FEMAP Student Guide
FEMAP Student Guide
FEMAP Student Guide
This software and related documentation are proprietary to Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. 2010 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks belong to their respective holders.
Femap 101
Day 2 Lesson No 6 7 8 9 10 Topic The Femap User Interface Part 2 Model Display and Visualization Meshing Analysis Set Manager Postprocessing Workshop(s)
Day 3 Lesson No
11 The Meshing Toolbox
12 13 14
Using Femap
Purpose This lesson provides an overview of general overview of Finite Element Modeling and Analysis and the tools in Femap available to generate FEA models. Topics What is Finite Element Analysis? What comprises a FEA model? Femap Modeling Process Flow Femap Model Objects and Commands
Lesson 1
Femap can be used to model the first four types of FEA models.
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Lesson 1
A FEA model is at best, an approximation of a physical structure. The accuracy of the results from a FEA model are only as good as the quality of the mesh and the accurate application of material attributes and boundary conditions to a model. diti t d l
Lesson 1
Lesson 1
Import Geometry File, Import Geometry y File, References Create Geometry Modify Geometry Geometry, commands y Modify, commands
Direct CAD geometry interfaces Solid Edge, NX (Unigraphics and Ideas), ProE, CATIA, deas) ProE CATIA and SolidWorks. Industry standard CAD geometry Interfaces
Femap geometry creation and editing Points, 2D and 3D curves Surfaces Solid creation and editing operations
Lesson 1
Isotropic 2D and 3D Orthotropic 2D and 3D Anisotropic Elastomers Hyperelastic, Foam, etc. Analysis program specific types (NX Nastran, MSC Nastran, LSDyna, Abaqus, Marc)
Lesson 1
Boundary Conditions
Constraints Model, Constraint commands Loads Model, Load commands
Femap models can contain multiple Constraint Sets and Load Sets Constraints and Loads can be assigned to geometry or meshes For loads, the Model Info window allows:
Creation, editing, highlighting, and deletion of Load and Constraint sets. Creation, editing, highlighting, and deletion of individual Loads, Load Definitions, Constraints, and Constraint Definitions. Creation and editing of Body, Nonlinear, Dynamic, and Heat Transfer loads and settings.
Lesson 1
Single Nodes
Single Elements
Additional mesh creation and editing tools are available through the Meshing Toolbox
Lesson 1
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Lesson 2
Purpose This lesson provides an overview of the Femap User Interface. Topics Femap Main Window Layout Graphics Windows Femap Main Menus Toolbars and Customizable Menus View Manipulation Part 1 Dockable Panes Model Info Tree Entity Editor Status Bar and Tray Right Mouse Button Entity S l ti E tit Selection Setting the Pick or Snap Mode Locate and Vector Dialog Boxes Shortcut Keys Online Help Units
Lesson 2
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Lesson 2
Graphics Windows
Femaps graphics windows have the ability to display: Wireframe, hidden line, or rendered FEA models XY plots of functions and analysis results.
Multiple Models can be opened at the same time each with multiple views. A single model with multiple views has the view name displayed in the view tab When multiple models are open, each view has their view tab displayed as Model Name : View Name
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Lesson 2
True Windows - provide easy transfer from Femap to other Windows programs. Cut and Paste Windows Metafiles JPEG, BITMAP, GIF, TIFF, and PNG picture file formats AVI and Animated GIF animation files
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Lesson 2
Keyboard K b d Designate and manage shortcut keys (hotkey) combinations for specific commands. Create and manage userdefined commands.
User Commands
Options Set options on the toolbars such as using large icons, showing tooltips (with or without shortcut keys), and menu animation options (options are selected for ALL toolbars).
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Lesson 2
Dockable Toolbars Toolbars can be docked anywhere around the perimeter of p the main Femap window. When docked, toolbars can be placed next to one another or stacked on top of one another.
Floating Toolbars Toolbars can be peeled off the perimeter of the main Femap window and made to peeled float anywhere within the main Femap window. Floating toolbars can be reshaped.
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Lesson 2
Customizing Toolbars
Three (3) methods to customize or create a new toolbar: Select the Tools, Toolbars, Customize command Right-click in a toolbar pane or outside of any Femap pane Click the Customize icon (d Cli k th C t i i (down-arrow i icon) on a d k d or fl ti t lb and th ) docked floating toolbar d then select Customize from the context-sensitive menu.
Clicking the Down icon in a toolbar allows direct access to that toolbar and has options to disable commands in that toolbar.
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Lesson 2
View Manipulation
View Rotation, Zooming and Panning View Orientation Toolbar Entity Display Toolbar View Toolbar
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Lesson 2
Action Rotate
No command active Left or Middle mouse button Ctrl+Left or Ctrl+Middle mouse button
The mouses Scroll wheel can be used for dynamic zooming. Femap Preferences can be modified to swap the use of the Ctrl and Shift keys for dynamic viewing viewing. Located under the User Interface tab, Mouse Interface options.
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Lesson 2
The Isometric, Dimetric, and Trimetric view orientation(s) can be modified using Femap s Femaps Preferences. Select the View tab and set the angles for these views under the View and Dynamic Rotation section.
As an alternative, you can use the View, Rotate, Model command (F8 hotkey) to rotate or orient views. Version 10 added the option to Rotate Around any coordinate system, including those defined by the user.
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Lesson 2
Coordinate Systems
Text Surfaces
Constraints Nodes
View Analysis
Model Toggle
View Geometry Toggle View Labels Loads Curves Connectors
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Lesson 2
View Toolbar
The View toolbar allows control of the active view orientation, magnification, view style, and layers.
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Lesson 2
Dockable Panes
There are seven (7) standard dockable panes Model Info Meshing Toolbox Entity Editor Entity Info Data Table Data Surface Editor Messages Window
Two other dockable panes are available for customization of Femap: P Program Fil File API Programming Can be turned on and off using the Tools menu and the Panes toolbar. Panes can be resized when docked or floating.
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The Push Pin Icon is used to toggle a dockable pane from simply Docked to Docked and Tabbed.
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Docking position indicators only appear when a dockable pane is being dragged from one position to another. An outline of where the pane will be positioned will appear when the cursor is placed over a specific Indicator.
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Lesson 2
Messages Window
Can be turned on and off using the Tools, Other Windows, Messages menu Provides information on commands Femap is performing, and their status. List and error information
Undock i d U d k window b d bl li ki on the Titl Bar, return to previous docked size b by double-clicking th Title B t t i d k d i by double-clicking Title Bar again. Messages window can be resized when docked or floating.
Copy or Save Information from List Highlight and Cut Save t File S to Fil
When typing in the Messages window, anytime you type a shortcut key, the command assigned to the key will be invoked.
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Lesson 2
Analyses Analysis Sets Results Output Sets Views Groups Layers Selection List
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Lesson 2
Toggle on/off and settings for highlighting of selected objects. Similar to the Window, Show Entities command.
Defaults for Show When Selected can be set in the Show Entities Defaults section found on the User Interface tab of the Preferences dialog box.
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Lesson 2
Entity Editor
Turn on and off with the Tools, Entity Editor menu or with the Panes toolbar. Provides information of specific entities in Femap displayed using different types of fields. The types of fields include: Numeric Value - Enables you to enter a numeric value for a specific field Text - Text can be typed directly into these fields. Usually in a Title, Text, or Notes field Drop-down menu button - Button has arrow facing down. Lists options for that can be selected for a particular field. Options button - Button has three dots. Brings up the color palette or a dialog box that is used to change the information in that specific field. Read Only - Cannot be changed. Shown in Blue text.
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Select Toolbar
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Lock/Unlock Toggle - When unlocked, the Entity Editor will always display the entity that was last selected using an entity entry method. When locked, the data in the Entity Editor will remain there until the pane is unlocked. Copy to Clipboard - Copies the current data in the Entity Editor to the clipboard so it can be pasted into the Messages window or an outside program Clear All clears the contents of Entity Editor window Does not delete the window. entity. Categorized - Default listing method of the Entity Editor. For each entity, groups similar parameters, options, and settings together for more efficient use. Alphabetic - Displays all the fields without any categories in alphabetical order Collapse/Expand All - Collapses or expands ALL categories in the Entity Editor at once. Can be used to only show what you need to modify specific entities. Reload From Model - Reloads the Entity Editor fields with the values that are currently in the model for the chosen entity. Use this to recover the original values for all the fields, except for modifications made with a prior Update Model action. Update Model - Applies any changes made in the Entity Editor to a chosen entity and saves the changes to the model database
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Lesson 2
Entity Editor Help Shows a title and short description of what each field of every entity represents. Also documents the Nastran Bulk Data entry (if applicable) the field will produce when a Nastran Input File (*.DAT, *.BDF, or *.NAS file usually) is exported.
Context Sensitive Menus Different menus appear when the right mouse button is clicked depending on what type of field is currently highlighted. For instance, when a Text or Numerical Value field is highlighted, a menu will pop-up which will allow you t U d ( hi h ill ll to Undo (reverts to last t t l t saved value while field is still highlighted), Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, or Select All.
