc cr.rmples:
rhrs f,,rrrr
(,,! .r \"u I fill out
rhi. h,., ourl
Thev gavr me a i»rr and tolcl nre «, fill it out. lrrot fiLlout u)
, lbrerlrnq do"n r\' ''' "r'
r r o,, ."9,,r ,,.,,,,r.. .,,.,,.r.\
ibr".rt ;nËrh.J,,,, ,1""n.
Thc door nar't loched. Whv did rhe police break it down? (rr)r brc.rk do\!n ir)

Lh,,,r t.,t I'1,,"" I'vav,l<* rr*to.',o'

I rhro\r thL\c ne\\ sP.lF(rq .rwr\'.
Do Iou rvant thesc ncsspaperi. or should I throw them âwav? (rro, rhn»r 'rlav themt
.- I rr.rkc up the h.rhr.
lsrk( rhL n-rl)\ uP,
Thr: bahl is rslccp. Don r wake her up. (rrot rvake up her)

drrp ouL . *op r,r1'rr1' ..rr irr 'orriril';n(

clerr up - 1i r i.tr.: I rlo\c in i '1.r,r!\ ll3 rr.r roLr.,rir
cl{)5c .lo\1rr i= -o oL I ,il l'rFr|!*l \ho$ up i-,rt.t.,ri,rr,\L
do/c {,tf f. i.i l.r\l:.1rl
\o:r\ I :r .r1r. I Lr. .,:r
I rrr lr r rr.r':rlrol l.rs: rrcl irrr 'rtrL': !i Irrrlr''
I r,r' i.rr 'lr.pr.l r,rs ' nlrr. rl .rr'.rrrrrclr,rrr.rrLl
1ir. r r.rr rrr r. r. rli,lroLrs,lr.r'11 ira I lror. I

alonq a*ar hacl i,nr ard out uP .rr oi to u ith

t. \oLr't r,rlliinrr rrrr .r.t. I .rrri Lclp
.1.\t\ \ r,:rir(» !r.rlf,o5i ()\.1 \,\1 rr.,l l Lbr
\\i rilr.rlr run rrrontl. \\'Lr h.1r1l!\ !rr\i r11\
!. ll.i rr:r ,'fi \.,1 l.roni ,n hr. ol. l.,..ru't 1:.'J,,r' ir.t L lr Ls ir,".
I loi,: ro l,r,l tlrc sr.rr. rl r\i '1. ,rt rrlrht.
r oI l<,ol.irg rh. p.r|i' rr.'rrrrtli
I .\r..
Ii,r,:rl.r'.r 5.rrl ,r,l,l,rn l.r*rrrh. Ih, rohhc*c(,1 \ i0.|(r1).

c«rss our girc arar mrLc Lrp çec off l= scr rorrrl.oJr L rr' r

iill ort gncb,rcl $or iroLrnd türJr 'lô\n r- t'trr"l

l1r.\ q.i\r fr..r lorm.r:,rl roltl nrL'rrr
It loo rrr,rlr r rrrr.t.lli. r)rr 1Lr lo fr. irr.1
I irc rt<r r nr. rolJ r orr r.rsr'r rrLr.'. Slr.
IcL,ri lilr pLopi. rho h<,r,r,l rhirr-'.rlcl Iorr't
K.rLhr r. gornlq ro.\urrr.rll.: i<nrorror. I lr':oin! io lh..rrLtor( 1o
I h.trt .r lor 1)r bor,(. rL.rr I .ilrhr L l.rrrr i<, Lr.p. so I
\\i,rlrl i <,u lihr rr, 'rr Lhc i.rtirr r i \\'ollJ r oLL l:lr rrrr to
Slc u .r' oii.rrLl .r tolr ,rs .r ir.rrr.l,rrorr hll 'hù

1h.t bo\ \!ur clqlrcrtc i jlchc! th. rcl!\i\;orr n \ord ir ir thcnr hrnr

l)orri thros . I \\ rn. t() L.cf 11. 1.1$ r\ l

''l)o \ou ltrrri rhL: Lrori \o. ror c.rrr tlrou 1rBr\
Shll Il:r el,llrl,cn -rrr',r'licp. l)orri r.r1« " ' iL I
. \oirtrl\ 1( n.t.lri.g lr- lotll
lofr q(n r.r\ ,rrr!r\ ,rnLl 't.r|rrrl shourrng. 1r i.rl ro,:rlrrr .1(1(i\r1l
I1r'1rl in lri sror,::. brrr I JrJf t l'ri\ i' l(nrl
l']li.,'r fL,r ' I Irl\ i' r fo 'rr!ol'if!r '1i'1' l.Irl
lr r.r; onlr .r çnr.rll iirc. I l.r' rblr «r pL:t rlriLc c.r'lli loLrrr
rrr.r Jl.rrorr.L,, ll rou Ior'r lnorr jt nr.rrr.. lLrll
)ou c,rn |r,L \1r,rr

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