Photo Biblio
Photo Biblio
Photo Biblio
= Available online Adelstein, Peter Z. 1995. Paper products as enclosures for photographic images. Alkaline Paper Advocate 8(4): 60. . 1999. The preservation of photographic film. In Care of Photographic Moving Image & Sound Collections, ed. Susie Clark, 13-18. Leigh, Worcestershire: Institute of Paper Conservation. . 2004. IPI Media Storage Quick Reference Negatives, Prints, Tapes, CDs & DVDs. Rochester, NY: Image Permanence Institute, Rochester Institute of Technology. Adelstein, Peter Z., J.-L. Bigourdan, and J. M. Reilly. 1997. Moisture relationships of photographic film. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 36(3): 193-206. Albright, Gary E. [1980] 2010. The conservation of albumen prints (1980). In Issues in the Conservation of Photographs, ed. Debra Hess Norris, and Jennifer Jae Gutierrez, 297305. Readings in Conservation. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute. Previously published in Preprints of Papers Presented at the 8th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, 22-25 May 1980, 1-8. Washington, D.C.: American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 1980. Albright, Gary E., Jiuan-Jiuan Chen, and Kate Jennings. 2003. Treatment options for paper negatives. Topics in Photographic Preservation 10: 19-28. Baas, Valerie, Christopher Foster, and Karen Trentelman. 1999. The effects of four different wet treatments on albumen photographs. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 38(2): 176-85. . [1997] 2010. The effects of multiple wet treatments on cracking in albumen prints (1997). In Issues in the Conservation of Photographs, ed. Debra Hess Norris, and Jennifer Jae Gutierrez, 325-35. Readings in Conservation. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute. Previously published in Topics in Photographic Preservation 7 (1997): 38-42.
BIBLIOGRAPHY CONTD. Baldwin, Gordon. 1991. Looking at Photographs: A Guide to Technical Terms. Malibu, Calif.: J. Paul Getty Museum and London: British Museum Press. Ball, Stephen, Susie Clark, and Peter Winsor. 1998. The Care of Photographic Materials & Related Media: Guidelines on the Care, Handling, Storage and Display of Photography, Film, Magnetic and Digital Media. London: Museums & Galleries Commission. Barandiaran, Marta. 2000. Evaluation of conservation treatments applied to salted paper prints, cyanotypes and platinotypes. Studies in Conservation 45(3): 162-68. Barger, M. Susan, A. P. Giri, William B. White, and Thomas M. Edmondson. 1986. Cleaning daguerreotypes. Studies in Conservation 31(1): 15-28. Barger, M. Susan. 1987. Corrigenda: "Cleaning daguerreotypes" by Barger, M. Susan, Giri, A.P., White, William B., Edmondson, Thomas M. Studies in Conservation, 31 (1986) 15-28. Studies in Conservation 32(3): 141-43. Barger, M. Susan, and Thomas T. Hill. 1988. Thiourea and ammonium thiosulfate treatments for the removal of "silvering" from aged negative materials. Journal of Imaging Technology 14(2): 43-46. Barger, M. Susan, S. V. Krishnaswamy, and R. Messier. 1982. The cleaning of daguerreotypes: 1. Physical sputter cleaning, a new technique. In Preprints of Papers Presented at The10th Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 26-30 May, 1982, 9-20. Washington, DC: American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. . 1982. The cleaning of daguerreotypes: Comparison of cleaning methods. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 22(1): 13-24. Barger, M. Susan, R. Messier, and William B. White. 1983. Daguerreotype display. Picturescope 31(2): 57-58. . 1983. Gilding and sealing daguerreotypes. Photographic Science and Engineering 27(4): 141-46. Barger, M. Susan, Russell Messier, and William B. White. 1984. Nondestructive assessment of daguerreotype image quality by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. Studies in Conservation 29(2): 84-86. Barger, M. Susan, and William F. Stapp. 1984. Daguerreotype: A precautionary discussion of deterioration, cleaning and treatment. In Preprints: ICOM Committee for Conservation, 7th Triennial Meeting, Copenhagen, 10-14 September 1984, ed. Diana de Froment, 84.14.8 to 84.14.12. Paris: International Council of Museums. Barger, M. Susan, and William B. White. 1991. The Daguerreotype: Nineteenth-Century Technology and Modern Science. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press. Barnier, John, ed. 2000. Coming into Focus: A Step-by-Step Guide to Alternative Photographic Printing Processes. San Francisco: Chronicle Books.