You can use calculator functions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), as well as exponentials (i.e. 1.234E4 for 12,340 OR 5.67E-3 for 0.00567) in any real number field.
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Lesson 2
Displays a short description of commands when in the menu structure of Femap or positioned over icon.
Tray on Right Provides Access to Current Entities Displays Active Property, Load Set, Constraint Set, Group, and Output Set Change Current Entity or create a new one Right-clicking the Status Bar brings up a customization menu which can be used to toggle individual Tray items on and off
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Lesson 2
Modify the Workplane. Show Tooltips When activated, shows information for a highlighted entity in a Tooltips window (small yellow window in the main graphics window) Works much like Dynamic Query in previous versions of FEMAP when there is entity active in the Select toolbar
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Lesson 2
Visibility, Post Data, and XY Data Convenient method of changing view parameters Menu commands for these option several layers down, right mouse button provided easy access
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Lesson 2
Select based on Coordinate(s), Around a Point, Around a Vector, or Around a Plane Specify options for selecting Combined Curves and Boundary Surfaces Add additional entities based on entities already selected using Add Connected Fillets and Add Tangent Surfaces Select titi S l t entities matching th C l selected f t hi the Color l t d from a color palette. l l tt Select From List button. For objects that have "Titles" the "Select from List" button can be used to choose entities from a list dialog box. Ctrl+L in a dialog box field brings up the list of "Titled" entities. The Preview button graphically highlights the entities selected.
Note: Clicking the icon in a Femap Entity Selection dialog box takes you directly to the Femap User Guide through on-line help and has a table of all the Selection methods for each entity type.
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You can enter additional filter strings or push the Clear All Filters icon to clear your filter and return to the original, unfiltered selection list.
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Lesson 2
Using the standard contextsensitive menu activated by clicking the right mouse button in the Graphics pane. Using the Snap Mode p pulldown menu on the Select toolbar.
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Lesson 2
See section 4.3.1 Entity Selection in the Femap User Manual (user.pdf).
Note: Setting th Method in the Locate N t S tti the M th d i th L t dialog box does NOT change the Snap Mode
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Note: To change the Method of specifying the coordinates of the vector, place the cursor in one of the coordinate boxes, and press the Ctrl+Z hotkey.
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Note: To change the method of specifying the coordinates of the plane, place the cursor in one of the coordinate boxes and press the boxes, Ctrl+Z hotkey.
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Lesson 2
Shortcut Keys
Femap contains preprogrammed shortcut keys for commonly used commands. F5 - View Select, F6 - View Options, F8 - View Rotate, Ctrl+D - View Redraw, Ctrl+A - View Autoscale Visible, Ctrl+G - View Regenerate, Ctrl+Z - Undo, and y ( pp ) Many More. (See Appendix A of User Guide) Preprogrammed Keys shown on Menu Structure.
Dialogue Box Keys available when in a command. Ctrl+A - Measure an Angle Ctrl+C - Windows Copy Ctrl+D - Measure a Distance Ctrl+Z - Use Standard Coordinate Selection Dialog Box to define location. And Many More (See Appendix A of User Guide)
Customizable Shortcut Keys Use the Tools, Toolbar, Customize command Customized shortcut keys can be saved to a .LAYOUT file and imported into other installations of FEMAP FEMAP. In some cases, importing a .LAYOUT file with customized shortcut keys only into a new version of FEMAP will recreate some or all of the customized shortcut keys.
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Note: When typing in the Messages window, anytime you type a shortcut key, the command assigned to the key will be invoked.
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Lesson 2
On-Line Help
Menu Help - Femap provides description of each command while pointing at it or accessing it on the Status Bar . Help is context sensitive Access a command Click F1 to access HELP Shift + F1 to choose a command with the Whats This? cursor. Help Window will appear with description of the current command.
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Lesson 2
Units conversion tool lets user convert units of data in model User must be aware of current units system being used You can use the File, Notes command to make a notation for future reference and to add a comment in the analysis file.
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Lesson 2
Units Conversion
Use the Tools, Convert Units command to convert units. Convert all quantities using conversion of basic units Convert specific entities with individual conversion factors
E.g. convert N-mm units in model to N-m Length: 0.001 m = 1 mm Mass: 1000 kg = 1 tonne Force: 1 N = 1 N Energy: 0.001 Nm = 1 Nmm
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Lesson 3
Purpose This lesson provides an overview of the Femaps geometry import, creation and editing tools. Topics
Geometry Overview Parasolid Geometry Kernel Geometry Import Solids Overview Geometry Cleanup Wireframe Geometry Creation and Modification Surface Geometry Creation and Editing Solid Geometry and Editing General Geometry Modification Tools Additional Geometry Tools for Meshing
Lesson 3
Geometry Overview
Femap supports the creation and modification of wireframe, surface, and solid geometry using the Parasolid geometry kernel Femap reads multiple CAD formats Femap geometry creation and editing Points, 2D and 3D curves Surfaces Solid creation and editing operations Supports Solid, Sheet and Non-manifold Bodies Midplane surface extraction and editing (to be covered in a separate lesson)
Lesson 3
Independent of product (Femap, UG NX, Solid Edge, etc.) From the Parasolid documentation: To allow precision to be handled correctly, all parts of a body must be within this box b It is highly recommended to set the default unit in your application code to one meter
Lesson 3
Can also be set in the Solid Model Read Options dialog box for Parasolid and ACIS files and the STEP Read Options dialog box for STEP. When the dialog boxes are opened, the Geometry Scale Factor reflects Femaps p preference. Geometry Scale Factor for Meters = 1 Geometry Scale Factor for Inches = 39.37 Geometry Scale Factor for Millimeters = 1000
If you change the Geometry Scale Factor to a value other than the value of Femaps preference in one of these dialog boxes, this will update Femaps preference to the value input.
Lesson 3
Geometry Importing
Import geometry with the File, Import, Geometry command. Import Geometry icon can be found on the Main toolbar
Direct CAD Interfaces Solid Edge (.par, .psm, .pwd, .asm) NX Unigraphics (.prt) NX I-deas (.idi) Pro/Engineer (.prt, .asm) Catia v4 ( C (.mdl, .exp, .dlv) ) Catia v5 (.catP*) optional SolidWorks (.sldprt, .sldasm) Parasolid ACIS STEP (AP 203 Solids, AP 214 Surfaces) IGES DXF STL reads .stl files as triangular surface mesh
Lesson 3
The File, References command is used to view the status of a reference in Femap. If the time/date stamp is modified due to changes in the CAD model, this will be shown in the Reference Manager dialog box. Femaps default preferences are set to generate references upon import and to automatically check for reference updates when opening a model.
Lesson 3
Solid Bodies
A Solid body is completed enclosed by surfaces and has no gaps or dangling surfaces. Any Solid body is shown in the Model Info panes Geometry tree with this icon:
Running the Tools, Mass Properties, Solid Properties command will show that a Solid body has Volume.
Lesson 3
Sheet Bodies
Sheet bodies have one or more contiguous surfaces that do not enclose a volume. For multi-surface Sheet bodies, all surfaces must connect on a common edge with one other surface as with solid 2 below.
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Lesson 3
The Meshing Toolbox has the Entity Locator tool to locate curves and surfaces within solids by specifying a search method and size. This will be covered in detail in Lesson 11 The Meshing Toolbox.
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Lesson 3
Remove Sliver Surfaces Removes small sliver surfaces resulting from inaccuracies in solid geometry operations.
Check Geometry Checks the validity of the solid. Will show that an imported solid body is in reality a sheet solid if imperfections are detected.
Match Model Scale Factor Use when solids imported are at a different Solid Geometry Scale Factor than the factor set in Femap preferences. Adjusts the selected solid(s) to the factor set in Femap preferences. Must have Check Geometry option enabled.
Advanced cleanup options - See section of the Femap Commands manual. Has options to repair and remove small features features. Surface Heal and Stitch option is similar to Explode and Stitch commands. Can only be used on one solid at a time. Note: If you still have problems cleaning geometry for meshing, an alternative technique is to Explode the problem solid, then Stitch it back together.
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Lesson 3
The Workplane is used to define the local X-Y plane for 2D wireframe and some solid geometry creation commands. Access via the Tools, Workplane command or the F2 hotkey. Snap Options control display of the grid spacing, etc. of the workplane
Workplane display can be toggled on and off with the View Style, Workplane icon on the View toolbar Grid display options in the View Options Tools and View Style dialog box controls color and fill settings for the workplane
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Lesson 3
Color, ID, Default Length, Spline Order, etc. are set in the Geometry Parameters dialog box. Press the Parameters button in the Locate - dialog box to access the Geometry Parameters dialog box
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Lesson 3
Creation with the Geometry, Curve Line commands: Locate on the Workplane: Project Points Horizontal Vertical Perpendicular Parallel Midline At Angle Angle to Curve Point and Tangent Tangent Rectangle Continuous Points Coordinates Offset Vectored
Locate in 3D space:
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Lesson 3
Arcs are always placed on the Workplane Arc creation with the Geometry, Curve Arc commands: Center-Start-End Radius-Start-End two points on the arc define the start and end of the arc. A positive radius will create an arc less then 180 degrees while a negative radius will generate an arc greater than 180 degrees. Angle-Start-End two points on the arc define the start and end of the arc; a positive angle will generate the arc from the start to the end in a counterclockwise direction a negative angle will generate the arc clockwise from the start point to the end point.. Chord-Center-Start locate the center, start point for the arc, and a chord length less than twice the radius. Points locate the start point, a point on the arc, and the end. Center and Points use this to create an arc in 3D space. Specify by four points: Center, start, end, and a fourth point that defines the direction of the arc. Start-End-Direction specify the start and end points, and the tangent direction for the start point.
