Bell Method Example 7 5
Bell Method Example 7 5
Bell Method Example 7 5
and tubes hea Data input corresponds to yellow cells and the tube array must be selected in the list box. Results are shown in cells K48 to K50 Process Data tube side shell side Flowrate (kg/s) Inlet Temp. (C) Outlet Temp. (C) Inlet Pressure (bar abs) Q= Heat Duty (W) Thermal Balance check Density (kg/m3) Viscosity (cp) Specific Heat. (J/kg.K) Thermal Conduct. (W/m.K) Visc at wall temperature (cp) Pr Tube side Calculations at= Flow Area 0.0401 Gt= mass velocity 970.2 Ret= Reynolds Number 24568 hi= internal coeff. 1327 hio= 1096 friction factor 0.00758 Pressure drop 16099 Shell side calculations- Bell method effective number of tubes rows Total number of tubes rows correction Sm=Cross flow area Gm= Mass velocity Rem j=Colburn Coefficient FBP=By pass fraction alfa by pass correction for h r Sw window correction factor STB=tube-baffle leakage area SSB=shell baffle leakage area SL= total leakage area SL/Sm= (1-hL/hNL)o 1-hL/hNL hL/hNL ho shell side friction factor m2 kg/m2/s W/m2K W/m2K N/m2 334 1 0.0491 678.3 80544 3.76E-03 0.390 1.35 0.8426 0.1812 0.0356 1.1251 0.0083 0.0030 0.0112 0.2288 0.2029 0.2567 0.7433 1714.8 0.0908 Internal fouling ressistance(m2.K/W) External fouling ressistance Select the tubes array m2 kg/s.m2 38.88 40 60 4 1664064 OK- error <2% 716 0.62 2140 0.129 0.59 10.29 578 0.16 2640 0.0917 0.16 4.61 33.33 AUX 104 85 3 1671833 (see drawing at right) N= Number of tubes per shell Ntw= Number of tubes in window NCL=Number of tubes in central row NBT= Number of tubes crossing the baffle NC= Number of tubes rows between consecutives baffles edges sigma=separation between rows DS= Shell Diameter DB=Baffle Diameter BC= Baffle cut A= Baffle central angle in degrees Do= Tubes external diameter Di= Tubes internal diameter DBT=Baffle holes diameter Pt= Tubes separation (Pitch) c= clearance between tubes n= number of tube passes NB= Number of baffles NS= Number of sealing strips pairs L= tubes length B= Baffles spacing
44 45
Ns/0.5*Nc 0.307692 m2 m2 m2 m2
U= Overall heat transfer coefficient calculated Tubeside pressure drop per shell Shellside pressure drop per shell Wall temperature calculation
W/m2K 1/(1/hio+Rfi)=
alfa2 by pass correction for deltap (deltap)BP vZ Nw (deltap)w (1-deltapL/deltapNL)o (1-deltapL/deltapNL) deltapL/deltapNL deltap shell
essure drops in a TEMA type E shell and tubes heat exchanger using Bell-Delaware method. list box. Results are shown in cells K48 to K50
GEOMETRIC DATA (see drawing at right) = Number of tubes per shell w= Number of tubes in window CL=Number of tubes in central row BT= Number of tubes crossing
414 75 21 339 13 0.022 0.609 0.6043 0.15225 120 0.019 0.0157 0.0198 0.0254 0.0064 2 17 2 4.267 0.234
C= Number of tubes rows between consecutives baffles edges gma=separation between rows
m m m m m m m m
= Baffle central angle in degrees o= Tubes external diameter de tubos BT=Baffle holes diameter = Tubes separation (Pitch) = clearance between tubes = number of tube passes
m m
0.0005 0.0004
= Overall heat transfer coefficient calculated ubeside pressure drop per shell hellside pressure drop per shell
all temperature calculation 708 W/m2K Ts=shell side fluid mean temp. 94.5 C
1017 W/m2K
50 C
76.24 C
0.217 m2 C W Ft 0.97
16099 Pa 36886 Pa
43.0 C
1 2 0.967152
Rem<100 j=a*Rem^b a 1 2 3 4 5 3 array triangle (30) Pt/D= 1.25 Square Pt/D=1.25 Rotated Square Pt/D=1.25 triangle (30) Pt/D= 1.5 Square Pt/D=1.5 Selected array For Rem = 80544.11 1.81 0.97 1.81 1.34 0.88 1.81 j =
a 1 2 3 4 5 3 arreglo tringulo (60) Pt/D= 1.25 Cuadrado Pt/D=1.25 Cuadro rotado Pt/D=1.25 tringulo (60) Pt/D= 1.5 Cuadrado Pt/D=1.5 Arreglo seleccionado Coefficients for Rem 4.376 3.923 3.923 3.196 3.04 3.923 80544.11
Calculation of friction factor and J factor coefficients for J calculation 100<Rem<3000 j=a*Rem^b lnj=a+b*lnRem+c(lnRem)^2 b a b c -0.72 -0.62 -0.72 -0.68 -0.64 -0.72 3.76E-03 1.7 3.29 0.32 0.37 1.61 0.32 -1.25 -1.9 -0.76 -0.56 -1.34 -0.76 0.065 0.121 0.025 0.0087 0.082 0.025
Rem>3000 j=aRem^b a b 0.275 0.275 0.275 0.275 0.275 0.275 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38 -0.38
for f calculation - ln(f)=a+blnRem+c*(lnRem)^2+d*(lnRem)^3 Rem<100 b -1.025 -0.984 -0.984 -1.176 -1.13 -0.984 c 0 0 0 0.0557 0.031 0 a = b= c= d= d 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.3 -2.403 0.226 -0.00721 a 5.293 3.871 6.3 3.472 -8.015 6.3
100<Rem<1300 b -1.864 -0.498 -2.403 -1.547 5.152 -2.403 c 0.1584 -0.2052 0.226 0.1425 -1.166 0.226 d -0.00472 0.0221 -0.00721 -0.00454 0.0771 -0.00721 a 5.293 3.871 6.3 3.472 -6.666 6.3
f =
1300<Rem<3000 c 0.1584 -0.2052 0.226 0.1425 -0.0981 0.226 d -0.00472 0.00221 -0.00721 -0.00454 0.00237 -0.00721 a 5.293 -7.907 6.3 3.472 -6.666 6.3
Rem>3000 b -1.864 1.774 -2.403 -1.547 1.152 -2.403 c 0.1584 -0.16 0.226 0.1425 -0.0981 0.226 d -0.00472 0.00407 -0.00721 -0.00454 0.00237 -0.00721