BIBLIOGRAPHY CONTD. Baro, Lisa, and Nora W. Kennedy. 2005. Gustave Le Gray's salted paper prints. In 14th Triennial Meeting, The Hague, 12-16 September 2005: Preprints, ed. Isabelle SourbsVerger, 533-40. ICOM Committee for Conservation. London: James & James / Earthscan. Barton, John P., and Johanna G. Wellheiser . 1985. An Ounce of Prevention: A Handbook on Disaster Contingency Planning for Archives, Libraries and Record Centres. Toronto: Toronto Area Archivists Group. Besser, Howard, Sally Hubbard, and Deborah Lenert. 2003. Introduction to Imaging. Rev. ed. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute. .html Bigourdan, Jean-Louis, Peter Z. Adelstein, and James M. Reilly. 1996. Acetic acid and paper alkaline reserve: Assessment of a practical situation in film preservation. In 11th Triennial Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1-6 September, 1996: Preprints, ed. Janet Bridgland, 573-79. ICOM Committee for Conservation. London: James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd. . 1997. Effect of paper alkaline reserve on the chemical stability of acetate base sheet film. Topics in Photographic Preservation 7: 43-54 Brown, Margaret R., Don Etherington, and Linda K. Ogden. 1982. Boxes for the Protection of Rare Books: Their Design & Construction. National Preservation Program Publication. Washington, D.C.: Preservation Office, Research Services, Library of Congress. Bunnell, Peter C., ed. 1984. Nonsilver Printing Processes: Four Selections, 1886-1927. Reprint ed. Literature of Photography. Salem, N.H.: Ayer Co. Burgess, N. G. 1861. The Photograph and Ambrotype Manual: A Practical Treatise on the Art of Taking Positive and Negative Photographs on Paper and Glass, Commonly Known As Photography, in All Its Branches, Containing Various Recipes Practised by the Most Successful Operators in the United States. 7th ed. New York: Hubbard, Burgess & Co. and London: Trbner & Co. Canadian Conservation Institute. 1995. Care of black-and-white photographic glass plate negatives = Le soin des ngatifs photographiques en noir et blanc sur plaque de verre. CCI Notes = Notes de l'ICC 16(2). . 1995. Care of encased photographic images = Le soin des images photographiques prsentes en coffret . CCI Notes = Notes de l'ICC 16(1). . 1996. Care of black-and-white photographic negatives on film = Le soin des ngatifs photographiques en noir et blanc sur pellicule. CCI Notes = Notes de l'ICC 16(3). . 1996. Care of black-and-white photographic prints = Le soin des preuves photographiques en noir et blanc. CCI Notes = Notes de l'ICC 16(4).