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Lesson 3
Circles are always placed on the Workplane Circle creation with the Geometry, Curve Circle commands: Radius two points define the center and a point on the circle. Diameter two points on the circle define the diameter. Center define the C t d fi th center and th t d the radius of the circle. Two Points locate two points on the circle and enter the radius. Point-Tangent locate the center point and a tangent curve. Concentric create a circle by selecting an existing circle and the new circles radius. Points on Arc create a circle by three points. Center and Points create a circle by defining the center, starting point on the circle, and a point defining the positive direction of the circle.
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Lesson 3
Splines can be generated by Control Points or by Points on the spline (the splines control points are automatically generated by Femap). Four (4) point Bezier splines are created when using the following commands: Ellipse Parabola P b l Hyperbola The Equation spline is created by specifying coefficients of parametric cubic equations. A Tangent spline is created by specifying the start and end points of a spline and the tangents at those points. The spline created by the Blend command creates a spline blending two curves. A Blend Factor controls the interior shape. The Offset spline uses a point projected onto the Workplane to determine the offset location. Combine a set of contiguous curves into a single curve using the Multiple Curves command. Not to be used with sharp corners.
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Lesson 3
The Geometry, Sketch command creates a Boundary Surface from curves created during the Sketch command sequence. Also accessible from the Solid toolbar once the sketch is completed, you have the option to extrude or revolve the sketched boundary surface.
The Modify, Edit, Boundary command allows you to add or remove curves from an existing Boundary Surface.
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Lesson 3
Modify, Extend
Modify, Break
Modify, Join
Modify, Fillet
Modify, Chamfer y,
Except for the Break operation, these commands cannot be applied to solid or surface geometry curves curves.
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Lesson 3
Remove Hole
NonManifold N M if ld Add
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Lesson 3
Surface Curves
The Geometry, Curve - From Surface set of commands are used to create curves on surfaces with the following techniques: Intersect select two intersecting surfaces and/or solids. Project project the selected curve(s) normal to the selected surface(s) surface(s). Project Along Vector - project the selected curve(s) along the specified vector onto the selected surface(s). Parametric Curve specify a location to generate a curve along a U or V direction on the selected surface. Slice split the selected surface(s) and/or solids by a plane. Split at Locations generate a parametric curve on a surface by specifying the start and end locations of the curve.
When the Update Surfaces option is enabled (default for new models), the curves become part of the surface and will split the surface into multiple surfaces (if the curves selected make up a closed loop). Otherwise, the curves generated by this py command are simply internal curves of the surface.
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The Save Split Lines option creates connecting lines from the selected arc(s) to the concentric arcs and tags the surface around the arcs to use mapped four corner meshing.
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Lesson 3
Surface Curves
Finally, three additional commands exist for creating curves on surfaces: Point to Point select two points on a p generated. surface and a parametric curve is g Similar to the Split at Locations command, except that the points must exist on the surface. The surface is automatically selected by the first point. Point to Edge generates a curve on a surface by selecting a existing point on a surface and a curve on the interior or exterior boundary of the surface to project that point onto. Edge to Edge - project the end points selected curve(s) along the specified vector onto the selected edge on the same surface.
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Stitch Explode Editing operations Fillet Chamfer Shell Thicken Remove Face
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Lesson 3
Move geometry via the following commands: Modify, Project Projects points onto curves, surfaces, vectors and planes Moves a point from its current location to the selected location Modify, Move To Modify, Move By Modify, Rotate To Modify, Rotate By f Modify, Align Modify, Scale Allows scaling in three directions of the specified coordinate system
Modify a points location with the following command: Modify, Edit, Point
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Lesson 4
Purpose This lesson provides an overview of creating and editing materials and properties with Femap. Topics Types of materials supported Defining Materials Other Types of Materials Modifying Materials Defining Properties Beam Properties Composite Laminates
Lesson 4
Lesson 4
Lesson 4
Defining Materials
Create new materials with the Model, Material command or use the Model Info window (right-click on the Material object and select New). Default material type is Isotropic To select different material model, choose Type which appears on the top right of every material definition dialog box, and then select a different material type, e.g., Hyperelastic. type e g Hyperelastic The default material type changes to the last selected type after changing the material type. Type values directly into the fields provided; or Access the material library by selecting the Load button
Lesson 4
Lesson 4
Modifying Materials
Use the Modify, Edit Material command: Enter the Material ID you want to edit; or: Select an element with the material you want to edit; or: Alternatively, you can click th S l t f Alt ti l li k the Select from Li t i List icon; or: Use Method to select a material by Element, etc
In the Model Info pane right-click an individual material to be edited. Right-clicking on the Materials heading in the tree will select ALL materials for editing.
The Visibility Toggle icon to the left of the material name indicates whether or not objects using that material are displayed in displayed views of the Femap model.
Lesson 4
Defining Properties
A Property defines the element shape and associated material. Create new properties with the Model, Property command or in the Model Info pane, right-click on the Property object and select New.
The default property (element type) is Plate. Other types are selected with Elem/Property Type dialog box. Selecting a different element/property type makes that type the default type.
Properties define additional analysis information for each element type, and are controlled by the element type.
Lesson 4
Property Values
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Lesson 4
Choose General Section under Shape to select any planar surface as the cross section of a beam. Beam properties will be automatically calculated by after clicking OK.
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Lesson 4
Use the Modify, Update Elements, Line Element Orientation command to change orientation of the selected beam elements. The Modify, Update Elements, Line Element Offsets command is used to change the offset of the selected beam elements. ff t f th l t db l t Can also change the offset by setting the location of the node to the beam Reference Point.
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Y and Z axes are determined by the beams property definition. FEMAP prompts |for an alignment vector when creating beam elements. l t This vector is used to specify the direction of the Y-Axis specified in the Beam Property. Property
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Property ID assign a different property ID to element(s) of the same type. Material ID assign a different material to the selected physical property.
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Change the Thi k Ch th Thickness of the selected elements, i l di creating and/or modifying f th l t d l t including ti d/ dif i variable thickness shells Automatically creates new properties for the variable thickness planar elements.
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You must manually delete and/or merge any midside nodes for elements converted from Parabolic to Linear.
Midside Nodes moves the midside nodes on the selected element(s) to the midside of the element. Use after nodes have been moved. Rigid Thermal Expansion assign a Coefficient of Thermal Expansion () to the selected Rigid Element(s). elements converted from Parabolic to Linear.
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Lesson 4
Composite Layups
Layups are a Femap object that designates multiple composite plies Practical limit of 5000 plies per Layup
A Ply has the following attributes: y as t e o o g att butes Ply ID (number) Material Thickness Angle Global Ply ID Used to designate a common ply ID for use in other layups. e.g. The OML or Outer Skin Ply for all layups.
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Lesson 4
Symmetric The mirrored plies will be added to the top of the Layup in reverse order of selection.
Reverse Reverse th order of th selected plies b R the d f the l t d li based on th original position (i d the i i l iti (i.e., th the selected ply which was closest to the Bottom of Layup will now be closest to the Top of Layup in the list).
Move Up and Move Down The selected ply or plies will be moved closer to the Top of Layup (Move Up) or Bottom Layup Bottom of Layup (Move Down) in the order selected.
Rotate The selected ply or plies are rotated by the angle input in the Rotate Ply By dialog box. The order of the plies in the Layup is not effected.
Copy and Paste Copy and paste the selected ply or plies to the top of the current or another Layup.
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Lesson 5
Purpose This lesson provides an overview of Femaps capabilities in managing, creating and editing boundary conditions . Topics Constraint Sets and Constraints Load Sets Body Loads Load Categories Structural, Thermal, and Fluid loads Creating and Editing Loads Structural Load Types Thermal Load Types Fluid Load Types Advanced Femap Loads Load Set Options for Advanced Analyses
Lesson 5
Constraint Sets
The Model, Constraint, Create/Manage Set command creates a new Constraint Set or activates an existing Constraint Set. This command is also available in the Status Bar Tray and the Model Info tree. You may create as many different Constraint Sets as necessary. necessary Combine multiple Constraint Sets with the Model, Constraint, Combine command.
Lesson 5
With this dialog box, you can: Create a New Constraint Set. Change the name of an existing constraint set by selecting a constraint set and then clicking the Update Title button. Renumber the selected constraint set. Delete (the selected) or Delete All constraint set(s). set(s) Copy the selected constraint set. Create Referenced Sets for Nastran SPCADD/MPCADD constraint sets. Requires that a combined set already be created and selected.