BIBLIOGRAPHY CONTD. . 1996. Care of colour photographic materials = Le soin des documents photographiques couleur. CCI Notes = Notes de l'ICC 16(5). Cartier-Bresson, Anne. 1981. Synthse des travaux recueillis dans la littrature sur la restauration des photographies en noir et blanc. In Les documents graphiques et photographiques, analyse et conservation: Travaux du Centre de recherches sur la conservation des documents graphiques 1980-1981, 111-46. Paris: Editions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique. . 1987. La conservation des photographies: Etat des problmes. In Journes sur la conservation restauration des biens culturels: Recherches et techniques actuelles: Paris, 15-16 octobre 1987, 70-73. Paris: Association des restaurateurs d'art et d'archologie de formation universitaire. Cartier-Bresson, Anne, and Jean-Philippe Boiteux. 2009. Conservation, restauration et reproduction des collections photographiques de la ville de Paris. Cor: Conservation et restauration du patrimoine culturel (22): 35-41. Cartier-Bresson, Anne, Chantal Garnier, Martine Gillet, and Franoise Flieder. 1984. Etude exprimntale de la dtrioration et de la restauration chimique des preuves photographiques sur papier sal. In ICOM Committee for Conservation 7th Triennial Meeting: Copenhagen, 10-14 September 1984: Preprints, ed. Diana de Froment, Vol. 2, 84.14.16 to 84.14.21. Paris: International Council of Museums. Chen, Jiuan-Jiuan, Rosina Herrera, Patrick Ravines, Ralph Wiegandt, Sylvie Pnichon, and Marsha Sirven. 2007. Reversible mounting techniques for the display of large-format contemporary photographs. Topics in Photographic Preservation 12: 131-40. Clapp, Anne F. 1987. Curatorial Care of Works of Art on Paper: Basic Procedures for Paper Preservation. New York, NY: Nick Lyons Books. Clark, Susie, ed. 1999. Care of Photographic Moving Image & Sound Collections. Leigh, Worcestershire: Institute of Paper Conservation. , ed. 1999. Preservation of Photographic Material. NPO Preservation Guidance. London: National Preservation Office. Coe, Brian. 1978. Cameras: From Daguerreotypes to Instant Pictures. New York : Crown Publishers. . 1978. Colour Photography: The First Hundred Years, 1840-1940. London: Ash & Grant. Coe, Brian, and Mark Haworth-Booth. 1983. A Guide to Early Photographic Processes. London: Hurtwood Press in association with the Victoria and Albert Museum. Coote, Jack Howard Roy. 1993. The Illustrated History of Colour Photography. Surbiton, England: Fountain Press.
BIBLIOGRAPHY CONTD. Crawford, William. 1979. The Keepers of Light: A History & Working Guide to Early Photographic Processes. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Morgan & Morgan. Davis, Nancy. 1984. Tintypes: Preliminary research and testing. In Papers Presented at the Art Conservation Training Programs Conference: May 2-4, 1984, Center for Conservation and Technical Studies, Harvard University Art Museums, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 13-28. Cambridge, Mass..The Center. Eastman Kodak Company. 1951. Storage of Microfilms, Sheet Films, and Prints (Safety Film Base and Paper Base Materials Only). Rochester, N.Y.: Eastman Kodak Company. . 1952. Photography Through the Microscope. 1st ed. Kodak Industrial Data Books. Rochester, N.Y.: Eastman Kodak Company. Eaton, George T. 1985. Conservation of Photographs. Kodak Publication, no. F-40. Rochester, NY: Eastman Kodak Co. Edge, Michele. 1996. Lifetime prediction: Fact or fantasy? In Research Techniques in Photographic Conservation: Proceedings of the Conference in Copenhagen, 14-19 May 1995, ed. Mogens S. Koch, Tim Padfield, Jesper Stub Johnsen, and Ulla Bgvad Kejser, 97-100. Kbenhavn, Denmark: Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Conservation. Edmondson, Thomas. 2005. Digital photography! But what about our careers! (Or, what is photograph conservation?). Topics in Photographic Preservation 11: 3-5. Ellis, Margaret Holben. 1987. The Care of Prints and Drawings. Nashville, Tenn.: AASLH Press. Estabrooke, Edward M. 1894. The Ferrotype, and How to Make It. 9th ed. New York: E. & T. Anthony. Farber, Richard. 1998. Historic Photographic Processes. New York: Allworth Press. Feldvebel, Thomas. 1980. The Ambrotype, Old & New. Rochester, NY: Graphic Arts Research Center, Rochester Institute of Technology. Fischer, Monique. 2003. A short guide to film-based photographic materials identification. News (Northeast Document Conservation Center) 12(1): 4-5. Fischer, Monique C. 2007. Creating long-lasting inkjet prints. Topics in Photographic Preservation 12: 77-85. Fischer, Monique C., and James M. Reilly. 1995. Use of passive monitors in film collections. Topics in Photographic Preservation 6: 11-40.
BIBLIOGRAPHY CONTD. Fischer, Monique C., and Andrew Robb. [1993] 2010. Guidelines for care and identification of film-base photographic materials (1993). In Issues in the Conservation of Photographs, ed. Debra Hess Norris, and Jennifer Jae Gutierrez, 401-6. Readings in Conservation. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute. Previously published in Topics in Photographic Preservation 5 (1993): 117-23. Flukinger, Roy, and Barbara Brown. 1993. Curatorship and conservation at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center: The evolution of a process. Topics in Photographic Preservation 5: 73-83. Frizot, Michel. 1998. A New History of Photography. Kln: Knemann. Georges, Gregory. 2001. 50 Fast Digital Photo Techniques. New York: Hungry Minds. . 2004. 50 Fast Digital Photo Techniques. 2nd ed. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Pub. Glastrup, Jens. 1996. Analysis of gaseous degradation products generated during accelerated ageing of cellulose acetate. In Research Techniques in Photographic Conservation: Proceedings of the Conference in Copenhagen, 14-19 May 1995, ed. Mogens S. Koch, Tim Padfield, Jesper Stub Johnsen, and Ulla Bgvad Kejser, 93-95. Kbenhavn, Denmark: Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Conservation. Harasta, Louis P., Gerald M. Leszyk, and Edward D. Morrison, inventors. (Eastman Kodak Company, and Paint Research Association, assignees). 1984. Coating compositions and their use in the restorative and/or protective treatment of photographic elements. WO 1984/001228 filed Aug. 9, 1983 and issued March 29, 1984. Hendriks, Klaus B. 1984. The Preservation and Restoration of Photographic Materials in Archives and Libraries: AARAMP Study With Guidelines. Paris: General Information Programme and UNISIST, United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. . [1996] 2010. The evaluation of conservation treatments (1996). In Issues in the Conservation of Photographs, ed. Debra Hess Norris, and Jennifer Jae Gutierrez, 62331. Readings in Conservation. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute. Previously published in Research Techniques in Photographic Conservation: Proceedings of the Conference in Copenhagen, 14-19 May 1995, ed. Mogens S. Koch, Tim Padfield, Jesper Stub Johnsen, and Ulla Bgvad Kejser, 47-50. Kbenhavn, Denmark: Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Conservation, 1996. Hendriks, Klaus B., and Brian Lesser. [1983] 2010. Disaster preparedness and recovery: Photographic materials (1983). In Issues in the Conservation of Photographs, ed. Debra Hess Norris, and Jennifer Jae Gutierrez, 53-57. Readings in Conservation. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute. Previously published in The American Archivist 46, no.1 (1983): 52-68.
BIBLIOGRAPHY CONTD. Hendriks, Klaus B., and Lincoln Ross. 1987. Further experiments on the restoration of discolored black-and-white photographic images in chemical solutions. In 8th Triennial Meeting: Sydney, Australia, 6-11 September 1987: Preprints, ed. Kirsten Grimstad, Vol. 2, 667-69. ICOM Committee for Conservation. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute. Hendriks, Klaus B., Brian Thurgood, Joe Iraci, Lesser. Brian, and Greg Hill. 1991. Fundamentals of Photograph Conservation: A Study Guide. Toronto, Ont., Canada: Lugus. Hendriks, Klaus B., and Anne Whitehurst, ed. 1988. Conservation of Photographic Materials: A Basic Reading List = La Conservation des documents photographiques: Liste d'ouvrages de rfrence de base. Ottawa, Ont.: National Archives of Canada. Hill, Greg. 2003. New nitrate film storage for library and archives, Canada. Topics in Photographic Preservation 10: 74-85. Jarry, Narelle. 1996. Computer imaging technology: The process of identification. The Book & Paper Group Annual 15: 53-59. Johnsen, Jesper Stub. 1986. The treatment of discoloured glass plate and cellulose nitrate negatives. In New Directions in Paper Conservation: 10th Anniversary Conference of the Institute of Paper Conservation, 14-18 April 1986, Oxford, ed. Nicholas Pickwoad, D27D29. The Paper Conservator. vol. 10-12, Leigh: Institute of Paper Conservation. . 