Lesson 5
Clicking the More button will create the constraint set with the ID and Title and will then resets the options in the New Constraint Set dialog box to enable the creation of a new constraint set. If one or more constraint sets are in a model you can also create a Nastran model, SPCADD/MPCADD Combination constraint set. A combined set references one or more Standard constraint sets. When a Nastran deck is created by Femap, it writes out the Nastran SPCADD and MPCADD cards as needed.
Lesson 5
Nastran combined sets are not displayed in the graphics window unless the Show Constrained Entities is selected from the context-sensitive menu in the Model Info pane.
Lesson 5
Creating Constraints
Use the Model, Constraint commands, Constraint toolbar, or the Model Info tree.
Lesson 5
Nodal Constraints
Nodal Constraints - specify six (6) specific degrees of freedom with the Model, Constraint, Nodal command X translation = 1, X rotation = 4 Y translation = 2 Y rotation = 5 2, Z translation = 3, Z rotation = 6 Specify Coordinate System
Constraint Equations relate the motion or displacement of one node to the motion or displacement of one or more other nodes. Often referred to a MPCs
Lesson 5
Geometry Constraints
Geometric constraints - applied to geometry and expanded to nodes during export to an analysis file. Model, Constraint, On Point Model, Constraint Model Constraint, On Curve Model, Constraint, On Surface Expand Geometric constraints manually by using the Model, Constraint, Expand command.
Lesson 5
Editing Constraints
Edit Constraints with: Modify, Edit, Constraint Definition command Modify, Edit, Modify Edit Constraint Individual command Individual constraints in a Constraint Definition may be edited. If the Constraint Definition is subsequently edited, q y , the individual edit is overwritten by the value of the Constraint Definition. You can convert a Constraint Definition to Individual Constraints by right-clicking a Constraint Definition in the Model Info pane and selecting Remove Definition.
Model Info tree Includes the option to Edit Where Applied add and/or remove entities where a constraint is applied. (new in v10.1)
Entity Editor
Constraints created prior to Femap v9.3 are shown in the Model Info tree as Other Constraints. This also applies to all FEMAP models created by importing analysis files.
Lesson 5
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Lesson 5
With this dialog box, you can: Create a New Load Set. Change the name of an existing constraint set by selecting a constraint set and then clicking the Update Title button. Renumber the selected constraint set. Delete (the selected) or Delete All constraint set(s). set(s) Copy the selected constraint set. Create and manage Referenced Sets for Nastran Load Combination sets. Requires that a combined set already be created and selected.
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Lesson 5
Clicking the More button will create the load set with the ID and Title and will then resets the options in the New Load Set dialog box to enable the creation of a new constraint set. If one or more load sets are in a model you can also create a Nastran Load model, Combination constraint set. A combined set references one or more Standard constraint sets. When a Nastran deck is created by Femap, it writes out the Nastran LOAD cards as needed.
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Lesson 5
To reference Standard constraint sets, , select a Nastran SPCADD/MPCADD Combination set, the Constraint Set Manager dialog box, or right-click the constraint set in the Model Info pane and select and select Referenced Sets button in the dialog box or the context-sensitive menu. context sensitive menu
The Reference Load Sets for Nastran SPCADD/MPCADD dialog box will list the Available ( (standard) Sets and the Referenced Sets. ) Manage references by selecting one or more Standard reference sets and click the Add Referenced Sets or Remove Referenced Sets. Set the Overall scale of the combined load set. Set the scale of the For Referenced Set. .
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Lesson 5
Body Loads
Body or Global Loads applied to the entire model. Translational Acceleration (gravity) and Rotational Acceleration Use to apply the weight of the structure as a load Rotational Velocity and Center of Rotations Thermal Default Temperature Required for all Nastran Heat Transfer analyses
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Lesson 5
Loads created prior to Femap v9.3 are shown in the Model Info tree as Other Loads. This also applies to all FEMAP models created by importing analysis files.
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Lesson 5
Editing Loads
Edit Loads with: Modify, Edit, Load Definition command Modify, Edit, Load Individual command Individual loads in a Load Definition may be edited If the Load Definition is edited. subsequently edited, the individual edit is overwritten by the value of the Load Definition. You can convert a Load Definition to Other Loads by right-clicking the Load Definition in the Model Info tree and selecting Remove Definition. You can highlight any number of individual Loads of the same type found in the Other Loads section of a Load Set in the Model Info tree and combine them into a Load Definition using Create Definition Includes the option to Edit Where Applied add and/or remove entities where a load is applied. (new in v10.1)
Entity Editor
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Lesson 5
The Load Angle (default = 180 degrees) is the total angle that the bearing load is applied across the selected surfaces. The direction of the bearing force is the bisector of the Load Angle Uncheck the option for Normal To Surface to align the load with the vector used to define the direction of the bearing force When multiple surfaces are selected, the Total Load option is automatically enabled spreading the specified Magnitude among all the surfaces selected selected, otherwise, the magnitude will be applied to each surface When the Traction Load option is selected, the distributed load will pull on the surfaces pointing away from the solid volume instead of pushing on the surfaces pointing towards the solid volume
Once the inputs for the Bearing Loads are completed and the OK button is pushed, you will be prompted to specify the direction of the bearing force.
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Lesson 5
Note the differences in the stress distribution and the elongation of the holes where traction is applied on the right vs. the hole on the left where traction is not applied.
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Lesson 5
Once the inputs for the Torque are completed and the OK button is pushed, you will be prompted to the location and orientation of the axis about which the torque is applied.
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Lesson 5
Torque Example
In this example, a 10 in-lb torque is being applied to the six grey surfaces below. The axis is being specified by using the Vector Global Axis method.
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Lesson 5
Load Type Static Fluid pressure Total Fluid pressure General Scalar Steam Q lit St Quality Relative Humidity Fluid Height Condition Unknown Condition Slip Wall Condition Fan Curve Periodic Condition
Elements -
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Lesson 5
Notes on Loads
NX Nastran Displacement and Enforced Rotation loads require constraining the loaded object in the direction of the applied load e.g. A Displacement Load of x=.10, and y=.10 applied to a point requires that the corner be constrained in X and Y.
For NX Nastran Advanced Nonlinear (SOL601), loads should be applied with a timebased function. For solvers other than NX Nastran, refer to the Femap Users Guide for details on the loads supported by Femap for the solver used Also refer to that solvers documentation on how to apply loads.
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Lesson 5
Data can be created in four ways: By choosing a Single Value to enter in the X and Y values one at a time. Using a Linear Ramp, you pick a starting and ending X and Y value. An Equation where you specify the starting and ending values of X and delta X and then enter Y as a function of X X. Use the Get function to attain data from a two column spreadsheet, or a listing of two comma separated values from a text file.
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Lesson 5
The Equation Editor is accessible with the CTRL+e hotkey. You can also combine Variable loads with Functions
Use the command Tools, Check, Sum Forces command to calculate sum of the forces and f th f d moments applied.
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Lesson 5
Data Surfaces
The Data Surface Editor pane allows more flexible and complex load definitions. After setup, the data surface can be edited directly using the Data Surface Editor. Access to all Data Surface types (except Tabular) available through the Create Load dialog boxes. allowing setup on the fly
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5.0 50
Enter or select the 3-D point locations and data values, and FEMAP does the rest
10.0 10 0 7.5
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Lesson 5
Simply enter the 3-D point locations and data values, and Femap does the rest.
25.0 5.0
15.0 10.0
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Lesson 5
Tabular Data Surface 2-D / 3-D spreadsheets Multi-dimensional array of points Linear interpolation
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Lesson 5
Many of these options can be set and modified using the Entity Editor after a Load Set has been selected using the Model Info tree.
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Lesson 5
Many of these options can be set and modified using the Entity Editor after a Load Set has been selected using the Model Info tree.
After selecting the type of Nonlinear Analysis, click the Defaults button to automatically enter the NX Nastran Nonlinear defaults and modify as needed. needed
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Lesson 5
Not required for conduction only models. Many of these options can be set and modified using the Entity Editor after a Load Set has been selected using the Model Info tree.
5 - 41
Lesson 6
Purpose This lesson provides an introduction to selection, viewing, and data collection tools in Femaps user interface. Topics Select Toolbar View Options Data Table Programming Interfaces
Lesson 6
Select Toolbar
The Select Toolbar allows you to select entities one at a time or create a list of selected entities that will remain active until you toggle off or clear the selection list. This functionality allows you to choose entities of different types first and then perform multiple commands from the menus or the toolbars on the selected entities. The Select toolbar is essential to the use of the dockable panes, especially the Entity Editor and Data Table because the selector is often the best way to place an entity into either of these panes. The Select toolbar consists of 5 items which aid in the selection process: Selector Entity Menu Selector Modes Menu Selector Actions Menu Selector Clear (Clear current selection list) Snap Modes (Snap to Screen, Snap to Grid, Snap to Point, Snap to Node)
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Lesson 6
While a Tooltip pop-up window is displaying information, if you click the left mouse button, the information will be sent to the Entity Editor and/or the Data Table dockable panes, as long as the panes are visible in the FEMAP interface AND unlocked.
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Lesson 6
Around Point Specify a coordinate (In a specified coordinate system) and select by: Farther Than or Closer Than a specified radial distance from the point. Outside or Between minimum and maximum values of the specified radial distance. At Location within a tolerance of the specified radial distance.
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Lesson 6
Around Plane Select a plane and the normal distance from the plane. Select objects by: Positive Side or Negative Side distance from the plane. Outside or Between minimum and maximum distance from the plane. At Location within a tolerance of the specified distance.
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Lesson 6
Initial Selection
Lesson 6
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Lesson 6
Paste - This command allows you to paste a copied Selection List into a another opened Femap model. The Paste command recognizes that a modified FEMAP neutral file is on the clipboard and reads that neutral file into FEMAP. When the Paste command is used it will bring up the Neutral File Read Options dialog box to allow you enter an ID offset and select other options to aid in the prevention of overwriting entities in the current model.
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Lesson 6
Any time there is an active entity in the Select Toolbar, clicking Alt + clicking the right mouse button in the graphics window will bring up the Quick Access Menu instead of the context sensitive menu related to the active entity. This can very helpful for picking mode purposes and to toggle Show Tooltips.
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Lesson 6
View Options
The View, Options (F6 hotkey) command allows you control the way your view is displayed. There are three major categories in the View Options dialog box: Labels, Entities and Color controls the way text, geometry and mesh entities, and the color of entities are displayed in the active view. Tools and View Style controls view entities, style and display of view objects such as Symbols in the active view. PostProcessing controls the options for displaying graphical and XY plots of analysis results.
See the View Options section of the Femap Commands manual for details on the multiple options available in these dialog boxes.
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Lesson 6
A view with its View Options, Entity Display settings, and Background can be saved to a View Library within the Visibility dialog box (activated with the Ctrl+Q hotkey or from Ctrl Q the View toolbar) by clicking the Save View button. A saved view will update the active views settings by clicking Load View. Changes made to g the active view can also be removed via the Reset View button in this dialog box.
Saved views can also be set as the Startup View for all new models via the View tab of the FEMAP Preferences.
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Lesson 6
Data Table
Use the Tools, Data Table command or the Panes toolbar to turn the Data Table on and off. When the Data Table is first opened, it is locked. The Lock/Unlock icon must be p selected to unlock it to enable it to receive or update data.
Data is placed into an interactive, dynamically changing table using various methods to fill the table provided it is unlocked Each item appears as a single row separated into a number of columns when it enters the Data Table. Information of entities of the same type can be sorted, filtered, and evaluated to help you understand what i occurring i your model b f d d h is i in d l before and after analysis. d f l i In many ways, the Data Table is a complement to the other dockable panes and can also simply be an alternate method to list and view entity data
All FEMAP entities which can be selected using the Select toolbar can be sent to the Data Table. Several commands are available for listing and sorting results when the Data Table is open and analysis results sets are loaded into your FEMAP model: List, Output, Summary to Data Table List, Output, Results to Data Table List, Output, Nodal Changes to Data Table
6- 20
Lesson 6
Programming Interfaces
Program Files FEMAP has the ability to record and replay command sequences using Program Files. Program Files can be edited to accept user input input. Program Files may not be compatible between different versions of FEMAP.
API FEMAP has an Application Programming Interface that can be used to customize FEMAP for applications such as: Automate tasks such as swapping the background colors of views for printing . Calculate the midplane stresses on shell elements elements. Interface with other programs for the purposes for importing, modifying, or reporting data. FEMAP has a built-in Basic language programming environment through the API Programming pane. Microsoft Visual Basic and Visual C++.NET can also be used to develop custom applications f FEMAP li ti for FEMAP.
The API can be used to embed FEMAP into other applications; open, create, and/or modify FEMAP models; or to develop standalone FEMAP applications without using FEMAPs GUI. Examples of API applications are shipped with FEMAP in FEMAPs API folder. The Custom Tools toolbar is set by default to point to this folder.
6- 21
Lesson 7
Purpose This lesson provides an introduction to selection, viewing, and data collection tools in Femaps user interface. Topics Geometry, Material, Property and Layer Visibility Toggles View, Advanced Post, Model Contour Data command Comparing Groups and Layers Layers Groups View Options
Lesson 7
You can also select one or more of the same object type and then Right-click to bring up the Visibility Toggle menu. Femap will display the combination of selected geometry, element types materials geometry types, materials, properties and groups, eliminating the need to organize the model by layers or by creating additional groups.
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Lesson 7
Model Tree:
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Lesson 7
Display Control Example (continued) Display only portion of the model with elements comprised of Aluminum alloys:
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Lesson 7
With this command, you can display Contour, Criteria, or Beam Diagram plots of model data such as in the example below where Plane Element Thickness is shown as a contour plot plot. You cannot simultaneously display model data and analysis results.
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Lesson 7
Can be assigned to multiple Groups Can be assigned to only one Layer Imported with some CAD geometry formats. t f t Assign by rules, relationships, and/or clipping. Automatic generation tools. Reference Groups for managing groups of Groups (Femap v10.1)
Display Simultaneously?
Displayed Layers only Graphical Selection Optional No Pick layer p prevents g p graphical selection of entities on that layer (except when Select All is used). Only entities in the displayed groups can be selected except when Select All is used.
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Lesson 7
Create new layers using the Tools, Layer command. The Layer Manager dialog box:
Create New Layer y Assign ID, Title and Color View Options allows display of colors by layer (by entity type)
Modify the name of a layer using the Update button Renumber layer(s) Delete layer(s)
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Lesson 7
New layers
Modify layer
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Lesson 7
Group Rules Various entity selection commands, either by ID or using relationships to other entities Entities can be added to group using any combination of selection methods When selecting entities, use the Exclude option if you want the selected entities removed permanently from the group.
Group Clipping Selects all entities inside/outside clipping region Set Clipping first, then rules.
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Lesson 7
Note: To see examples of the Group, Operations, Booleans command, go to Section of the Femap Users Guide.
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Lesson 7
You can also select one or more of the same object type and then Right-click the Visibility Toggle.
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Lesson 7
Groups can also be created and managed by selecting the Create/Manage option from this menu.
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Lesson 7
View Options
In many cases, you may want to display specific entity indicators such as surface normal, curve direction or element normal's. The View Options dialog box offers options to display these indicators. Example T E l Turn on display of rigid elements d di l f i id l t degree of f d f freedom i di t indicators and d master/slave nodes:
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Lesson 7
7- 17
Lesson 8
Meshing Overview M hi O i
Purpose This lesson provides an overview of the tools available in Femap to control and generate meshes. Topics Recommended Meshing Workflows Mesh Control Feature Suppression Geometry Meshing Hex Meshing Mesh Modification Tools
Lesson 8
Meshing Overview
Break edge curves where needed Create any needed Curves on Surfaces and Mesh Points on Surfaces Solids Suppress any features as needed Set the Mesh Size on Solids Assign solid Attributes Set the mesh size on individual surfaces as needed
Break surface boundary curves where needed Create any needed Curves on Surfaces and Mesh Points on Surfaces Surfaces Suppress any features as needed Set the Mesh Size on Surfaces Assign surface Attributes Mesh the selected surfaces Set the mesh size on individual curves as needed
Break curves as needed Curves Set the Mesh Size on Curves Assign curve Attributes
Lesson 8
Meshing Overview
Mesh Control
The Mesh, Mesh Control menu creates settings for: Default mesh size Set mesh size on curves, surfaces and solids Hard mesh points Mesh Attributes - assignment of element properties to geometry Mesh approaches on surfaces Suppression of geometric features during meshing
Preview mesh sizing on curves with the View, Options (F6) Labels Entities and Colors, Curve (F6), Labels, Colors Mesh Size option Toggle Mesh Size symbols with the View Style, Mesh Size icon on the View toolbar.
Lesson 8
Meshing Overview
Mesh, Mesh Control, Size commands At Point, used to specify the size along any curve that references that point, and does not already have a size specified. Along Curve, specifies the element size, or number of elements to be placed, and how they will be spaced along the curve curve. On Surface, used to specify the size on all of the curves referenced by the surface, and gives other options for controlling the mesh on the surface. On Solid, provides the same basic mesh control as the previous, but also has additional options that pertain primarily to multi-solid meshing, and hex meshing.
Lesson 8
Meshing Overview
Interactive sizing with automatic re-meshing is available in the Meshing g g g Toolbox under the Mesh Sizing toolset.