1992. Image quality of chemically restored black and white negatives. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology 36(1): 46-55. . 1994. Surveying large collections of photographs for archival survival. In Preventive Conservation Practice, Theory and Research: Preprints of the Contributions to the Ottawa Congress, 12-16 September 1994, ed. Ashok Roy, and Perry Smith, 202-6. London: International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. . 1995. Archival processing of black-and-white photographs in preventive conservation. In 8. Internationalen Kongre der IADA, Tbingen, 19-23 September 1995: IADA Preprints 1995 = 8th International Congress of IADA, Tbingen, September 19-23, 1995: IADA Preprints 1995, ed. Mogens S. Koch, and K. Jonas Palm , 123-30. IADA, Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Archiv-, Bibliotheks- und Graphikrestauratoren. Copenhagen, Denmark: Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts . . 1996. Accelerated aging: Changes in swelling and melting point of photographic gelatin. In 11th Triennial Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1-6 September, 1996: Preprints, ed. Janet Bridgland, 586-90. ICOM Committee for Conservation. London: James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd. Johnsen, Jesper Stub. 1997. Conservation Management and Archival Survival of Photographic Collections. PhD diss., Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis Gteborg University.
BIBLIOGRAPHY CONTD. Johnson, Harald. 2005. Mastering Digital Printing. 2nd ed. [Boston, Mass.]: Thomson Course Technology PTR. Jrgens, Martin C. 2009. The Digital Print: Identification and Preservation. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute. Kaplan, Art, and Dusan Stulik. 2008. Expanding the barytome database: The GCI Gevaert collection. In 15th Triennial Conference New Delhi, 22-26 September 2008: Preprints, ed. Janet Bridgland, 691-95. ICOM Committee for Conservation. New Delhi: Allied Publishers. Keefe, Laurence E., and Dennis Inch. 1990. The Life of a Photograph: Archival Processing, Matting, Framing, Storage. 2nd ed. Boston: Focal. Khanjian, Herant P., and Dusan C. Stulik. 2003. Infrared spectroscopic studies of photographic material. In Conservation Science 2002: Papers From the Conference Held in Edinburgh, Scotland, 22-24 May 2002, ed. Joyce Townsend, Katherine Eremin, and Annemie Adriaens, 195-200. London: Archetype Publications Ltd. King, P. Christine. 1978. My grandmother has one of those... Daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, tintypes: Their problems, processes, and care. In Conference of Students in Art Conservation, April 10-12, 1978, 82-97. Cooperstown, N.Y.: American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, Cooperstown Graduate Programs. Koch, Mogens S., ed. 2002. Klaus B. Hendriks: A Life Remembered. Copenhagen: School of Conservation, Royal Academy of Fine Arts. Koch, Mogens S., Tim Padfield, Jesper Stub Johnsen, and Ulla Bgvad Kejser, ed. 1996. Research Techniques in Photographic Conservation: Proceedings of the Conference in Copenhagen, 14-19 May 1995. Kbenhavn, Denmark: Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Conservation. Lavdrine, Bertrand. 1996. Prediction of dark stability of colour chromogenic films using Arrhenius law and comparison after 10 years of natural ageing. In Research Techniques in Photographic Conservation: Proceedings of the Conference in Copenhagen, 14-19 May 1995, ed. Mogens S. Koch, Tim Padfield, Jesper Stub Johnsen, and Ulla Bgvad Kejser, 71-76. Kbenhavn, Denmark: Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Conservation. Lavdrine, Bertrand, Jean-Paul Gandolfo, John McElhone, and Sibylle Monod. 2009 . Photographs of the Past: Process and Preservation. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute. Lavdrine, Bertrand, Sibylle Monod, and Jean-Paul Gandolfo. 2003. A Guide to the Preventive Conservation of Photograph Collections. Los Angeles, Calif.: Getty Conservation Institute.