Mesh, Mesh Control, Custom Size Along Curve, can be used to place nodes at specific locations along curves, and match one curve's mesh sizing to another curve or curves. See example on following pages
Mesh, Mesh Control, Mapped Divisions on Surface, allows you to specify divisions for a mesh on 3 and 4 sided surfaces Mesh, Mesh Control, Mesh Points on Surface, defines specific locations on a surface where nodes will be created when the surface is meshed
Lesson 8
Meshing Overview
Surface Mesh Size = 5 with Mesh Size of 8 applied to arc on upper boundary of surface
Custom Mesh Size along Curve command applied to the single lower boundary of the surface by Matching the three curves on the upper boundary of the surface
femap101-g-v10.1.1 Fermap 101 Introduction to Femap with NX Nastran Student Guide 8-6
Lesson 8
Meshing Overview
Resulting mesh after applying the Mesh, Mesh Control, Custom Size along Curve command
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Meshing Overview
Lesson 8
Meshing Overview
Lesson 8
Meshing Overview
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Lesson 8
Meshing Overview
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Meshing Overview
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Lesson 8
Meshing Overview
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Lesson 8
Meshing Overview
Initial Mesh Vertex Aspect Ratio Option Disabled Jacobian Mesh Quality Displayed
Initial Mesh Vertex Aspect Ratio = 2.0 Jacobian Mesh Quality Displayed
femap101-g-v10.1.1 Fermap 101 Introduction to Femap with NX Nastran Student Guide 8 - 14
Lesson 8
Meshing Overview
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Meshing Overview
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Meshing Overview
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Meshing Overview
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Lesson 8
Meshing Overview
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Lesson 8
Meshing Overview
Adjacent Surface Matching when surfaces on two adjacent bodies are coincident and have sizes and boundaries, Femap will slave the mesh size and approach of the two surfaces. Use the Remove Previous Slaving option to remove the mesh sizing and slaving on bodies that have had mesh sizes previously applied. Adjust Colors changes the colors of surfaces that have mesh sizes set The set. following lists the colors and their meanings: Dark Transparent Blue free surfaces that have mesh sizes successfully applied. Light Solid Blue surfaces that have been matched to an adjacent surface for the purpose of creating a continuous mesh. Red surfaces on solids that cannot be hex meshed.
Skip Sizing on Slaved Surfaces skip mesh sizing on surfaces that are slaved to another surface.
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Meshing Overview
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Meshing Overview
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Meshing Overview
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Lesson 8
Meshing Overview
Interactive feature suppression is also available in the Meshing Toolbox under the Feature Suppression toolset.
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Meshing Overview
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Lesson 8
Meshing Overview
Geometry Meshing
Mesh, Geometry, Point - is the most basic of the automatic meshing commands. Will generate nodes (and elements for 0D element types such as Mass Elements) at the selected points. Allows you to specify the beginning node and element ID ID.
Mesh, Geometry, Curve Creates a mesh of nodes and 1-D elements along a curve
Mesh, Geometry, Surface - creates nodes and planar elements on a selected set of surfaces. Must first define the mesh sizing using one of the various Mesh Control commands There are also basic Mesh Control options on the Automesh form, as well as Mesh Smoothing, and Element Shape options
Mesh, Geometry, Volume - creates nodes and elements in a selected set of volumes. Since this command uses a mapped meshing technique, the number of nodes/elements along opposite faces of a volume must always be equal / f f
Mesh, Geometry, Solid - Produces a 3-D solid tetrahedral mesh in a solid part Mesh, Geometry, Solids From Elements - meshes a plate element mesh that encloses a volume into a solid element mesh
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Lesson 8
Meshing Overview
You may specify the following options: Mesher Triangle or Quad Toggle generation of Midside Nodes Toggle Mapped Meshing on or off
To see all of the surface meshing options available, press the More Options button.
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Meshing Overview
Toggle Mapped Meshing on or off and set various mapped meshing options.
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Meshing Overview
Select the Smoothing option and settings to reduce mesh distortion. Laplacian moves the node towards the centroid of the surrounding nodes. Centroidal moves a node towards the centroid of the element-weighted centroid of the surrounding elements.
Offset options allow you to offset to the top face, bottom face, or by a specified value as the mesh is created instead of having to do it as a secondary step. If an offset is applied as part of the Mesh, Mesh Control, Attributes on Surface command, that value will be used if no value is set in the Automesh Surfaces dialog box. If a value is entered, it will override the previously set attribute value.
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Lesson 8
Meshing Overview
Post-Meshing Cleanup is on by default and detects certain patterns in the mesher to eliminate them Cut Quads with Angle Deviation Above specified degrees Min Elements Between Boundaries forces the mesher to attempt to put the specified number of elements between adjacent boundaries Max Element Aspect Ratio attempts to create elements which are under the specified aspect ratio Quick-Cut boundaries splits boundaries with more then the specified number of nodes into smaller pieces for meshing.
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Meshing Overview
0 Layers
1 Layer
2 Layers
3 Layers
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Meshing Overview
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Lesson 8
Meshing Overview
Mesh, Between command. Mesh, Region command. Mesh, Revolve, Extrude and Sweep commands. With these commands you can revolve , extrude, or sweep curves or line elements into plane elements, and plane elements into volume elements. You can also select face(s) on volume element(s) to create additional volume elements.
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Lesson 8
Meshing Overview
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Lesson 8
Meshing Overview
Meshing the Solids Use Mesh Control to set the size and link the adjacent surfaces Then Mesh, Geometry, Hex Mesh Solids
Solids of revolution must be sliced so that the solid comprises is less then a 360-degree revolution. e.g A straight, pipe section must be split in half.
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Lesson 8
Meshing Overview
Meshing Toolbox
In a later section, you will learn about the Meshing Toolbox. This toolbox allows for interactive modification of geometry and meshes to improve the quality of meshes: Geometry Feature Suppression Geometry Feature Removal Geometry Combined/Composite Curves Geometry Combined/Composite Surfaces Mesh Sizing Toolbox Mesh Locate Toolbox Mesh Quality Toolbox
8 - 36
Lesson 9
Purpose This lesson provides an introduction to the setup of analyses using Femaps Analysis Set Manager. Topics
The Analysis Set Manager Analysis Set Manager Dialog Box NX Nastran Supported Solution Sequences NX Nastran Input File Setup Preview/Edit Input Bulk Data Entries Analyze Process NX Nastran Analysis Procedure and Files
Lesson 9
Analysis Sets are stored along with the Femap model file or can be stored in a Femap library that is available across different model files. To enter the analysis Manager select the Model, Analysis command. Click the New button to create a new Analysis Set. Specify a Title, Analysis Program, and the Analysis Type
Lesson 9
Advanced Nonlinear Nonlinear Statics (SOL601,106) Nonlinear Transient (SOL601,129) Nonlinear Explicit (SOL701)
Lesson 9
Lesson 9
Case Control Master Requests and Conditions Subcases Select Master Requests and Conditions then click the New button
Multi set: Select constraint and loads sets and Femap will create a subcase for each combination of selected constraint and load set(s) Not available for all analysis types
Lesson 9
Lesson 9
Lesson 9
Lesson 9
Preview/Edit Input
Preview Generates the input deck Check for errors
Edit Preview Modify, add, remove entries Standard field spacing displayed as header Add comments
Analyze or Export
Lesson 9
Analyze Process
Analyze operation Exports input deck and starts in a NX Nastran job p process as a separate p The Analysis Monitor displays the NX Nastran .log, .f04, or .f06 files Results automatically loaded into Femap ( (Femap Preferences p default).
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Lesson 9
Several temporary files are generated during an NX Nastran analysis execution. By default, these files are placed in the scratch file location designated during the installation of NX Nastran. These files are automatically deleted after the successful execution of NX Nastran. Femap allows you to override the default scratch file through a preference setting, or you can specify the file location in an Analysis Set option. The scratch file folder should be checked frequently and files deleted as q y needed.
9 - 11
Lesson 10
View Select Command Deformed and Contour Data Contour Options Nodal vs. Centroidal Stresses Output Transformations Animation Commands and Options XY Plots Freebody Display Vector Plots Detailed Post Processing Options Post Processing Toolbar
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Lesson 10
Specify the Contour style Contour Criteria Beam Diagram IsoSurface Section Cut Vector
Select Deformed and Contour Data to select data, e.g., von Mises Stress g
Review Femap User Guide Chapter 5.9.1 Working with View Select and View Options
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Lesson 10
Contour Options
The contour algorithm in Femap will use either nodal or elemental data to perform the contouring.
Depending on the selected options and the available data, Femap will use several pp different approaches to calculate the contours Contour Group allows the display of results of the Active or Selected group without activating the group. Data Conversion options
Average, Use Corner Data (default) Average, without Corner Data Maximum Value with or w/o Corner Data Minimum Value with or w/o Corner Data Provides the capability to Smart Average results. results Thus accounting for discontinuities in material or geometry and providing a more accurate representation of the results. Option to display Double-sided Planar Contours on planar elements
Element options
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Lesson 10
If you select nodal data, e.g., translations, Femap uses it directly For results with element centroid data but no corner data, you can either: Average the Centroidal values for the all the elements connected to each node (default); or Use the Maximum of the Centroidal values of the connected elements.