BIBLIOGRAPHY CONTD. Laver, Marilyn E., and Siegfried Rempel. 1981. A study of daguerreotype cleaning solutions. In Preprints: ICOM Committee for Conservation, 6th Triennial Meeting, Ottawa, 21-25 September 1981, 9. Paris: International Council of Museums. Lee, Stuart D. 2001. Digital Imaging: A Practical Handbook. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers in association with Library Association Pub. Levin, Jeffrey, and Dusan Stulik. 2007. Research on the conservation of photographs. Conservation: The GCI Newsletter 22 (3): 16-19. Maver, Ian. 1992. Some research into methods of mounting, lining or repairing albumen prints. In The Imperfect Image: Photographs, Their Past, Present and Future: Conference Proceedings: Papers Presented at the Centre for Photographic Conservation's First International Conference at the Low Wood Conference Centre, Windermere, 6th-10th April 1992, Centre for Photographic Conservation, 311-15. London: CPC. McCabe, Constance. 1991. Preservation of 19th-century negatives in the National Archives. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 30(1): 41-73. , ed. 2005. Coatings on Photographs: Materials, Techniques, and Conservation. 1st ed. Washington, D.C.: American Institute for Conservation. McCormick-Goodhart, Mark H. 1990. The multilayer structure of tintypes. In 9th Triennial Meeting: Dresden, German Democratic Republic, 26-31 August, 1990: Preprints, ed. Kirsten Grimstad, 262-67. Los Angeles: ICOM Committee for Conservation. . 1996. Conservation forum: The allowable temperature and relative humidity range for the safe use and storage of photographic materials. Journal of the Society of Archivists 17(1): 7-21. McCrady, Ellen. 1984. Albumen prints, RH and pH. The Abbey Newsletter 8(2): 40. Messier, Paul, and Timothy Vitale. 1992. Albumen photographs: Effects of aqueous treatment and fundamental properties. In The Imperfect Image: Photographs, Their Past, Present and Future: Conference Proceedings: Papers Presented at the Centre for Photographic Conservation's First International Conference at the Low Wood Conference Centre, Windermere, 6th-10th April 1992, 209-35. London: Centre for Photographic Conservation. . 1993. Cracking in albumen photographs: An ESEM investigation. Microscopy Research and Technique 25(5/6): 374-83. . [1994] 2010. Effects of aqueous treatment on albumen photographs (1994). In Issues in the Conservation of Photographs, ed. Debra Hess Norris, and Jennifer Jae Gutierrez, 320-324. Readings in Conservation. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute. Previously published in Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 33, no.3 (1994): 257-78.
BIBLIOGRAPHY CONTD. Moor, Ian. 1976. The ambrotype: Research into its restoration and conservation: Part I. The Paper Conservator: Journal of the Institute of Paper Conservation 1: 22-25. . 1977. The ambrotype: Research into its restoration and conservation: Part 2. The Paper Conservator: Journal of the Institute of Paper Conservation 2: 36-43. Moor, Ian, and Angela Moor. 1991. Atlantic Silversafe Photostore: A suitable paper for photographic conservation? Library Conservation News (30): 4-6. Moor, Ian L., and Angela Moor. 1987. Fire and flood: Criteria for the recovery of photographic materials. In Recent Advances in the Conservation and Analysis of Artifacts: Jubilee Conservation Conference Papers, ed. James Black, 319-22. London: Summer Schools Press. Moor, Ian L., and Angela H. Moor. 1992. Exhibiting photographs: The effect of the exhibition environment on photographs. In The Imperfect Image: Photographs, Their Past, Present and Future: Conference Proceedings: Papers Presented at the Centre for Photographic Conservation's First International Conference at the Low Wood Conference Centre, Windermere, 6th-10th April 1992, 193-201. London: Centre for Photographic Conservation. . 1992. An overview of the use of aqueous treatments on photographs. In The Imperfect Image: Photographs, Their Past, Present and Future: Conference Proceedings: Papers Presented at the Centre for Photographic Conservation's First International Conference at the Low Wood Conference Centre, Windermere, 6th-10th April 1992, 236-44. London: Centre for Photographic Conservation. Nadeau, Luis. 1994. Encyclopedia of Printing, Photographic, and Photomechanical Processes: A Comprehensive Reference to Reproduction Technologies, Containing Invaluable Information on Over 1500 Processes. Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada: Atelier Luis Nadeau. . 1994. History and Practice of Platinum Printing. 3rd rev. ed. Fredericton, N.B.: L. Nadeau. National Research Council (U.S.), Committee on Preservation of Historical Records. 1986. Preservation of Historical Records. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. Newhall, Beaumont. 1976. The Daguerreotype in America. 3d rev. ed. New York: Dover Publications. . 2006. The History of Photography: From 1839 to the Present, Completely Revised and Enlarged Edition. 5th ed. New York: Museum of Modern Art; distributed by Bulfinch Press.