For results with element centroid data and element corner data you can either: Average the values at each node (element corner data) to determine the data (default), Use the maximum of the values at each node (element corner data) Average the Centroidal values for the all the elements connected to each node (ignores the corner data you have); or Use the Maximum of the Centroidal values of the connected elements.
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Lesson 10
Output Transformations
By default, Femap displays NX Nastran results in the global or basic rectangular coordinate system. The Select PostProcessing Data dialog box has options to transform output vectors to user-selected directions.
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Lesson 10
Animation Commands
Create the animation in the View Select dialog box and select Animate as the Deformed Style This will create an animation of the active Deformation Output Vector in the Deformed and Contour Data Dialog Box By selecting the View, Advanced Post, Animation command, you can control the speed of the animation.
Once the plot is Animating it can be saved as an AVI file or Animated Gif file (*.GIF) using the File, Picture, Save command and selecting the Video for Windows (*. AVI)or Animated GIF (*.GIF) format.
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Lesson 10
XY Plots
Use View, Select (F5) command to generate XY plots also accessible from the Graphics Windows context-sensitive menu. XY vs ID - plots XY data as a function of ID XY vs Set - plots XY data versus the output set number for an Output Vector across several Output Sets XY vs Set Value - similar to vs Set, except uses Output Set value for X XY vs Position - plots XY data vs the position of nodes or element in an axis direction for an output Vector in on Output Set XY vs Function - (not a post-processing option) plots XY data for a function
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Lesson 10
XY Plots of Functions
Functions can be displayed quickly by selecting the function to be displayed in the Model Info window and selecting Show from the context-sensitive menu. Opens a new graphics view titled XY Show
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Lesson 10
Freebody Display
In the View Select dialog box, choose Deformed and Contour Data, Freebody Display Plots the Freebody information of the entire body or a select group of elements. Must have recovered Grid Point Force Balance data from analysis, if not only Applied and reaction forces will be available. Total Summed Loads allows you to check the model for equilibrium. Choose the types of entities to be viewed
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10 - 14
Lesson 10
Vector Plots
Multiple types of Vector plots can be generated using results data. Select Vector as the Contour Style in the View Select dialog box, then the Deformed and Contour button.
Once an Output Set is selected, click the Contour Vectors button to specify the options for the plot. This opens the Contour Options dialog box.
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Lesson 10
Long list of options, key ones include Post Titles On/off, Location Deformed Style Scale, Automatic scaling options Contour/Criteria Style Contour Levels Contour Legend
Post Processing options are saved along with the View Style in the View Library.
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Lesson 10
Post Toolbar
Allows quick display of Deformed and Contour plots Detailed Postprocessing settings accessible from the Post Options pull down icon
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Lesson 11
Purpose: The Meshing Toolbox is used for accessing FEMAPs interactive geometry cleanup and idealization tools and interactive mesh editing tools. This lesson is an overview of the tools available in the Meshing Toolbox. Topics:
Entity Locator Feature Suppression Feature Removal Combined / Composite Curves Combined Boundary S f C bi d / B d Surfaces Mesh Sizing Toolbox Mesh Locate Toolbox Mesh Quality Toolbox
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Lesson 11
When Curves are selected the Search Method can be set to search for: Short Edges Based On Global Mesh Size Curve Length Shortest Curves
You can also select whether to locate the curve in the: Entire Model Only in Group(s)
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Lesson 11
Feature Suppression
Feature Suppression controls allow you to interactively suppress or remove suppression of: Loops select one edge on an feature to automatically suppress the entire set of curves and surfaces comprising the feature Curves select curve(s) to be suppressed. Should not be used on solids. Surfaces select surface(s) to be suppressed. suppressed Should not be used on surfaces.
Limit Size prevents selection of entities that have their length less than the specified Smaller Than value. The Action Action menu toggles the action to :
Toggle Suppression if a entity is unsuppressed, suppress it. If it is suppressed, restore it. Suppress or Restore
Update Colors set options to toggle and colors for suppressed entities entities. Show Suppressed allows you to highlight suppressed Curves or Surfaces Restore All features in either selected solid(s) (In Solids button) or in the entire Model
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Lesson 11
Feature Removal
Feature Removal differs from Feature Suppression in that the underlying solid or surface geometry is modified. Loops includes an option to set the Limit Size for selecting loops. Curves includes an option to set the Limit Size for selecting loops Also includes loops. an option for Aggressive Removal Surfaces - when a single surface on a solid is selected, Femap will attempt to clean up the solid to result in a clean solid. In some cases, no operation will be performed and in others, other adjacent surfaces will be removed. There is also an option for Aggressive Removal.
There is no option to restore removed features beyond what is supported with the Undo command.
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The Combine Surfaces option creates Combined Surfaces for surfaces using the curves that are combined.
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Lesson 11
When the Sizing Option is set to Match Curves, the curve(s) selected will match the mesh sizing settings of the Master Curve Enabling the Show Free Edges option highlights the nodes on the meshs free edges
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Lesson 11
Standalone Mesh ignore attached geometry and modify the node locations freely Locate Multiple - select multiple nodes and move them simultaneously The Locate Method specifies whether to move the node: Dynamic drag the position of the selected node(s) using the cursor , p y ( ) Manual, Vector specify the direction and distance to move the selected node(s) Smooth will move the adjust the other nodes of the attached elements to smooth the mesh quality Enabling the Project option constrains the nodes movement so that it remains attached to its surface Constrain to Curve constrains the nodes movement to remain attached to its curve Once a node or nodes have been moved, you have the option to Save or Discard the edit(s)
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Lesson 11
Toggle Smooth Contours Minimum Distortion displays the minimum element distortion value in the Meshing Toolbox pane Max Distortion displays the maximum element distortion value in the Meshing Toolbox pane
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Lesson 12
Midsurfacing Mid f i
Purpose: Midsurfacing is a technique that is used to build idealized models of thin bodies. This lesson is an overview of the tools available Femap to create midsurface models.
Topics: Midsurfacing The Midsurface Commands
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Lesson 12
Midsurfacing is the process of extracting the midplane between parallel surfaces in order to reduce the complexity and increase the accuracy of the Finite Element Model. For the part shown: Solids: 113,512 nodes and 63,875 elements. ( > 3 minutes solve time) 113 512 63 875 elements time). Shells: 1725 nodes and 1576 elements. (< 10 seconds solve time).
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Lesson 12
Geometry, Midsurface, Single Creates a single sheet surface between two surfaces that extends beyond the extent of both b th surfaces. f
Geometry, Midsurface, Trim to Solid Trims a surface with a solid and deletes any part(s) of the surface which lie outside the volume of the solid.
Geometry, Midsurface, Trim with Curve Trims or breaks a surface with a curve
Geometry, Midsurface, Extend Extends a surface by using one of a surface's edge curves and "extending the surface using a specified "Extend Shape method .
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Lesson 12
Geometry, Midsurface, Assign Meshing Attributes Prompts you for the material for the selected surface(s) and then automatically creates the properties with the wall thickness(es)of the original solid.
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Lesson 12
Midsurfaced Geometry 2 Sheet Solids and 2 curves at T-junction between Sheet Solids, both of which needs to be sized the same for mesh continuity
After NonManifold Add 1 General Body and 1 shared curve at T-junction allows for easier mesh sizing and assures mesh continuity h ti it
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Lesson 13
Purpose: In the context of FEA, modeling assemblies may use multiple techniques to connect the components of a FEA assembly. This lesson is an overview of the tools available in the Femap to model FEA assemblies. Topics:
Finite Element Model Connection Types Mesh, Connect Menu Connecting FEA Components with Connectors Bolted Connections with Bolt Regions Fluid d Rotor Regions Fl id and R t R i
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The Lesson 12
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The Lesson 12
Coincident Nodes
Connecting Similar Element Types can be accomplished with Coincident Nodes Depending on how the model was set up before meshing (e.g. use of Slice Match, etc.), some meshes will be generated automatically with coincident nodes.
Use the Tools, Check, Coincident Nodes command. For large models, or models where you anticipate there a large number of coincident nodes, uncheck the List Coincident Entities option. The Preview Coincident option is used to display coincident nodes before merging.
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The Lesson 12
Rigid Elements can be used to transmit rotations between Solids and Shells and Solids and Beams by transferring the translation on the nodes on the plate elements to the nodes on the solid elements. Use a minimum of two dependent nodes on the solid for every independent node on the shell or beam.
Do not use mid-side nodes on parabolic elements as either Independent or Dependent nodes. nodes
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The Lesson 12
Rigid Elements
Beginning with Femap v10.1.1, you can automatically generate the Independent node by selecting the option for New Node at Center. This option generates a new node by placing the node at the centroid of the Dependent nodes.
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The Lesson 12
You can either change the value of the Factor, or you can select the Distance Weighting option that causes Femap to calculate a weighted interpolation factor based on that nodes distance from the Reference Node relative to all the other nodes selected in Step 1)
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Note how after selecting the Convert option, the interpolation factor for the nodes has been removed.
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The Lesson 12
Welded Connections
Femap supports Weld Properties and Elements Creates CWELD elements for NX Nastran and MSC.Nastran only Spot Weld uses an effective length calculation based on the thickness of the two shell elements connected connected. Fastener allows direct input of stiffness matrix for weld properties Multiple options for generating Weld Elements Orientation of Weld is defined by either Projection method or Axis method and may be limited by the type of Weld selected
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Also allows unzipping of coincident nodes with option to automatically create connection types: None leave nodes unzipped Rigid Elements DOF Spring Elements Spring Elements (including CBUSH) Gap Elements
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The Lesson 12
Connect Menu
Connect, Automatic command finds the closest matching surfaces between solids and automatically generates Connectors (also known as Contact Elements) between adjacent Connection Regions p y yp Specify search tolerance and type of contact Model Info window has a Connections object tree
For assemblies with existing slaved meshes or one that will be meshed with slaved meshes, placing a connection between the two parts at the location of the slaved mesh may result in a fatal NX Nastran error.
Femap 101 Introduction to Femap with NX Nastran Student Guide 13 - 12
The Lesson 12
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The Lesson 12
Glue Type specifies the glue formulation. formulation 1..Spring when this is selected, you can change the Normal Factor and Tangential (Penalty) Factors 2..Weld (default) should be used for most cases as this prevents the introduction of artificial rotational energy into the connection. When selected, you can change the Glue Factor, but this is not recommended. d d
Eval Order - determines the number of "Linear Contact or Glue Points" for a single element on the source region. Refine Source - determines if the source region is refined for the "Linear" or "Glued" Contact solution. Penalty Factor Units - specifies how contact element stiffness is calculated. Search Distance if the two contact segments lie within this distance, NX Nastran activates glued contact between the pairs.
For more details on Glued Contact, see the NX Nastran Users Guide, Section 9.7.
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Friction specifies the static coefficient of friction. Min(imum) and Max(imum) Contact Search Distance if the element faces of the contact segments are within these values, NX Nastran activates the linear contact algorithm for these contact faces.
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0..Calculated (default) - Use the initial position of the nodes in the contact pairs. In the case of penetrations, a model may experience "press fit" behavior when using this option. 2..Calculated/Zero P 2 C l l t d/Z Penetration - S t ti Same as 0 C l l t d b t if penetration i 0..Calculated, but t ti is detected, set the initial contact force to zero (0). 3..Zero Gap/Penetration - Sets the penetration/gap to zero for all contact elements. Very useful when the contact surfaces are physically in contact, but due to mesh irregularities, penetration occurs.
Shell Offset use the default (0..Include shell thickness) unless the contact segments are defined at th t of th shell mesh, not th mid plane of th shells. t d fi d t the top f the h ll h t the id l f the h ll
For more details on Linear Contact, see the Femap Commands manual, Section You can also refer to the NX Nastran Users Guide, Chapter 19 for additional details on gluded and linear contact.
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NX Nastran checks for contact between element faces from the Slaves element faces Slave s to the Masters element faces and internally builds contact element pairs between the two element faces. Therefore, as a rule, you should model with the following in mind:
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API script automates generation of bolt mesh Custom Tools, Meshing, Hole to Hole Fastener Does NOT create the Bolt Region or the Bolt Preload
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The Lesson 12
Valid only for SOL110 Complex Modal Analysis (Normal Modes with Rotor Dynamics option) and SOL111 (Modal Frequency Analysis with Rotordynamics option)
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Lesson 14
Purpose: This lesson is an overview of methods to check and debug Finite Element Models. Topics:
Finite Element Modeling Mesh Sizing Results Checking Model Debugging Common Errors Recommended Model Checks
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Lesson 14
Lower number of Elements Coarse Model Less Degrees of Freedom Reduced Solve Time
Less accuracy for complicated geometry t Distorted elements can be too stiff and misrepresent response
Fine Model
Accuracy for complicated geometry is improved Less distorted elements improves results
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Lesson 14
Checking Results
It is always a good idea to do a reality check with the results of any Finite Element Analysis. Using engineering knowledge and common sense will allow a user to determine if the results make sense for the applied boundary conditions. For instance, an under-constrained or unconnected (nodes not merged where they should be) model may exhibit much larger displacements than expected a displacement in the opposite direction of the applied load during a linear cantilever beam analysis. Some Good Practices: Always visually plot the models elements if possible for verification Make sure responses correspond with applied boundary conditions Check input loads with reaction forces: F = 0 Hand calculations are always a great idea whenever possible
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Lesson 14
Model Debugging
Recommended minimum checks on input Stiffness matrix checks At the G-size After Aft MPC P Processing i After All Processing
Mass Checks Grid point weight generator output Rigid-body mass checks Assembly mass checks
Loading checks
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Lesson 14
Use of consistent units is of utmost importance!!! Always use unique IDs NX Nastran sometimes allows for duplicate element IDs, but not always. Duplicates can and do lead to problems, especially during data recovery
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Lesson 14
Program Bugs (Please Report them to UGS Solutions via GTAC) Plates not lining up (zipper effect)
Any connections depending on in-plane rotational stiffness of plates, or any rotational stiffness on solids Instabilities example: releasing both ends of a beam in torsion Offsets of elements in wrong coordinate system (should be in the output coordinate systems of the grid points for Bars and Beams) Member Properties wrong (Beam orientation) or in plates Membrane only (left out bending) Beam end releases local or global (in beam coordinates)? Element force output is normally in element coordinate system
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Lesson 14
Model checks before analysis Geometry Undeformed plots Look at connections between different element types Based on knowledge of elements Based on Loads Look at corners (QUAD plates) Shrink plots
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Lesson 14
Loads L d Verify they are correct (OLOAD RESULTANT) Run the Femap command, Tools, Check, Sum Forces
Constraints Verify that they exist (often forgotten and overlooked) Verify they are correct (location and orientation in output coordinate system of the GRID points) Verify they are applied (SPC CASE CONTROL command)
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Lesson 14
Equilibrium check verify model is not over-constrained Run free-free normal modes analysis. Remove known constraints and check for unconstrained motion under applied loads or imposed displacements
Thermal equilibrium check (if Thermal loads are being considered) Check on MATx entries Check for unconstrained set of constraints Apply a determinate set of constraints Use the same for all materials Apply a uniform T to the structure. It should expand freely, meaning that it will create no reactions, element forces, or stresses
Statics Check EPSILON and MAXRATIO EPSILON > 10-9 may indicate trouble MAXRATIO > 105 may indicate trouble y Do they equal the applied loads?
Check reactions Check load paths use grid point force balance to trace loads Check stress contours for consistency Sharp corners indicate bad modeling Use different options (i.e., topological and geometric) and compare results
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Lesson 14
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Appendix A
Femap Preferences
Femap Preferences
Preferences are used to configure Femap for optimum performance and the way you prefer to work Preferences are stored in the femap.ini file under the main Femap installation folder If you specify a different Start In location for your Femap startup shortcut Femap shortcut, will first look in that location for a femap.ini file and use the preferences set in that file. In addition, any changes to preferences will automatically be stored in the femap.ini file in that folder. Messages set font and fonts sizes Views Render User Interface Database set performance options Geometry/Model Interfaces select default Analysis Interface Library/Startup Color Spaceball
Many Femap preferences will take effect immediately after they have been y set, but in some cases you will need to close and re-open Femap for the changes to take effect. Examples are: Advanced/Debug Options for Render graphics Database Fonts changed in the Messages Window, etc.
Appendix A
Femap Preferences
Appendix A
Femap Preferences
Appendix A
Femap Preferences
Drivers from the manufacturers of the graphics card chipset tend to be more stable then the drivers from the maker of the graphics card. (e.g. use an ATI or nVidia driver vs. an ASUS driver)
Appendix A
Femap Preferences
Appendix A
Femap Preferences
Open/Save Method
512 5 This option should only be used f you are experiencing VERY 1000 11 slow opening/saving FEMAP| model files. On certain hardware, switching to option 2..64K widows I/O may make a dramatic difference in the time a model takes to open/save.
Appendix A
Femap Preferences
Note: Setting the Femap Scratch folder or setting the TEMP variable to a network file location may seriously degrade Femaps performance and dramatically increase file save times. In addition, if your network fails for any reason, any opened files in a Femap session have the p p p potential to be corrupted. p
Appendix A
Femap Preferences
Appendix A
Femap Preferences
You will typically want to use the default values as shown above, as well as use the Midside Node Adjustment Default. If you have further questions on the distribution required for your solver program, please consult the reference documentation for your analysis program.
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Appendix A
Femap Preferences
Setting the File Reference Options allows FEMAP to check if imported Geometry, Analysis Input decks, and/or Analysis Results have been modified when a FEMAP model is opened. Use the File, References command to check references during a FEMAP session. Increase the value of Max Lines to Monitor from the default value of 5000 if you like to view the .f06 file during analysis execution.
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Appendix A
Femap Preferences
The Colors preferences allow you to select the default colors for entities. The Spaceball preferences allow you to specify certain parameters to improve the performance and overall behavior of Spaceball devices with regard to FEMAP.
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