BIBLIOGRAPHY CONTD. Nielsen, Erland Kolding. 1996. Planning new storage: Standards and reality. In Research Techniques in Photographic Conservation: Proceedings of the Conference in Copenhagen, 14-19 May 1995, ed. Mogens S. Koch, Tim Padfield, Jesper Stub Johnsen, and Ulla Bgvad Kejser, 9-12. Kbenhavn, Denmark: Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Conservation. Nishimura, Douglas W. 1996. The practical presentation of research studies on film stability. In Research Techniques in Photographic Conservation: Proceedings of the Conference in Copenhagen, 14-19 May 1995, ed. Mogens S. Koch, Tim Padfield, Jesper Stub Johnsen, and Ulla Bgvad Kejser, 85-92. Kbenhavn, Denmark: Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Conservation. Nishimura, Douglas W., James M. Reilly, and Peter Adelstein. [1991] 2010. Improvements to the photographic activity test in ANSI Standard IT9.2 (1991). In Issues in the Conservation of Photographs, ed. Debra Hess Norris, and Jennifer Jae Gutierrez, 155-70. Readings in Conservation. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute. Previously published in Journal of Imaging Technology 17 no. 6 (1991): 245-52 and 9th Triennial Meeting: Dresden, German Democratic Republic, 26-31 August, 1990: Preprints, ed. Kirsten Grimstad, 268-73. Los Angeles: ICOM Committee for Conservation, 1990. Norris, Debbie Hess. 1979. Platinum: The prince of photographic materials. In Papers Presented by Trainees at the Art Conservation Training Programs Conference: April 30, May 1 & 2, 1979, Center for Conservation and Technical Studies, Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 67-82. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Fogg Art Museum. Center for Conservation and Technical Studies. . 1992. The conservation treatment of deteriorated photographic print materials. In The Imperfect Image: Photographs, Their Past, Present and Future: Conference Proceedings: Papers Presented at the Centre for Photographic Conservation's First International Conference at the Low Wood Conference Centre, Windermere, 6th-10th April 1992, 36166. London: Centre for Photographic Conservation. . 1996. Current research needs in the conservation treatment of deteriorated photographic print materials. In Research Techniques in Photographic Conservation: Proceedings of the Conference in Copenhagen, 14-19 May 1995, ed. Mogens S. Koch, Tim Padfield, Jesper Stub Johnsen, and Ulla Bgvad Kejser, 101-5. Kbenhavn, Denmark: Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Conservation. Norris, Debra Hess. [1999] 2010. Surface cleaning of damaged photographic materials: Current practice and concerns (1999). In Issues in the Conservation of Photographs, ed. Debra Hess Norris, and Jennifer Jae Gutierrez, 610-622. Readings in Conservation. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute. Previously published in Care of Photographic Moving Image & Sound Collections, ed. Susie Clark, 96-101. Leigh, Worcestershire: Institute of Paper Conservation, 1999. Norris, Debra Hess, and Jennifer Jae Gutierrez, ed. 2010. Issues in the Conservation of Photographs. Readings in Conservation. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute.
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